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Lick of Cream 2015


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A Lick of Cream 2015

Our beloved customers demand the thrill of vanille, and we always aim to please! A vanilla fragrance so creamy-rich and luscious you’ll never want to wear anything else! Fluffy clouds of buttercream, meringue, crème brulee and custard accords made additionally delicious with buttery vanilla, maple, caramel, coconut cream and a pinch of cardamom.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:

VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy.
MERINGUE/EGG ~ A representation of the world or the womb. Fertility, nourishment,
cycle of life, feminine energy.
CARDAMOM ~ Lust, love.
GINGER ~ Fiery and
fortifying, induces passion. Intensifies love spells and success spells. Love, money, success, power. Ginger increases sensitivity in the erogenous zones.
CARAMELIZED SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness
and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
MAPLE ~ Love attraction, longevity; money attractant.
COCONUT ~ Protection, purification, receptivity.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a FB of this even though I still have a bottle of the last Lick of Cream. The scent is back up worthy to me. It's so creamy, dense and thick- super yummy vanilla with maple, caramel and coconut. It's like a delicious creme brûlée or coconut poke cake.

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I got a FB of this even though I still have a bottle of the last Lick of Cream. The scent is back up worthy to me. It's so creamy, dense and thick- super yummy vanilla with maple, caramel and coconut. It's like a delicious creme brûlée or coconut poke cake.

I noticed that this version has a bit of ginger. So how does it compare with the original.?I still have 2 bottles well 1 1/2 of the first but I think I need at least one of these babies.
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Oh Lord, this is amazing. I am not a foodie lover but this is so dense and delicious. So dense it is like Une in vanilla. Sweet and spicy. I am getting a second bottle and only wearing it when I want every single person I know to love me up in a single file line because this is the kind of smell that makes everyone want to give you bear hugs. This is goddess worthy.

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This goes on very sweet, dense and almost pudding-y vanilla. The spices lend some heat without taking over -- they add texture and keep it from blandness without making it a "spicy" scent. Unfortunately after fifteen minutes I am getting a slightly burnt paper smell (not as bad as with Nola but reminiscent of it), but it may just be that it's too hot to test anything properly and I should put all my goodies away until the weather breaks...

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So I don't know why I didn't buy a bottle of this the first time around, 'cause it's a vanilla lover's dream!! OMG, soooo creamy! I dug out my sample of the Boho Cats one to compare. The original is more spicy to my nose and reminds me of G&L, but that might be from aging. This version has more of a vanilla buttercreme and so far, the maple note is behaving and not taking over. It really does smell like creme brulee, only my favorite dessert in the whole world!! So glad I got a bottle.

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This comes out a lot spicier on me, but not hot spice, more like creamy spice. It has a different quality than the original to me, but it's an interesting take on it. The original LoC is something I prefer wearing in fall/winter and this is even more of that kind of aura.

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Similar to what halo said, I wasn't too into the notes while wet. After dry down and mellowing a bit, my skin smelled like the creamiest dessert vanilla. I may have mentioned my fear of the butter/cream note before, due to it turning to hot dog on me, but thankfully that didn't happen.

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Guest cutie.pie

I haven't even gotten to August's NR yet, however I'm thinking about getting this one and don't know why but I'm layering it in my head with Sugared Cherries. Do you think that would be a good combo?

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Not to me, simply because of the spice aspect. The original LoC did in terms of density and weight, if that makes sense. Equally creamy. Though I imagine as this ages it will balance out more.

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Maybe this isn't a fair question, but does this compare at all with Beth's Blushing Milkmaid, which I looooove?

Only in the sense that they are both in the vanilla family. Otherwise, and I can only answer in relation to the original (Boho) version. They are very different. Both in scent and weight/feel.

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I really like the original and I only know that because I got a sniffie of it once...I kind of want to buy a full bottle of this but I'm afraid it won't be the same. And I'm afraid it will sell out between the time I order and receive my sampler and get a chance to test it. Help! Advice?

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Guest cutie.pie

I really like the original and I only know that because I got a sniffie of it once...I kind of want to buy a full bottle of this but I'm afraid it won't be the same. And I'm afraid it will sell out between the time I order and receive my sampler and get a chance to test it. Help! Advice?


Buy the bottle! You can always sell/swap it if you don't like it ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This version is warmer, more lush than the first, I think. That is likely due to the ginger- buttercream combination. I liked the first version. I love this second incarnation. I only ordered a sample because I also ordered some spicy items as freebies. This is a full bottle-worthy scent.

Edited by Wanderlust
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I felt so excited about this scent, and now I just want to cry. In the bottle, it is amazing. It is so melty and creamy I want to just melt into the bottle.

On my skin...it was so gross, so powdery and acrid, I couldn't get it off fast enough. Even after a thorough washing, I couldn't get the scent out of my nose and off my skin. It smells exactly the way Love is Love turns on my skin, although that one smells powdery in the vial so I don't know what is happening.


However...I did drop this in my tart warmer and it is so warm and delicious! The contrast of the rich, thickness of the cream with the brightness of the cardamom (I have a lot of happy, sunny memories associated with cardamom) left me feeling like I was basking in a warm, dreamy, happy hug. I wish it smelled this way on my skin, although I'd probably want to just stay in bed and cuddle with myself all day if it did :)

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rain_dancer, Mara carries scent lockets. They make all the difference for me with scents I love but cannot wear. The scent doesn't come in contact with your skin, but the scent carries very well. You might ask her about the lockets.

Edited by Wanderlust
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For you experienced mixology vets....can this handle a added shot of EoW or will the stank factor sour it too much?

Hey there Lovestruck! If you are adding your own, I think it can handle it just fine if you go lightly, a little at a time. If you are letting Mara do it for you, no worries at all! To me, it should easily be able to cover it up.

So, I finally got to try this and it just smells so delicious! Not at all sheer on me, much more opaque, in a scent sense. In the bottle, it is VANILLA all the way. Upon applying on my skin, it is still very vanilla, but I also get the butter/cream/egg quite strongly too. On me, it is a lot of sugar and a little spice. My skin sort of morphed it into an almost nutmeg and cardamon scent. Didn't really pick up the ginger notes at all. I was very hesitant about getting this one because of the maple which is not a win for me, but as Cheezy pointed out, I hardly know it's there. it just sort of blends in with the rest of the sugary yumminess. It is delectably creamy and sweet. After wearing for about an hour, I begin to get the caramelized sugar. It IS quite reminiscent of the creme brulee listed in the notes, and as such, is very custardy. It also reminds me of the way I sometimes make French Toast. Eggs, a little half and half, sugar, a little vanilla extract and a bit of nutmeg and into the pan with real butter. That is where the smell of caramelized / torched sugar comes in. I am thinking now that my French Toast could very much benefit from a bit of cardamon as well! This throws really well and it has surprising staying power for something with no resins in it. My partner had a headache when I wore this and he did say that he found it a a bit too sweet. He also admitted that it could have been because he just wasn't feeling well. I do agree that this is very sweet and rich, but I love it. I also agree with luna's assessment of this being a very nice perfume for Fall/Winter. Happy I went FB on this and even ordered a backup bottle. Bottom line, if vanilla foody scents are your thing, then I highly recommend this one. Quite nice, Mara! :)

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For you experienced mixology vets....can this handle a added shot of EoW or will the stank factor sour it too much?

I think it can. If you are having Mara do it she usually adds what the scent can hold without excessive bleed through. Every scent she's copped for me it perfect. I've gone with both lighter scents like Cherry D or Hummingbird Nectar or something heavier like SC she hit it right every time. You can also add gradations like heavy or light.

If you are doing it yourself, I'd say start with three drops shake well and try it out before adding anything more. If it were me,I'd probably go somewhere between 3-6 drops.

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Wendylynne, thank you, I know about scent lockets. What I want is my skinnnnn to reek of how Lick of Cream smells in the vial, ha :) I don't feel I would like a scent locket very much. What I plan to do, is order another vial if they are still available when I order next, and let it sit a few weeks. I hated Betrothal Potion both in the bottle and on my skin initially. I allowed for travel shock and waited, and tried a few times and still, yuck. Fast forward nearly 3 months later, and BAM, it's amazing! My first un-pheroed FB! So we will see, because LoC smells just too good to give up on just yet.

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ON my skin this is LOC with a side of maple. I'm a maple amper so it doesn't take much. The Boho LOC was all cream with the tiniest whiff of cardamom and a wisper of "spice" wayy in the background which I assume is the maple. With the original Id forget it was even a note in there.


The 2015 seems to have more maple, which is ok at first. But, in the long term it's all I'm left with and it has an annoying slightly burnt aromatic quality. That is something my skin does with maple and a couple of other notes. Honestly, IMO it reminded me quite a bit more of Hungry Heart.

I'm thinking I'll keep my trial but my Bohos will have to keep me happy. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Whooooo this one kept changing on me from the bottle to my skin... I love the way it smells in the bottle, like a spicy creme brulee. I really get custard, vanilla, and spice. It smells a little strange on my wrist; I get almost a burnt maple plasticky smell, but it mellows out a lot more into a spicy buttery vanilla in my elbow (probably because there's more heat there)? One of my friends said I smelled like buttery popcorn and butterscotch, which is all I smell while it's still wet now. Eventually it dries down into a buttery vanilla with cardamom, but I guess my skin really ramps up the buttery note...

Edited by Midnight Requiem
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If you just got it in the mail today, don't give up yet. Travel shock can change a fragrance quite a bit. Try it again in a few days or a week. Also do not be surprised if you end up loving it in three or six months or longer. Scent preferences seem to change and grow from what we start off liking when we start here. Happens to pretty much every person here.


Thank you, I'll keep that in mind! I'm gonna let my sample of LoC sit for a bit and see if it mellows out at all. :)

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Midnight Requiem,


I was one of the people whose scent preferences changed over the first 6 months with LPMP. I distinctly recall having a battle with AJA, which I now adore. And getting ready to sell several items which are now on my "hoard and never let go" pile :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

So as soon as I put this on I remembered that I actually have tried it before when it came around the first time. Not sure why I forgot that but I also rememebered instantly that I didn't like it. There is an odd note in there that distracts me. Oh well I thought! After it had been on about 30 minutes and I was playing with the rest of my Samps I went back to where this one was and DIED OF FRIGGIN LOVE. I had no idea what it was by then and frantically started rooting through my samples trying to figure out what this heavenly scent was! I could totally smell that carmelized sugar that I love so much in Hungry Heart!!! It took me awhile but I finally narrowed it down to Lick of Cream!!! The annoying note fades and out comes that sugar and creme brûlée. Wow is this good. I want to layer it too! Maybe with Fairy Floss Cake.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This smells like heaven in the vial and I wanted to love this so much, but my skin did something rather unpleasant to it (boo, skin!). After a relatively short period of time it smelled like slightly burnt plastic. After a few hours I was left only with a whiff of cardamom and ginger. So disappointing, because I love the scent of vanilla. Will return to it in a few weeks though. Not giving up!

Edited by Witty Kitty
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  • 3 weeks later...

This is such an amazing scent!!! I have a sample of it and i tried again last night before going to bed. It's so delicious, warm and cozy. I can still smell it on me this morning. To my nose it's a warm vanilla scent with butter and spices that make it more interesting and deep.

I could bathe myself in this seriously! I never got the chance to try the first version so i can't compare them, but I can definitely say that this is yummy and delicious! Perfect for this season :)

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I loved this one at first, but I tried a bit of this the other day and oddly, upon aging, for some reason I am now amping the caramelized sugar quite heavily. So odd, but it is rather overpowering. I had said in my original review of this that on me, it is sort of a French Toast like scent and that is still true, but now it is almost coming across on my skin as having a slightly seared French Toast which is overpowering the other delicious notes. I will have to give this some more time and revisit. It's definitely possible that it is my skin chemistry.

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  • 2 months later...

This is one of my go-to scents. I love the warm vanilla-y, creamy spicy fragrance. It's very comforting and yet sexy. I can't pick out the cardamom or ginger. Perhaps my nose isn't that sophisticated. :0) But I know what I like, and this is one. I've purchased 2 FB of it!

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