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Hi Ladies,

This is my first review (and post) here. I have to say I love both the smell and effect of TMI. I rec'd it in my sample pack and wore two swipes on the back of my hands, each wrist, and a little Sneaky Clean on my torso this past Saturday night out with my Hubbs and our two tweens to dinner for Hubbs' 50th birthday.

My DD was super cuddly next to me in the booth (which is nice because she's growing up *so* fast) and she kept smelling my wrists and telling me how good I smelled.

We already felt guilty b/c we hit the restaurant only 1/2 before closing but the staff was *so* polite. (Now, I was done up, but I'm early 40s and I know that the bloom isn't exactly still on the rose) but when I asked a young waiter to let our server know we needed some extra napkins he bent WAY down into my face with a goofy smile to let me know he'd get some himself, and both he and our server brought more even though she'd let him know she had it covered.

1/2 hour past closing our server came out with our check and a HUGE bag with all the bread loaves from the evening and said "Here, we're not supposed to do this, we usually throw them away, but since you guys seemed to like our bread I thought you might like to take them home." Um, we did like it, but we hadn't raved. Yes, it was really nice. And no, things like that don't usually happen to me.

We'd parked on the street RIGHT OUTSIDE the restaurant's huge windows at a meter in our large metro and came outside to find some jackhat had tried to slash our tire only to have the tip of their knife break off in our sidewall. We called the police and an officer had to come to the scene because there was "evidence", i.e. the knife-tip. (Yeah, Happy Birthday D.H., LOL). The policeman would be kicked out of an audition for law enforcement for looking too stereotyped--over 6'0, crew cut, mustache, total alpha vibe.

So, after I finished giving the officer my info and statement, he looked at me very seriously and said "I need you to be honest with me about something." Now I'm the "victim", right, but I can't help that natural reaction of :"OMG, What did I do wrong??" I swallowed and peeped out, "Sure." He pointed down to our licence plate and said conversationally :"Did you get a good deal from those guys? Because I have people lie to me all day long, and the last thing I want to deal with is some shyster car salesman." I had to not burst out laughing when I realized he was pointing at the frame from the dealership that we hadn't taken off yet and he was chatting me up about buying a car while my DH and kids were waiting in the van!

And all I could think was, OMG, this has been weirdest night ever and I've got to tell the Forum about this TMI "hit". :D

Edited by CloneClubSestra
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Wow CloneClubSestra, what a great review! (And welcome by the way).


Sounds like a really impressive phero experience, which is even more exciting when you're first starting to try out the blends.


I love wearing Sneaking Clean with Caramel Musk (which is the unpheroed version of the same scent). They blend really nicely together for me.


By the way everyone, I don't know whether this is right at all, but I've developed a bit of a theory that people who are more extroverted are going to be the ones who are more strongly affected by this blend in terms of spilling the beans with things themselves. Do you think I could be right? Because I've tried this blend and also True Confessions quite a few times now and I often wear them in my hair, round my neck and décolletage- and I have a tendency to slather or spray heavily- but I've never once felt the urge to say anything more than I normally would. Other people do become chatty and confessional, and want to connect, but I have no trouble with oversharing myself at all. I figured it's because I am naturally very introverted and tend to maintain a certain protective emotional barrier between myself and others.

Edited by vladmyra
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^^^ Y.E.S.! Great review Lissa, thanks so much for sharing. You'll see there will be many phero related experiences to make your days more interesting :P. Keep those great posts coming please.


I respectfully disagree with your comment "Now, I was done up, but I'm early 40s and I know that the bloom isn't exactly still on the rose." To this I say "Hush yo' mouth." :say19:Clearly that's not the case based on that night you had. As well, we're the same age and I can most definitely assure you first-hand that there's still plen-ty of bloom left on most women in our group :love:



@ Vladmyra, good for you for keeping your wits about you while wearing TMI and TC :rolleyes:. I think yes, based on your reservedness while wearing the blends, your theory is right. In addition, I believe knowing we need to hold our tongues while wearing the potions is another safety measure :)

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Yes, this one is a winner! I picked up the Un oil in one of the lovely NuTrix's wild sales, and I find it very powerful. I am sparing in usage -- short swipe across the top of each hand, and one on the back of my neck -- and I find I am not overwhelmed by it (I don't have that much of filter anyway, LOL!) but I have used it twice now in a pretty controlled setting, a private meeting with one person, and it helped to finally get the missing piece of info about a painful situation, which was not comfortable but ultimately very healing.


In short, as the more articulate donsie said:





I definitely would not use at work, and I'm not sure about a social setting with a lot of people, but I'll contemplate and get back to y'all.

Aw, shucks! You're too kind!


Sorry your meeting was painful but glad to know you got what you needed to start healing.


Yes, I'd be careful with this one at work!



Most of the time when I wear pheromones, I apply and forget them and just let things happen. TMI is the only one (besides BAM!) where I make the conscious effort to REMIND myself that I'm wearing it and hold my tongue! It can be done, I promise ^_^ But the mind does ramble even if the tongue doesn't, I just have to keep reminding myself to stayed "shushed" :lol:


I have found the same to be true myself, that after a few times wearing this one I am able to just be very conscious of filtering. I'm a natural gabber, too, so I just remind myself that shutting up gives the other person more room to keep spilling the delicious T.M.I beans and that limits my chances of blabbing anything I want to keep private.


Hi Ladies,


This is my first review (and post) here. I have to say I love both the smell and effect of TMI. I rec'd it in my sample pack and wore two swipes on the back of my hands, each wrist, and a little Sneaky Clean on my torso this past Saturday night out with my Hubbs and our two tweens to dinner for Hubbs' 50th birthday.


My DD was super cuddly next to me in the booth (which is nice because she's growing up *so* fast) and she kept smelling my wrists and telling me how good I smelled.


We already felt guilty b/c we hit the restaurant only 1/2 before closing but the staff was *so* polite. (Now, I was done up, but I'm early 40s and I know that the bloom isn't exactly still on the rose) but when I asked a young waiter to let our server know we needed some extra napkins he bent WAY down into my face with a goofy smile to let me know he'd get some himself, and both he and our server brought more even though she'd let him know she had it covered.


1/2 hour past closing our server came out with our check and a HUGE bag with all the bread loaves from the evening and said "Here, we're not supposed to do this, we usually throw them away, but since you guys seemed to like our bread I thought you might like to take them home." Um, we did like it, but we hadn't raved. Yes, it was really nice. And no, things like that don't usually happen to me.


We'd parked on the street RIGHT OUTSIDE the restaurant's huge windows at a meter in our large metro and came outside to find some jackhat had tried to slash our tire only to have the tip of their knife break off in our sidewall. We called the police and an officer had to come to the scene because there was "evidence", i.e. the knife-tip. (Yeah, Happy Birthday D.H., LOL). The policeman would be kicked out of an audition for law enforcement for looking too stereotyped--over 6'0, crew cut, mustache, total alpha vibe.


So, after I finished giving the officer my info and statement, he looked at me very seriously and said "I need you to be honest with me about something." Now I'm the "victim", right, but I can't help that natural reaction of :"OMG, What did I do wrong??" I swallowed and peeped out, "Sure." He pointed down to our licence plate and said conversationally :"Did you get a good deal from those guys? Because I have people lie to me all day long, and the last thing I want to deal with is some shyster car salesman." I had to not burst out laughing when I realized he was pointing at the frame from the dealership that we hadn't taken off yet and he was chatting me up about buying a car while my DH and kids were waiting in the van!


And all I could think was, OMG, this has been weirdest night ever and I've got to tell the Forum about this TMI "hit". :D

Welcome to the forum! What a wild night you had, Lady!


What did you do with all that bread? %5E%5E.gif

Hope they caught the tire-stabber.

Edited by donsie
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What an awesome story, CloneClubSestra! And welcome to the forum.


And Vlad, I think you're really right that our personalities influence the way the phero works. In the same way that they can influence but not command others, it's not a one-size-fits all experience. Which is why experimenting is so crucial, as well as so much fun!


BTW, I am now thinking I should get a sample of scented TMI, since the Sneaky Clean fans seem to love it!

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That's probably true, Vladmyra. I haven't felt *overly* chatty with TMI, but anything above my norm is an improvement. Despite my wordy posts so far, I'm an in-my-head introvert. Not shy, just too busy either reading a book, something online, or with the 7,093 thoughts swirling around to share them all at that moment. ;)

Considering myself shushed, Coming up Roses. :) I'm certain the bloom is lovely on yours, and many other roses our age. But it's been a rough couple of years for my...er, petals, so to speak, so I'm in process of rehabilitating them, part of which brought me here!

No vandal caught, Donsie, but I did get some mild satisfaction that they at least lost the blade tip to their knife--which kept the tire from going totally flat. We used the bread for sub sandwiches for lunch, DH made Cheesy Garlic bread for dinner with a salad, and we had the rest warmed up with butter and freezer jam from last summer for dessert.

Highly recommend getting that sample! Sneaky Clean+TMI=delicious, sweet, musky goodness, not even taking into account the phero benefits, Blackcat.

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^^^ I hear ya’ Lissa, :rolleyes:our petals can get marred by the trials of life as years wear on. You've come to the right place for rehabilitation :love:

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BTW, I am now thinking I should get a sample of scented TMI, since the Sneaky Clean fans seem to love it!

The musks in this one are wonderful. Like Sneaky Clean, when doing laundry I will be able to smell it days later when loading up the washer. Just tossing clothes in and Whammo I smell that great musk scent on a shirt and I have to hold it to my nose to get a good whiff before tossing it into the washer. I was scared of the TMI effect before getting it but I have used it sparingly and not had any issues with myself or others spilling their guts. There is the virgin " Carmel Musk" if you are unsure of the phero but like I said, I haven't had any issues. I have it in a spray and just use a couple sprays. I try and make sure it isn't directly on my chest where it will be under my nose. I have sprayed one to my hair and one to my wrist and smushed it with my other wrist. I have noticed people opening up more but no awful secrets so I am happy with that. ( Since you just can't un-hear something)

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I have it in a spray and just use a couple sprays. I try and make sure it isn't directly on my chest where it will be under my nose. I have sprayed one to my hair and one to my wrist and smushed it with my other wrist. I have noticed people opening up more but no awful secrets so I am happy with that. (Since you just can't un-hear something)


Sorry, just looking to clarify, you use 2 sprays of the scented TMI, yes? I had the Un, but didn't give it proper love and so re-homed it. I'm thinking about getting the sample size of the scented caramel musk TMI, just to have it on hand for those very rare instances when I might find it beneficial. I think it will also be diluted perfectly so that I won't have to worry about not being able to "un-hear" something! :lol:


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Yes I use only two sprays of scented TMI from a full sized spray bottle. I just wanted to be careful with this one and for me I don't think more would be better. LOL I just make sure it is not on my chest so I am not the one huffing it...but I love the scent so that is hard. I haven't had this in the UN but I am sure I would have to be careful with that dose.

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  • 2 months later...

I tried this in the oil form from the ladies' sampler. The scent is as advertised, an absolutely delicious, caramelly musk. I was a bit concerned that since this one is tagged as unisex, the musk in it might read too masculine on me, but the concern was completely unfounded. Even after I'd been wearing it for a few hours, the musk stayed calm and cuddly soft. This is really warm and lovely, a close-to-the-skin scent.


Now, the phero part, I was really intimidated by. I'm the kind of person who can't make eye contact with anyone in a public place without ending up hearing a stranger's life story (and don't get me started on what happens to me in line at places like Walmart <_< ). My fear was that TMI might eliminate even the need for eye contact :P So I applied sparingly. Thankfully I was not mobbed by people needing an impromptu therapy session as I feared would happen (haha). Since people normally chat me up and tell me things I don't want to know for no apparent reason, I can't say whether the pheros had any effect in that area, but I did notice self effects, in that I felt more relaxed and inclined to chat in return than I normally do.


All in all, I think TMI has steered me in the right direction as far as possible social pheros go. For positive self effects and feeling more social (a big deal for me, I'm pretty much a hermit left to my own devices) alpha-androstenol is a winner for me for sure, as I've seen before with LAM and now my experience with TMI confirms it.


I still have reservations about the beta one in there. Life really sucks hard for most people and most people don't seem to have someone who will just listen to them. (Mind you, "most people" is defined as "most people I have come across," not trying to deal in absolutes here, this is all relative to my own experience). I'd feel awful if someone shared something overly personal with me because I actively encouraged them and then they regretted telling me, ya know? I know pheros can't "make" someone do something, but some people are just so damn lonely that I can see how a little "push" could end up in big regrets for them. So I don't think I'd personally ever be comfortable with this for what I guess you could call "casual use," but in very particular situations, one on one with a good friend or partner or maybe in a small group setting of intimate friends to encourage bonding, I can see where it could be a positive thing, like putting on the right music and breaking out the cocktails. :) Just not sure this one is a good fit for ME though, so the quest continues!


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I used the unscented version of TMI with a cover scent on a day trip into nature with my son and hubby. They are both introverts. The pheros caused a pretty chatty trip during the car rides, as I imagine the enclosed space kept the pheros on my targets. I feel like we had a strong bonding time. I like using this for family bonding time, to make the small amount of time I have with them count.

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I wore the scented version yesterday paired with Abby Normal's Dessicated Brains and promised myself that I would keep i mind that I am wearing TMI and not reveal all my secrets. :)


This stuff hit me hard, but very stealthily -- I don't know what I was expecting, really, but Holy Sh*t, my friend and I chat chat chatted away for 2 hours straight. I felt so upbeat and comfortable and trusting and though I did not reveal my deep dark secrets, I did just barely hang onto them! I also noticed that the non-stop converstaion flowed both ways, not just with my friend, but with others that came into my sphere yesterday morning.


Love it!!

Edited by Cougarrific
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  • 1 month later...

I wore the scented version yesterday paired with Abby Normal's Dessicated Brains and promised myself that I would keep i mind that I am wearing TMI and not reveal all my secrets. :)


This stuff hit me hard, but very stealthily -- I don't know what I was expecting, really, but Holy Sh*t, my friend and I chat chat chatted away for 2 hours straight. I felt so upbeat and comfortable and trusting and though I did not reveal my deep dark secrets, I did just barely hang onto them! I also noticed that the non-stop converstaion flowed both ways, not just with my friend, but with others that came into my sphere yesterday morning.


Love it!!

Ha, it's a sneaky one.


I will say that wearing this one and having a few drinks is... risky. I was out with the same person with whom I had my great T. M. I. hit previously but after a cocktail or two I was sharing to a foolish extent. I was able to reign it in before a big reveal but I dropped some hints about something that I wish I could have recalled.


I wanted to see how the two (phero and alcohol) worked in synergy in a relatively safe environment. I would probably never repeat the experience of wearing this one and having more than a single drink with a meal. I would almost certainly reveal something compromising!

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Wore this for the first time tonight, while spending time with a friend we talk about pretty much everything so i wasn't sure what to expect. It was very relaxed and cozy like wearing a old comfy sweater and curling up on a rainy day with your cat in your lap. Not the intense heated conversations we uasualy have. He kept asking me how my day was, how was I feeling even what are you thinking-stoking my hair ect.. Then when he was leaving he said you look so sexy. He said it very sweetly not in the I want you right now kinda away he usally would say something like that..I'm very new to pheromones and I'm completely confused cuz tonight I pretty much got the affect I had been trying to get the last three times we've been together with gotcha to which I got an odd reaction..he seemed anoyed with me and way less sexaual then uasal but very open and wanting to talk about personal things..

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Sometimes it's as much about finding out what works on others as much as ourselves.

If it makes you feel any better, I get something similar with my guy. His reaction to Gotcha! isn't at all what I hoped for. In EVERY other situation so far Gotcha! has been great but it seems to be a dud with hm. Not completely ineffective but just kind of "meh". But Est heavy blends or b-nol heevy blends (like TMI) are HUGE winners in this house were he's concerned.

With some testing and tinkering, you'll figure out what works best for who. Take notes! Then you can look back on them and re-trial to see if the reactions are consistent, figure out the "how much to wear" part and happily use them as a tool for enhancing your relationships :)

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Thanks for the reply- I'm definitely going to start taking notes its all a bit overwhelming but fun- I tried TMI again today to test out the self effects (at home alone) and it definitely made me relaxed and mellow :-)

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Okay, well, I can't say I wasn't warned. In many, many posts I've read that alcohol plus pheromones = enhanced self effects -- and, I did already know that TMI does give me lovely self-effects.

I wore this last night to a "first date" with a new girlfriend -- we met at a mexican restaurant to share nachos, drink margaritas and get to know each other a little better.


I wore this on my pulse points at my neck, my wrists, and I think I put a heavy stripe of it on the back of my neck, right near my hairline. I wanted to feel relaxed, trusting, and happy-chatty. This seemed like the perfect blend for the evening.


And it was -- we sat and talked and laughed and hi-fived and shared our stories for FOUR HOURS. And the time just passed so quickly, we were having so much fun. And then, near the end, she asked me a question meant to be all fun and playful and I started crying and I SPILLED MY MOST SECRET OF SECRETS. Nooooooooo! She was extremely cool about it -- she "caught me" when I jumped, so to speak.

We ended on a good note, but for crying out loud -- BEWARE!! TMI = TMI !!!!!

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OMG Cougarrifc... I thought it was just me with the TMI boo-hooing! So a few weeks ago I tried three sprays of TMI... one to the neck... one to the back of the neck and another to the back of my hands and smooshed. I felt good, kinda happy-go-lucky.


Went to a Fridays to get some potato skins. All of the bartenders were SUPER attentive to me. I've been to this Friday's on a few occasions and it was slightly over-the-top how nice they were. That was definitely a TMI hit.


Once I got home though, the 'shit-hit-the-fan' switch immediately came on. My father passed away last month and it was like every awful feeling in the world came pouring out of my heart. I mean it was a deeply emotional tear fest... I cried like you wouldn't believe. And while I was crying it hit me that TMI might have something to do with this, because I was happy, happy, joy, joy just minutes before. I immediately got in the shower and washed it off.


The truly hilarious part is, when I got out the shower I was perfectly fine. I mean fine like nothing had happened... sat down and ate my potato skins.


I will DEFINITELY be more selective about my TMI adventures. Perhaps I had too much wafting close to my nose with it being on my neck and the backs of my hands. Plus I did have a really strong margarita to boot. I should have heeded the warning about alcohol and TMI... the struggle is real!

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  • 1 month later...

TMI makes me a bit pointy similar to what straight Dom does. However, Dom Noire (with the added cops) produces a lovely selfie! This made me wonder ... if I use cops with TMI cops, would it also become a new phero love?


Any thoughts?

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I like cops with...EVERYTHING! Cops give me nice selfies. I would say decant some TMI and add some cops to it to see :)

Edited by NuTrix
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I'm with NuTrix: cop everything! I just like the way they smell.


:huh::lol:Hahaha! Well, I can't say that, though I like the way Aja smells ^_^ I'm all about the selfies.


But WnG has put me in the mood to experiment with TMI and cops. If I don't wear it to work over the next day or 2, I'll wear it with hubby on the weekend and see how it fairs, though I think work would be a more diverse testing ground....hmmm....


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:huh::lol:Hahaha! Well, I can't say that, though I like the way Aja smells ^_^ I'm all about the selfies.


But WnG has put me in the mood to experiment with TMI and cops. If I don't wear it to work over the next day or 2, I'll wear it with hubby on the weekend and see how it fairs, though I think work would be a more diverse testing ground....hmmm....


I have a visual imagination but I can't draw (pathetic, isn't it?), so I think in movie clips. As soon as I read your plans for work my mind's eye jump cut to a little film of an office full of sex-crazed, truth-telling, pre-holiday co-workers. Like, two are sitting behind a potted plant confessing their love and snogging each other's faces off, a few others are edging ever closer to fisticuffs because of someone's perpetually stolen lunches, management are disclosing company secrets like Wikileaks, a few folks are finally hinting to the cleaner about who keeps stealing toilet paper and filling up the bins last thing on a Friday, and everyone else is finally telling Matt from Finance that he looks a prat in those shiny shoes.


I really hope it isn't like that for you but I also kind of don't want you to tell me the true results and ruin my imagined mayhem!

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I really hope it isn't like that for you but I also kind of don't want you to tell me the true results and ruin my imagined mayhem!

Well, I DID wear T.M.I. to work today, the scented version, and quite liberally (it's 1/3 the strength after all) and also slathered on OCCO Pink.


After reading your post, I'm going to go with: That's EXACTLY what happened! Except, Matt's name is actually Josh...


A far as selfies though, I can share that I had a glorious day. Very happy, chatty and all around good day.


What with all the entertainment you listed, how could it have been anything else! :lol:

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I'm going to wear that combo again today. The caramel musk with the pink sugar of he OCCO was a really surprisingly good combo on me scent wise! It wasn't especially foodie, mostly the musk with a hint of pink berry, not a scent I normally wear but one that had me "noticing myself" all day long :D

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How did it go, NuTrix?



:huh::lol:Hahaha! Well, I can't say that, though I like the way Aja smells ^_^ I'm all about the selfies.


But WnG has put me in the mood to experiment with TMI and cops. If I don't wear it to work over the next day or 2, I'll wear it with hubby on the weekend and see how it fairs, though I think work would be a more diverse testing ground....hmmm....


Eta: oops, browser just updated. I see your response. Sounds like a fun day!

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Eta: oops, browser just updated. I see your response. Sounds like a fun day!


I wore it again yesterday just to see if it was consistent for me. It's only been twice, so saying it's definitively consistent would be a bit too soon, but it has proven to be a good combo for me these last 2 days.


Such a big dose of b-nol can sometimes make me overly introspective but I didn't have that these last 2 days. It has to be the selfies that a large dose of cops brings...maybe it's just balancing it out for me :)


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I wore it again yesterday just to see if it was consistent for me. It's only been twice, so saying it's definitively consistent would be a bit too soon, but it has proven to be a good combo for me these last 2 days.


Such a big dose of b-nol can sometimes make me overly introspective but I didn't have that these last 2 days. It has to be the selfies that a large dose of cops brings...maybe it's just balancing it out for me :)


I've seriously got to test drive this idea. I think the cops is the ticket. It has made Dom (in Dom Noire) something I love! (and Dom was always an absolute no-go before)


You and Donsie may be onto something with adding cops to everything. Though I'll still be mindful of my environment, for sure!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hmmm... I tried this one yesterday for the first time. I was hoping to get some info from my soon to be ex-manager about how my yearly review is likely to unfold.

I got the UN trial and began with 3 drops on the back of my hands. I wanted to be cautious. Nothing happened - not to me, not to anyone around me. Before my meeting with the manager, I applied 3 more drops on the back of my hands. We were 5 feet from each other in a tiny conference room for about 15 minutes. Nothing... Nothing happened the rest of the day either.
I guess I have to keep experimenting.


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Hmmm... I tried this one yesterday for the first time. I was hoping to get some info from my soon to be ex-manager about how my yearly review is likely to unfold.

I got the UN trial and began with 3 drops on the back of my hands. I wanted to be cautious. Nothing happened - not to me, not to anyone around me. Before my meeting with the manager, I applied 3 more drops on the back of my hands. We were 5 feet from each other in a tiny conference room for about 15 minutes. Nothing... Nothing happened the rest of the day either.

I guess I have to keep experimenting.




:arf: How frustrating! I hope you get this to work for you very soon!

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  • 1 month later...

I like the scent of this. It would be very difficult not to take repeated whiffs of it on myself. I wore it yesterday and had a nice talk while out. I am pretty sure we would have talked plenty anyway but stacking the deck never hurt.

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I like the scent of this. It would be very difficult not to take repeated whiffs of it on myself.


There's always the Caramel Musk, for when you DO want to be able to just huff away.... :)

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  • 1 month later...


There's always the Caramel Musk, for when you DO want to be able to just huff away.... :)

That's the scented TMI right? If so, then that is what I have. I love the smell of it.


I wore TMI to work today because the store manager is transferring to another store. We are getting a new store manager. The frame shop manager really likes our old store manager. REALLY likes him. I can't decide fully in what way because she denies it altogether. (While acting like an obsessed teenager sometimes) I also don't know whether he feels the same way. She has already tried to convince him that she needs to transfer with him. Which sounds silly except that she did transfer to his store once before. (Later so did I to get away from the store manager I had been working for.)


So I was hoping for some truth about whether or not she was going to transfer or what. It seems to be that she isn't. However, several times through out the day she told me all kinds of other stuff. "Oh, I meant to tell you." was said several times. It was interesting and kind of fun. Early on another co-worker rambled on at me also. I tried to be mindful of my own disclosure and I think I did decently well with it. I was too occupied with listening to say much.

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That's the scented TMI right? If so, then that is what I have. I love the smell of it.


Yup - but TMI fragrance, unphero'd:


All fragrance, all the time :)

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