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Love Potion: Pumpkin w/Aja


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PUMPKIN ~ Fertility, plenty, abundance, prosperity. Male sexual stimulant.
MARSHMALLOW ROOT ~ Fertility, happiness, creativity, increase in psychic awareness, intuition, love, protection, exorcism. Gently commanding and persuading.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.
APRICOT ~ Love, love, love! Romance, passion, femininity.
CARAMELIZED SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.

AJA ~ A new copulin analog from a natural plant hormone which, when concentrated, gives off a honey-like scent which is incredibly evocative of sexual arousal; the smell attracts bees, insects, birds and animals to the plants, aiding in pollination.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is amazing. Very pumpkiny at first, but the pumpkin faded to the background later in the day, leaving the gorgeous amber prominent.


Aja hasn't worked for me in the past, but I don't detect it in this.

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Oh my goodness! Straight up honeyed pumpkins on me and it's amazing. Aja is beautiful with my skin chemistry and I always forget about it. It goes sweet and slightly powdery honey. Then I'm getting a non-spicy pumpkin and loads of vanilla. I'm really enjoying this one! This doesn't smell straight up "Fall-Time" to me either. I can wear this year round for sure.

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Love. Totally fall on me. Spicy pumpkin softened with marshmallow vanilla. There is no spice listed but it is on me. I might slurp through this FB in a week. I am not getting the LP base at all but it just came today and I ripped it open. Another FB of this to save for next year fo' shur.

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Ha, I got spice too! I thought my imagination must be filling in the blanks because this reminds me so much of pumpkin custard. Pumpkin custard with a LP Original drizzle ;) Maybe it is the amber pretending to be pumpkin pie spice! I don't know, but it's very rich and creamy and pumpkin-y, and has that vanilla I adore from the Love Potions. I don't really notice the honey, and I can barely smell Aja on myself even when I'm wearing it solo, so I'm no help there. Either my skin eats it or I just can't smell it. Or I'm part plant and it blends right in :D

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A pumpkin with no cinnamon for me to amp! And yet when I very first put it on, while still wet, I swear I smelled spice :huh:

This is wearing very light on me, or my skin just ate it up? The pumpkin was very forward at first, but with the honey, vanilla and marshmallow it reminds me of a yummy pumpkin fluff a friend of mine makes. I can't pick out the Aja (probably lumping it in with the sweets of the honey and vanilla...) after about 15-20 minutes I could distinguish the apricot and amber and could only pick up the pumpkin if I huffed my application point :D

Next time I will have to slather to get a really good shnoffle of it. I'm on the fence because my skin seemed to gobble it up so quickly - but WOW is this good!

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This is a great scent. I wore it out dancing a few days ago and it smelled really yummy to me - pumpkin-y, slightly gingerbread-y (must have been the spice coming through) and sweet. I couldn't detect much of the LP base except for the Amber, which often smells kind of buttery on me.


I did really enjoy it but it was definitely almost gone after a few hours of dancing, so it is not one of the scents that lingers for me.


I have never tried anything with Aja before but I didn't notice anything different in either my behaviour or anyone else's. Well, maybe only subtle differences. I'll have to try it out again and see.

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Man, I want to wear my sample, but my skin is doing strange things to fragrance, atm. I tried this on the day that it came, so travel shock + menstruating skin chemistry. I ended up with something that smelled almost like pure caramel. Like one of those soft ones wrapped in cellophane. *But* I was getting this weird character to the scent like other notes were feebly trying to come through, which was the case with all the NRs I opened, (because you know I cracked every vial of the Halloweenie goodness as soon as it was in my grabby hands).

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I'm so glad I got my marshmallow vanilla pumpkin I've been craving for a year or more. So so yummy. Light creamy pumpkin and rich vanilla with fluff! Perfection!


Wholly !xyz&$! I love this. First on. I get a bold, warm rush of all the notes. Then I get little riffs of that LP buttery vanilla wafting around, tightly woven with the marshmallow. The pumpkin is subtle and the honey is even more so. I don't detect the AJA individually at all. Everything is gilded with that delicious carmalized sugar!

The long drydown is just as good. Soft,warm and drool worthy against my skin, it becomes almost treacley. :purr:

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I couldn't wait anymore. I love this variant. After settling & calming down; LP Pumpkin is decidedly very spicy on my skin. So :Sexy: This is not Red, but it is spicy, sexy goodness on my skin. (Reminiscent of LP Red, but LP Pumpkin is distinctly her own woman.) I just keep sniffing, & sniffing, my nose keeps finding it's way back to my wrist of it's own accord. To think, this was all Werther's Originals on me in the beginning due to travel shock! This is your PSA, ladies. Let those bottles rest before you crack them open! :lol:


*Actually this is going to sound like a weird thought, but there's also something in this that reminds me of Prada Candy. so it's like Prada Candy & LP Red had a love child, & I just smell so, so, so good right now. Lol.

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In the vial I get the lovely creamy-sweet pumpkin, but on my skin...yep, Amplified Spice strikes again.

*does weird choreography*

The Aja is an interesting background note, though, lends a sort of round deep quality. I'll give it some aging to see how it behaves by Xmas.

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I noticed that after about 5 hours the spice backed off, & I was left w/ pumpkin marshmallow fluff. This is the only variant that doesn't wear down to the signature LP base at the end. Kind of cool. I'm going to need one bottle for wearing & one for aging. :lol:

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Omg this is amazing pumpkin vanilla honey marshmallows!! I'm not a honey ho and Aja was just like meh on me, but this here is amazing! Super creamy and fleshly. I want cookies or a coffee in this. I think this would do wonders with LFM. Like back off ho- I'm a sexy pumpkin with Aja.

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Genius, Lady V! I think I have just found my phero/scent combination for the Halloween party I'm going to next week.



On the other hand, I've been having SO much fun with Honeyed LP with Gotcha lately. Hmmn. Decisions, decisions.

Oh girl do this one with LFM!!
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Well, I'm a spice amper, too, with this. I was sure there was a cinnamon note in this after I tried it on. Is it the patch that makes it seem spicy?


Other than spice, I am getting an non-descript fruitiness which must be the pumpkin and apricot working together. Sadly, I am not getting that pumpkiny, marshallow fluffiness. And no caramel! As it dries down, it smells like original LP with pumpkin. And the Aja is giving it a rather sleazy spin. :sleazy: I also agree that it need not be limited to Autumn. It does not smell specifically fall to me.


It wasn't what I was expecting, but it's still good. But it's fading away rather quickly. Maybe just to my nose.

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So I tried Pumpkin out with LFM for the first of two Halloween parties. I wore the same amount of LFM I usually do - two small spritzes usually works for me. I did a few swipes (because I only have a trial vial) of Pumpkin (without dipping back into the vial) on my torso and smooshed it around with my wrists, and then I did another swipe on my wrists that I smooshed around and then brushed on the back of my neck.


So I didn't use very much but I kind of feel like a ghosted a bit. I went out dancing at a party in a nearby city and pretty much only knew the people I went with and a couple of other people I have seen before at other events. I did have some really good dances with the people I know already but not many other people asked me to dance, which is unusual. Also, none of the people I danced with (other than the people I came with) danced with me more than once. I suppose it could just be that they are a bit cliquey in this different community though. I did get a lot of compliments on my dress but it's actually an amazing dress so I wouldn't attribute that to the pheromones because I get compliments on it whenever I wear it.


I think there was one person that might have been pretty strongly affected by the combo though. One of the friends I went with danced with me several times and danced very close to me, which is not his usual style, and he kept touching my arm and resting his head on my shoulder on the ride there and back. So perhaps it wasn't a ghosting and it was just an off night trying to dance with a bunch of snooty people. Note to self - wear a friendlier phero than LFM next time I go back to this place!


Hmmn. So I have another Halloween party to go to tonight with a group of people that I know much better. Not sure whether I should try this combo out again or try something else.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am loving this varient, it sweet and creamy and stays pumpkin on me all day. I love that it's not so much pumpkin spice that it screams fall, and can definately see myself wearing this year round. I love aja but can't actually pick that component out on my skin. This morning I pulled out a jacket that I wore to a Halloween party and the collar still smells of LP pumpkin, I had so many compliments that night.

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  • 2 months later...

This is sexy but comforting too. I like the initial pumpkin boost, which becomes more of a whiff with drydown. Now it's mostly the caramelized sugar with buttery vanilla and what I could have sworn was light patchouli if I didn't know it there wasn't any--I guess the amber plus the Aja is turning out to be patch-reminiscent on me.

Edited by Witty Kitty
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  • 5 months later...

So, I am a little confused on this one. I LOVED it in my sniffie....so I ordered two samples. Not something I would use a lot, but I wanted to have a small supply. But oh....this time when I used it, it smelled burnt. :( Maybe it needs to settle a little, but I don't see anything in the notes that would cause that smell. And I didn't get it AT ALL with the sniffie, which I got 2 decent applications from. Any thoughts? I mean I LUUUURVED this!! I am going to be sad if this doesn't settle out.

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So, I am a little confused on this one. I LOVED it in my sniffie....so I ordered two samples. Not something I would use a lot, but I wanted to have a small supply. But oh....this time when I used it, it smelled burnt. :( Maybe it needs to settle a little, but I don't see anything in the notes that would cause that smell. And I didn't get it AT ALL with the sniffie, which I got 2 decent applications from. Any thoughts? I mean I LUUUURVED this!! I am going to be sad if this doesn't settle out.

Are you on you period? Or at some point in your cycle that might be causing it? Given you went through your trial and you shook it. It might be your chemistry at this time.

Caramelized Sugars, brown sugar & maple (particularly maple) can all do that burnt smell on me. I didn't get that with this one though.

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I am one week out...I don't remember where I was in my cycle when I used the sample. I might have put it in my notes, but I am not sure. I track my cycles, but not alongside the pheros, however, I may be able to match them up. The only time I've compared them is with Gotcha because that made me very emotional. I've used MRF, and others with those sugars, etc., but never got the burnt smell. :/

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Maple and caramelized sugars do that to me, too. Not the brown sugar note though.


I used to use Period Tracker, and put the pheros/cops & scent that I wore each day in the notes section. It made it easier to figure out when certain phero blends made me spaz out, (Blatant Invitation, I'm lookin' at you).

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I am one week out...I don't remember where I was in my cycle when I used the sample. I might have put it in my notes, but I am not sure. I track my cycles, but not alongside the pheros, however, I may be able to match them up. The only time I've compared them is with Gotcha because that made me very emotional. I've used MRF, and others with those sugars, etc., but never got the burnt smell. :/

Wait a week and try it again. See if there's a difference.


Sometimes I can wear Maras rocket fuel. Sometimes it smells like burnt pancakes. Lol


I don't remember if there are "spices" in this. Nutmeg also amps up after drydown on my skin. It has that faintly burnt type scent. It's funny that my favorite foods don't play well as perfume on my skin.


And yeah. I totally get what you're saying about Gotcha. I generally avoid Pheromones period at that time. But, Gotcha is impossible to wear anytime you'd feel

vulnerable or hormonal. I won't wear it two days in a row.

It's powerful stuff.

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I know this is supposed to have the Love Potion base, but does anyone know if there is patchouli in it? It isn't listed in the description. I have a difficult time wearing patchouli, as well as honey...


BUT (!!!!!) I got a couple of samples of this at the beginning of the sale, and let them sit in my 'fumes drawer until tonight, because I had so much else going on. Tonight, after my shower. I am trying it out. And, it's now more than an hour into it, aand it is still BEAUTIFUL on me! Honey isn't doing anything weird. The patch if it is there, has not shown itself.


I'm not a spice amper, which is actually kind of a shame, because I like gourmand type spices. But it's all good here! Really loving it.


It's my first experience with Aja, and it's playing nicely too. I'm so excited ?


With Aja, it's still okay to get in a spray, right?

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I know this is supposed to have the Love Potion base, but does anyone know if there is patchouli in it? It isn't listed in the description.

Mara would have to answer this; I don't know why it wouldn't - or didn't.

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Well, whether or not it does, if it is there, it is not gobbling up everything else! It passed the "overnight" test, and I promptly ordered two bottles :)


Mara would have to answer this; I don't know why it wouldn't - or didn't.

Well, whether or not it does, if it is there, it is not gobbling up everything else! It passed the "overnight" test, and I promptly ordered two bottles :)

(eta, Thanks Beccah, I still can't figure out how to use the multi-quote option. )

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Mara would have to answer this; I don't know why it wouldn't - or didn't.

I hope she hops on to answer. I'm thinking that the Love Potion base is amber, apricot, & vanilla, always? With patchouli being a usual but not always necessary addition?

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It's amber, vanilla and patchouli and usually apricot, but not always. The "classic" base includes apricot and verbena, I believe.

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Well, it is just magic on me. That's the best way to describe it! I want to gather them all up in my arms (or actually, my shopping cart! haha)


I get a definite smokiness in the late dry down too.


I read the description again in the store listing, and even though the description on the forum does not mention patchouli, it says its there on the product page. Maybe it is a lesser percentage due to the other limited edition ingredients, or maybe the other ingredients keep the patch in it's place. Some fragrances with patchouli, such as Compromising Positions, become nothing but pure patch on my skin. I tried CP three times, because I like the initial application smell, and the patchouli amps sooo much it will wake me up at night, and there I am, at like 3 in the morning, scrubbing my arms!


(Edited to correct syntax)

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I read the description again in the store listing, and even though the description on the forum does not mention patchouli, it says its there on the product page.


Aha! I had posted a while back that when I tried this I could have sworn there was patch, but the description in this thread seemed to prove me wrong. Now I know my nose wasn't playing tricks on me ;)

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