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Love Potion: Black


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I love LOVE it!!...I think I might have found my LP in BLACK!! ..honestly LP RED left me a bit scared to try the rest, that really sweet dehydrated apricot smell didn't really play well with my skin chemistry. But there was something in red that I liked, so I decided to try an LP that didn't have fruit. BLACK is gorgeous on my skin, sensual and warm without going "hippie" ..still has an elegance to it. I smell a hint of pipe tobacco. I definitely need to get it in both spray and oil.


Now I'm really excited to try Passion & Desire!

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I love LOVE it!!...I think I might have found my LP in BLACK!! ..honestly LP RED left me a bit scared to try the rest, that really sweet dehydrated apricot smell didn't really play well with my skin chemistry. But there was something in red that I liked, so I decided to try an LP that didn't have fruit. BLACK is gorgeous on my skin, sensual and warm without going "hippie" ..still has an elegance to it. I smell a hint of pipe tobacco. I definitely need to get it in both spray and oil.


Now I'm really excited to try Passion & Desire!



Black is my fave too! I love it! P & D is great as well.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm almost all out of my sample and need to get me a full bottle. This stuff is pure seduction! ...I think I smell apricot in this one too, but I don't mind it. Does Black have apricot?


Assuming it does, it has made me realize that I can dislike a note in one scent and like it in another!! :)

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Not sure if it has apricot, but if it does, maybe it is just a smidge.


Assuming it does, it has made me realize that I can dislike a note in one scent and like it in another!! :)


This is a lesson that I learned very quickly after coming here.....Mara not only has oils from different suppliers, which can make a difference in the way a particular note may react with your skin, but oftentimes, when combined with others, the character of a particular note can change completely....if that makes sense.....

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It does, thanks. :) ......I guess that means I'm just gonna have to try everything! yay!!


Exactly! LOL


I have had some VERY pleasant surprises by trying things that I didn't think would work on me......some of those ended up being faves of mine......

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never thought that I could love this one more than I did when I bought my first full bottle......HOWEVER, I am now on bottle # ????? (lost count.....I think I have 3 in my bedroom now, and have emptied several as well), and I love it more each time I wear it! So glad it is one that is permanent!


The resins bloom beautifully on my skin (my skin LOVES resins), and the LP base adds that extra "oomph".....almost edible, but not too foody for my tastes.....LOVE LOVE LOVE......

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I am going to get another sample of this when the weather turns cold. I love wearing it to bed in the winter especially layered with Snowbound. It is just too heavy for me for regular wear...I think a sample lasted me a whole year...that is how little of it it takes for me. HOWEVER...you never know! It's been so long since I wore it my tastes may have changed...as they so often do with LP's and I may decide on a big bottle by now, we'll see when winter descends upon us!!

It stil is one of my favorite labels and would love it in my collection. I wonder how it is with Occo White lightening those resins up a bit?

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I am going to get another sample of this when the weather turns cold. I love wearing it to bed in the winter especially layered with Snowbound. It is just too heavy for me for regular wear...I think a sample lasted me a whole year...that is how little of it it takes for me. HOWEVER...you never know! It's been so long since I wore it my tastes may have changed...as they so often do with LP's and I may decide on a big bottle by now, we'll see when winter descends upon us!!

It stil is one of my favorite labels and would love it in my collection. I wonder how it is with Occo White lightening those resins up a bit?


I have worn it with OCCO white and they are really great together......leaves a sexy scent trail a mile long, too......LOL

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  • 3 months later...

I never thought that I could love this one more than I did when I bought my first full bottle......HOWEVER, I am now on bottle # ????? (lost count.....I think I have 3 in my bedroom now, and have emptied several as well), and I love it more each time I wear it! So glad it is one that is permanent!


The resins bloom beautifully on my skin (my skin LOVES resins), and the LP base adds that extra "oomph".....almost edible, but not too foody for my tastes.....LOVE LOVE LOVE......


Does the Honey come out strong on this one.... I am trying to figure out if I need a bottle of this, but honey on me turns really really bad

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Does the Honey come out strong on this one.... I am trying to figure out if I need a bottle of this, but honey on me turns really really bad


No, not strong on the honey.......the honey mostly compliments it rather than being dominant in the scent......

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is perfect for the La Femme line, I don't know why I didn't order a sample of this earlier-oh wait I do, I was too distracted by at least one of the LP: P&D reviews comparing it to a cinnamon roll. : P Not like P&D isn't great, but Black is starting to really grow on me, it's sexy but subtle, which makes it layer well with Iron Hand Velvet Glove types of phero blends, IMHO.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quite a quick one when it comes it love potion black,


I really wasn't a fan of this smell,for some reason it had a very strong liquorice theme smell to it... and i hate liquorice :P


However my flatmate who LOVES liquorice, kept going on abut how much she liked it and i was a walking liquorice, but she loves that stuff do much my present smell continuously made her happy :P

The smell did calm down however the general feel remained the same =)


if you like liquorice GET IT if not.... ;) <3




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I finally got myself a sample of this. I can't believe I waited a whole year!


Anyway, on first application I thought, OMG, I can't believe I've been missing out on this! When I first apply it's almost like caramel. It goes on my skin feeling "thick" and almost creamy-sweet. But after I've worn it for a while, it does the same thing as BALLS! does on my skin: it turns to celery! WTH??? I'm trying it one more time, before I trade my sample away. I'm still in the caramel-like stage, and wishing with all my might that it just stays there, because in this state it smells SO flipping dreamy and amazing!


The first time I tried it, I even stuck my hand under BF's nose and asked him what he smelled, just like I did when BALLS! went wonky, and he said, "Celery", exactly the same as with BALLS!. :( Is there something these two have in common?

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On me this is all super sweet vanilla and resins that lasts and lasts. I think it has the most prominent desserty vanilla note out of all of the LP base scents.


I don't get any licorice smell at all. Eggers, that is so sad that it turns to celery on you!

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I know! I wish the sweetness had lasted.

Oh well... There are plenty more LPs for me to love.

You too? Does that on my skin. I think maybe the honey amps to a really musky type & my nose interprets it to be celery. I have the same problem with (scented) Sexology.

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On me this is all super sweet vanilla and resins that lasts and lasts. I think it has the most prominent desserty vanilla note out of all of the LP base scents.


I don't get any licorice smell at all. Eggers, that is so sad that it turns to celery on you!


I hope my bottle is all sweet vanilla and resins as that would make my day...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ooohh, this one is soooo dark and dangerous! I can smell the honey in this, and something else, it is reminding me of Shelly B's Naughty, Sweet & Dirty, the honey-civit combo, perhaps? Wow, LP Black is powerful, maybe a little too powerful for me!

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LP Black is the only standard LP scents that work on me, and I can't for the life of me work out why. Maybe it's because my bottle is super aged (it comes from the era before roller bottles). Dark scents generally don't work on me, and certainly patchouli is a death note on my skin. If used with a light hand, however, the thick, rich, dark combination of honey, patchouli and super dark vanilla works wonders on my skin. It is a dark, heady fragrance that really needs to be used sparingly, but it can do amazing things. It's long lasting, and gets richer and yet lighter on the skin. A perfect perfume if you want to have that lightly-scented yet heady lushness going on.

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Smelled this one again today, and it smells TOTALLY DIFFERENT than it did a couple of days ago. What is it with LP's? I guess that's why it's called "Majickal" lol! The honey-civit-like note has toned down considerably, I'm getting a smoother honey, with the vanilla and resins blending in smoothly. Ya know, I think I didn't like LP Red when I first smelled it either, maybe once the air hits it when you crack open the vial? Maybe like letting red wine "breathe"? I don't know what it is, but this one may grow on me too, just like Red.....


Watch out, I may be going to the "Dark Side", lol! :lol:

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Smelled this one again today, and it smells TOTALLY DIFFERENT than it did a couple of days ago. What is it with LP's? I guess that's why it's called "Majickal" lol! The honey-civit-like note has toned down considerably, I'm getting a smoother honey, with the vanilla and resins blending in smoothly. Ya know, I think I didn't like LP Red when I first smelled it either, maybe once the air hits it when you crack open the vial? Maybe like letting red wine "breathe"? I don't know what it is, but this one may grow on me too, just like Red.....


Watch out, I may be going to the "Dark Side", lol! :lol:


I love the Dark Side and like you did not do well with LP Red or LP Red Lace... The Apricot would nver play nice with me....Black however is just amazing and I get so many compliments when I wear it... I might order one boosted with Gotcha

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I love the Dark Side and like you did not do well with LP Red or LP Red Lace... The Apricot would nver play nice with me....Black however is just amazing and I get so many compliments when I wear it... I might order one boosted with Gotcha

Naw, I totally LUV LP Red, I get hardly any apricot, it's all vanilla-cinnamon-dark sugary goodness on me. I was a little freaked out by the cops in Red Lace before dry-down, I guess I have a sensitive sniffer! :) I'm so suprised I like Red and Black, before I came here couldn't stand patchouly on me or anyone else. LP Black with Gotcha sounds awesome, by the way! ;)
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LP Black is the only standard LP scents that work on me, and I can't for the life of me work out why. Maybe it's because my bottle is super aged (it comes from the era before roller bottles). Dark scents generally don't work on me, and certainly patchouli is a death note on my skin. If used with a light hand, however, the thick, rich, dark combination of honey, patchouli and super dark vanilla works wonders on my skin. It is a dark, heady fragrance that really needs to be used sparingly, but it can do amazing things. It's long lasting, and gets richer and yet lighter on the skin. A perfect perfume if you want to have that lightly-scented yet heady lushness going on.

I have avoided this one because I felt like it would be too much Dark Side for me. But, this post was the push I needed and I ordered a sample. Most dark scents are just too much for me to wear and patchouli always needs to play an almost unrecognizable background note to work for me. But you are right, I could just use a light hand (for once ;)) and give it a go. Though if it is like most scents here, I'll be scrambling for a bottle after just trying a dab.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a sample of this and waited a while to try it. First sniff from the vial and I did a quick "Oh no." It seemed WAY too dark and resin-y for me.


I still tried it though, and TBH I can't pick out what notes are in this because these darker resin-y type scents aren't what I normally go for so I don't know what I'm smelling. I think I get a tiny bit of sweetness, but not much.


On my skin it doesn't seem as scary smelling as it was in the vial, but I still don't think it's a "me" scent. I AM curious about this "LP Black effect" though so I'm sure I'll take it for a test run sometime when I'm actually going out.

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I go through A LOT of LP Black! All I have to say is that I am SO HAPPY that it is part of the permanent line......

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I like LP Black in very small doses. A sample lasted me an entire year. I need another sample but would never go through a whole bottle. If it is too dark and resiny it is good to mix with another vanilla-ish type scent. I love it with Snowbound in the winter!!!


Ooh. I find Fuzzy Wuzzy too sweet and vanilla for me. I wonder if I could do a mixing of the 2.

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Whoa. Now that is worth a try!!!! Sounds like it might just be amazing!!


Wow. I just tried it. It smells good. Fuzzy Wuzzy definitely tempers down the resins of LP Black, and LP Black tempers the overly-sweet vanilla of Fuzzy Wuzzy to me. I think I'm liking 2 parts FW to 1 part LP Black.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is an amazing scent and I can't believe I've run through two vials. My next order will include a large bottle of this scent because I need it in my arsenal. This is a first time, but I think I'll actually do this one with no pheros.


First time wearing it, I got hits all day long. My first test was in the office and it made people stop and stare constantly. It has tremendous staying power and I love that quality. I adore scents that remind me and others that they're still there.


I actually have to refrain from picking up this scent everyday!

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I wanted to pop back in and say the combo of LP Black with Fuzzy Wuzzy is simply amazing. I love LP Black all on its own but when I want to lighten up some of the darkness in this blend the fuzzy wuzzy does just the trick... It like it brings LP Black into spring...

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