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Beths Blushing Milkmaid.. WOW!

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Yes, it has copulins, a lot of copulins. We actually consider it an OCCO over here, even though it is not labelled as such because it started out it's life as a PE. But since then, it has been moved into the phero section and resides with the other OCCO varieties in our cabinet.


Yes, I stuck my foot in my mouth earlier! I was so confused...lesson learned, never answer questions your confused about especially when you haven't had enough coffee!


Thanks Luna and Mara!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

this is going on my Xmas wishlist. Sounds like a classic!

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I didn't realize this had become a permanent scent. It was always something I thought I would love; now I'm going to have to add it to the long list of bottles I want to buy!

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I can't live without this. It's probably my most used cops boosted frag. Just opened my second bottle, first bottle was the first one I ever used up. It's beyond a staple, makes absolutely everything better, no exceptions

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I can't live without this. It's probably my most used cops boosted frag. Just opened my second bottle, first bottle was the first one I ever used up. It's beyond a staple, makes absolutely everything better, no exceptions


I guess this is why I never see it on anyone's trading post. I've been missing out!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just got my bottle of BBM and love it! I have only worn it once and my husband kept saying "Mmmm...You smell Sexy!!" Lol! That always makes me smile. But the strrangest thing happened the night that I wore it. My husband and I had to go out to a function and we were talking with various friends and famliy. As my cousin introduced me to a male friend of hers, He reached out for my hand before she could even tell him my name...I was almost backing away from him because of the INTENSE eye contact he was making...He said "You smell like...like something...like vanilla" and was holding onto my hand!! This guy had to be 10 yrs younger than me and didn't know me from Adam's housecat, but I declare BBM packed a punch on him!! It was quite amusing but I was glad when my husband showed up beside me...I thought the young guy was going to lick my arm!!!

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Ok! So I finally got to try BBM thanks to Chrissy who made me a sample..YUM. It is just as deliciously cakey as everyone claimed it to be.


The best thing about it (to me) is that it has less of a PRESENCE than Occo White. I like Occo White.....when I want to smell like Occo White. But sometimes I wear White when I really just want to add cops to something. It makes everything lovely but it can also take over the fragrance that you are trying to "showcase". BBM is much sheerer and I think has a more blendable quality. Will definitley go with EVERYTHING. Foodies, fruitys, even flowerys...

This solves the ongoing problem I have of "will cops ruin this scent if I get it boosted? Like my Coconut Breeze will be BEAUTIFUL with this...no need to alter the scent with cops.


So I vote for BBM as the best layerable cops scent...a delicious side dish to EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!

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Will definitley go with EVERYTHING. Foodies, fruitys, even flowerys...


OK, I know you said EVERYTHING, but what about Cuddle Bunny scented? It's more a clean laundry scent than any of those you listed. Any of you tried that yet?

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OK, I know you said EVERYTHING, but what about Cuddle Bunny scented? It's more a clean laundry scent than any of those you listed. Any of you tried that yet?


I haven't gotten a real chance to try it with anything, but the thing is...it's so unobtrusive (on me) that I cannot imagine it clashing with anything really. The CB would probably overpower it actually.


eta: I would offer to try it tomorrow but I have another agenda... :666:

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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Maybe this has more of a presence than I thought. I just woke up and can I swear I can still smell it and I didn't put much on last night. I still say it is sheer enough to not get in the way of whatever you are adding cops to though. I'll experiment further but I think it's just going to make everything better.

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Maybe this has more of a presence than I thought. I just woke up and can I swear I can still smell it and I didn't put much on last night. I still say it is sheer enough to not get in the way of whatever you are adding cops to though. I'll experiment further but I think it's just going to make everything better.


I was going to get this anyway, but even more so since I've seen your review! Going on my giant Pheromas shopping list!

Edited by BlueBear
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  • 4 weeks later...

Just received a sample of BBM. Missdarlyncherie was so sweet and sent it to me. (Thanks again, MDC, I've e-mailed you). First sniff from the vial reminds me strongly of Halo's Angelique. I let it settle on my skin and I get sweet vanilla, coconut and cream. Now I get more full bodied vanilla than from H.'s Angelique, BBM is vanilla & coconut with a touch of cream, while Angelique contains amber(?) as far as I remember. There was another perfume in this scent family, some time ago, Pie in the Sky, also quite close.

Well, BBM is a wonderful EoW cover.

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  • 1 month later...

I have it in oil...not sure if anyone has it in spray, but either way it would be wonderful! I guess there is one small drawback to a spray; it could get in your hair easier and cops in hair are a big no no. Oil is easier to control the placement! You will love it!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel like I am missing something with this one. I will use it, but it has almost zero cover for me and I never do get the cakey or cream scent at all. In fact it is so strong that I had thought that maybe this one didn't get scented somehow, but then I know that would never have happened. Like I said, I'll still use it but I am missing out on the yumminess that everyone talks about. It's ok though, I adore my BAM, LAM, and OCCOs.

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I feel like I am missing something with this one. I will use it, but it has almost zero cover for me and I never do get the cakey or cream scent at all. In fact it is so strong that I had thought that maybe this one didn't get scented somehow, but then I know that would never have happened. Like I said, I'll still use it but I am missing out on the yumminess that everyone talks about. It's ok though, I adore my BAM, LAM, and OCCOs.


That's so weird because I can barely if at all smell the cops in BBM, but my OCCO's reek of cops! Can you smell the cops in your OCCO's?

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That's so weird because I can barely if at all smell the cops in BBM, but my OCCO's reek of cops! Can you smell the cops in your OCCO's?


MrsC, that happened to me with my Red and Black OCCO's, they just reeked of cops and I could not use them I had to end up selling them... Now OCCO Blue and Purple I can wear no problem and get a small amount of cops smell, but still very wearable... BBM I get zero cops smell...

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MrsC, that happened to me with my Red and Black OCCO's, they just reeked of cops and I could not use them I had to end up selling them... Now OCCO Blue and Purple I can wear no problem and get a small amount of cops smell, but still very wearable... BBM I get zero cops smell...


Yeah I can smell the cops in my OCCO's but as long as I let them dry down correctly, the cops fade and I just smell the perfume part. It's definitely easier for me to use BBM, or OCCO Ambrosia because the cops don't smell as strong in those. If I'm using my pink or white OCCO's, I need at least 30 mins before getting dressed.

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Yeah I can smell the cops in my OCCO's but as long as I let them dry down correctly, the cops fade and I just smell the perfume part. It's definitely easier for me to use BBM, or OCCO Ambrosia because the cops don't smell as strong in those. If I'm using my pink or white OCCO's, I need at least 30 mins before getting dressed.


I really wanted to try the Pink OCCO but I had such bad luck with Red and Black, that I got a bit scared...Thanks for sharing that as I thought it was just me....

Edited by dolphindolls2
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I get a little cops smell with my OCCO White and BAM & LAM Pink Ambers but it goes away fairly soon with a dry down. Maybe 10 mins. I get none at all from Cops & Robbers. I get lots from OCCO Ambrosia and BBM. With Ambrosia though, i will get the perfume scent along with the strong cops, but the cops is always present. BBM however is ALL cops. I will try shaking it some more and see if that helps. I would have traded it by now but I really, really want the yumminess I keep hearing about. Maybe I just have a weird sniffer?

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Always,always interesting the differences !!! I get no cops from BBM <yumz> or OCCO Ambrosia,SLF,none after drydown on White,Pink,or Red OCCOS :) ...but the first time I tried OCCO White,I hated it...go figure :lol: and if anyone had told me I would be wearing,and loving it,and Phero Girl or SLF I would have laughed at them,now I would not be without back-ups of all! :P

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I don't get cops scent from BBM and OCCO Ambrosia. A little in Red and Pink. White takes forever to drydown and I reek of cops even after 20-30 mins wait. I can't recall how OCCO Black and Purple now.


LAM & BAM takes about 20 mins to dry down.

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  • 1 month later...

This one. OK. Now I see what all the hub-bub has been about, lol. Greenergal, I must thank you for this one! Loving that creamy foodie yummy scent...and cops added? Yes! Winner :D

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This one. OK. Now I see what all the hub-bub has been about, lol. Greenergal, I must thank you for this one! Loving that creamy foodie yummy scent...and cops added? Yes! Winner :D

So glad this worked for you!!!! I seriously don't know what is wrong with my nose and this one. Never ever did I pick up any creamy yummy anything. I must be scent blind to it. It was like there was not one drop of scent at all. Anywho, I'm so glad it found a good home!

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Maybe you're just very sensitive to cops? I know occasionally with the EoW I have been doctoring my sprays with that I get a hint here and there of it. I wonder (and hope, lol) that I'm the only one who recognizes that it's there? I can't wait to use up what I have in the alcohol and begin using the EO from LP...but a little EoW goes a LOOOOONG way :D


I totally get this creamy baked goods goodness that makes me beside myself with delight! This is totally nommy!


I feel badly that you don't get that :mellow: but it has a home now where it will receive MUCH affection :love: Thank you!

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I just love this one so much, I want to get this in a spray


I love this very much too but I'd be really careful with a spray. Don't want to end up with cops on clothes and hair.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, I had to search all around for this thread, I almost started to think there wasn't one but that would have been too strange - and I knew I had read it earlier so I wondered if that was just a hallucination. Then from the name of the scent I realized this started out as a PE.


First try of BBM this morning. I applied some after showering, thinking I would have time to linger in the bathroom on my own for about ten minutes until it had dried down. But as soon as I had put the sample vial away, my husband just NEEDED to come in. Rushed weekday mornings, what can you do, so I had to let him in. I was a bit embarrassed, because to my nose it smelled quite strong and unpleasant to begin with. He didn't say anything though, so I'm not sure if he noticed it or not. I tried to mask the bad smell lingering around me and started spraying random products in my hair, but I can't say that helped one bit. :P


Anyway, in about twenty minutes it had dried down and didn't smell wonky to me anymore. There is no cops smell that I can detect. I do like the scent, but am not sure if I will love it. It's definitely different than I expected, and maybe better. I was expecting a cleaner, more simple vanilla scent (don't ask why, I have no idea), but on my skin this is just as described by many others in this thread: creamy sweet vanilla, somehow reminiscent of cupcakes. I like it more than I expected I would, and for different reasons. Surprising, but very nice. It is delicious!

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:lol: Your husband may be like mine...he's so used to us using who-knows-what that he doesn't even ask about the smells anymore...between soaps, lotions, hair products, body sprays...he just not phased or just stopped questioning :D
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