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Jouir De

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Either way It's all good. I work around alot of guys. I normally wear lots of cops and Breaking the Ceiling. I'm a sexy professional. It definitely works for me.



Me too CZ....I love being the sexy professional at work...the men drool, but so do the women...everyone is happy...like you said...

It's all good..but alas, I am not sexy enough for JD...I wear other cops... :D

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MMmmkay-I got what I'm now calling the "cult classic" Joiur de today in my gigantor order. I played and played with potions all day, but this one has had me soooo curious that I had to work it on its own. (I Wore BI with Santa Carla all day, then took a bubble bath --begin slather in Jouir de story here;)---

Some of you get feces(really?) Honey glazed cat's ass(huh?) and some of you get skewed(I got "skewered" haha :o ).

Seriously, Dave is here and I'm cookin, its sweetest day and he brought over a bottle of congac, And after I pop the garlic bread in I come sit by him on the couch, all freshly slathered in Shelly B's sex juice.

There was no banter, no chatter-I swear(I mean a bit when he came in but but then I got close to him), I am immediatly attacked by the wild wolfman that dwells inside my boy. He's all OVER me. All our clothes were off before we even made it to my room for some of the most primal, hard and frenzied sex ever(I like the slow kind that builds up too, but that desperste-"I NEED YOU NOW" kind is awesome sometimes.)

Thats what this stuff does! At least to Dave. I um, totally burned my garlic bread-had to make more.

To me this is an even sluttier version of Phero Girl. Honey, Musk and 'I skipped a day showering" female sex smell. I get zero florals at all. What I do get-is gooood lovin. And I'll take that any day.

I'm with Luna and Mystree on this one-I personally like the smell, and the effects are just as they should be! Bravo to Shelly B and the gals! ;)

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MMmmkay-I got what I'm now calling the "cult classic" Joiur de today in my gigantor order.

To me this is an even sluttier version of Phero Girl. Honey, Musk and 'I skipped a day showering" female sex smell. I get zero florals at all. What I do get-is gooood lovin. And I'll take that any day.

I'm with Luna and Mystree on this one-I personally like the smell, and the effects are just as they should be! Bravo to Shelly B and the gals! :o


Well - I've said before - it could be my wonky chemistry. But this just goes evil on me.


I do have to tell you that I am thrilled that other's are getting lucky with it. Seriously - that was the whole point. :-)


Wish it worked for me - soooooooooo soooooooooo serious about that.

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To me this is an even sluttier version of Phero Girl. Honey, Musk and 'I skipped a day showering" female sex smell. I get zero florals at all.

That's a good way to describe it. It does take that formulation - honey/amber/cops - and with the added dirty musk makes it even more obvious. On me, the orchid doesn't come out until hours later, once the musk has completely merged with my skin.

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My hubby is loving Jouir De. He was like a wild animal last night. Nibbling my ears and breathing heavy and repeating over and over again how lucky a man he is. Yeah baby. I've found that applying JD and allowing it to dry for about 10 minutes and then applying some Sugared Honeycomb and LP Original is a win win combination.

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Luna darlin' - I did it!!!!


I made the skank work - JD plus Pure Sugar boosted with ANol - and the skank is a candy coated sex goddess.


When I get the next stamps.com notice I am buying some skank....


Whew - the world is more in kilter now

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See I knew you could do it!

That is my girlfriend, y'all, fiendishly clever and sexy as hell. :huh:

Girlfriend - you keep talking to me like that - and shhhhhhh ..... Pretty sure people might guess we are flirting z



Roflmao. The soon to be ex-Mr. Shelly can add this to his list. WTF?! U only live once and if u do it right - once should be enough.


Kisses girlfriend - early morning wake up call so must run!

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LOL, djac already tipped us off to the zeitgeist - dude, I bet they're cybering RIGHT NOW. :funny_ladybird: Nighty-night, baby doll.



And I might add - Luna and I have not been cybering - despite the zeitgeist to the contrary. :raspberry:




And a very good morning to all of you.


I have to say - I slept in the Joiur De plus Pure Sugar - and as I came awake - I lay there saying - Good Grief - is that smell me? Sheesh - what the heck happened last night? Oh yeah - this isn't college and I didn't pass out doing something really, really naughty soooooooo WTF?!


Seriously. What's that smell?


OH YEAH - I Jouir De'd. It smelled fine last night and I did have some exceptionally interesting dreams - :huh:!!! (Cool - I'm not dead yet) but this morning - I hate to admit - I smell less than fresh.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, after reading this thread I had to give it a go.

Normally I dont wear cops( hubby and i not in a good place right now).

Anyhow, put some on the other day to see what its like.(home alone)

Ittybitty swipe.At first ....not bad,not bad at all.


20 mins. later ,it still wasnt bad, just alittlebit dirty.



30 mins later, I could have gagged a magot! ...all I smelled was feces! I could not wash it off fast enough!



ETA: When I got the moth. sampler with this one in it,my girls and i started to go through them all , my oldest picked this one out and took a wiff and said ,eww whats this one, a repelling potion? I said no, its suppose to attract men. She then muttered ,'men are such freaks'.....

Edited by Ajia
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I got a freebie sample and was almost afraid to try it after reading some of the comments here. But you know, I had to dab a little bit on in the name of science.

I WISH I got the "dirty version of Phero Girl" or "female sex smell" but unfortunately I got the strong smell of indol laced mothballs and sugar. Not a good combo. So very, very, very foul I find it hard to believe *anyone* would find it nice, let alone a turn on. Almost like rotten teeth or something. Gag. I died a little.

I read the ingredients over and over and tried to figure out what went wrong, lol.


I will put my sample into a lead container and bury it in wet concrete.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just bought a big bottle of this smelly stuff. I'm still swearing by it. I know it's strong and stinky when you first apply it but afterwards upon drydown it's to die for. Just ask the hubby who gets an instant woody whenever I wear it. I've been layering it with sugared honeycomb. Sometimes I even wear it to work. I'm a dirty girl. :^^:

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  • 1 month later...
Just ask the hubby who gets an instant woody whenever I wear it. :^^:


Absolutely all that matters, countess.

Whew - I can hardly remember what it smelled like, but I know I didn't like it. I am not woman enough, I swear. I wear my "wimpy weenie" sign proudly.

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today i read the thread from start to finish.


i remember back in 2005 when the gals at LS were talking about EoW and how skill was needed to pull it off with just the right cover because it was so strong....


this may be a challenge, but i have done some pretty stinky pheromone experiments and i aint scared (or im dumb).


(so the answer is yes,therapygirl, you made a sale, lol

and yes Luna, you helped pique my interest )


i lean towards the skank-type scents anyhow.

i would have liked to try HAM.


i wonder why that one was not rebrewed?

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Mara explained that the custom blends are generally sort of created on the fly as it were, not recorded, and often with ingredients which cannot be duplicated. There have been a few exceptions but otherwise much like most scents in the LPMP oeuvre, it's a one-of-a-kind experience.

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Okay, it's been on my wrist for about twenty, twenty-five minutes. The cops have dried down. It's not floral sweet, but it's not disgusting! It just smells like sweaty skin. I only put on half of a drop though.



how on this earth do you only apply half a drop ???!!!



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Tip the vial onto your finger tip, while finger is over the mouth! Scrap lightly against the side! I swear to God, it is half a drop!



ha! my tester will last me foreverrrrrrr.... yay!

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My sister and I were smelling the sniffie of this yesterday, and having read the thread I was prepared for much more horror than I actually smelt. I mean yes it was ripe, but not the assault of lulz. What we both agreed upon was it had a decidedly diaper-esque scent. XD Just this side of bacteria smelling.

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My sister and I were smelling the sniffie of this yesterday, and having read the thread I was prepared for much more horror than I actually smelt. I mean yes it was ripe, but not the assault of lulz. What we both agreed upon was it had a decidedly diaper-esque scent. XD Just this side of bacteria smelling.



on skin?

things dont smell the same in the vial ... :)

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Put some on last night just because. I still can understand the "fecal" impression a lot of people get but for me it's just skank. It's ripe, unwashed, unapologetic yeah, I've had sex recently and did not bathe, what of it? :) Lor, I think because you like Bacchanalia you will at least appreciate this one as well, you won't be horrified by it.

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Put some on last night just because. I still can understand the "fecal" impression a lot of people get but for me it's just skank. It's ripe, unwashed, unapologetic yeah, I've had sex recently and did not bathe, what of it? :) Lor, I think because you like Bacchanalia you will at least appreciate this one as well, you won't be horrified by it.



Im actually afraid im going to *love* it.


Im skanky, thats how I roll.... :)


I actually appreciate alot of scents most women wouldnt dare wear,

sometimes because I know the altered impression men get, but also because I can put aside what someone else might think of me and wander off emotionally/mentally with where a weird smell might put me.


Now I have heard both Jasmine and Orchid have fecal-notes within them, but that doesnt turn someone off from the whole of the flower, so ...

....in the famous words of SpongeBob.....


Im read-y

Im read-y

Im read-y

Im read-y !

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Now I have heard both Jasmine and Orchid have fecal-notes within them, but that doesnt turn someone off from the whole of the flower, so ...


Same thing with tuberose as well, they all have the indole compound I believe.

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LOL! I think we've finally hit the "can't leave the house smelling like this" dirty sex limit. BWAHA! (I was actually there with Phero Girl! Dayem, I was practically there with Tea & Strumpets!) The Gods help anyone who tries this as their first LP experience. I shudder to think.


Well, start shuddering, because it's going to happen right now! I just got my first order and I am so excited to try them out!


Okay, I don't know much about scents-- I think I'm going to preface all of my reviews with that. :);


I opened the box and smelled a scent similar to incense... It seems like people have said that in kind of a derogatory way, but I found it quite pleasant.

Honestly, if I had read the reviews of Jouir De before I checked out, I would not have kept it in my basket. I couldn't imagine a perfume smelling bad-- and all of the ingredients sounded nice, though I wasn't sure exactly what musk was. But I know I've seen other perfumes called musk, so thought it couldn't be something unpleasant-- surely not like an animal musk. After reading these reviews (I had only browsed in the non-pheromone section, to my chagrin), I wasn't so sure.

Enough lallygagging-- on to the review! (Though if it's as bad as people say, maybe I should wait until we don't have guests... eh, nuts to them! I was so excited to see the package in my mailbox, I actually thought "Eeeeee!!!")


Okay, shaking it gently... opening...


Well, it's not bad at all in the bottle-- kind of a sweet, earthy smell. I can smell the vanilla, which I like, and a floral scent, which I assume is the orchid.


Now onto the skin... a dab on my forearms...


It smells about the same on me, but it has kind of a powdery, clean tinge to it? Almost soapy, but not in a bad way.


Whew! I was so worried I was going to have some sort of horrible feces-arm that would send everyone running out into the cold night air.


And now I wait 10 minutes?


Ooh, in the meantime I guess I should say I feel a tad lightheaded. Is that because of the copulins? Or just from breathing in so intently and being excited? I really know less about pheromones and copulins than I do scents.

And I should also add that the single swipe on my arm, spread between my two forearms, is enough to keep the scent wafting up to me pretty strongly. I really do like the smell. Even after only a couple minutes, the soapy smell has calmed down to blend with the sweet, earthy, flowery vanilla. I think part of the earthy sweetness must be the amber-- I've smelled that in a perfume on its own, and enjoy it. Oooh, and honey, definitely. (I'm using the perfume description as a cheat sheet, but you have to learn somehow, right?)


Well, it's been ten minutes, and I am still pleased with the result! I thought I smelled cat for a second, but I think I'm just psyching myself out because of all the reviews. I don't get a dirty scent off of it, and it doesn't make me think of sex at all-- it's just kind of a dark, musky sweet scent, I think, with a clean overtone.


Now for the ultimate test-- I'm going to give my arm to my boyfriend to sniff it. He doesn't like any perfume, though, so I won't be surprised if he's indifferent.


Haha, he just wrinkled his nose and said, "It smells like powder!" And then he said that he was the wrong person to ask, since he didn't like any perfumes (which I knew), and that this one smells like all the other ones to him. Not that I have a lot of perfume. Oh well, I knew he didn't like perfume going into this, but I didn't get them for him! These scents just all sounded so fun, and everyone here on the board is so great, that I couldn't help myself-- and I'm sure I'll keep buying Love Potions. There are so many that sound great!


(I made my friend smell my arm, and he said it smells nice.)


So-- the one I was most worried about, I got out of the way to begin with, and had very pleasant results. I can't wait to try the other ones! I got Phero Girl, Flower of the Beast, Cuddle Bunny, Love Potion Red, and Shady Lady. Look for those reviews when my nose isn't full of Jouir De.


(My goodness, I do ramble on when I'm excited.)


Thank you SO much, Mara and Danna! I'm so glad I accidentally found your magic(k)al site!

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Whew! I was so worried I was going to have some sort of horrible feces-arm that would send everyone running out into the cold night air.


Well, it's been ten minutes, and I am still pleased with the result! I thought I smelled cat for a second, but I think I'm just psyching myself out because of all the reviews.



when i read this tears began to fall out my eyes and i inhaled my own spit :lol:


after coughing while trying to repeat "horrible feces-arm" , i decided i must tell you how you totally cracked me up.


I havent tried this yet,but its on its way to me.

im looking forward to it :)

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