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New Releases for NOVEMBER 2009

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I'm so curious about Lace...

Let me say this: after a few hours huffing Garland & Lace, I had to go Have A Moment with my favorite toy and The Trevor Wall. *ahem* A rather looooong moment. Now it could just be my hormones, as they are on the upspring now in my cycle but...I'm still feeling very much Wheeee! even after the culmination of the visualization of various favorite fantasies. *ahem* It's a good thing the kiddo is at his dad's right now.


On the other hand, if Steph is also feeling the Giddy Horny, then we know it's a possible self-effect. :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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Garland & Lace smells great from the rollon, but once it hit my skin...plastic-y :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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Let me say this: after a few hours huffing Garland & Lace, I had to go Have A Moment with my favorite toy and The Trevor Wall. *ahem* A rather looooong moment.

ROFL!! If I get it before this massive Christmas party I'm going to, that's definitely the one I'm wearing, because if it can succeed in making the wearer horny, who knows what it might do to a desirable piece of manflesh... :666:

Edited by Invidiana
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Garland & Lace smells great from the rollon, but once it hit my skin...plastic-y :666:


Oh that sucks! BUT a trick I have found is that if you use the preloaded perfume spray bottle they have here and add it in, you can spritz it on around your neckline and even hair and it stays pretty plus diffusion factor, minimal or no body chemisty issue and still get the self-effects.


I'm using spray form as a back up for Garland & Lace and Cougar just in case my chemistry doesn't go with them. Mara's delicious Rocket Fuel was getting devoured by my skin in record time (1-2 hours if that!) and I resolved it by going spray. I get the lovely pheros and aroma on my sweater and then once I put it on a hanger on the door then grabbed it the next day just for some quick errands and it STILL smelled yummy.


ETA: I can't wait for the self-effects of LACE. If they are anywhere near what Cougar does to me (which I'm hoping for) I will be one happy lady!!!

Edited by starlitegirl
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Let me say this: after a few hours huffing Garland & Lace, I had to go Have A Moment with my favorite toy and The Trevor Wall. *ahem* A rather looooong moment. Now it could just be my hormones, as they are on the upspring now in my cycle but...I'm still feeling very much Wheeee! even after the culmination of the visualization of various favorite fantasies. *ahem* It's a good thing the kiddo is at his dad's right now.


On the other hand, if Steph is also feeling the Giddy Horny, then we know it's a possible self-effect. :666:


I think Lace was Mara's new happy potion too, wasn't it? I know I read something like that and I raced off to buy a bottle.

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Well a-nol is a proven happy potion, for sure. I was just surprised that - combined with the EST - it had such a specifically sexual effect on me.

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Oh that sucks! BUT a trick I have found is that if you use the preloaded perfume spray bottle they have here and add it in, you can spritz it on around your neckline and even hair and it stays pretty plus diffusion factor, minimal or no body chemisty issue and still get the self-effects.


I'm using spray form as a back up for Garland & Lace and Cougar just in case my chemistry doesn't go with them. Mara's delicious Rocket Fuel was getting devoured by my skin in record time (1-2 hours if that!) and I resolved it by going spray. I get the lovely pheros and aroma on my sweater and then once I put it on a hanger on the door then grabbed it the next day just for some quick errands and it STILL smelled yummy.


ETA: I can't wait for the self-effects of LACE. If they are anywhere near what Cougar does to me (which I'm hoping for) I will be one happy lady!!!

Thx SLG ! do you mean the $15 btls ? that almost sounds perfect, 'cept I'm "splitting" a bottle, wonder if the ladies could just half fill it ?

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Thx SLG ! do you mean the $15 btls ? that almost sounds perfect, 'cept I'm "splitting" a bottle, wonder if the ladies could just half fill it ?



Yep. You could just half fill it. I think they send a pipette with it. So you would take out half. I think it's preloaded with 20ml alcohol. So you would take out half - 10 ml (and maybe store it in a mini bottle if you ever want to make a spray again) and add in the half bottle you have to the spray bottle.


ETA - Mara could probably fill it half or you could take it out on your own since they do send the pipette - I just checked the beta page. I wasn't sure if I remembered that right.

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Dirty, Sweet, and Figgy. I tried a sniffy, LOVE IT...and it is out. Dagnabbit. Who knew I'd like fig?

Money Fairy, where art thou? I wonder if I'll like Garland...

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Well a-nol is a proven happy potion, for sure. I was just surprised that - combined with the EST - it had such a specifically sexual effect on me.

See - I don't know if insomnia is making me miss this or if it's the ever lovin' iPhone browser - but I checkednthe phero reviews to see if there is a Lace (or even a Garland and Lace) thread- an I NO seez it.


Sos iz cums to this thread and I seez thiiiis note frum Luna an Iz certain Iz missin sumthin.


I can only do lolcats on the iPhone so long as it autocorrects my words and I get aggravated. (look you blasted thing - I said sais on purporse. get with the program!!!!).


So I have to ask - is there a Lace thread somewhere I am missing or is there a Lace review buried in some other thread that I overlooked? Because I don't know what the heck self effect in specific she is discussing? Shrugs.

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See - I don't know if insomnia is making me miss this or if it's the ever lovin' iPhone browser - but I checkednthe phero reviews to see if there is a Lace (or even a Garland and Lace) thread- an I NO seez it.


Sos iz cums to this thread and I seez thiiiis note frum Luna an Iz certain Iz missin sumthin.


I can only do lolcats on the iPhone so long as it autocorrects my words and I get aggravated. (look you blasted thing - I said sais on purporse. get with the program!!!!).


So I have to ask - is there a Lace thread somewhere I am missing or is there a Lace review buried in some other thread that I overlooked? Because I don't know what the heck self effect in specific she is discussing? Shrugs.


Not yet. Just got it. Iz not missing anything.

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New favorite phero blend. I think I have found the combo that is perfect for me. I was mixing up your special orders with this blend today and everyone in the studio was "high" within minutes. Oooof! This stuff packs a wallop! :D I could not stop laughing for over an hour...John John said, "I think she's gone to her Happy Place." It just feels GOOD and LOVING and FUN! I am totally bringing a gallon of this on my vacation with the KSBF....he's gonna like this one. (He thinks it's "cute" when I'm "girly".) Bwaha! Heeee!



Here ya go! Post #77 in this thread --- ;)

Edited by livinginparadise
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Here ya go! Post #77 in this thread --- :D



Hi Living!


I know that one. :-) That's the specific reason I ordered it in 2X - so that it could be a life of the party blend.


What Iz confuzed bout iz Luna sais:


Well a-nol is a proven happy potion, for sure. I was just surprised that - combined with the EST - it had such a specifically sexual effect on me.


And Iz confuzed bout thais as I canz NOT find where Luna has sayed nuthin bout this beefore. Shakz me noggin'


Seriously - LOLCats cracks me up but it takes me time to do it with the stupid spell checker on.

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Let me say this: after a few hours huffing Garland & Lace, I had to go Have A Moment with my favorite toy and The Trevor Wall. *ahem* A rather looooong moment. Now it could just be my hormones, as they are on the upspring now in my cycle but...I'm still feeling very much Wheeee! even after the culmination of the visualization of various favorite fantasies. *ahem* It's a good thing the kiddo is at his dad's right now.


On the other hand, if Steph is also feeling the Giddy Horny, then we know it's a possible self-effect. ;)



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And FYI - I pulled out the iPhone and compared to the real computer - and it stacked this reply from you in a different darn order so NO Flippin Wonder I didn't see it.


The iPhone is good for quick hits - but when you surf upstairs in bed for a couple hours - meh - not so much.

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LOL, I feel ya babe. Even though I do have toys and an entire bedroom which can be used as a visual aid...the Woobie got an earful last night regarding my extreme horniness. And it wasn't entirely happy happy joy joy. But he said, "That's what you get for your Mad Scientist predilections, darling." :D

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I have discussed I have the patience of a gnat.


Here I am - checking - checking - any word from Steph on Lace?






Back to cooking dinner. Much rather be reading some lecherous story of Steph's.

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Well we can only hope she's off having a naughty time, heh heh heh. If only because everyone should have a naughty time now and again.


Which reminds me: we'll have to make sure to ask Mara if Garland & Lace had the intended effect on the KSBF. ^_^

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Well we can only hope she's off having a naughty time, heh heh heh. If only because everyone should have a naughty time now and again.


Which reminds me: we'll have to make sure to ask Mara if Garland & Lace had the intended effect on the KSBF. ^_^

Yeah - ok - fine - as long as I get a turn being naughty. Just sayin'. :lol:


but by all means - we need to ask Mara about how the ksbf liked Lace. ;-)

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GAH!!!!!! Need my package yesterday. So excited about Cougar and Garland & Lace. I can't wait. I feel like a kid at Christmas.


Ditto, need my package two days before yesterday. Now I'm so glad I got Garland & Lace in bubble bath; the thought of wearing and literally bathing in the stuff is making me all the more excited about finding it at my doorstep :cry:

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Wow ladies, I was suprized. November samplers are awsome. Cougar Potion, Garland and Lace, Blood on Snow, Vamp Cafe, and Mistress Xmas are my favorites. Right now Mistress Xmas and Vamp Cafe are on my big bottle size list but we'll see iam still testing them out. :D

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Wow ladies, I was suprized. November samplers are awsome. Cougar Potion, Garland and Lace, Blood on Snow, Vamp Cafe, and Mistress Xmas are my favorites.


Better hurry if you want the Cougar--only 2 bottles left as of this morning! Don't worry, I'm no threat, I'm eyeing other things :o

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I got Garland and Lace in oil AND spray-to layer..unscented Lace, Cougar, and Leather.


Nobodys talkin about leather-whats up with that? Granted I've only read the past few pages, but it doesn't seem to be very popular?

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Wow ladies, I was suprized. November samplers are awsome. Cougar Potion, Garland and Lace, Blood on Snow, Vamp Cafe, and Mistress Xmas are my favorites. Right now Mistress Xmas and Vamp Cafe are on my big bottle size list but we'll see iam still testing them out. :o


hurry up and review! lol

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ALL this months releases smell so good!!!!


Right now I am testing garland & lace....nommmmmmalicious!!!!


on first sniff my favs are...

eanie,meany,miney, blood on snow, bodice ripper, garland & lace and COUGAR POTION (so glad I ordered a beta spray before it was ggg), passion & desire smells so good in the vial, although my tummy loves cinnamon & brown sugar, my skin does not. I'll give it a trail run later...


Another Great month...Thanks M & D

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Which reminds me: we'll have to make sure to ask Mara if Garland & Lace had the intended effect on the KSBF. :666:


It DID! :666:


Unintended effect of the Lace on ME however....

I have a nigh superhuman sense of direction...normally. Seriously, everyone depends on my sense of direction. I can "sense" North. It's a weird, creepy little talent. Anyway, Lace had me completely turned around backwards. And I mean COMPLETELY! When we went sightseeing/shopping one day, EVERY SINGLE TIME I walked out of a shop, I walked the wrong way. EVERY SINGLE TIME the boy asked, "which way, baby?" when we were driving, I got it reversed. Unbelievable. He was laughing at least, he said, "this is amazing...I wonder if this is a repeatable phenomenon". I refused to be navigator the rest of the trip - which way? don't ask me, I have no idea.


Good combo, btw: OCCO Pink and Cougar perfume.

I put it on in a closed bathroom one day, daringly. And then he went in a few minutes later, and I was like, "ummmm, might be phero stinky in there for a few minutes...what's it smell like?" and he leans his head out and says "smells like girl" in this really cute sing-songy voice that just cracked me up. (Oof, that OCCO is strong. It took almost 20 minutes to settle on my skin. I was getting a bit nervous there for a while.)


I brought an entire RACK of perfumes with me, and let him paint me every day with his choices. heh. That was fun. (I like being smudged.) Everything was marked phero-wise, so no secrets, but he doesn't know what they're 'supposed' to do unless I tell him anyway. It was interesting to me that he divided them up into 'day time' and 'night time' scents, and wanted to do the little perfuming ritual twice a day.


I also brought bath oils and burner oils and several scents for him. We loved Lorien's Forest Floor on him, and Mapacho too. Favorite tub scents were Odin Claus, and Soul Food which also was the fave to burn as well. And then there was the marshamallow flavored massage oil..... heeee....

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EST junkies, what'd I tell ya! :666:


Heh, Lace made me loopy too, but in a different way so far. With Q there's no telling how it will manifest!



And daubing is so much fun, I recommend it to everyone!

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Welcome back Mara!!! Marshmallow massage oil...that sounds sooo good...too bad there's no boyfriend included. :666:

Speaking of Lace, Garland and Lace was one of the ones I recently ordered, and since this month is going to be full of parties where there's always an opportunity to meet someone, I'm going to give it a go. I figured hey, whether or not I bait a guy I'll still smell awesome!

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Welcome back Mara!

Gotta love the KSBF who annoints. :lol:





Welcome back Mara!!! Marshmallow massage oil...that sounds sooo good...too bad there's no boyfriend included. :666:



Sounds like a great time Mara!!!!

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ATTA GIRL, Sounds like you had a BLAST !! 03.gif


Glad to have you back Mara !

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