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Mark's Tonka Tobacum

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Just want to quantify this review. If I like something, I tend to be enthusiastic about it so please keep that in mind as you read below.


Oh my... ;) I really like the smell of this. It is very strong in vanilla with tobacco and tonka and I can smell a bit of the woods and amber, also. More than what I ever asked for.

I spent several hours with a female friend of mine (basically my best friend) with a lot of people coming and going around us. I'd let her smell this on me and I actually got to hear, 'This smells so good, I just want to nom nom nom- eat you up!' :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co Woah, now if that isn't a glowing review, I don't know what is. Those were the actual words she used. She liked it enough to put some on her wrist pulse points and it really did smell very nice on her. Honestly, I found it distracting to be catching the occasional whiff of it on her.


I got several reviews from people (mostly women) but what struck me was how split down gender lines the like/dislike was. Women really dug the smell and every single one would have loved their man smelling like a vanilla cigar (my way of putting it). Guys on the other hand were split between mild dislike to absolute hatred of the scent. One asked me why I would want to smell like candy. Actually, it was more like, 'Why would you want to smell like candy?!!!' Apparently my idea of a warm and masculine scent doesn't jive with their idea. Oh well, I like it and every woman who smelled it also liked it.


I also found out that the women I have worn Excalibur around (love the smell of that one too) have been talking about it behind my back. They all called it very sexy but in a totally different way from my Tonka Tobacum. The Tonka Tobacum was a nice warm scent and they felt like it fit my cuddly personality but the Excalibur just smelled very overtly sexy to them. Next time I get some money, I am getting at least one more bottle of Tonka Tobacum and a bottle of Excalibur (probably boosted with Wanted Man).


Thank you very much Mara and Danna for such a wonderful scent!

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Thanks for this! I'm fairly assured of nabbing a bottle, hopefully, but I always love to read how a scent meets the expectation of the conceptualist. This is a great example of the masculine notes I love so I hope I get a sniffee in my next package so I can swoon too.

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Great review!


The reactions you had remind me of what my man said about "super for men"......women go gaga over the scent, but neither my man nor any of his male friends care for it.....they all think it smells like pancakes....go figure! He does wear it solely for me though.....because he knows what happens when he does! LOL

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Oh YUM.....smoky vanilla sounds like a dream and I know my skin would amp the vanilla more than the tobacco, so I don't think it would go all masculine on me, but since you can't order samples of this one I'm still going to wait for another brave woman (Luna...I'm lookin your way) to try it!

Edited by Invidiana
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So glad you love your PE, Snoops! It sounds so cozy and warm....

Hoping there may be sniffies floating around, since DH doesn't like to get bottles without trying a bit first.


Interesting about the men not liking the scent. I think many men lack a developed nose, since the commercial fragrance industry is rather unfair to men. Men's products have such a narrow breadth of notes - anything outside of that is totally unfamiliar and they aren't prepared for it. DH ran into that with his PE too - men don't know what to make of it.


Tonka, tobaccy & vanilla? What woman wouldn't want to bury her nose in that warm soft skin at the base of your neck and breathe that in? That is the point...

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'Why would you want to smell like candy?!!!'


Bwahaha, & why would you care if other men liked the smell? Yeesh, everyone knows women love the smell of cigars.

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Interesting about the men not liking the scent. I think many men lack a developed nose, since the commercial fragrance industry is rather unfair to men. Men's products have such a narrow breadth of notes - anything outside of that is totally unfamiliar and they aren't prepared for it. DH ran into that with his PE too - men don't know what to make of it.

Exactly. The male sense of smell - but more specifically the appreciation of fragrance - is generally not as developed as it is for women. And commercial fragrances are developed by committee for the greatest common denominator so therefore stick to a palette which can only be done so many times before becoming ultimately trite and unexciting.


Tonka, tobaccy & vanilla? What woman wouldn't want to bury her nose in that warm soft skin at the base of your neck and breathe that in? That is the point...

And that's the best way to smell a fragrance on anyone, but especially a man. *dreamy sigh*

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Bwahaha, & why would you care if other men liked the smell? Yeesh, everyone knows women love the smell of cigars.


Hehehehe, I really couldn't care less what other guys think of it but I was just being thorough in my sampling of people.


I really think that too many men in our society are trained into the mindset that being interested in scents (especially non 'traditional') ones isn't 'masculine'. All I know is that I really like the scent of this one and woman definitely seem to respond to it.

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This has pretty much become my daily scent since I've gotten this. Oh sure, I've cheated by wearing something else but I have gotten so many consistent compliments from this (not to mention the fact that I love the scent) that I just can't stop wearing it. I love how the vanilla stays with this one throughout but after a few hours the tobacco and tonka really step forward.


Today I was talking with the receptionist in my office building. I turn to leave and as I am walking away I hear her tell the woman next to her, 'Oh he smells so good.' The other woman replied, 'Uh, huh!'


WOOHOO! :666:

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Gaaaah, you're killing me! :666: This is definitely a part of my next order.



Hehehe, If I hadn't just bought something entirely inappropriate (Evil in Carnation) I'd already be saving up to by another one or six of this one. I can't believe how much I like it. :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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Evil n Carnation is AWESOME on Men.



Alriiiiiight! That's good to know. I can't wait for it to get here so I can try it out! ;)

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Bwahaha, & why would you care if other men liked the smell?


LOL. Well if you come from a manly man work world then it can get pretty brutal if you smell like ummm something pretty. My work environment was such that I wore NO colognes to work and only lightly scented phero products.


But then again, I was in the office one time talking to a friend when the boss's wife just happened to be there. This friend started to rib me about the color of a windbreaker I was wearing saying it looked a little effeminite. I just looked him in the eye and said something to the extent of it was my wife's favorite color and I was not planning on ... uh ... spending the night with him. The boss's wife heard that, broke out laughing, and he just shut up while turning a little red.


It did not hurt that I was a good six inches taller and a little more muscular in the upper body then he was.

Edited by quietguy
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LOL. Well if you come from a manly man work world then it can get pretty brutal if you smell like ummm something pretty. My work environment was such that I wore NO colognes to work and only lightly scented phero products.


But then again, I was in the office one time talking to a friend when the boss's wife just happened to be there. This friend started to rib me about the color of a windbreaker I was wearing saying it looked a little effeminite. I just looked him in the eye and said something to the extent of it was my wife's favorite color and I was not planning on ... uh ... spending the night with him. The boss's wife heard that, broke out laughing, and he just shut up while turning a little red.


It did not hurt that I was a good six inches taller and a little more muscular in the upper body then he was.


I used to work in an industrial environment and the guys I worked with always reminded me of 8th grade boys stuck in adult bodies. The mentality was unbelievable. Thankfully, I've moved on from there so now I can wear/smell however I choose. :)

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I used to work in an industrial environment and the guys I worked with always reminded me of 8th grade boys stuck in adult bodies. The mentality was unbelievable. Thankfully, I've moved on from there so now I can wear/smell however I choose.


I never worked in an environment like that but I can only imagine ... lol.

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Mark, I love this. SO. MUCH. Thank you for dreaming it up. *purr*


Everything melds so well although I'd say the tonka bean and the bourbon vanilla are primarily sitting on top for me. Quince might say this is too sweet for him to wear (and of course I won't let him squirm out of an actual test swipe) but that's okay because I will happily wear this when I need boysmell. *swoons*

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Mark, I love this. SO. MUCH. Thank you for dreaming it up. *purr*


Everything melds so well although I'd say the tonka bean and the bourbon vanilla are primarily sitting on top for me. Quince might say this is too sweet for him to wear (and of course I won't let him squirm out of an actual test swipe) but that's okay because I will happily wear this when I need boysmell. *swoons*


Glad you like it as much as I do! I still find it amazing how different the reactions I get between men and women are when wearing this. I love it and a certain woman I am getting to know better also loves it so that is the important thing to me.


Mara and Danna are geniuses at getting my rough idea and turning it into something so much more than I could have hoped for. :censored:

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  • 3 weeks later...

DH tried this one right as it arrived and liked it right away. Vanilla - he's easy like that.


After letting it rest a few days, he wore it again today "because you(pony) liked how it smelled." Yeah right. Well, yes, dear, I do as a matter of fact.


This is warm and rich and sweet, but still masculine. He picked me up midmorning to drive me back to my office, and his whole car had the rich smell of Tonka Tobacum in it. It had transformed into something more masculine by then.


I can see why everyone is gaga over this. It's the warm sexy skin smell women dig. DH likes it too, and he is a little more 'fumey evolved than some (not so far evolved that he actually likes SUPER, though, just to clarify - he has to draw the dude-line somewhere).

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As I had predicted, the first thing Quince said when he got a whiff was "Gah, too sweet!" However, I did the requisite amount of cajoling and he let me slather the back of his neck. After about an hour it was so very mmmmm and *purr* and I promised all sorts of naughty attention if he would deign to wear this for me once in a while. But I'm keeping it for myself mainly, it's just sooooo goooood.

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DH likes it too, and he is a little more 'fumey evolved than some (not so far evolved that he actually likes SUPER, though, just to clarify - he has to draw the dude-line somewhere).


LOL. Gotta keep those man-boundaries intact ... it's OK ... he gets a pass on that one ... lol.


In all seriousness though I have not tried Super - I'll have to put that one on the next sampler order form.

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Super - the fragrance - isn't available any longer.


Wat up wit dat???


C - u can kinda sorta maybe teach an old dog text language ... well, at least the kids are trying ... lol.

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Like most of the fragrances offered, there's only a limited amount made. UN, which is a variant of Super, is still available, so you can sort of duplicate Super by getting UN with a SS4M add-in.

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Like most of the fragrances offered, there's only a limited amount made. UN, which is a variant of Super, is still available, so you can sort of duplicate Super by getting UN with a SS4M add-in.


No more SS4M. Checked the other day. Not sure if Animism would be a good substitute?

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Like most of the fragrances offered, there's only a limited amount made. UN, which is a variant of Super, is still available, so you can sort of duplicate Super by getting UN with a SS4M add-in.


Now that I think about it, I believe you ladies mentioned this before in another thread. I guess it is kind of a bummer that some of the perfumes that are so popular eventually run out ...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

This sounds amazing - I want all the Private Editions, but I can only afford one and this is it! I am woman who loves all kinds of scents, but vanilla & tobacco are a can't-miss combo. I also love pipe tobacco scent in blends, and I see there is some in Robert's Attacked in the Stacks and UN, those will have to wait.


edit 4/18/10 - I got my bottle and whille I love the other notes, all I got was long-lasting amber & honey with barely a whiff of anything else. So either my skin amps LP's honey or there's too much of it in here. *sigh* Too sweet.


It should be easily wearable by both men and women, though.

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This sounds amazing - I want all the Private Editions, but I can only afford one and this is it! I am woman who loves all kinds of scents, but vanilla & tobacco are a can't-miss combo. I also love pipe tobacco scent in blends, and I see there is some in Robert's Attacked in the Stacks and UN, those will have to wait.


I LOVE this one. :D Mara and Danna did a fantastic job. I have a female friend who wears this even though it is 'technically' a masculine fragrance.

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Masculine-schamasculine...it smells wonderful and I'm wearing it! :oops:


I mean, do you really think I came up with Delicious Wood just for Quince?


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Masculine-schamasculine...it smells wonderful and I'm wearing it! ;)


I mean, do you really think I came up with Delicious Wood just for Quince?



Woohoo! Gotta get me some 'Wood'. :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Lovely-Devious Ladies sent a sniffee and I did a little dance because I've been aching to try more of the 'guy' stuff! Wow, this is a lovely masculine blend. I didn't find it sweet on me, but more of a warm slightly spicey/plant vanilla that is tonka to my nose with a little boozey thing in there and the um...can I say 'clean' scent of tobacco when it isn't being smoked? with a nice drop of amber maybe. (I don't know the notes specifically, but that's what I get.) It mellowed to lean more towards the vanilla side, but it is a darker 'boy' vanilla. This is toooo masculine for me to wear, but I do like it. Sent it off to my friend to try on her DH. *fingers crossed*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh boy! You're gonna love this one! It is super sexy! I was going to buy a bottle for my ex before he became my ex. I hope I get the chance to have a guy that loves LPs again, because that sure was fun! All the LP men's scents are delish, this is one of my faves.

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