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Need Phero Rec ASAP

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I am out of town, having to bring my beloved firstborn to rehab. he has developed an addiction to huffing inhalants. This can be deadly even the first time, and I am scared to death. he is 20 and I just found out he has been doing it since eighth grade!! His dad has caught him doing it several times, but I have never been given the opportunity to intervene. He is living with me since his dad became fed up with him, and has been doing quite well. He was at his dad's yesterday and was found huffing again. I have a family member who is a well known interventionist who has gotten him into a good rehab center in Nashville. We drove here tonight and will go to the center in the AM. I ned a rec for pheros for tomorrow. I need respect, cooperation, affection and I need them to cater to my son. I am going to wear Road Opener and Feral for scent. Please help with Phero rec. I do not have Swimming with Sharks with me but I have most everything else including Diane's Rock Star Red Carpet, Treasured Hearts, Leather, Lace, Dominance and many others. I grabbed a huge bagful as I was frantically packing my suitcase. Any recs plus your good wishes for my baby are appreciated. Much Love to all my girls!

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I think he needs to avoid any transmitter burnout, I wouldnt wear anything.

food for thought.


Wishing you well and he speedy recovery.

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I have to agree with Lor, your son may have adrenal burnout. If you decide to wear pheros, Est or Est heavy blends always get me the preferential treatment in a non-sexual way, people REALLY want to help you and make you feel better, which may help you get what you want in regards to your son. Therapygirl, Im sending you positive thoughts and prayers honey!

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I'm sorry your going through this Therapygirl. I would wear Treasured Hearts and True Confessions. Maybe your son will open up about what's bothering him and making him huff. I have a 24 yr old and I know sometimes he gets stressed with the economy and no jobs and just peer pressure. He always spills the beans about what's bothering him when I'm wearing True Confessions. My thoughts are with you.

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Krazykat's idea seems a nice way to get what you need across.


Leather (pheros are NOT sexual if they are not viewing you that way to begin with)

has EST and a few "listen to me" pheros in there.

Will also encourage communication (hopefully to lessen the "i know better" vibe some institutions have).

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I agree with Lor, leather. But I would apply it in the bathroom when you get inside, your son's neors are prolly a little burnt out & as having a former drug problem myself. I know that when my adrenals were wore out & I would even drink caffeine that would send me into massive panic attacks....

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I agree with Lor, leather. But I would apply it in the bathroom when you get inside, your son's neors are prolly a little burnt out & as having a former drug problem myself. I know that when my adrenals were wore out & I would even drink caffeine that would send me into massive panic attacks....

Great advice,

omg Beccah there was a time when I had panic attacks everyday, sometimes 3 times a day....

thought I was literally going to die.


but you can and do fully recupe.

there is *nothing* that cannot improve.

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but you can and do fully recupe.

there is *nothing* that cannot improve.


Hold that thought close...and I agree about the Leather.


I am sending thoughts of healing support for your son...and to you.

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Ladies, you will not believe the miracle that has happened today. You just will not believe it. We went in and had the assessment and they contacted our insurance. Insurance said they would not pay for inpatient rehab. Said it would be 20,000 dollars up front. Remember I am a student doing an unpaid internship working a very small part time job. I thought I would die. I started tearing up right then.The lady stepped out of her office and came back five minutes later and said this is your lucky day. She said that because of whom my family member is (I have never met this woman, she is a distant cousin, an angel) that the rehab center would pay 80 percent and that we would only have to pay a small amount over several years!!!!!!!!!! Have you ever had someone you do not know drop 18,000.00 in your lap and saved your child's life???? That's what I feel like. I am reeling. I will be forever indebted to this relative, I am due to meet her this week when I go home. I just can't believe it, I am crying as I type. This center is world famous, one of the best in the country. A very famous person spent time there recently, apparently that is common.

I put on Road Opener this morning. I never dreamed......

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I am late to the party, but HUGS to you TG! Glad it is all working out! Over the next few days, if you need something to give you strength, put some Dominance right on your chest so you are getting it wafting up to you!

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  • 2 years later...

I have brought road opener with the intent of taking my relationship with SO to the next level. Really lovely to hear such a moving and inspiring story .

Has anyone used this in a romantic context.

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