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Mark's Girl Nip

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Okay, I haven't actually gotten to try this yet but Luna must be psychic. I had a very similar experience to her story actually happen while wearing Mark's Tonka Tobacum. :( Now I really can't wait for this one!

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*Ail has a wee inward chuckle to herself at the remark that Luna must be psychic*


Oh Mark..I KNOW there's just no WAY you've managed to frequent this board for months now and for it to have SOMEHOW escaped your notice that yes indeed Julie, Mara, myself - and MANY other members (on AND off the forums) are OPENLY practising Witches, Spellcasters, Lightworkers, Magicians etc. - unified in working for and TOWARDS the Greater Good..


So your understatement of the Century has just caused me to throw the ENTIRE contents of the second of my two glass MAX per day wine allowance (hurry up September 30th when I can stop taking the HELL that is Warfarin..) ALL over my poor monitor - AGAIN.. >_>


....not LEAST because I'm pretty sure you ALSO have definite leanings in the metaphysical department yourself..


Ahh.. I needed that laugh and now I'd better head kitchenwards, to refresh my empty and sad glass..


And no..The Lovely Man Of MY Life shall NOT be having your Girl-Nip gifted to him.. That would be a HUGE NO..He's not even getting so much as a SAMPLE..


Cos..HE is NOT for **nipping! :)



Thanks for making me smile - but I HATE (literally) throwing my good wine away..So I shall set Jo Anna onto you if you do that again.. ^_^



**Nipping..is in fact Scottish slang for hooking up with someone..




Ail )O(

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Glad I could help brighten your day! :)


Speaking as someone who works in the metaphysical field himself, It really was meant as more of an ironic statement. I can see just how 'tuned in' some of the people here really are. ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...



My idea - with yours and Carolyn's scents, since they both have the same appellation - was to write something a bit predatory. I must have been particularly open to the aethyrs that night. :)


Can't wait to smell it myself...I was sad I wasn't able to get it in time to dab on the woobie.

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I got a large sample of this in my order, me likey....alot

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I got a large sample of this in my order, me likey....alot



Ooh, can we get a full fledged review?

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Okay...mind you travel shock might be a factor and this is just the first impression...


The sandalwood is very strong at first, although the cocoa absolute is more noticable in the bottle...I was a bit afeared but it doesn't affect me the same way the sandalwood does in Unisexy, whew! Mara remarked to me that it had a somewhat "ashy" feel to it and I get that. The cocoa absolute makes it very dark and a bit smoky. There's a trace of a sweeter edge on the drydown but it's definitely dark resins...and very male to me although male in a way which isn't purely defined by male references, if that makes sense. This is why a woman could wear it, because it's a male aura but not necessarily a wholly male fragrance.


However, depending on one's chemistry the other elements could be more prevalent. I think I tend to amp sandalwood most of the time.


Sadly it will be a while till I can slather this on Quince but it's going to make for some nice rogue fantasies! :666:

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I have been impatiently waiting for this one and today I got it! Oh man...


I had an experience with the receptionist in my building today (actually 2 experiences) that were so over the top that nobody would believe me if I tried to tell the tale. (It was like I'd bathed in Tiger Juice) All due to the scent. She literally told me I smelled like sex (I LOVE when someone actually says something like that!)


This scent is nothing like I expected and so much more than I expected all at the same time. This really isn't going to be a scent for everyone. It is however, a scent that fits me to a 'T'.


The first thing that came out VERY strongly for me was the mahogany. I tend to amp anything even remotely sweet (which is why Mark's Tonka Tobacum comes across smelling almost like maple syrup on me for the first 20 minutes or so) and this is no exception. Mark's Girl Nip is very dark and very resinous and after a half hour or so I smelled like dark, almost burnt brown sugar. The sandalwood always seem to be present but after a while the musk and the chocolate absolute really come out. In case you couldn't tell, I really like this. It fits me.


I was trying to figure out a good way to describe the differences between this scent and Mark's Tonka Tobacum because they both seem related (I can smell the sandalwood in both and it seems to tie them together at least in spirit) and decided the best way I could do it was through the use of allegory.


This is the evil twin to Mark's Tonka Tobacum. Reminds me of the TV shows my mom used to watch when I was a kid. Imagine twin brothers. One brother was always really nice and honest. The other was just pure chaos. Mark's Tonka Tobacum is the nice, sexy in a rolled up flannel shirt and faded jeans scent. The guy who is sexy because he's a gentleman, he knows how to use power tools and his hands are rough (and he knows how to use them as well). He drinks domestic beer from the bottle because it isn't pretentious. Women find him sexy in part because he is sweet, polite and dependable. The guy who knows how to put a woman in a loving embrace and cook her breakfast the next morning.


Mark's Girl Nip is like the mysterious stranger who rides into town on a Harley and plays pool at the local dive bar. He drinks Stranahan's because everybody drinks Jack. Women find him sexy because he's mysterious and potentially dangerous. The guy who knows how to make a woman feel wonderfully ravaged and might leave cab fair the next day.


Get the idea? TOTALLY different but from the same family. I can smell the same woodiness in Girl Nip that I smell in Tonka Tobacum but they are entirely different scents. Both are dead sexy, however.


Mara, once again you are a genius! Thanks for this entirely inappropriate scent!

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May I please have one of each? Twin, I mean. I am swooning at both of them! I'll definitely try the smellies now!



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Heh, it's definitely more of a rogue...and I like to write the bad boys! If anything, I might have written your doppelganger a little too nice. *snicker*


If D&D4H is my ultimate naughty man scent, and Delicious Wood the scent of my actual sexy man, then Girl-Nip is that bad boy I'd eye from across the room and think about a wild romp in the time it takes to blink my eyes and lick my lips. :shocked:

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and Girl's Nips go on the wishlist...





Uh...no dear, it's Girl-Nip. But I imagine the other is always on the wishlist. :D

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Well that's why they call it a Freudian Slip...because sometimes the subconscious says exactly what it means to say. :D

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...is the nice, sexy in a rolled up flannel shirt and faded jeans scent. The guy who is sexy because he's a gentleman, he knows how to use power tools and his hands are rough (and he knows how to use them as well). He drinks domestic beer from the bottle because it isn't pretentious. Women find him sexy in part because he is sweet, polite and dependable. The guy who knows how to put a woman in a loving embrace and cook her breakfast the next morning.


This my kind of guy!

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I find Girl Nip slightly repulsive, whereas Man Nip makes me purr.


Just out of curiosity, did you try it on you or someone else? It smells entirely different out of the bottle.


I went out today with a special lady friend of mine and she has a very developed nose when it comes to perfumes, etc. I was impressed because she picked out the chocolate (easy to pick up) the sandalwood and the amber in this. She was funny because she seemed to really like the scent as soon as she sniffed me when I picked her up. She put some on her wrists and this is where I find it funny how with artisan scents everyone smells slightly different.


We were walking around an outdoor shopping mall and getting a bit warm. She smelled like a Hershey Bar. :) I'm used to hearing women tell me they want to 'nom nom nom' me but I was feeling it today. She smelled awesome! She smelled like milk chocolate as we walked around and it really was very nice. Not sure how appropriate this scent is for a hot summer day but I will be reserving it for those hot summer nights.


Ladies, I do think you could wear this too but I'd suggest giving it a bit of time on the skin before you really judge it.

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I'm also waiting for it to age to see what characteristics evolve...I'm hoping the cocoa absolute and amber will deepen for me over time.

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I'm also waiting for it to age to see what characteristics evolve...I'm hoping the cocoa absolute and amber will deepen for me over time.


I was actually just coming back to mention that this scent seems to have evolved for me already. I noticed that today the cocoa absolute has come out much more and that the scent seems smoother (almost creamier smelling) if that makes sense. I still amp the mahogany right off the bat but after only about 5-10 minutes the chocolate and the amber did start to come out more. I'm going to say it smells much more refined than even a few days ago. It is very nice. :)

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I get a bit more of the cocoa, although the sandalwood is still the strongest note on me. And of course I always shake the heck out of my bottles now to make sure they're well-blended (the cocoa absolute is usually heavier than the other components, for example).

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I get a bit more of the cocoa, although the sandalwood is still the strongest note on me. And of course I always shake the heck out of my bottles now to make sure they're well-blended (the cocoa absolute is usually heavier than the other components, for example).



I hadn't thought about shaking it making a difference. Today I DID shake the bottle pretty well (I normally do) but I don't think I remembered to the first time. Amazing how it can potentially change a scent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been wearing this scent more consistently than any other since I received it and I have been loving it more each time. Definitely not a scent for everyone but this is a fantastic scent for me! I am amazed at how this stuff affects people (women in particular). It is not phero boosted in any way yet even women who tell me that 'it smells okay' (only had one do that) come back to smell it again. Example- yesterday at Panera bread I got a free cookie and lemonade just because I smelled so good to the cashier. She caught a whiff of the Mark's Girl Nip me and that led to her flirting with me/me flirting with her. After chatting for a minute she put her finger to her lips, *sssssshh* 'This one's on me!' :D


I get a lot of compliments on this (Had more than one person just yesterday tell me that I smelled 'wonderful!') Also, I think this smells fantastic on me. In the bottle all I get is the mahogany. On the skin it continually evolves and each time it smells fantastically different (and is very long lasting). I find it fascinating because this scent smells more strongly after 3+ hours on than it does when I first apply it.


I have discovered (thanks Luna) that shaking the bottle makes a HUGE difference for this. I highly recommend it.


Has anyone else (male or female) tried wearing this? It smells entirely different on the skin from in the bottle. I had a friend who wasn't too sure of the scent in the bottle. Then I let her smell it on me (I'd had it on a good two hours at that point) she then rolled on about 10" onto each arm and she smelled amazing. I mean follow her around like a lost puppy amazing. Especially after about 15 minutes when it dried down.

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An acquaintance of mine evidently met you yesterday! I am dying, of course, to ask her "How did he smell? Did you swoon over his scent-trail?" But that might seem a touch odd, dirty little vicarious scent stalker that I am.


**sigh** I shall just have to try Girl Nip on the DH.

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An acquaintance of mine evidently met you yesterday! I am dying, of course, to ask her "How did he smell? Did you swoon over his scent-trail?" But that might seem a touch odd, dirty little vicarious scent stalker that I am.


**sigh** I shall just have to try Girl Nip on the DH.



Oh wow! Well, I certainly hope I made a good impression :D (and smelled good!)

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Example- yesterday at Panera bread I got a free cookie and lemonade just because I smelled so good to the cashier. She caught a whiff of the Mark's Girl Nip me and that led to her flirting with me/me flirting with her. After chatting for a minute she put her finger to her lips, *sssssshh* 'This one's on me!' :D



Something I wrote in a description finally came true! :)


I've worn it a few times, as I've mentioned, and I enjoy it on me although I'm still tending to think I will enjoy it more on Quince. But I'll have to give a go this weekend to see how it's evolved on me again. Last weekend I was just too freaking excited to get my Epic Trilogy. :)

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Something I wrote in a description finally came true! :)


I've worn it a few times, as I've mentioned, and I enjoy it on me although I'm still tending to think I will enjoy it more on Quince. But I'll have to give a go this weekend to see how it's evolved on me again. Last weekend I was just too freaking excited to get my Epic Trilogy. :D


Glad I could help. :) I get the same reactions when I wear Mark's Tonka Tobacum (since I got that one I've referred to it as human catnip so when I read that the new PE would be called 'Girl Nip' I almost fell of my chair laughing.)


BTW- your Epic Trilogy sounds like it would smell FANTASTIC!

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I tried this out last night...Hubby said, is that a new scent? I like it...I told him it was really for guys, he said, well I don't roll that way, but it still smells really good on ya!! I agree with him (for once lol)

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This scent I wore myself for about an hour to test it the other day. It is amazing how much it can morph in that that short time! It is very complex and interesting. The different notes all play with each other beautifully!

On Snoop yesterday it smelled delicious!

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The sandalwood is still the strongest note for me but now I get more of a sense of the other notes as far as their own characteristics, the sweetness against the wood, a dark smoky quality, very dense and rich and masculine but not necessarily male.


Of course I've said some of this before. :)


It's interesting because even though the only things Girl Nip and Burnished Cacao have in common are the cocoa absolute and the amber, I feel the latter is like the "light" and former the "dark" side of the same mood. I know I want Quince to try both of them but he's going to immediately protest that BC is too sweet and pretty and Girl Nip is more like what a man should smell like.

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  • 1 month later...

Hmm, snoopy, how sweet smelling is this? I'm not a fan of foody/sweet, but it sounds like a very interesting mix. Mark's tonka one seemed very interesting from the description and ingredients in it, but if that is even sweeter smelling I'm not sure I would get it. I guess I can deal with a sweet smell, but not too sugary if that makes sense. I THINK I know what sandalwood smells like and if it is what I think it is, I tend to like that smell. Is it a subtle sweet smell? Is the other mix by mark subtle? Or are both noticeable? Or noticeable once you think about it... or once you're told what is in it (like the chocolate). Is it very foody smelling? I find the smell of vanilla nice, but it depends. I went to a hotel in Vegas and they had an area that smelled of vanilla, but not just vanilla. It wasn't heavy but I liked it. Too much and it becomes nauseating for me. Could you enlighten me?

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Hmm, snoopy, how sweet smelling is this? I'm not a fan of foody/sweet, but it sounds like a very interesting mix. Mark's tonka one seemed very interesting from the description and ingredients in it, but if that is even sweeter smelling I'm not sure I would get it. I guess I can deal with a sweet smell, but not too sugary if that makes sense. I THINK I know what sandalwood smells like and if it is what I think it is, I tend to like that smell. Is it a subtle sweet smell? Is the other mix by mark subtle? Or are both noticeable? Or noticeable once you think about it... or once you're told what is in it (like the chocolate). Is it very foody smelling? I find the smell of vanilla nice, but it depends. I went to a hotel in Vegas and they had an area that smelled of vanilla, but not just vanilla. It wasn't heavy but I liked it. Too much and it becomes nauseating for me. Could you enlighten me?



To me, the sweetness of this really isn't a foody type of sweet. It definitely morphs on the skin and the sweet seems to back off after wearing a little while. I really amp the sandalwood and the cocoa but I've smelled it on someone else and she really amped the sandalwood and the musks so everyone is different. I don't think it gets super sweet but I'm sure that others can comment on their experiences with this. All I can say is that I get many compliments every time I wear this. (Women seem to really dig it). A very well crafted scent. If you aren't sure, they do have trial vials of this one. :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a funny experience while wearing Girl Nip today. I was working at an event and a friend of mine (another reader) came over to thank me for something. She got within scent range, stopped, and gave this big sniff. Next thing I know she's got her nose in my neck for a good 5 seconds or so while giving me a hug. (Doesn't sound like a lot of time until you count it out).


Apparently she asked another friend later on what I was wearing because it smelled so good but she was too shy to ask me. My other friend asked if it smelled butterscotchy or chocolatey and then told her it was my 'Girl Nip.' She said they both agreed that the name was appropriate. :lol:

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That's hilarious. 5 seconds is a good long sniff.



It sure felt like a good long sniff! I was feeling rather awkward. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

K Mark I need to make a less sexy version of this for my 11 yr.old. I'll give him a hug & then sniff deeply when I catch a whiff & he's all MOM, STOP IT! Seriously, he's almost 12 & I fear he's getting sniffed by little girls already BWAHAHA!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Quince really liked this...I was worried because I thought he might sense the cocoa absolute more than anything (he seems to smell sweet notes easier than most in his limited olfactory range, as it were) but he liked the sandalwood and amber, and agreed with me that it was suitably "dark." He actually said, "I daresay if I could be considered sexy, it would be because of this scent," which is something he's never said about any of the ones I love on him that make me go wild. So it gave him a little added swagger. :)

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Quince really liked this...I was worried because I thought he might sense the cocoa absolute more than anything (he seems to smell sweet notes easier than most in his limited olfactory range, as it were) but he liked the sandalwood and amber, and agreed with me that it was suitably "dark." He actually said, "I daresay if I could be considered sexy, it would be because of this scent," which is something he's never said about any of the ones I love on him that make me go wild. So it gave him a little added swagger. :)



LOL! Love it!!!!

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LOL! Love it!!!!


Ditto! I'll have to wear this one tomorrow.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had used this scent in a spray version of one of Diane's phero blends and it smells equally amazing in a spray as it does in the oil variant. Amazing how just the scent alone can attract all sorts of positive attention. :wub:

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  • 6 months later...

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