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Perfect Match?

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Wow really? I'm looking forward to that someday.


Wow really? I'm looking forward to that someday.


Yep. It often affects BF that way, too. Not always, but a surprising amount of the time, considering there are no cops in it! :lol:

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Yep. It often affects BF that way, too. Not always, but a surprising amount of the time, considering there are no cops in it! :lol:

What dosage do you use?
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I use unscented in oil - about 2 inches on my chest, 2-3 on my stomach, and usually about an inch on each forearm, just below my elbow, and sometimes about an inch on the back of my neck, close to my hairline. I tend to apply my scent in circles around the phero & then smoosh all over the place, trying to make sure that I get some phero/scent where his nose will end up if he hugs me. He's turned into quite the huggy guy since I joined LP. :lol: He never used to be. These days he's hugging me every time I turn around! :D

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Hmm... So I discovered today that Perfect Match is not one of those pheros that make people want to leave me big tips. :(

However, it did make all of my customers and co-workers *very* chipper, which was nice. One of my regular customers, (an Austrian psychiatrist who always feels the need to tell me how good or bad I look every time he comes in), was suddenly all about me today. :huh: He was joking with me, and laughing at everything I said like I was some kick-ass stand-up comedian. And then when he was on his way out, he actually patted me on the back :o and said, "Have a great afternoon, Eggers. We'll see you soon, Sweetie"! So yeah... It's good for that. Not so great for the tips.


Wondering if some Est would up the tips? I see this was posted a year ago ... Curious, have you tried that to see how it impacts things?

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Wondering if some Est would up the tips? I see this was posted a year ago ... Curious, have you tried that to see how it impacts things?

Hmm... I don't recall ever having used straight EST at work. Honestly, my boss is a bit of a crank, and I'm always a bit worried that I use too much EST around him, he'll perceive me as weak, and then pick on me. He's that kind of guy - he likes to pick on people he thinks won't fight back. (I *do* tend to stand up for myself, so it could be an ugly scene). I'd be wary of using it straight on some of my customers, too, for the same reason. I intensely dislike dealing with customers who feel they can be argumentative or pushy with me, and I think too much EST could easily tip some people in that direction.


Having said that, I have used blends with EST in them at work - Super Sexy for Women (GREAT tips with this one), Cougar Potion, Heart & Soul (works well on my regulars in terms of tipping), and I've used Lace a couple of times, too. Lace worked well enough for tips, but it made me so giddy that I could hardly keep track of what I was meant to be doing! :lol: Feminine *blends* containing EST are great.


The blends I like best for increasing my tips are Open Windows (I make insane money when I wear this), Super Sexy (almost on par with OW), and when I know I'll be dealing mostly with my regular customers, Heart & Soul.

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  • 1 month later...

I just tried Perfect Match (unscented, 90/10 spray) for the first time yesterday. I didn't get much of a response at work or if I did it was very subtle. I might have worn too much-5 sprays. I'm new to pheros and tend to slather looking for a noticeable reaction (and yes I've read enough to know more is not better with pheromones).


But after work I touched up with 1 more spray and met my brother for dinner. I love him to bits but we are VERY different people. He is very conservative and orthodox and well lets just say I'm not. So sometimes we can get into some really heated discussions. Not this time though. He was complimentary, open minded and conciliatory. He brought up all kinds of warm fuzzy stories from our childhood. And before the evening was over he was even saying he wanted go with me on a camping trip to Bridges National Park so we could get in more quality bonding time! LOL I felt like asking him who he was what did he do with my brother.


We make a point of having dinner together at least once a month so we can stay connected. I'll be wearing Perfect Match at all of those dinners from now on.

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Most people respond well to PM, some phenomenally well - looks like your brother is one of them!


It may be easier to gage if someone you know well is responding to a phero blend, as you know they're behavior better than strangers or some co-workers that you may not spend much time with. You had an advantage of being in close proximity for an extended period of time with your brother as well. Glad things went so positively for you! Great review :)

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NuTrix makes a great point about being able to evaluate some reactions better than others.


I will also add that, for me, I've found that PM works best for me in extended interactions where I'm sitting/talking with the same person (or people) for a longer period. I'm not sure how your work setting is structured, but I find that LFM and SS4W give me quicker hits in my retail job, where I have a lot of briefer interactions with different people. PM works well for my academic job, where I work one on one with people for hour long sessions.


That's just me, though! As you keep experimenting you'll figure out all your go-to pheros.... and this sounds as if where your brother is concerned, you've already done that!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wore PM & Atomic Mandarin to bed last night. And about mid-morning this morning, I was doing something across the room from BF, when he suddenly stopped whatever he was doing and said, "Hey. I love you." :D I love how the pheros work on him in his sleep. So cute. :wub:

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Awwwwwww too sweet Eggers :magicstick: Perfect Match is a great phero! I started to say a great "social." Would that have been accurate? I've paired it with Cougar and I have it in Crayons: Blush. I can see using PM with just about anything. But, I wouldn't put it in the same category as the two I know to be socials, Open Windows and Popularity Potion. Ok, so would PM be a bonding social then?

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG! Perfect Match is just that: PERFECT! So far I have only tried it in The Promise, but I have a bottle of Bonded/Perfect Match on the way that I found on the trade pages, but I can attest to the fact that this phero really works. I just wrote a review of my experience of it in The Promise thread, but also wanted to share on this thread.


Please, please, please, if you have not tried this phero, do so.


This morning I woke up to coffee, a bouquet of Iris, Weigela and Mountain Laurel, that are all in bloom in our backyard, with a bottle of The Promise next to it and my husband sitting there all smiles....I'm like, "What is going on?" Apparently he had gone down to the P.O. to get the mail early morning and there was the pkg from Romance of Yesteryear with The Promise amongst the mail. He said, he wanted to surprise me, so he opened it not knowing I had ordered it for one of our daughter's who is getting married in the spring. He said he already smelled it and that "This one, is Perfect!" I didn't have the heart to tell him that I had ordered it for our Heather, so I put some on figuring I could order more.


Well....perfect it is and perfect it was. I was literally crying because it truly helped create a magical morning for us. I will continue to wear this for my beloved husband who has always somehow managed to keep his promises to me and his family all these years, has helped make our dreams come true, AND if our daughter's fiancé is half the man/father that he is she'll do just fine.

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OMG! Perfect Match is just that: PERFECT! So far I have only tried it in The Promise, but I have a bottle of Bonded/Perfect Match on the way that I found on the trade pages, but I can attest to the fact that this phero really works. I just wrote a review of my experience of it in The Promise thread, but also wanted to share on this thread.


Please, please, please, if you have not tried this phero, do so.


This morning I woke up to coffee, a bouquet of Iris, Weigela and Mountain Laurel, that are all in bloom in our backyard, with a bottle of The Promise next to it and my husband sitting there all smiles....I'm like, "What is going on?" Apparently he had gone down to the P.O. to get the mail early morning and there was the pkg from Romance of Yesteryear with The Promise amongst the mail. He said, he wanted to surprise me, so he opened it not knowing I had ordered it for one of our daughter's who is getting married in the spring. He said he already smelled it and that "This one, is Perfect!" I didn't have the heart to tell him that I had ordered it for our Heather, so I put some on figuring I could order more.


Well....perfect it is and perfect it was. I was literally crying because it truly helped create a magical morning for us. I will continue to wear this for my beloved husband who has always somehow managed to keep his promises to me and his family all these years, has helped make our dreams come true, AND if our daughter's fiancé is half the man/father that he is she'll do just fine.


Great story!! Gushing with you!!

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Thanks, WnG: After 32 yrs. of marriage, it's the precious moments that one cherishes. With or without pheros, lol.


I was lucky tho, and was able to find a couple of more bottles of The Promise at Romance of Yesteryear. Cindy emailed me back last night and she's shipping them out for my daughter and I on Monday.


The Perfect Match phero in this blend was effective thruout the entire day and evening. And of course, I'm wearing it again 2day for Father's Day family festivities. Nice.


I'm really thinking of having some LP's boosted with PM and/or must get a bottle of UNPM.

Edited by Olderbutwiser
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PM is one of the few that I have in both spray and oil....and in multiple fragrances! It's a staple here and I'm always trolling the NRs for it when they are first released. At first it was JUST because hubby responded SO well to it, but it turns out it's great at work too! :heart: It's a really great, no nonsense, break down barriers and be "real" with one another blend. It's "soft" and friendly. LOVE. :)

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I can certainly see why after a couple of days of wearing this why PM is a staple with you Nutrix. It's phenomenally effective how you so wonderfully said in helping break down any barriers and is soft and friendly. I wore it all day yesterday and last night out dancing and again today and it really helps put self/others at ease....My sons and daughters were more thoughtful and slowed down to really interact on a more sensitive level with their Dad and I today as well. I can see how this would be perfect for work. Can't wait to try this out during the week with clients.


It's so hard to put into words sometimes my experiences with the pheros....but for me PM was like this: Years ago my husband and I did a lot of canoing. We've always had boats, but anyone who has been In a canoe knows how quiet and serene it is and how in tune you become with the water, flora and fauna around you. We used to canoe then come back to shore and then take a leisurely swim in the lake and a nap after. Do you know the feeling after a swim with someone you truly love and you are lying on the sand/shore holding hands and you feel washed/swept clean and warm with the sun on your closed eyelids and that feeling of oneness with each other? Like that. The BS of the world recedes and the essence of your bond with each other and the life source/higher power can then step forward. It's like a reset button. LOVE LOVE LOVE this.

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:Emoticons04284: What a beautiful discription! :heart0974: It's true, it's that unity and balanced feeling that it conjures that is the real magick! :heart:

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  • 1 month later...

Unscented Perfect Match was the very first phero that I bought from LPMP. To my nose, it had an extremely strong chemical smell... something akin to ammonia. I only put one spray on one of my arms. A few hours later, that strong ammonia smell was still there when I sniffed it. The next day, the strong ammonia smell was still there until I showered it off! So... I'm not liking the smell of this one At ALL. I find it very offensive. This will definitely require a cover scent for me to wear it. On a positive note, I don't think other people around me can smell it, because I can only smell it if I put my nose directly up to it and sniff. It doesn't smell from afar like perfumes do.


As an experiment, just to make sure that it wasn't my own skin that was weirdly amping the ammonia smell-- I sprayed a clean cloth with some of the Unscented Perfect Match. A few hours later, the cloth still reeked of that darned ammonia smell. So, rather than it being my skin that is amping the ammonia smell, it is perhaps my nose that is sensitive to it. I know other members have said they aren't really bothered by the chemical smell of it, so maybe my nose is just sensitive to it.


I didn't experience any self-effects with this. Perhaps because I was annoyed by the ammonia smell.


But I do believe that I got some hits with this one! Here's what happened:


Strangers and co-workers seemed chattier with me and nicer to me than usual. This applies to both male and female, of all ages and races. People seemed even happier than usual to be in my presence. They wanted to chat me up and stick around me longer. One co-worker even told me I have a "glow" (even though I was dressed the same as I normally am)!

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It is the androstadienone in it that you are smelling. Any blend with it in it will be stinky to you. B2.2 and Balm Bomb have the highest amounts of it. Also Teddy BB has it.

Thank you Halo for letting me know which ingredient my nose is sensitive to! Now it all makes perfect sense. Because there is another member (hearts) who had replied to my other topic (my introduction in the Welcome forum)-- and she said that she has the same problem as me with getting a huge chemical smell from these 3 pheros: PM, B2 and Balm Balm. So now it makes sense when you tell me that these 3 pheros (PM, B2 and Balm Bomb) are the ones that contain the highest amounts of androstadienone, which must be what hearts and I are sensitive to the chemical smell of. I feel like a lightbulb just went on! THANK YOU-- that was very very helpful!

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Those are nice hits though Silkilocks! Just wear an LP cover, or throw a sample LP in your bottle! A little stink is worth "the glow"!!!!!


Yes, I was impressed with the hits! Looking forward to experimenting some more (with a good cover scent to mask that darned ammonia smell)! :)

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I, personally, always wear cover scents with all pheros. Even if I can't smell it (I know I don't really smell anything in PM) I never know if other people do, do I cover everything just to be safe. If anything, a wonderful perfume will draw them in to rake a bigger hit of phero!!!

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I, personally, always wear cover scents with all pheros. Even if I can't smell it (I know I don't really smell anything in PM) I never know if other people do, do I cover everything just to be safe. If anything, a wonderful perfume will draw them in to rake a bigger hit of phero!!!


That a great point, BlueBear! Thanks for the tip.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No, I don't think it's the economy. I make absolutely stellar money when I wear certain blends to work, (I mean noticeably better than I did pre-phero use, *and* noticeably better than my co-workers; for this reason, I'm considering getting OW in a spray this summer, so my co-workers might reap the benefits, too).


To date, the ones that net me the most cash are Open Windows, (LOADS of dough from this one), SS4W, (almost as much as OW, but not quite), Heart & Soul, (though H&S tends to render my customers almost obtrusively gabby), and to a lesser degree, Treasured Hearts.


I'm surprised PM was such a bomb! I had two fellas this afternoon who were all goofy and blushing when I talked to them. They were very happy with me, with their lunch... And they left me less than 10%. WTF??? Business guys! I couldn't believe it. And then the trend continued all the way through lunch service. I squeaked outta there with 10% today. <_<


Hello Eggers! Sorry that turned out to be an expensive experiment for you! I also concur that PM has the effect of making the clients chattier & delighted-to-be-in-your-presence, yet oddly not increasing their tipping generosity. Thanks for letting us know that Open Windows works much better for increasing tips. I will give OW a try!

Edited by Silkilocks
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  • 3 months later...

I don't know why I was so reluctant to try perfect match since it's amazing! I wore it and it definitely affected everyone in a great way, people were far more sweet and caring around me including a lot of just casual acquaintances. As for my 'perfect match' he was far more physically expressive than he's ever been before, this is definitely a must have for me now!

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I find PM to be what I think of a low-risk/high-return phero. As in, if it doesn't work for you it isn't like to go wrong so much as just not give any noticeable results. When it does work the results are great!

Edited by donsie
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I under rated PM for quite some time, but thanks to the suggestion of BB I tried it for work too. I was using it for home and specifically for hubby. Turns out its very office friendly! I get far more miles out of it at work now than at home :lol: It just makes everyone, hmm, comfortable? They're helpful and they aren't intimidated to share thoughts or ideas in a positive and constructive manner. Really great blend!

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The best hits I ever got off PM were from my grandmother.

I never really had anything stand out and no big hits like up thread. But my grandmothers became perky and chatty, commenting on how good I smelled. Lol I was wearing Bonded. it was interesting because I've received the same response each time I had it on. Not exactly why I bought it but interesting. :)

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I love PM! I thought I reviewed it already but I guess not! I get a lot of tenderness from my husband when I wear it. He is more touchy feely (big thing for him, because he's not the touchy feely type) and it's in an affectionate, rather than sexual, way, if you know what I mean. And while I don't wear it for this reason, I have noticed that he seems likelier to go out of his way to do nice things for me. The other day, I was wearing PM just for a quiet day with him at home, and mentioned to him at one point, just in an off-handed "I wish that was better" way, that I was dissatisfied with something about a room, and he proceeded to reorganize the whole room on his own initiative, which I certainly never asked for or expected (though it WAS a huge improvement, I have to say!)


As for self effects, I find myself just noticing the little things about him that first attracted me to him all over again. It's weird (but in a good way!) I do feel "cuddlier" too. It just generally seems to lift my mood, without the accompanying gabfest that Levitation turned out to be :P All in all, if any phero blend could convert me into a daily user, it would be this one. I haven't tried it in other sorts of social situations so I can't comment there, but for just "feeling the love" in an established relationship, it can't be beat. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Wore this blend to work today in Bonded, which is beautiful, elegant and clean.


In the morning I put on the equivalent of three and a half UN sprays. Went to eat breakfast at a café, and later went to work for the day. People were very accommodating, kind, and seemed to really want to hang around near me and talk to me. I felt calm, but sort of emotionally detached from my surroundings (this may or may not be a self-effect). I was perfectly happy to talk to people, or more so have them talk to me, but it was like watching things on a movie screen. I didn't feel directly involved with anything. This is not a bad thing in my opinion, just interesting.


Hours later, at lunch, I re-sprayed with the equivalent of 2 UN sprays, as the weather is hot and gross here. People loved me. I noticed the most intense effects with strangers. Customers I don't know went out of their way to speak to me, and all of them gave me lovely compliments about my appearance. They all looked on me with a sense of familiarity and affection. Even people wandering through the store, not needing any assistance, would come and say something nice to me just because they seemed drawn to.


On the downside, by the end of the day I felt utterly drained of energy and life, as I often do with pheros. It seems strange to me that someone who doesn't usually experience self-effects can be so strongly affected this way.

Edited by vladmyra
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  • 2 months later...

This is by far my favorite phero when used around the people who know me best (boyfriend, family and close friends). It's just warm and friendly interactions every time I wear this, soothing any hesitation and opening the heart unabashedly of anyone who already cares for me.


My boyfriend's behavior when I wear this is the most impressive to me. He's not a really openly demonstrative guy when it comes to affection; while it's obvious he cares for me he always seems somewhat reserved about falling too fully so to speak and PDA's have never been his thing, especially around his closer (and mostly single) friends. This little magic in a bottle amplifies everything with him; secret little hand grazes, sneaking away for a moment to kiss me passionately, and the normal subtle twinkle in his eye towards me is so much more obvious I swear I could suffer minor burns if he looks long enough. I myself get a bit mushy and more intense with my affection but he never seems to mind while I am wearing this because he seems just as enamoured, just naturally more reserved. Honestly, I always think of matching puzzle pieces cemented with glue when we are together and I am wearing this; our bodies fit perfectly, our souls fit perfectly. It's so beautiful and comfortable, like it was always meant to be.


EDIT-I guess this should lead into a question, now that I'm thinking about it. How often is too often when it comes to Perfect Match? I love the effects and think I've found my sweet spot but I don't want to ruin anything. I see him approx. 4 times a week and have been wearing this consecutively around him for about two weeks; how much is too much when it comes to something like this?

Note- I have been using this both in Portmanteau and Crayon: Blush, not straight.

Edited by mcreepers
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I rotate my blends regularly, but I also LIVE with my guy :lol: There are things that I wear around people (family/work) specifically each time I know I will see them, though it isn't as often as that each week. You're still getting a break in between the days you see him and you are wearing it in the phero'd fragrances rather than the full strength Un. For now at least, it sounds like PM is behaving just as intended. My guy has it in his rotation in Mark's Girl Nip and is wearing it 2-3 times a week or so himself now for a couple months. I think you'll be fine too :)

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Excellent to hear! Thank you for answering :)

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This sounds like it might be helpful for an event I have coming up. A cute single guy will be there that I kind of wanted to see if there might be a few sparks between us if we got a chance to hang out more. Do you think this might help get his attention in a positive way? I'm not interested at this point in the whomp over the head copulins are, and I wouldn't do that with all the other people we'll be around anyway. I just want to get him thinking "hey, I might want to pay more attention here". ;)

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As a social around other people, I think it'll be a win/win for everybody :)

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PM is my absolute favourite phero blend. I mentioned in another thread how my SO seems to be quite irritable with Est blends so I always opt for PM around him as there is no Est in it. When I wear PM he is caring and affectionate and I have also noticed he is more likely to discuss our future plans when I wear this phero. I love this phero and it will most definitely be a staple for me.

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Well, if copulins can increase testosterone then I suppose oxytocin can be increased by other pheros.


I got my order of PM. Cross your fingers for me that it helps have a positive effect on my target guy Friday night!

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