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Phero enhanced wax melt

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  • 2 weeks later...

I keep coming back to these. I had ten or twelve of them in my cart, (PM, TH & H&S phero blends, four of each), but the shopping cart went wonky & spit them out again, so I thought, 'Big deal. I'll get 'em next time.' NOW I really wish that I hadn't put it off. After several extremely annoying, (read: made me want to punch my dad through the phone - and I am a gentle person), conversations with my parents, Dad in particular, I'm pretty sure we'll NEED these in our new duplex. Or else, years from now, someone will discover my dad beneath the floorboards. I'm kidding, obviously. But the man drives me effing bonkers.


Anyone have any suggestions as to which phero'd wax melts would be good for calming an over-bearing, loudly over-opinionated, grouchy bear of a man who can't seem to grasp that his 39 year old daughter is, in fact, and adult and doesn't like being told what to do, and perhaps turn him into a door mouse? Or a gecko. I'm easy. Is that a tall order? Do I seem desperate? I AM!!! I can't believe I'll soon be sharing a duplex with this man! WTF was I thinking? Was I insane when I agreed to this? I need some help in dealing with him, for real, so I came here. Naturally.


My original intentions were to use these to enhance my relationship with BF, but I'm starting to think they'd be more suited to phero-bombing my Dad. Regularly. Originally I'd planned to get some Perfect Match, Treasured Hearts and Heart & Soul to use with BF. Would these be the same phero-blends you'd use to calm an obnoxious father? Anyone have any other suggestions as to the phero blend itself? At this point, I'm sorry to say, the scent doesn't matter. I'd burn a bag of sh*t in my house if it made my dad back the hell off.


Also, someone up-thread mentioned boosting simmer oils. Is this still an option? And is it similar to boosting perfumes in that you can mix and match?


ETA ew. I do NOT want to use Perfect Match with my father. Just realized how wrong that sounded. TH & H &S are the ones I'd use with him. I think. (And Swimming with Sharks is starting to sound like a 'Dad' scent for me as far as personal scents go).

Edited by Eggers
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Don't know why the cart does that sometimes. Could be a browser compatibility issue? Are you using some kind of "smart phone" or anything like that? I've heard of glitches with drop down menus and such if one doesn't use a "real" computer with our very old cart system....seriously, they haven't updated it since like 1999.


TH or B2 may be the way to go with Dad. Sweetie....I wish you luck with this one. I had to move 3,000 miles away to get along with my folks....was thinking what an amazing relationship you must have with them to be moving into such close quarters!


Yes, I can phero enhance the Simmer Oils too. I should reprogram the cart so that's an available option, sorry, as for the moment, we'll have to do it via "special order" meaning, I'd have to send you an invoice for it, once you decide what you want. Making you some special Simmer Oils with the strong candle oil would probably be best, and the dose of pheros does not have to be as high because the heat amplifies the power of the pheros like crazy. Could prob put half a dose into the one ounce Simmer Oil bottles, and that would be really strong. Feel free to post here, email or call to discuss further...whatever makes you comfortable.

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Mara, I am using a tablet to make my orders because my normal laptop 'slipped quietly into the night', as they say. I wondered if that might be the reason I had issues. But might it also have been because I tried to cram so many different things into the cart? It seemed to me that there were so only so many spaces, and once I'd filled them, it would drop the last item I added whenever I tried to add a new one. Unfortunately I guess I'll have to just deal with the issues of the tablet for a while, although I'll soon be making a valiant effort to save my laptop - it has ALL my tunes on it!!!


As for the parent/moving in thing... I generally do have a great relationship with both of my parents, but my dad is weird, and requires special handling! Haha! You may be onto something though; I currently live a half an hour away from my folks. Maybe that's why they're tolerable? Thank goodness they'll only be at the duplex for a few months at a time. In addition to the house we will be sharing, they've also bought an apartment in Germany, and they also have a small cottage just south of Sudbury. Once they retire they'll divide their time between the three places, with roughly 6 months spent overseas. Thank God. Otherwise he really might wind up buried under my floorboards!


Thank you for explaining the Simmer Oils phero add-in option. I will mull this over for the next few weeks and get back to you. Thank you so much for the suggestions. TH or B2. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to trying this! I could kiss you right now! You made me a very hopeful girl! Happy!


ETA B2 is actually sounding really good. It's the kind of thing that would sort of 'smooth' things between my Dad and BF, right? They get along, but Dad irritates BF quite a bit, too, so 'smoothing' would be good, good, good...

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My first thought when you said "grouchy" was b2! Silver bullet for *both* of you.

H&s, idk... unsure whether it would make dad more cooperative. More *communicative*, and probably kinder, but sounds like the immediate need is to make him chill.

It did cross my kind that it'd make an interesting experiment to try Leather or Dom sometime - see if it makes him more deferential. Could also disastrously backfire by confusing him and/or making him "fight back" against it and become all the more aggressive - You'd have to be in the mood to be very congruent with it, badass, stern and no-BS.

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Tyvey, thank you for the second on B2. As I read about it I realized it would be a fantastic choice for our entire household. H&S, upon reflection, would probably not be a great choice for use with Dad; he does not need to become any more communicative. He communicates plenty! Lol! I really do need something to make him chill the eff out. He's fine most of the time, and then idk what happens, but he suddenly turns into a prickly, lecturing dick. I mean, the man makes me feel violent toward him - and I'm so not a violent person. I really need to figure something out, and soon, else I'll either kill him in a fit of defensive rage, or scream until my own head explodes.


I've often thought of trying Leather. Dom kind of scares me. And so does my Dad, frankly - only because he has a tendency to be verbally vicious and way too quick-thinking for me. If I thought I could use it with any kind of efficacy, I would. But I don't think I have what it takes to pull it off - not with Dad, anyway. Unfortunately. And the thought of him possibly becoming even more obnoxiously aggressive has me plotting how to dispose of body parts! Lol! With my Dad, the minute I try to be stern, no BS girl, he takes offence and twirls into this spaz, like the Tazmanian Devil! He's old school European background, so I always find the best way to deal with him is to tread lightly and show lots of respect - even when the action makes me want to grab the nearest blunt object, and the words turn to acid on my tongue.


I feel kind of bad for making my dad sound like such a douche. He's not at all. He's an awesome, gentle man who would never hurt anyone for anything. But I'm a very young 39, and an only child to boot, which means he worries a lot about me, and has nowhere else to focus his energy sometimes. And because I'm independent, and more grown up and intelligent than he ever gives me credit for, his 'guidance' often grates on my nerves. That, and his spazziness. I think I'm gonna try the B2. My BF is actually really worried about moving in with my dad, too, so I think B2 would be a great way to keep the peace between them. And to keep my dad in one piece!

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Not a joke: I suggest buying unB2 spray, putting it in a little spray bottle, and surreptitiously spritzing it near his head when he's acting up. (I'd suggest spraying it directly into his face BATMAN BEGINS style but that might be A BIT obvious.

I did this with TH with some people once . Not as hard as it sounds.

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ROFLMAO! Tyvey, that's freaking BRILLIANT!!! And surprisingly do-able! I have a tendency to get up and storm (quietly) around while he's ranting anyway, so if I add one more behaviour (grabbing a spritzing bottle and spritzing furiously around the room) he wouldn't think a thing of it! Dude! I love it! Thank you!!! How many sprays, you think?


I'm starting to feel a lot better about this, now that there are a few different avenues I can walk with him. Screw the cedar posts & drywall; I'm saving up for a boat-load of wax melts, simmer oils and UNscented B2 spray! Something for all situations. When I expect him to come upstairs in a snarky mood I can use simmer oils or melts 'cause I'll be prepared. BUT, if the snark comes on unexpectedly, I'll have a couple of bottles of UN-snark in strategic places around the apartment to secretly spray around his red face! (BTW, I am not opposed to the BATMAN BEGINS method of attack).


Geez, now I want to kiss you, too! MWAH!!! :D

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere and I've missed it but I have a question about the post-use condition of the pheromones in the phero enhanced wax melts. I like to make my own candles and I understand that pheromones, even in wax form, should not come into contact with an open flame, so would the wax from the wax tarts be safe to use for candles after they have been heated and cooled a few times, e.g. after they have lost most or all of their scent? Do the pheromones "burn off" or is it just the scent that gets used up?

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Sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere and I've missed it but I have a question about the post-use condition of the pheromones in the phero enhanced wax melts. I like to make my own candles and I understand that pheromones, even in wax form, should not come into contact with an open flame, so would the wax from the wax tarts be safe to use for candles after they have been heated and cooled a few times, e.g. after they have lost most or all of their scent? Do the pheromones "burn off" or is it just the scent that gets used up?


So I get this right...you like to use the used wax for making new candles? Is that correct? Ok, if so, here's my opinion on the matter...


Each of those wax melts has a "life" of around 3.5 hours of scent and pheros. I use the 4 hour votives from Ikea to warm them, and by the time they burn out, the wax melts are not even worth saving in a potpourri dish - the scent and pheros are exhausted. (I am not in the habit of turning them on and off like some - and that might effect their lifespan - I just burn them straight through.) So in my opinion, as the pheros are even more effusive in heat than even the fragrance is, that after 4 hours of use you should be able to use the wax like new again...even the original scent should be barely there.

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Yep, that's exactly what I meant :) Basically I hate wasting anything, so why not add my own colour or fragrance to the wax and make them into new candles? Most of my candles are recycled wax from other bits and pieces anyway :D Good to know I can do it with the wax tarts once they have lost their efficacy rather than throwing them out!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tried out Spa Mint with Tranquility yesterday. I'm not a big fan of the scent, but then I don't usually like mint. Actually this smells a little menthol-y to me, which I'm also not fond of. It's not abhorrent or anything, just not something I'm too keen on. I can't remember noticing any particular effects, but I didn't feel very stressed out, so I guess the Tranquility was working!


I'm burning Nox + B2 at the moment. It's very rich and creamy and chocolatey to my nose. It makes me feel warm and is perfect for this rather cold evening. I don't know if it's a placebo or not but I'm feeling quite relaxed and soothed. Liking this one so far.

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Also wanted to mention I am loving the quality of these wax tarts. I've only used cheapies before but these pop out of the top of the burner so easily when cool, compared to the cheapies which I really have to put in the freezer to get out. Good stuff.

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After a long time of being run down and overtaxed, I suddenly came down very physically ill today at work. It was all I could do to get myself home. I was feeling very panicked and stressed, and crawled into bed and put a Spa Mint with Tranquility on the burner. Before long I began to feel better, not physically but I got the feeling that "everything will be all right", and just became more accepting about the fact that I was sick and not panicking too much over it.


Could have been that I was now home safe in bed, but I think the Tranquility also played a role.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first proper review on the phero enhanced wax melt tarts :)


First off, I think this is such a cool idea. I’m an avid user of candles and wax tarts, and what an awesome way to scent your “domain”, without wearing the pheromones themselves! It’s a great way to ensure others will be exposed to the phero cloud, you’re in control of how far you want it to diffuse, it creates a nice smell, and you get all the fun of playing with fire! :666:


Price: Pretty damn cheap! Prices start at $2.50 each and decrease if you buy more, so if you get 20 or more at a time they are only $2 each. Because they’re larger though, shipping becomes a bit more expensive, and I estimated it to be about $1 extra for each to ship to me in Australia. So it worked out to be about $3 per melt for me, which is great considering you can reheat each one again and again, and I’m only guessing but I estimate I would get about 20 hours out of each melt. Can’t complain about $3 for 20 hours. Plus the wax can be used afterwards to make candles once the pheros have been heated out of it (I checked with Mara to be sure it was safe).


Presentation: Each melt is in a little plastic tub. The lids fell off a lot of mine before I even got them and wouldn’t stay back on because they had gotten a little cracked, and I could see some of the products were older because the plastic had gone brittle and started to break apart, so it’s clearly a low quality plastic. But given I’m just throwing these away anyway, really, who cares about the package it comes in? As long as it doesn’t affect the product in any way, which it doesn’t. The labels on them were just printed and stuck on, with no special pictures or anything like I’m normally used to from Love Potion, but again, for the product it was, making the packaging too special would have only been a waste.


Smell and diffusion: I read up on these a lot before they arrived and got the impression they had an extremely strong scent. I was expecting to be blown away after burning one for half an hour! But maybe my expectations were too high, because I found the scent is really not overwhelming on them at all. It covers my room nicely, but doesn’t really waft that far into the hallway, and I can burn one continuously for 4 hours in here without feeling overwhelmed.


I’ve tried a few of the melts and so far I have to admit I’m a little disappointed in the fragrance. It’s not that it’s bad, it’s just that I’ve come to expect OMG AMAZING from Love Potion’s fragrances, and these just don’t smell as good. They’re still nice, certainly on par with other wax melts I’ve used, but I can tell that different ingredients have been used to make them than the perfume oils (as of course you would have to, as these are in a different medium). There is a certain quality to each of them that just makes them smell a bit commercial or cheap – maybe it is just the wax itself, or even the pheros? I feel a bit bad saying this because Mara even sent me a heap of free wax melts with my order, so don’t get me wrong, I do like them, I have just been spoilt with other, really amazing fragrances now, and I can tell the difference!


I ordered in two of each of the phero enhanced wax melts, and Mara sent me a few non-pheroed wax melts as well :D so it’ll take me a while to post my reports on all of them, but I’ll be chipping away at it slowly!


Here’s a few to start:


LP Pink + Estratetraenol: I expected to LOVE this one because I love pink smells, but I was a little disappointed because it really smelt so commercial and sickly sweet, like sweet bubble gum. I’ll give it another go because I like the idea of filling an area with estratetraenol – how great for a girl’s night in, or having a guy over when you want to be treated well or pampered? But at the moment it’s not a winner for me.


Nox + B2: This is a darker and richer scent than the Spa Mint, and I kind of liked it at first, but then it really turned on me. I got the blackberry in it, but it was not the good kind – it was kind of cough syrup like, a bit nauseating even. Something about blackberries + warm (from the candle) just didn’t work for me. But again, I do think I found it a bit soothing, it helped me calm down when I came home from work upset once. This one dried really oily when it was cool, like you pick up the wax block and there is oil all over it and on your fingers. I guess this is the perfume oil, and it’s not really a problem but it’s worth mentioning.


Spa Mint + Tranquility: I’m not a fan of mint and this was really no exception. There was nothing bad about the scent, and I can see how other people would like it, but it wasn’t to my taste, too minty and menthol-y. I think I got a bit of a calming effect from it though. The wax in this one dried nice and solid, and popped out of the wax burner with no trouble at all and no oily residue.


Summer Sparkle + Alpha Androstenol: This wasn’t nearly as fruity as I was expecting, and I think that’s a good thing, because I’m starting to think I don’t like fruity scents in wax melts. Somehow fruity has to be cool to me, once it has that “warm”, fire smell to it, it just smells a bit off. But this achieves the balance ok. I didn’t notice any effect from the pheros, which is probably for the best as I would likely just get a bad reaction to alpha androstenol anyway. In my melt this dried down very oily, and there was a significant amount of very orange, almost powdery stuff down the bottom of the melt. In a way I kind of like this as I can “see” that there are proper ingredients in it, not just some commercial fragrance, but some people might consider it not as aesthetically pleasing.


Sweet Pumpkin & Banana Bread + Treasured Hearts: This is my favourite so far. Having these scent notes coming out “warm” does something wonderful to them. Very homey, comfy, and delicious smelling, like something yummy cooking in the oven. I could swear the pheros are having an effect on my flatmate too. Though I’ve only used one melt so far, she has been on the more calm, tolerant side today while around it. On the downside, she seems to want to spend a lot of time in my room, but at least it’s time spent talking or “bonding”, rather than arguing, which I’m ok with.

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  • 6 months later...

Review for: * SUMMER LOVE SENSATION + OPEN WINDOWS (F) ~ The best scents of summer, all rolled into one. Create an aura of instant happiness with this cheerful scent, teamed with a mood elevating, happiness inducing phero blend. Fragrance contains fresh cut Grass, Pikaki and Plumeria flowers, Sandalwood, and a mega fruit salad of Peach, Apricot, Wild Blueberries, Currant and Watermelon.


It smells good in the plastic mini-cup it comes in, and I split it in half. Since I don't have a wax burner, I used a mini-brulee ceramic pot and put it on my boyfriend's stovetop. Initially set to "warm" it wasn't warm enough to heat it at all, so eventually I put it to "2" and then left it at "1."


It seems to diffuse nicely, especially with the fan going in the living room. The smell, while there's nothing wrong with it, is not to my tastes. I gave up using febreeze years ago, and this smells a lot like febreeze to me. So, while I used to love the scent of febreeze, now my brain thinks "oo! chemicals! don't breathe it in!" even though I know that these melts are (as far as I know) natural. I think someone who's looking for an alternative to febreeze around the house would be very happy with this.


As far as pheromone hits, I didn't really notice anything. Boyfriend and I had a nice night in, but I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

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Review for: * CURRANTLY INCENSED + SEXPIONAGE (U) ~ This is a playtime in the bedroom phero blend; Sexpionage is designed to inspire serious lust in both sexes, (but the phero is for women to wear - let's experiment and see what it does in the air). The fragrance is deep and incensey Nag Champa paired with sweet, tart Black Currant.


I had already burned a little of the Open Windows wax melt twice. I did have a hard time trying to remove the wax out of the pot (but then again it was cold and normally I would wait for it to heat up and pour it out) so I figured, what the heck, and put 1/3 of the Sexpionage version on top of the open windows melt. I chose to do 1/3 instead of 1/2 because I wondered if 1/2 was too strong for a 700 something square foot apartment.


Verdict: I liked this. If you are familiar with any Lush Brand Bath Products, this reminds me a lot of one of their bath products (like a bath fizzy.) I would definitely get this again. I did notice that even though it's the first day of shark week for me this month and I'm feeling a tad icky, I did notice that I wanted a little sexins, but unfortunately my boyfriend was too sore from an outing a couple days ago. If there were any bath products with this scent, I would very likely want to try it. I did wonder if I'd wear this as a perfume. I'm honestly not sure. It's a little too fruity-- like it would be a good body wash, or even a body spray, but as a perfume it might just be a "maybe" for me.

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My wife really seems to like Man Cave which actually caught me by surprise. I will have to reorder this one! Still testing the others.

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  • 2 months later...

Guys. These things are super potent. I used some balm bomb cause the red tide was here + emotional outbursts.


Wow. Seriously. I think I need to invest in an actual tart burner because I used an oil burner and I started spacing out. I can say it DID help and it made me want to sleep but the zero thoughts kind of freaked me out!


I think the throw of these scents differ. The one with balm bomb I believe it was called winter something....smelled clean and pine like it filled the room but wasnt as strong as the one with G2. The g2 was fab I believe it was called milk chocolate almond or something? It chocolatey and luscious it made everything I was eating seem sweet. And the scent seeped out of my room and out into the hallway. Amazing throw! It even filled up my kitchen and living room. The ladies were having a great time bonding.

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DD, you NEED these.


I need more. Im anxious for Mara to start putting these up on artfire cause I'm burning through these babies like mad. And they do last through a couple burnings for me.


When you find that money tree send me a seedling because I'm going to be needing one too. :x

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I want some of the Drive-By-Fruiting with Open Windows.....that would be FAB

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DD, you NEED these.


I need more. Im anxious for Mara to start putting these up on artfire cause I'm burning through these babies like mad. And they do last through a couple burnings for me.


When you find that money tree send me a seedling because I'm going to be needing one too. :x


I've got this trip to Mexico comming up at the end of the month that all of my extra funds are going towards right now, but in April I'm going to find some funds to purchase these babies....

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  • 1 year later...

It is still not clear to me how the opposite sex is affected by the female pheros in the wax melts. For example, if I burn wax melts with MLH, Lace, Gotcha!, Mega Watt or Sexpionaje, since these are not worn by me, how will my fiancé be affected?

I had mint chocolate chip with mega watt on yesterday, and I didn't think it affected him, nor was he affected when the wax melt with MLH was in the burner... Which I was hoping would affect him since I was doing chores.

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It is still not clear to me how the opposite sex is affected by the female pheros in the wax melts. For example, if I burn wax melts with MLH, Lace, Gotcha!, Mega Watt or Sexpionaje, since these are not worn by me, how will my fiancé be affected?

I had mint chocolate chip with mega watt on yesterday, and I didn't think it affected him, nor was he affected when the wax melt with MLH was in the burner... Which I was hoping would affect him since I was doing chores.

Well, it's all a big experiment first of all, keep that in mind, we don't know for certain. But the idea is to create an atmosphere, and give off an aura of YOU inhabiting that space. That's why I've made some with male and female pheros, not just socials.


I have a question will I be affected since I am preggers or should I just abstain?

I don't know. I would doubt that anything adverse could happen but I would take the cautious route.

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Well, it's all a big experiment first of all, keep that in mind, we don't know for certain. But the idea is to create an atmosphere, and give off an aura of YOU inhabiting that space. That's why I've made some with male and female pheros, not just socials.


I don't know. I would doubt that anything adverse could happen but I would take the cautious route.


Thank you Mara! Makes sense. xoxox

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