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can you wear phero's daily?

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Read a thread on Phero "o.d." and people were sharing their symtpoms if they overload on pheros (or maybe it was just copulins).


my fave scents happen to be the ones including pheros. Can these be worn daily?

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I'm pretty sure you can wear them everyday, but then again, it probably really has to do with your own body. See how you feel after daily use and then you be the judge. Be aware that your monthly cycle may change things up a bit too.


I've read posts about some women wearing a few a day, they apply in the morning, and reapply different ones in the afternoon and sometimes in the evening too. I'm guessing that if you do this for a period of time, it would be a good idea to take a days break somewhere in between to replenish neurotransmitters. Read here for more: Here


Me personally, I don't wear mine every day. I have a few scents that are phero-less and I love. Sometimes I work from home and I don't go out so if I feel pretty good then I don't wear any of my precious pheros and save for days I do want/need them.


I DO know that you shouldn't wear them if you are getting sick or already are sick. They can make you feel even more tired.

Edited by Honeybee
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There's no issue with wearing copulins on a daily basis; as far as other blends, as Honeybee notes, it all depends on your reaction to the blend. If it starts making you feel rundown after a few days, for example, then it's likely you can't wear that blend every day. As well, other people's reactions may change with continuous wear, to where their reaction will not be the same as when you first wore it.

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I think this is very individual...in my case,so far,I wear pheros and cops every day with no ill effects,for over a year now.To clarify,I usually do not wear anything till afternoons,except maybe 2-3x a week.


I eat a very nutritious diet though,sleep well,lead a stress free and active life.That could make a difference,and also I rarely wear the same blend every day :001_302:

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There two schools of thought on daily wear. Dianne (Paradise7) believes that exposing your target to a blend daily, make sit more effective over time, and that 'burn out' isn't a factor. I personally experienced a panic attack when combining pheros with coffee/lack of sleep.

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There two schools of thought on daily wear. Dianne (Paradise7) believes that exposing your target to a blend daily, make sit more effective over time, and that 'burn out' isn't a factor. I personally experienced a panic attack when combining pheros with coffee/lack of sleep.


Well...then there would be no difference in exposing yourself either ? ... ie ,it should be more effective over time,hmmm.


I have gotten a headache from high exposure to A-nol,once...so did not do that again :001_302:

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Dianne (Paradise7) believes that exposing your target to a blend daily, make sit more effective over time, and that 'burn out' isn't a factor.


To clarify though, she says that in reference to her blends, not anyone else's.

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Her blends are great & I haven't ever experienced any adverse effects from them, but I think you could use any blend for daily wear without fear of burn out as long as it didn't contain Meo-Est. or Androstenone, which are the 2 animal 'mones she doesn't see as necessary or recommended in human pheromone blends.:


Edited by Beccah
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I am one of the ones who wears pheros almost on a daily basis, and have never experienced ill effects. But then again, I also swap around which ones I am wearing based on what I am trying to accomplish.

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I don't use pheros on a daily basis but I do use cops more often like 3-4 times per week. 8 months into receiving my first batch of pheros, I have only had two 'accidents' with pheros. I used a phero-enhanced perfume and I developed a serious headache just as I was falling sick (I fell sick the day after or two days later) and a few weeks later as I was nursing the flu, I felt really tired a couple of hours after application of pheros.


Personally, I will use pheros only when there's a need to, such as I know I have a major presentation, meeting the media or prospective clients or playtime. I have my children around me most of the time so I really do not want to take any chances.

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To clarify though, she says that in reference to her blends, not anyone else's.




ummm,I was taught that if I have nothing good to say,not to say it... so ...I won't :001_302:

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Her blends are great & I haven't ever experienced any adverse effects from them, but I think you could use any blend for daily wear without fear of burn out as long as it didn't contain Meo-Est. or Androstenone, which are the 2 animal 'mones she doesn't see as necessary or recommended in human pheromone blends.:



When did she stop using Meo-Est?


Niatalya's Rock Star Red Carpet


Contains: Copulins, Pregnenolone, TH-DOC, Estratetraenol, Methoxy-Estratetraenone, Alpha Androstenol, DHEA-S

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When did she stop using Meo-Est?


Niatalya's Rock Star Red Carpet


Contains: Copulins, Pregnenolone, TH-DOC, Estratetraenol, Methoxy-Estratetraenone, Alpha Androstenol, DHEA-S


Oh my :001_302:

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Ail had this to say about self effects: so it looks as if one shouldn't wear them daily?


In the majority of people who DO get self-effects, they will wear off in time, particularly if you do NOT have a 2 or 3 day break every week from using pheromones, because your burned out and depleted Neurotransmitters are getting NO opportunity to reset, unless you "rest" from using Pheromones..




Ail )O(


And also this about MEO Est (whatever that is)


Methoxyestratetraenone is a hormone that is ONLY found in cancerous female breast tissue, and it is a known carcinogen..That is a cold, hard FACT!!!


Sorry to put it in such crude and blunt terms, but I always try to look out for our members here, because you all mean a great deal to us, so I am telling it like it is. Meo-Est is NOT a molecule to be trifled with by any manner of means, and if you DO decide to use it, then please exercise a wee bit of caution and limit your usage to the most minute dosage possible..

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When did she stop using Meo-Est?


Niatalya's Rock Star Red Carpet


Contains: Copulins, Pregnenolone, TH-DOC, Estratetraenol, Methoxy-Estratetraenone, Alpha Androstenol, DHEA-S


Calii, where did you get this? I have a few bottles of men and women phero blends and I'm concern after seeing this.

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Calii, where did you get this? I have a few bottles of men and women phero blends and I'm concern after seeing this.


This is Dianne's blend only available through Paradise7 sweety.

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There's no issue with wearing copulins on a daily basis; as far as other blends, as Honeybee notes, it all depends on your reaction to the blend. If it starts making you feel rundown after a few days, for example, then it's likely you can't wear that blend every day. As well, other people's reactions may change with continuous wear, to where their reaction will not be the same as when you first wore it.



Wow, good to know. I am getting ready to order full bottles soon. Looks like I should have a couple of non phero scents so I can give my neurotransmitters a rest Thanks guys.

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  • 3 months later...
Ail had this to say about self effects: so it looks as if one shouldn't wear them daily?


In the majority of people who DO get self-effects, they will wear off in time, particularly if you do NOT have a 2 or 3 day break every week from using pheromones, because your burned out and depleted Neurotransmitters are getting NO opportunity to reset, unless you "rest" from using Pheromones..




Ail )O(


And also this about MEO Est (whatever that is)


Methoxyestratetraenone is a hormone that is ONLY found in cancerous female breast tissue, and it is a known carcinogen..That is a cold, hard FACT!!!


Sorry to put it in such crude and blunt terms, but I always try to look out for our members here, because you all mean a great deal to us, so I am telling it like it is. Meo-Est is NOT a molecule to be trifled with by any manner of means, and if you DO decide to use it, then please exercise a wee bit of caution and limit your usage to the most minute dosage possible..



Yikes glad i read this! Guess my bottle of enhanced turkish delight can go....bit freaked out now! I googled it but couldn't find out much about it when i tried.

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Yikes glad i read this! Guess my bottle of enhanced turkish delight can go....bit freaked out now! I googled it but couldn't find out much about it when i tried.



Are you referring to the Meo-est deal? If so, I could be confused but I think this particular pheromone is/was used from a different company. Does anyone know for sure? :20628860864593fef0b8f29:

Edited by Honeybee
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The Meo-Est we had was from a company called Androtics. From what I understand, they represented that it is a lower priced Est replacement, later known to be derived from horses. We do not purchase or offer any products from this company any longer.

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  • 9 months later...

I'm glad I came across this thread! Since I got my samples I've been trying one scent a day, reapplying many times a day (because I get paranoid when I can't smell it anymore and/or I'm too excited to stop myself) and I've noticed that I've been slightly more cranky and somewhat more tired at my job (restaurant stuff, so fast paced, physical and demanding) than usual. I've been thinking of taking a break but I just can't help myself! I want to give each sample I've bought its own full day of wear to see how it fits with me and my everyday life.... but maybe I should consider the saying, "less is more"...

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I'm glad I came across this thread! Since I got my samples I've been trying one scent a day, reapplying many times a day (because I get paranoid when I can't smell it anymore and/or I'm too excited to stop myself) and I've noticed that I've been slightly more cranky and somewhat more tired at my job (restaurant stuff, so fast paced, physical and demanding) than usual. I've been thinking of taking a break but I just can't help myself! I want to give each sample I've bought its own full day of wear to see how it fits with me and my everyday life.... but maybe I should consider the saying, "less is more"...

You know, if you like the pheromone effects. I would suggest alternating with Love Potion (original) & it's variants. These one's seem to have the most pronounced pheromone like effects for me. I find that aromatherapy is as effective as pheromones, yet doesn't have the burnout factor. Don't get me wrong, though, I love my pheromone toy box dearly. I just find my LP perfume toy box a bit more versatile.

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  • 4 months later...

I normally wear pheros only during the 5 days of the week I'm around other people at work, and on weekends I go phero-less unless I happen to think about spritzing with some B2 for calming at night (which is rare). So based on what I'm reading here, that seems enough of a break from pheros for me. Right?

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I normally wear pheros only during the 5 days of the week I'm around other people at work, and on weekends I go phero-less unless I happen to think about spritzing with some B2 for calming at night (which is rare). So based on what I'm reading here, that seems enough of a break from pheros for me. Right?

Yeah, it really all just depends on your personal chemistry. You know what works for you ;)

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  • 8 months later...

This a great little thread. I'm still catching up on the Phero study. 'RE: LP EST, I understood ( before I saw this thread) that LPs Est is synthetic and not animal derived. As the animal version is a carcinogenic. Right?Just double checking,

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This a great little thread. I'm still catching up on the Phero study. 'RE: LP EST, I understood ( before I saw this thread) that LPs Est is synthetic and not animal derived. As the animal version is a carcinogenic. Right?Just double checking,


You've got two things mixed up here.


First, our pheromones are lab created duplicates of human pheromones.


Second, I believe you are talking about what Androtics sells as "Meo-Est" which is derived from horse urine and is indeed carcinogenic. The full name is methoxyestratetraenone and it has nothing to do with Estratetraenol, but they were pitching the stuff as a low cost substitute for real Est because real Est is crazy expensive and they not only did not want to pay for it, they burned all the available suppliers of the real deal. "Meo-Est" users have not reported any similarity in results between this and true Estratetraenol, nor have there been any consistent results at all, thus "meo-est" is considered a "putative" with no discernible/verifiable pheromonal properties.

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^^ Luna, I did mean to imply that the Est from LP is lab created ( should have just said that, would have been clear, that's what I ment by synthetic) I knew about the cheaper horse derived , what I didn't know was the term meo-est, I just thought the cheap bastards tried to call it EST and ignore the dangerous side effects. I never used Androtics products because the company seemed shady and for lack of a better term cheep. LP is the only source I've tried this with..well wait I did try Eros once, Yuck

My question, which you answered, was just to reassure myself that LP does not use the meo-est anywhere.

I like LP Est products which is why I inquired .

Thanks for the clarification. :Emoticons10311:

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I usually wear a phero each day to work but I mix it up, if I'm really tired, I make sure that what I wear will not make me more tired....


What pheros make you tired DD? I've been sort of dragging for the past 3 weeks and can't figure it out.

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What pheros make you tired DD? I've been sort of dragging for the past 3 weeks and can't figure it out.

If you're already run down any phero can exacerbate fatigue. I find that any phero that makes me hyper, especially exacerbates fatigue for me. Think A-nol, PP, Topper, Open Windows, etc..

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^^ Luna, I did mean to imply that the Est from LP is lab created ( should have just said that, would have been clear, that's what I ment by synthetic) I knew about the cheaper horse derived , what I didn't know was the term meo-est, I just thought the cheap bastards tried to call it EST and ignore the dangerous side effects. I never used Androtics products because the company seemed shady and for lack of a better term cheep. LP is the only source I've tried this with..well wait I did try Eros once, Yuck

My question, which you answered, was just to reassure myself that LP does not use the meo-est anywhere.

I like LP Est products which is why I inquired .

Thanks for the clarification. :Emoticons10311:

You were replying to Mara, not me.

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I rotate through a lot of blends, admittedly, so it could be days or weeks before I hit the same product again. Though on rare occasion I've worn some things a few days in a row I have yet to wear any one thing for a week straight. I haven't gotten burn out from LP products and thought that maybe I just didn't know what it was to recognize it...until I actually experienced it with another companies products and was like WTH? So I'm careful to keep those spread out. I wear pheros pretty much daily with 1 application in the morning and then I'm good for the day and will only reapply on special occasions. With LP, at least, I haven't experienced any of the run down feelings and I think I'm generous with the amount I wear :lol:

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry if this has already been addressed, but I was browsing through the pherotruth forum, and found this post:

"Almost everyone , if not everyone, whose used Androstadienone daily for many years on pherotruth , have eventually stated they either cannot wear it anymore at all, or have reduction the quantity they used to apply, or the frequency.

Androstadienone is a mone that has to be used in moderation. Side effects include decreased libido, lethargy, and depression."


I noticed it has some similar info to the pheromone wiki on LPMP:


Reported drawbacks:

* Some men have reported that after lengthy/repeated exposure, they begin to feel depressed. Some experts refute this - saying that it's not "depression" in the strictest sense, but a feeling of relaxed sedation that the wearer or person exposed may not be able to "shake off" at will. It is not logical for a hormone naturally produced by resting males to cause genuine depression during waking hours, but rather, it may hinder feelings of excitement or clarity usually felt throughout a normal day.
* Some women have reported that it makes them feel very aroused, and if denied sex, become unusually frustrated and irritable.


Has anyone noticed any long term depression from wearing A1 on daily basis, or any other blends? Or does the post on the other forum have to do with a particular manufacturer?

Since I am still new to pheros, I do try to take breaks, but I find that I still resort to them towards the evening (showering before bed).

Thank you!

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That effect is only for men. But I do wear A1 selectively because I do not want to become immune to it like I had happen with several other pheros.


Thanks, Halo! Did you become immune as in you couldn't notice any more self-effects - I assume?

And was that due to consecutive daily wear of the same blend? Did taking a longer break allow you to notice self-effects again?

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Yes, no more selfies. I did not however wear it on consecutive days. I never have done that. For the first two years I wore pheros I wore them mostly on weekends and for time out of the house as my kids were pretty young and I didn't want to expose them to pheros without a lot of testing. As far as anol goes which is the main one I became immune to, I never have really gotten them back. Every once in a great while (couple times a year maybe) I'll get a mood lift but it's rare.

:shocked: Oh no! I've been wearing SWS to work pretty much Mon-Fri, with maybe one day off... I'd be really sad for myself or those around me to become immune to it.

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Yeah, I have been using pheros for about 11 yrs (give or take), and I haven't found any that I am immune to yet.....but everybody is different....what Halo had happen is something you should be aware of....but as she says, it isn't the norm.

Edited by Dolly
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