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Girly Twirly

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...Then I shall nobly trudge on and build my Ceiling Cat character, until one glorious day...it shall be attained. *giggle/snort/drool* Perhaps the use of Girly Twirly would be in order. At the very least, my scents with Cops will attract feline mentors! B)

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So I notice that only one of my many posts in this thread was on topic, so to put myself back on topic: I brought this as part of my "LP wardrobe kit" B) on a recent short trip.


My skin still amps the currant and makes it a little stabby at the beginning - seemed especially so o this trip & I wonder if it was because Auntie Flo was visiting.


But as before it caused flat-out adoration from teh menz. I've worn cops with Lace plenty of times w/good results, but there's something about this blend - probably the ideal ratios & flirtatious scent - that seems MUCH more effective than when I combine the 2 myself.

Edited by tyvey
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  • 2 weeks later...

Girly Twirly is such a nice blend!

Firstly: the fruit blend smells heavenly. I don't get one particular fruit standing out, to me it smells like a fruit cocktail with a hint of flowers.

Secondly: the phero-combination works well

Whenever I wear it, most people are very nice towards me. Some male aquaintances were chattier than usual and came closer than usual, one even caressed my cheek.

My trial vial is almost empty, eagerly waiting for my full bottle :001_302:

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  • 2 months later...

Excellent social blend! I'm really amazed by how that extra Alpha-androstenol really kicks in with EVERYONE around you when you wear this potion...


It has no beta-androstenol but it had that Confession-Too much Information effect on other people when I wore it last time (honestly, I think the effect caught me off guard, 'cause I never thought it would turn out to be a truth serum), plus the scent by its own is lovely...very fruity and feminine. I think the LACE in this kind of softens my personality, it really made me feel super girly and this is quite nice for me since most of the time people perceive me as a strong, territorial and dominant


I used to blend it with Mamelons de Cerise for a while, because I looooved Mamelons but now I kind of like Girly Twirly better....but it is also out of stock...this is sooo sad, I'm the slowest LP tester and once I make my mind it is too late...


This LACE blend is great with that extra Alpha-androstenol, which I think I will be purchasing next...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wore this last Saturday for my 1st time being a teaching assistant! :hearts09780::D:D Had a WONDERFUL day, all the kids were smiling and HAPPY. :) I LOVE being with kids :) When I reached the 3rd class, the kids were all really friendly and one of them said "I have two packets of oreo biscuits" and i said "that makes 6 biscuits, would you like to share them with your friends? :)" He said " Well, I want to share my biscuits with you..." He was SO CUTE. I nearly hugged him because of his cuteness heeheee :love592: Some of the kids were really happy to be around me, they kept asking me to go round their table and show off their drawings :D Can't wait to see them again this Saturday!!! :D:D:D

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  • 3 months later...

I finally cracked open my bottle of Girly Twirly this evening and tested it at the back of my hand. I didn't like the scent on wet. It was so sweet, too sweet and girly, just not me and it reminded me of Tail. An hour later, the scent mellowed down and the melons started to show. I'll probably do a full test one day as I'm uncertain if this is a keeper for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This scent reminds me of vitamin c cherry orange drops. It's syrupy, juicy, and all flirty. The cops are well covered too. As, fore the lace, I had some of this on during the day, and then I decided to hit the gym. It definitely made me feel less motivated to kick butt and break a sweat. There was a whiny voice at the back of my head the whole time going"This is hard." Yikes. Never again...at least at the gym.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This scent reminds me of vitamin c cherry orange drops. It's syrupy, juicy, and all flirty. The cops are well covered too...


I agree! I love fruty scents, and I got this one through the trading post after reading the description many many times!... I'm really picky with scents, and some I tested with cops didnt appeal to me as much, but this is AWESOME! I cant wait to test the phero effects :D

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This is still one of my all time faves!!

I was kind of hoping it would reappear in the new Spring collection along

with Darling C, Greedy LP whore that I am.


LOL!! I saw someone thought one of the new releases may be like girly twirly? I cant remember...but also Darling Catalina may be Darling Clementine...So, does this mean its the same scent?!? Just a different name to go with the new releases? I so....woooo!! :cat690:

If not :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a bottle of this in a swap, and I really like it! I can't even smell the cops in here, but my kids can! LOL... Meg said I smelled like vomit. But after it dried down, she said the vomit smell went away, so I figure it must have been the cops she smelled. It's super sweet and fruity, a little melon, but mostly cherry. Staying power is pretty good, I could still smell it, even a few hours later.

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Gah! I'm so envious of everyone who has Girly Twirly! When I first started coming here and reading all the reviews, there was still some of this left, (at least in sample form, if not in full bottles), but I waited way too long to order, and missed it. I didn't know it had cops in it though... I thought the phero in this was Lace. Is it Lace + cops?

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I see I've *conversed* on this thread, but apparently I've not *reviewed* !!! Girly Twirly is very fruity. It used to be a little on the too-fruity side for me--not icky at all; just exceedingly sweet. In a fruity way. Heeee! A couple days ago I ran across my sample, and slathered, and...hmmm! It wasn't as much on the too-fruity side any more! I LOVE Lace and cops, and I was in the mood for a sweet or fruity thing, and it was ALL WIN. The scent has deepened a bit. I think. At any rate, I enjoyed Girly Twirly for its own sweet self, I enjoyed the effects, and my family enjoyed the effects, too! It made for one of those everyone-hang-out-on-the-bed-and-watch-stuff-on-the-computer evenings. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Molls was sweet enough to gift me a bit of her Girly Twirly, and man, am I ever happy that she did this for me! I love this stuff. If there's ever a rebrew, I'm all over it! It's so fruity, it just makes me happy all over! Or maybe that's the Lace? I don't know. There's just something about this fragrance that makes me feel bouncy and happy, (like Tigger: bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!). The little roll-on bottle leaked slightly, so I put it in a zip-locked baggie, (to keep from losing the precious!), and I can smell it through the bag. The bag itself is sitting by my sofa in my LP dedicated box, and every once in a while I get a whiff of Girly Twirly. It's heavenly. Love it!!! Cheers to Molls!



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I'm glad you got the chance to try this Eggers! This was my top five last summer. It will be again...I haven't even whipped it out yet this year because I have half a bottle and am nervous because of its GGG status. I also have it in spray but I wore the oil much more.


It holds such great scent memory for me from last summer. Michael and I went to the river with Abby (his beloved terrier) one weekend out of every month and I wore this most there so every time I walk by my perfumes and sniff it takes me back to those sunny happy filled weekends. (along with Spring 2011).

This is also one of his favorites, it's one he describes as smelling like "fun" like a carnival he said.

We plan to do the same this summer and I will probably go through the other half of my bottle so I hope for a rebrew someday too.

It really is happiness in a bottle, as are so many of the scents here. I think these scents make my memories so much better!

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It does smell like fun! I love getting little whiffs of it - it's so random, it's like every once in a while Girly Twirly decides to pipe up and speak her mind!

And I agree: these scents make memories so much better. Scent-memory working in reverse?

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Sometimes fruit scents go over the rainbow into weird sour territory on me.. but this.. oh... so pretty!! .. I whipped it out today to see how its evolved.. I love this so much. It's so juicy and cutesy. It feels like summer in a bottle. The fruits in this are so ripe and sweet and RED! I love my red fruits! I feel like going on a hayride and sharing a banana split sundae.

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Sometimes fruit scents go over the rainbow into weird sour territory on me.. but this.. oh... so pretty!! .. I whipped it out today to see how its evolved.. I love this so much. It's so juicy and cutesy. It feels like summer in a bottle. The fruits in this are so ripe and sweet and RED! I love my red fruits! I feel like going on a hayride and sharing a banana split sundae.

I'm liking this one a lot now too! LadyV, didn't you give me the one I have? It surprises me with how cheerful it is, without being obnoxious. Comfortable-cheerful, like when you're hanging out with a best friend over...oh, say a frozen daquiri. The fruitiness doesn't amp on me. It's just really NICE. And the phero is great with the scent!!!
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  • 4 weeks later...

I wore this out yesterday on a date. It went perfectly with my cute red with white polka dots sundress and the warm weather~

I was intending to wear Red Lace on this date, but Girly Twirly just screamed at me to wear it so I did. All evening I kept getting delicious wafts of sweet juicy fruity goodness that is allllll flirty and girly. I knew the guy I was with is much more dominant, and he seemed to really respond well to the Lace in this! Might have to take it out of hoarding a little more often...

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I love Girly Twirly ! I have gotten soo many compliments on this one -


Not to long ago I stepped into an elevator with 3 men already inside also heading down to level one... After a few floors one of the men said out-loud how the trip had gotten so much better since I stepped in and filled it with such an yummy intoxicating scent! Made me turn a bit on the red side :blushing:

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I'm wearing this today and it's my second encounter with it. It's so fruity and girlish. Now that I have worn it for about 5 hours, I realised that I get something musky/ambery on my arms (I applied some on my arms today).

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  • 3 months later...

I'd been toying with the idea of getting a Nectar de l'Amour boosted with Lace, (until I found a bottle of GT on the trading post). Nectar de l'Amour is happy and fruity - similar in feel and mood, I think, to Girly Twirly. It might work.

I never even thought about boosting a bottle of Occo Ambrosia... That's a great idea, too.

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Scent-wise I think OCCO: Ambrosia is somewhat similar, and you could always gets some LACE added to it.


Lace w/OCCO Ambrosia....mmmm..that's a good idea! Thank you for the suggestion!

I'd been toying with the idea of getting a Nectar de l'Amour boosted with Lace, (until I found a bottle of GT on the trading post). Nectar de l'Amour is happy and fruity - similar in feel and mood, I think, to Girly Twirly. It might work.

I never even thought about boosting a bottle of Occo Ambrosia... That's a great idea, too.


I'll have to try this out and see which one I like better. Heck, I might get or keep both scents. Thank you for helping me out!

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  • 7 months later...

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