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One interesting note: "M" is nearly odorless to me and to DH, which is very unusual, esp for him.


I even wondered if PM was doing a true blind trial with placebo control group! I



Here's the thing. It's not that I was calmer per se or hippy dippy cool... I just Did Not Give A Fuuuuuck. Like, as an attitude, not an apathetic (non?)feeling. You know when you just kinda feel in control and like no one's dumbass bumblings are gonna break your stride? I felt a CONFIDENCE, not a strutty hotness Miss Thang thing or even a sense of super competence as much as... centeredness, if that makes sense. I also was a bit more chatty in an eased social sense and noticed the same from others.


eta: Just realized this is almost totally a self effects review, but that is what I noticed the most. Especially at work.



YES! This is what I was trying to describe. It's not an overconfident feel, more like a "taking it all in stride" feel. Centeredness is a good word for it. Thank you. I would say for me at this point, I notice self effects over outward effects.

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I was going to take a day off, but it's likely to be a $#!t storm here today. The dreaded RIF (reduction in force) has finally hit our contract. I may be tapped on the shoulder...which is ok IF all the workings for my move to another contract has been concluded.


Centeredness is right on. It's the don't give a F, without apathy...yes. Removing ones' self from the emotional fray.

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Also, whether it works for men for self-effects. There aren't any men testing it, are there?


I would say no, but that's all I'm going to say.

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Okay so tested this out all weekend. Here's what I discovered. It really helps me tune in to people's feelings so I can deal with them in a positive manner.

I've also noticed that is brings issues to the surface as a way to purge and release. I spent all weekend crying, but I wasn't sad it was more like a release. I'm also pre menstrual so maybe that makes it more intense.


This made me giggly yesterday and it made my sister very giggly also. We usually spend Sundays together , shopping, movies, etc. It also made me act fast and not lollygag. It gave me energy to complete things, and to follow through. I love lounging about doing nothing on the weekends, but then the chores pile up. Not this Sunday. I was able to asses what needed to get done and what needed to wait. I knew what I needed to do that was essential to my mental well being and how being less selfish and giving of myself a little more is beneficial to everyone. I'm not a selfish person, I have just shut off the giving side of me, because I used to give and give and give and give.. finally I got tired of being taken advantage of and stopped. So everyone in my life loses now because of past experience. It's not right and I know this but I felt in order to protect myself I need to be more closed off and guarded.


My bf inivited me over last night and I was hesitant because Sunday nights I like to prepare everything for the week, but then I knew it was the right thing to do. I called him back and said baby and I were coming over for the night. He was really happy and when we got there, he had a bath drawn with candles and everything! He took care of the baby while I had some me time. When I came out of the bath and shower I let my hair loose and started brushing it. It's always been my fantasy to have some hunky well muscled man brush out my wet hair.. well I didn't even have to ask. He just took the brush and started brushing away..


Oh yeah and the sex on this stuff is AMAZING I feel like the connection is deep and spiritual as opposed to primal and bloodthirsty. There was no carnage.


I feel like we both knew what the other needed and were able to give that to each other.

This also helps me remember things quickly, I remembered that I left my phone on the bed and grabbed it before I got to work and realized I forgot my phone. I remembered where I put my pen before I went crazy emptying the contents of my purse. I remembered I left the baby's milk on the counter of my brother's kitchen when we were down the street instead of remembering when we were on the freeway.

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As we were leaving my Mama who is drama queen of the world decides to tell me in front of everyone that her vagina is falling out. She is bleeding like a teenage girl. My mom doesn't whisper. I am cutting cake to take with me and she is going on about her bleeding vag,



This sounds like the scene from Goodfellas-the hostess party scene where Karen is shocked by all the mobsters' wives going on and on about the family.... too funny!


OMG IT DOES! I love that scene. She was saying how awful these women were in their pantsuits and make-up and how bad their kids were... omg!

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Here's the thing. It's not that I was calmer per se or hippy dippy cool... I just Did Not Give A Fuuuuuck. Like, as an attitude, not an apathetic (non?)feeling. You know when you just kinda feel in control and like no one's dumbass bumblings are gonna break your stride? I felt a CONFIDENCE, not a strutty hotness Miss Thang thing or even a sense of super competence as much as... centeredness, if that makes sense. I also was a bit more chatty in an eased social sense and noticed the same from others.




Exactly. That's how it made me feel , like the Godfather, but not in a bad I'm going to put a horse's head in your bed kinda way, more like a Godfather/ Ghandi/Mother Teresa kinda way. Okay for me it's like this. When you meditate and have the answers to what you seek, this is a shortcut to that.

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I was going to take a day off, but it's likely to be a $#!t storm here today. The dreaded RIF (reduction in force)



This is the acronym I remembered for Bossfuckhole.


This phero also has a cathartic cleansing of my heart chakra thing going on for me.. like there is no denial or masking of anything. I cried for 20 minutes this morning, but I'm not depressed, I am grateful for the resurfacing of emotions so I can let go, reactivate and regenerate the DNA cells for healing in that particular damaged meridian.


WTFFFF DID I JUST SAY????????????????????????????????????

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I would say no, but that's all I'm going to say.



..And I would DOUBLE (and bold) Julie's "NO..And that's all I'M going to say.. :)




Ail )O(


Heh...it is getting easier to read between the lines ^_^


I cannot begin to say how impressed I am at the quality of these reviews,you ladies seriously Rock! :):thumbup: x10

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You'll probably get more reliable results by giving them to us blind...but OTOH if eg it's like Teddy BB, it'd be good to know not to wear it to an important meeting and doze off ^_^ Maybe you just tell us the "set of situations"?



I am new and would love to try something.I was trying to fiquire out what to order.


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Hehehe.. For sure it's not.. I didn't even consider anyone MIGHT think it was THAT blend..


Silly-Biscuit Ail.. >_<




Ail )O(



HIJACK! Ail.....email me please sweetie! Been trying to get in touch with you!

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I must compliment everyone for the absolutely amazing reviews. This is completely fascinating to me. I can't wait to discuss it, once testing is over. A couple of people haven't even rec'd their test vials yet, but those last couple are going out today.


Thanks everyone!

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Yesterday's testing results:

I applied my beta of SE:2011 to forearms & backs of hands first, let dry a little, then two sprays of Phero M. Also sprayed one spray to back of neck. Gave 10 minute dry down & applied SE:2011 oil to backs o hands & forearms.

Self effects: I felt this shiver-y good rush. Slightly reminded me of something illicit. Not scary in anyway @ all though. Over @ MIL's house, I felt great & in a great mood as well. There is an aspect of emotional detachment to this blend which lends a surreal quality to the self effects for me. It just reminds me of being on shrooms a teensy bit (I'm sorry I had to say it). Even after TT & I got into it later. I felt emotionally unattached to the situation. Everything was going good, but after TT consumed his second (original formula) 4 Loco, he was on the back porch smoking with his mom & brother. I'm sitting on the other side of the glass door with our youngest playing Ipad with him, when I hear him talking crap about me & our very recent last argument. I immediately got up & left with my 12 yr.old. I didn't feel the normal boiling rage I get when Aunt Flo's in town. I felt angry, but completely rational. I separated myself from the situation, so that I wouldn't say something regretful in front of his mother. I did get tempted to send a nasty text in response to his phone harassment, but instead chose to respond calmly & reasonably. I feel like this blend gave me the tools to cope with my husband & in-laws usual craziness.I also noticed that I really didn't feel the two glasses of wine I had & that even though I hadn't eaten, I wasn't very hungry. My MIL pushed some food on me, so I ate to be polite & eating had more of an intense quality to it, like the food had some super flavor concentrator on it, making it extra delicious.

Effects on others: This did have a calming aspect for everyone withing sniffing range of me. My MIL complemented the LP I had on, which is unusual, because she doesn't usually care for sweet scents. TT was probably past the point of ANY phero blend working on him last night.

ETA: My twelve yr. did talk to me about a couple unusual things in the car, usually he talks about his favorite manga & YouTube vids (I call this "filler" speak & I tune him out, because it's just ssooooooo boring). In car we're listening to music & he talks about his friend & how much his mom & I have in common. I don't "know" her, but I know of her. Actually I knew her sister that died in a car wreck in 2000 (very sad, she left behind two young ones & was my age), & I know she's had it rough. So I commented that I know she's been through a lot. My son also comments that "somebody else will probably want to marry me if I divorce dad." My response, "I'm only getting married once." Then he says his 7th grade friend was saying that "his mom was hot." His response:"No she's not!!! She's my mom!" His friend,"Well she looks like she's 20, she HAS to be @ least 30 & she doesn't have any wrinkles." So I explained to Isaiah that he shouldn't get to angry, because he might think the same thing about one of his friends' moms one of these days. Later we're listening to Adelle & he starts crying, I ask him whats wrong & he says:" Mom know matter how bad you have it, you can also feel bad for someone else, like _'s mom." Me: "Well someone else always has it worse, & you should always have empathy for others."

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LOL! Nope, it's not the blend you think it is! :)


I want it anyway :)


...ummm does Da Mawa review too?...when said and done ^_^


<wavs at Ail>

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At work today. Don't remember noticing the sensory effects on the way her, but feel VERY centered despite having had two suicidal teenaged clients whom I care about. Again I have the motivation to interpret how they might be feeling (more than my normal therapist interpretation, more of an EMPATH feeling, like I feel the connection and therefore am able to interpret how they are feeling. I am an empath, and tend to be really drained when the situations are serious like this, but I remain centered.) The clients are very open and go out of their way to make sure I understand them. I have a business meeting tonight with a man and a few more client meetings. I will observe and let you know! BTW, last night my son came home from his father's for the weekend and really went out of his way to tell me details of his weekend, like he wanted to be sure that I knew EVERYTHING about the Brave's game. More than normal. Wish I had this when my ex-SO was cheating on me...

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Need some opinions. Should I test this mix @ the bar tonight, I could be interacting with some potential hostility & I don't want to be wearing anything to enrage anybody?

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Need some opinions. Should I test this mix @ the bar tonight, I could be interacting with some potential hostility & I don't want to be wearing anything to enrage anybody?


Yes, try it.


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I am new and would love to try something.I was trying to fiquire out what to order.




Hi nay and welcome! This thread is about testing of something specific. For suggestions about what to try, look here:




And pick one of the forums called "Reviews" and "Pheromone Arena." Those helped me figure things out. Hope that helps!

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Day #3


Sprayed just 2 sprays today, then a quick third once I was all dressed. Today was just weird, crappy even. I don't know! I snapped at a woman who interrupted me in our women's group, and then proceeded to burst into tears while at coffee with my sister about something totally random. Normally I'd just chalk it up to hormones (seems many testers are on their period, though I am not right now) but it's not my hormonal time. I also play my cards close to the vest and keep my more sadder emotions private, so this was BIZZARE.


So I seem to be all over the board with this. First day was great, second day neutral, and third day agitated, frustrated and I just want to be left alone. WTF??? :Dannaalterego:


Absolutely NO appetite supression here (as I type while eating a GIANT meatloaf sandwich)


Wonder what's going on???? I think I will skip a day or two and see if it's me or the phero or what?


I am using a non phero'd cover scent (though this is odorless) so I there's no other interaction there.


ETA: (next morning) Forgot about a detail: My son was extra attentive yesterday. Noticed that he hung around me more and wanted contact. When I asked him about it this morning, he told me it was because he was bored.... so.... but it was something noteworthy as it's not his typical MO.

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I'm with you on that today Raq. I had a completely *meh* day. Not feeling motivated, not feeling focused. Feeling mostly DOWN (which granted it not a far reach for me most days). I'm wondering if this is over-exposure. I don't usually wear pheros 4 days in a row. I'm calling off the research for tomorrow.

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Today's trial: 2 sprays to hair, covered with sprays of Drac's Bakery which is driving me mad with its nomness.


I am again hyper alert and aware, both visually and auditorially. This is actually a bad thing for the first time in my trials, because I'm at a loud restaurant and I CAN HEAR EVERY CONVERSATION AROUND ME CLEAR AS A BELL AND CANNOT CONCENTRATE ON WHAT MY DINING COMPANIONS ARE SAYING. In fact they sound even further away than the people at other tables. :Dannaalterego: could just be the acoustics here.


Getting the "people staring like in Inception" thing again too, including passerby and waiters as well as from my dining companions who keep looking at me even when I'm done talking and someone else is speaking.


I am finding them all annoying - one of them keeps interrupting me, another keeps saying "like" every other word which is all I can think about, and the other one is being such a weirdo. I think 2 sprays is 1 spray too many for me.

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Last client came in today. I was very tuned in to her, and she kept looking me right in the eye with this look like "you REALLY get me". The meeting for this evening was cancelled. I came home to my son, who again wanted to share lots of details with me. LOTS of details. But I felt centered and chill so it didn't grate me like it could have.

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Too weird! I came on just to read, hurting too much to report (unrelated to testing, read below!), interesting to see the last ones though. I also noticed today that I wasn't noticing all that much. I wasn't really out and about, though, shopped with a friend but nothing struck me as really noteworthy, it was mostly just us and our normal interaction. I was totally disinclined to hang out, but that was because **Huge testing caveat** I have been dealing with a now for sure UTI (sorry if that's tmi) which has been hovering on the radar all week and was pretty distracting today... Then a few hours ago ooooooooowwwwwww... the can't-put-the-dr-off level pain hit. I'ts been years since I had one, and DAMN i forgot how much it hurts. Plus it'll be at least 12 hours til I can get to a dr, yikes.


Here's one thing I remember about today though re "M": I noticed I want to use MORE of it. If we were testing full size bottles I prob would've sprayed a few more, in hair and on chest. I had already sprayed both arms, and chest twice. Part could be the odorless aspect: cost and everything I've read/experienced aside, the smell factor alone encourages 'less is more' with most pheros! But I mention it because I was aware of that urge. Course, I coulda just been chasing the Wonder Woman highs I saw in some of the other posts :Dannaalterego:


Anyway, for obvious reasons (ouch) I will not be testing tonight, and tomorrow will depend on how that goes. I am toying with the idea as well of taking a little break, esp if I'm not up to going out yet by nighttime. I reeeally want to try it with the lady I work with tomorrow, but can always do that Thursday...

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Jude is slapping his shoe against the crib and it's driving me crazy. I can hear every thud like it was in my ear.

My ears are super sensitive anyhow right before menstrual flow. Today was an off day. Everything annoyed me, and I feel like I am coming down with something. I feel clammy and I think it might be the flu. Going to stop testing til I feel a bit better.

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Huh. My son has ADHD. Not that we are testing it on men but if we were I'd love to hear the results.

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I don't know WHAT I was thinking last night, but I went into OD territory just to see what would happen. I sprayed about 3 sprays total on wrists/forearms/backs of hands, then a spray on each shoulder. I didn't feel bad, though. I just felt a little off & didn't get the great self effects I did initially. I still got the appetite suppression and increased alcohol tolerance. I told my friend on the way to the club about the testing project & the increased alcohol tolerance I was experiencing & she joked that it hopefully makes my BAC lower to :abfx:

This is definitely social, but there isn't an ounce of sexual attraction in this blend for me. I was dressed in an outfit that highlighted the goodies, but the fish weren't biting. I wasn't looking for that, I was just curious if it would be there. The bartenders were extremely attentive. My friend & I were booted from our table when we walked off to get another drink, but the next table over was occupied by a couple of acquaintances of mine, so they let us squeeze in. I did get asked to dance by the nice lady I didn't know @ the table & that was fun. My friend & I did get approached by a couple older gentlemen. I'm sure it was a hit, because I'd walked in the sniffing range & they developed the courage to approach. I didn't view it as a sexual hit though, because they were from out of town & looking for people to make them feel more comfortable. IDK, she & I weren't in the mood to cater to tourists, we were polite, and it went well. In that the out of towners intuited very quickly that we weren't biting, and left politely. In my experience these situations usually get waaayyyy more awkward. I also noticed that I want to smoke. I asked for one of my friends cigarettes & she didn't know what to think, as she's never seen me smoke. Off topic & to definitely show how long it's been since I smoked until 2 days ago, but do any other smokers HATE the firesafe paper they use in cigs. now???? Ack, now I know why hubby's been importing cigs from the UK! Anyway, I noticed I had a cigarette when I tested Sunday night. Monday night I had about 4 mixed drinks & 2 beers and really wasn't feeling tipsy, but that could've just been due to drinks being watered down at bars. My poor friend got approached by a swinger couple, which was hilarious! She got a free shot out of it, lol. I had the most vivid dream last night, but I've been having a lot of them lately anyway.


ETA: I think I recognize the smell of Est. in this blend, but I've been wrong before.

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Another thing I noticed with this phero is the food thing. The first day I was not hungry, and I also questioned my choices in food and made smarter ones. I mean I still indulged at the party a bit, don't know if it has to do with my period or anything. I love tres leches cake and it was just ' okay ' Also have felt the need to drink alot, it made me very thirsty. Food doesn't give me the high, that OOOH this is sooo DELICIOUS feeling. Except for chocolate. Chocolate is the devil and it always wins and nothing will ever stop me from putting it in my mouth. I just had peanut butter and chocolate. I did notice that I didn't get cramps with this, but I did get the other really bad PMS symptoms like shaky, clammy, dizzy spell, need to lie down feeling. Again it could be the period thing.. I did lose some weight since trying this though, about 3 pounds, again it could be water retention.

One of the things I like about this phero is that I feel strong. Like I can do anything. Like anything I set my mind to I can accomplish. Like not indulging in cheetos. I generally have strong will power but lately stress wins, this phero brings that back to the surface for me, where I can look at that orange bag and just see an orange bag and not that crunchy salty oasis of carbohydrates and powdered cheese.

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Hm, I did not notice any effect on appetite but will pay more attention in trial tomorrow. (Had to skip today) I'm off booze for the time being so can't report on effect on tolerance, although that's an extremely interesting effect some of you are having - the opposite of most pheros.


Agree with Beccah that yesterday I did think I detected the scent of EST.

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Hm, I did not notice any effect on appetite but will pay more attention in trial tomorrow. (Had to skip today) I'm off booze for the time being so can't report on effect on tolerance, although that's an extremely interesting effect some of you are having - the opposite of most pheros.


Agree with Beccah that yesterday I did think I detected the scent of EST.



I smelled it too, which is not bad, I like EST, I have a bottle and don't mnd the smell.

I haven't tried the booze thing. Maybe I will this weekend. I have some great almond champagne that is chilling in the freezer. Another party this weekend...

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I think 2 sprays is 1 spray too many for me.



This is what I learned yesterday while testing...1 squirt good, 2 squirts better, 3 squirts=OD. Self effects gone. Slight nausea set in for a bit.


Yes. Yesterday I had a huge bout of nausea, but I attibuted it to having two lattes within 3 hours of each other. May be the Mystery phero. When I resume testing in a couple days I will discipline myself to only ONE spray and see what happens.


Beccah and Lady V did you say you sprayed once or twice?

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I've been using a TON. Like first testing round was 2 sprays to arms/ 1 spray to back of neck. Yesterday was 5 sprays. This next testing round I'll stick with two sprays.

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