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Thank You for all your great reviews everyone,

At first I thought it was the long awaited banish PMS/Menopause brew, but now I don't know!!!

I like the inner peace & calm & being super focus aspect. I am at the point in life where I need to change my reaction to people, cause after all this time, they are not going to change how they act!!!! The enhanced noise I am nervous about. It seems very potent in 2x strength.


It sounds like I need some :)

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I tested it again this afternoon. Used two sprays -- one to wrist and one to chest. I am not getting much in the way of enhanced audio or visual, but I do get a slightly spaced-out feeling that lasts a fairly long time.


I went to the grocery store this afternoon and people were generally pleasant. The girl who was at the check-out counter had a frown on her face but smiled a bit when it was my turn. Maybe it was because I was smiling and in a pretty tranquil mood. A man approached me and talked to me about the rotissere chicken, kind of out of the blue. That was about it in terms of contact with outsiders.


I'm still not quite sure of the point of this blend. However, my own feelings and observations indicate that, at least for me, it gives a sensation of tranquility. I don't like going to the grocery store, but I didn't seem to really mind too much today. It also seems to have some motivational properties. However, rather than wanting to attack projects, it seems to put me in a place where I don't mind doing them. Maybe my pleasant disposition from this blend also puts me in a frame of mind where people feel I am approachable to talk to (as evidenced by the Sat. evening experiment).


I will be meeting with some females tomorrow. I will test it again then.

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Remember you all got 2x strength!



I missed this detail. Thanks for the heads up.


Which reminds me: when ordering either just plain pheros or a phero blend, is it a rule of thumb to order it 2X the strenghth? Is that the strength Potion Master puts in all the blends?

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I missed this detail. Thanks for the heads up.


Which reminds me: when ordering either just plain pheros or a phero blend, is it a rule of thumb to order it 2X the strenghth? Is that the strength Potion Master puts in all the blends?


1x is the standard strength.

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Remember you all got 2x strength!


I do. I've been purposely using massive amounts to see what the overload point is & so far, it's pretty effective without any negatives when I over do it. I can't wait to test out a conservative amount tomorrow!

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I just wanted to say that this is a fascinating experiment to watch unfold. :)


Because of my line(s) of work, anything that has to do with self-awareness fascinates me. I must say that you ladies seem to be exceptionally attuned to your patterns and your inner thoughts - if only my clients knew themselves as well as you do, my job would be a piece of cake!

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I just wanted to say that this is a fascinating experiment to watch unfold. :)


Because of my line(s) of work, anything that has to do with self-awareness fascinates me. I must say that you ladies seem to be exceptionally attuned to your patterns and your inner thoughts - if only my clients knew themselves as well as you do, my job would be a piece of cake!



I like the word "attuned" better than "you're in you're own head a lot." which is how many who know me describe me. I shall use "attuned and self aware" from now on :)

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Testing this out again today. Did two sprays one on chest, one in hair. Haven't noticed anything out of the normal, a bit of heightened sense again, I am annoyed though.

People are annoying me, clients are annoying me, co-workers are annoying me, but have not felt the need to reach for chocolate or any soothing foods. Did drink almost a gallon of water yesterday which is very very unlike me, did not feel the need to drink coffee or diet coke, and really did think about food choices, even though I wasn't wearing phero, I think there might have still been some in my hair.


This am did feel the clammy shakes again though. Don't know if I'm getting sick or it's my period.

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1 spray to crown of head, covered with Miss Pucci. In first few minutes, got that same effect again where everything looks ultra-3D, sharply delineated in successive vertical planes like photoshop layers.


I have a colleague who is VERY private, but this made her share some VERY personal details, like bodily function & medical-issue details. Extremely out of character for her.


I then went to a meeting where someone rambled & overshared, but they always do that.


Walking around the office, once again, people are staring. Not admiring, not hostile, just staring.

Edited by tyvey
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2 things

1. My assistant wants to buy me lunch- I usually buy him lunch.

2. Woman in the bathroom was staring with her mouth open. Told me how beautiful my scarf was. It's black.

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Lawsuit! Lol



LOL! I sprayed in my hair so maybe this is why he mentioned it. He said it was weird, so maybe he didn't know why he felt compelled to say something about my hair.

Despite hair compliment and nice lunch date I had with my co worker, I am still annoyed.

people's voices are annoying me , this usually happens with my period though. My ears become super sensitive.

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Monday I took a sleep day and didn't wear anything, sorry.

Tuesday I wore Mystery (heh) for myself alone. Not really sure about this strategy. Kind of too calm. No sexy at all, to the point where it's a little off-putting. Went shopping and talked to one friend where nothing remarkable happened. We may have talked less in fact. Can't say anyone else seemed very effected.

Today was a broad spectrum test. Wore to work. Single spray on my front and some Sang Regal. Again, self effects were pretty calming but this is not a particularily good thing for my workplace. Still not a flirty bone in my body, but when I saw someone I am very vaguely interested in I did notice that I was hurt that he didn't say hello in the hallway. Maybe I'm more interested than I tell myself, but I don't think so. My customers did not know each other so I did not witness pairing this time, but they may have been slightly more chatty with each other. Difficult to tell. I was working with a difficult coworker today (long story) and he did not seem more or less himself. Maybe a little toned down. He made no effort to talk to me, which is business as usual now.

Went home, power napped for an hour, and refreshed but this time added in some Cops. Spray to my front which I then rubbed my wrists across. Cops swipe across my belly and a dab under the cleavage. Yeah, sorry for the lack of purity, but I'm testing and this was a test. Have to say it helped. I was a-swinging my bushy tail. :001_302: Attended a meeting where the two men seated to each side were maybe a tad nicer to me? Meeting went fairly smoothly and people had good ideas. I even had one. One. :)

Dunno. Maybe I'm not wearing enough. I might double-up tomorrow. Will add Cops because I miss them!


Oh, I might be getting a few extra compliments. Mystery?

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Work was very interesting today. My assistant is always chatty but he was extra chatty and very sweet today. Told me he was so grateful that I was in his life, I had invested time in his training and saw the potential in him, he said he was grateful to me for always being so kind and patient, and he will remember how I treated him with respect and like an equal and he will never forget me for that, he will do the same for his assistant when he moves up the chain of command, he was so happy and pouring his feelings out, I told him to shut up. I didn't want to hear it. He wasn't dying. Get back to work. We had a heart to heart about other things. He's always in a good mood, and sweet, but today he was laying it on pretty thick.


The other hot assistant was also very chatty and honest. We were friends before and I recruited him from up Sacramento, he asked me a few questions about work and then started talking about how his wife drives him crazy she won't let him sleep... so I had two boys pouring their hearts out about basically everything under the sun today.


Went over to the bf's today and decided to spray once on my chest. Took him some food. As soon as I got there he was all over me. Kissing and hugging me. He would not stop kissing me. He gave me deep tissue massage! He gives great massages. He also took the baby to play for a while so I could nap! He was very very sweet and kept telling me how happy he was. LOL. He's sweet and affectionate for the most part, but tonight I noticed him gazing at me intently like I was a mirage that he needed to drink in before I vanished. I was also very giggly and not irritated at all.


I did feel flirty and sexy today. More towards the end of the day, I felt good around people at work that I knew on a personal level, but not when I had to speak with clients, they really irritated me. Also Cory the Kidney man was talking to bosshole and usually I find his voice pleasant but today it wasn't. Maybe because I had so much work to do and I was jealous that he was having a conversation about BS.


No cramps today.



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WOre to grocery store with my 4 yr.old today. Applied my Iron Angel sample first (gah this one smells so good, why don't I go full bottle???). Actually, I originally had on Ashes 2 Dust, but after it accomplished the job, I wiped off & applied Iron Angel. Then I went with 1 spray to back of neck & one spray rubbed all over wrists/forearms/backs of hands. Egads, it worked better when I used less!!! I thought about pulling my car over for a minute, because I got a bit of a head rush, but rolling the car windows down helped a lot. I'd already eaten dinner, so I can't say, but the salt n vinegar chips I bought as a splurge, were just waaayyyy too salty. Couldn't eat them. Also I can't say, because normally I'm in the small town over from me with my bi-racial 12 yr.old, (yes it's MO, but we're still south of the Mason-Dixon line y'all) & this time I had my little white-boy with me (my bestie is always amazed @ how pale he is & she calls him a little white-boy), but people were so much nicer to me than usual today! I got lots of smiles & friendly looks. Very unusual occurrence for me in this little hick town. Curiouser & curiouser...

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Today I had sort of neutral results. I used 4 sprays before going to the exercise trainer today. She and the other two women who work out there were their usual affable, talkative selves. I didn't really notice much of a difference. Again, I got a slightly spaced-out feeling after applying it, which seemed to last for a couple of hours at least. I'm not sure if I've gone into OD territory (4 sprays x 2 strength). The one thing that I'd say is that spraying more doesn't seem to have a noticeable adverse effect (at least not on females -- but I haven't used 4 sprays around males yet). I will try this again sometime this weekend (around males) and see what happens.

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I OD'd today. 4 sprays. Way too much. I was so spacey and unfocused. I was emotional as well. It felt like it was groundhog day. Every single store I went to played the same song. It was random and strange. Then my sister and I sat down to eat lunch and there goes the song again. I cried. I don't cry in public or around my family. I'm also very tired and just in space somewhere hovering like a UFO.

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Guest icing

I haven't really had time to sit down and describe this, 'til now, but I've noticed that I seem to max out after one spray.


I am naturally very outgoing and upbeat, though I also get very tired. This seems to magnify both - especially if I do more than one spray, at first.


The first day I got it, I was exhausted, but gave myself a spritz and just felt, even more drained, so I washed it off pretty quickly.


The next day, I wore it two a couple meetings and a medical place, and it seemed to dissolve the initial "getting comfortable" with people period, and just kicks nearly everyone into a comfortable "you're my best friend and we're awesome together!" phase.

It seemed everyone was very upbeat, giggly, happy, but straight to the point and very honest about whatever they had to say.


It seemed to be be pretty similar, datewise.


On the third day, when I gave it an extra spritz, I felt like I was getting the flu. Everyone else was upbeat, but I felt tired and cranky, but at the same time, "whatever, I'll just go with it", not in a pessimistic kind of way, just calm indifference... and I felt that on all occasions with this... but in the initial few minutes after spraying, or if I've spritzed more than one spray (the magic method for me, seems to involve one full spritz on one wrist, which I then rub against the other, and lightly touch against the back of my neck, under my hairline).


I feel, this gives the relaxed, upbeat and happy feeling of Open Windows, but with a deeper level of communication.

I haven't actually cried, but I started to feel my self start to tear up when I was talking about something I felt strongly about in one meeting.


This is a very nice mix. I'm still trying to figure out if, despite the flu-like feelings, it helps me keep from wearing down through the day (I rarely sleep well, but I definitely get a boost when I'm around upbeat people, and this might build on that feeling).

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Okay, I think I'm done. The only other people to test this on would be my family and I won't see them for another week or more. (Holy cow, the rain outside sounds like a freight train.)

Today I tried a sneak approach. I went my first 2 hours without any applications to get a base line read on my customers and coworkers. After application, which ended up a bit more than I would have liked, I only noticed slight pairing of customers. Maybe a little more smiling from my boss. Nothing much else stuck out. So I'm not sure about this blend. Granted, it was a moderately stressful day. Which, come to think of it, didn't bother me as much as it normally might. None of my customers were blowing their tops either. Hmm.

I am sure I miss my other pheros! I'm deprived of my cougar, LAM and BI. I misses them!

I'm going to start reading all your reviews now. Go ahead and taint my brain! LOL

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K, read some of the other reviews. Too funny! I only mentioned the vision thing because PM asked us to mention /everything/ we noticed. Anyone else think she's slipped us the phero version of the "Limitless" pill! What happens when we run out? Eeee!


But now that I'm thinking of it, my sense of taste has not heightened. Or I eat dull food. :/

I feel bad that I haven't had much chance to test this on an interpersonal level. If opportunity arrises I will try tomorrow. Or maybe I have had the chance? Today three men who are interested in me were still happy to see me, but not pawing me or competing. I just, you know, had their attention. The parting hugs were not uncomfortably clinging, but was the change in my perception or their behavior?

In the interests of full disclosure - with the suspicion that this phero might make me over-share I have been self-monitoring my conversations because I do not want to over-share. May be coloring my results.

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Then my sister and I sat down to eat lunch and there goes the song again. I cried. I don't cry in public or around my family.



Lady V, I don't know if you read my post but this happened to me on Monday. I bawled in the sbux when having coffee w/ my sister. I'm the same as you, don't really get emotional in front of family... weird huh?

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Lady V, I don't know if you read my post but this happened to me on Monday. I bawled in the sbux when having coffee w/ my sister. I'm the same as you, don't really get emotional in front of family... weird huh?



I cried at least 4 times already. IDK if it has to do with the menses, but I DO NOT cry in front of family. I have an image of pure delight and Rainbow Brite to uphold. I won't even cry if I am watching a movie around them. I literally let out a sob, then I stopped myself because my sister looked like she was going to start crying.


The only time I can remember crying was when Jude was in ICU, I felt like my world was going to end. My mom said to my sister " Make her stop! Hurry do something! " like her ears were bleeding or something. What a bitch. Like what am I not allowed to cry? Are peoples ears and eyes going to bleed if I cry? What am I some mutant hybrid that destroys eardrums if I shed one little tear?

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K, read some of the other reviews. Too funny! I only mentioned the vision thing because PM asked us to mention /everything/ we noticed. Anyone else think she's slipped us the phero version of the "Limitless" pill! What happens when we run out? Eeee!



I thought so at first. Wish it came with Bradley Cooper!

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First impressions:


I get the enhanced vision / sensory thing as well. Colors and shapes are super sharp. The shape of leaves way way away are like they are 10 feet away. Sounds are acute. Air conditioning is as if it's arctic when it's on normal temps. Smells have HUGE throw. I used Tropical Musk - which I LOVE - and use all the time - in a normal amount - and it's so strong it almost gags me.


I don't notice one single sexual effect. I don't notice one single hit on anyone else and I went several places where my social or sexual pheros always generate at least one.


I had Mega appetite suppression. I was sooooo hungry but when I went to eat - I could barely get even a few bites in before I just threw dinner out. I couldn't even look at it.


The sensory overload became so much that rather than hang out tonight at a place I could be around other people and read my book, I came home to peace & quiet. I am on my patio and when I normally I would want a glass of wine with my book - the idea is just gross.


I have to say - this is a most in-congruent phero signature for me - at least so far. I'll keep testing - but at least right now - I don't like it.

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The effects of this are so funny to me!! - I mean, the combination of effects is so unusual.... focus, sensory awareness, chattiness by others, puts a spotlight on the wearer, appetite suppression.......?!??

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Tested out one spray last night & I didn't really notice anything. That may be because I've been using so much lately, though.

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Do you have a friend or coworker that might consent to wearing a spritz while you are with her for a few hours? I'd love to hear what kind of effect this blend has on you if someone else is wearing it.

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Do you have a friend or coworker that might consent to wearing a spritz while you are with her for a few hours? I'd love to hear what kind of effect this blend has on you if someone else is wearing it.


If my friend is in the office on Monday I can convince her to to do it. She sits near menso it would be a good test. I wouldn't trust anyone else.


This could be a case of a little goes a long way. For instance - Girly Twirly or Lace 1x fine -Woozy Floozy straight not so much - head ache from hell.


Everyone is different.


That's how it works. :-)

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Ok - testing again this morning on the premise that if I don't do well I can shower it off before running a million errands later.


I am on hour three - have put it on over Musky Dusky Greenery which is super light and went 2 baby sprays on application. I was very very careful not to overapply and OD. I felt great before I put it on.


I still get increased sensory perceptions. Colors, shapes, sounds are really bright. Went up to Starbucks and got the usual...no noticeable hits by others which is weird - normally the middle aged men are all scoping me out - with or without pheros.


I am guessing it's because I don't have the strut. This stuff makes me jittery and anxious - maybe due to the increased sensory input? And my stomach went all quesy. I am having a hard time staying focused enough to read - and the air conditioning - set to normal - is once again feeling arctic.


Will keep it on for another hour or so to see if it moderates - but then I am scrubbing it off.


I will try at work for one day - but if the effects are same/similar - I am out.

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Guest icing

I have noticed that people of either sex usually feel pretty comfortable joking around/shoving/and being physically playful with me, but with this phero, they may be less verbally guarded and really upbeat, and some people (strangers) may be really chatty, happy, and flattering, they seem to stand a little further back than what I would consider the normal amount of space between strangers.... They will hang around, and keep coming up with things to say, so it's not like they're uncomfortable, it's more like they're mildly in awe.


People that do know me well are still really happy to hang out, but they seem to be more apphrehensive about coming in physical contact with me, like they're nervous about how I'll react/if I'll approve.


Oh, I too get the heightened awareness, initially, but it fades relatively quickly, and if I use even a tiny bit extra, I feel exhausted, sick, and stiff.

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Ok - testing again this morning on the premise that if I don't do well I can shower it off before running a million errands later.


I am on hour three - have put it on over Musky Dusky Greenery which is super light and went 2 baby sprays on application. I was very very careful not to overapply and OD. I felt great before I put it on.


I still get increased sensory perceptions. Colors, shapes, sounds are really bright. Went up to Starbucks and got the usual...no noticeable hits by others which is weird - normally the middle aged men are all scoping me out - with or without pheros.


I am guessing it's because I don't have the strut. This stuff makes me jittery and anxious - maybe due to the increased sensory input? And my stomach went all quesy. I am having a hard time staying focused enough to read - and the air conditioning - set to normal - is once again feeling arctic.


Will keep it on for another hour or so to see if it moderates - but then I am scrubbing it off.


I will try at work for one day - but if the effects are same/similar - I am out.


Why don't you try a dose, just on the very back of your neck. You know hold your breath while getting it back there & see what happens if it's not right in your grill. I had an LP with pheros in it, it was almost two year ago, so I can't remember which one, but it made me nauseated. So I tried it on the back of my neck only & that helped a lot.

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DAY #4


Yesterday spritzed just 2 sprays on wrists and chest area. Went shopping for coffee with sister and then shopping for plants with Mom/Aunt.


Didn't notice any type of effects at all. Can't seem to recapture the effects of the very first day and I took a 4 day break.


My mother and I had a great conversation for about an hour though, which isn't unusual for us but I thought I'd note it anyway. Sure wish I could get the appetite suppression, that would be great. I don't see any difference in appetitie or eating patterns.


I have a meeting tomorrow morning so I'll try maybe just one spray tomorrow in my hair...

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I'm not sure what to call this stuff, but I'm tempted to call it Miracle Juice. I say the following with no desire to be pitied, but to be truthful. There are very few days I don't have some amount of sadness in my heart. I can keep on, but it makes it tough to be the 'better' parts of me, tough to have anything left over to give to someone else. With my sweetie, while we're close...it's not often we're *happy*.


Today, there was enough of ME to be silly, playful even. There was laughter in each others arms, and intimacy. I can't remember the last time I was able to give that much to the man I deeply love.


There's no "high" to this stuff, no "Flying Potion" drunkenness...not for me, but a sharpening of the senses...I *know* that I smell things more strongly, some of my senses are keener...and just an overall 'lifting' of spirit. For him, it allowed him to put away the stress *he's* under, to sleep last night and to be with me today in a way that made us both sad to have to part this evening.


Ok, I'm crying now, but I *did* just have my period start so...


Oh katz that is so beautiful!!! I'm so happy that you two shared that cherished moment, you both deserve it. I know those hard days too, where you just can't give much more cuz there's none left and you wonder where it went and you try try try but it's lost! I hate those times. Well, it makes me feel good that you found it and enjoyed each other : ) Hope it happens more often for you's.

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