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I've seen it written before and will agree that fragrance is HUGE! I first tried SS4W in Sneaky Clean. It was not a fit for me personally. I did get hits, but the fragrance had sharp edges when I wore it. I've seen so many good things written about SS4W that I wanted to try it again, so when I heard the great reviews for Rocket Fuel ... well, I had to try it. WOW - big difference! I can't say how it will work with others, but the selfies are much nicer! And, I'm sure the Rocket Fuel will get good hits since SC did even though I was not a fan. Rocket Fuel and SS4W is very synergistic for me.

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I agree!


SC wasn't for me either, but when I tried SS4W in MRF, I had to get a back up bottle! I believe the previous version had Blatant Invitation in it, but I liked MRF so much with the SS4W that I had to get more...I love the 2 of them together!


So good to hear you've gotten something that is doing well for you :heart:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

With SS4W, I don't get much in the way of selfies, for those I love Cougar. It's funny, the guys who don't respond to Cougar seem to love SS4W, lots of winks and smiles. ;)

I think that's interesting.


Olderbutwiser, this is the review thread for the SS4W phero mix.

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I think it is the same for me. I get for selfies from Cougar but not so much from SS4W...I think Cougar has quite a bit of Est so they are both more Est heavy blends. For me It seems I notice that while Cougar will get men looking ( or staring), SS4W will bring them in closer and get them talking ( like it is a more approachable feel) . Both blends work well at work and puts everyone in a good mood and makes them nice to me. Both blends are on my must keep stocked list.

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I would not call Cougar an EST heavy blend. Firstly because it is a "proprietary blend" so only the lab & Mara & co actually know what's in there.

It's a safe "guess" to say it contains EST. I have always suspected that but I cannot state it as fact.


LFM is an EST heavy blend. Lace and some of the sexy EST mixes are there too. Lumina is, Mara has said it's about 25% EST.

Edited by StacyK
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I think it is the same for me. I get for selfies from Cougar but not so much from SS4W...I think Cougar has quite a bit of Est so they are both more Est heavy blends. For me It seems I notice that while Cougar will get men looking ( or staring), SS4W will bring them in closer and get them talking ( like it is a more approachable feel) . Both blends work well at work and puts everyone in a good mood and makes them nice to me. Both blends are on my must keep stocked list.


We're similar, I get selfies from Cougar but haven't noticed anything from SS4W yet. Have only tested SS4W twice so I'll have to keep trying.


As far as reactions from others, it's the total opposite with me. Cougar gets men comfortable, chatty and attracted. I'm approached when wearing Cougar. With SS4W, they're in awe and I illicit a bit of the whiplash effect. I don't seem to be as approachable when wearing SS4W

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We're similar, I get selfies from Cougar but haven't noticed anything from SS4W yet. Have only tested SS4W twice so I'll have to keep trying.


As far as reactions from others, it's the total opposite with me. Cougar gets men comfortable, chatty and attracted. I'm approached when wearing Cougar. With toSS4W, they're in awe and I illicit a bit of the whiplash effect. I don't seem to be as approachable when wearing SS4W

That's actually very similar what I get. My issue with SS4W is that I don't get selifies, actually that's the reason I tried it with LAM when I found the thread, to give me a boost.

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My experience with SS4W has been in Sneaky Clean. For me it's a versatile blend, crisp, clean with a slightly elegant feel while wearing it, and people have treated me with respect, yet admiration. When I wear Cougar people are upbeat, talkative, chummy and find me more approachable. My husband loves both on me.


I recently gave a sample vial of SC/SS4W to a dear friend to experiment with. She went thru a rough divorce and is re-entering the dating scene. She met a wonderful man while wearing this and she excitedly called me last night to tell me how respectful and attentive he is and totally smitten with her. If you saw the picture she sent me that she took of him showing the love light in his eyes you would see it. She is from Paris, in her 40's and beautiful, but the SC/SS4W helped to break the ice and get her mojo back.

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Wow! That's awesome OBW - thank you for sharing that!


SS4W on it's own doesn't usually give me definable selfies until I spruce it up with something else (Lace, Topper, BAM/LAM, Sexpionage, CB...) Cougar on the other hand :lol: Ka-Pow! Giggles, flirting and lots of fun! I wear it less often than I'd like ONLY because I don't want to build up a tolerance of any sort! :D

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Hi, Nutrix! Yep. I use SC/SS4W in public, but I like to spice my SS4W up with CuddleBunny for hubby. In fact, I think it was you I got that idea from somewhere on here, lol! That combo kicks my and husband's libido up for sure.....but I've never worn it outside the bedroom, heh heh.

Edited by Olderbutwiser
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Hi, Nutrix! Yep. I use SC/SS4W in public, but I like to spice my SS4W up with CuddleBunny for hubby. In fact, I think it was you I got that idea from somewhere on here, lol! That combo kicks my and husband's libido up for sure.....but I've never worn it outside the bedroom, heh heh.

If that's a winner for you, try BANG.

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Hi, Stacy! That's kinda what I was going for with the SC/CB duo...he he, I was in a haze of love/lust for days with that one...I think my husband thought he died and went to heaven cuz it got him going big time. I definitely need to try the UNBang tho where the proportions are all worked out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This phero is bomb! I get languid and extremely dainty, like if i dropped something id pin my elbows in, hands up and go "oh my gosh!" N have a guy run to pick it up for me. My inner mom sort of shines with it as well, like i just waltzed out of the 1950s.


I wore this (two drops un- one on my neck, n spit one between wrists) to a girls night that didnt turn out to be a girls night. There was lots of guys and they were total gentleman, buuut after the guys bounced and got smashed- my phone blew up at 4am from my exs number and it was all the dudes, screaming, laughing and being retarded while this guy from childhood was talking *at* me about how pretty i am and just stood out to him, he peacocked a lot over the phone and then bluntly asks if i would like to come over and suck all their dicks and have a foursome with them. They were just going all out-- trying to snag me n reel in with mild to wild kinky fantasies.


It was definitely a bad night to wear a flirty phero haha i just blew up and told them in my mom voice how disappointed i am in all of them and ill probably slap them if i seen them in person and it got kinda technical from there with them threatening me w.police n junk.


Like i was w.a buncha mixed company and they heard me in the hallway n came out to comfort me a little. No 100% empathy but there was still some present, i think my little half sister showed more empathy than im used to so it was nice to see that.


I like this phero but damn im only gonna wear it AWAY from alcohol consumers! That night i was that cute dainty lady tHAT WILL PROBABLY HAVE A SHORT AS FUDGE FUSE UNDER THAT CUTE DEMEANOR.

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It was definitely a bad night to wear a flirty phero


I think it's more of a shining example of your guy pals lack of character than that a flirty phero was involved. You can't fix stupid :mellow:

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I think it's more of a shining example of your guy pals lack of character than that a flirty phero was involved. You can't fix stupid :mellow:


Quiet Guys warns of wearing pheros around people with low social filters -- and alcohol is probably the best filter-lowerer out there! Those guys all like/want her (on some level), then they drink and the high-school boy pay-attention-to-me-I-want-you-but-don't-know-what-to-do-about-it behavior comes out -- especially likely to happen when they are in their "pack". I'm glad it was just a phone call, I think that kind of situation could have gotten out of hand if she were there in person.


However, I would like to make it clear that I do not blame anyone but the boys for their behavior -- pheros or not, alcohol or not, we are all responsible for our own behavior.

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Pheros or not.. Disrespect is disrespect.. and an Asswhole, is an asswhole ....is an asswhole.. and on and on, no matter how long you've known him.

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Very true StacyK, and the thing about Asswholes is they're always spouting shit...


Now, I've returned to wearing this phero again lately, after taking a break to explore other wonderful things. It truly will always be one of my absolute favourites. When I want to be admired and adored, and complimented like a gorgeous goddess, this is what I wear.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I recently got to try out Super Sexy for Women a few days ago and I just had to report on it.


Some background about the day before going out to test it:


A storm caused half of my town to lose power for 24 hours. Because of this, I had to dress myself and apply my makeup via flashlight. so it wasn't the best if could be (smudged eyeliner, uneven lipliner, etc). To add to it, I was bloated.


Deciding I needed some help, I applied a bit of SS4W before heading off to work at the mall.


The bus ride to work was when I got my first 'hit'. It was cramped, leaving me to stand. Within ten minutes of the bus ride, a older fellow offered his seat to me while calling me 'cute'. I kindly declined.


At work, customers were extremely friendly and my somewhat bitchy coworker even warmed up to me. I got a few comments about smelling nice (I applied a pink sugary scent over it) and one person said I looked beautiful (even with my train wreck of a makeup job).


I also got good feedback scores from people which helps me in the long run.


Now this is where SS4W shows it's real strength and I learned a lesson on how dangerous pheros can be.


During my break, I decided to check out the movie times.


There was noone really in the elevator except this one man. This should have been a red flag but I ignored it. As the elevator started, we made small talk but nothing that would lead me to think I was being flirty.


When I was about to leave, he gave me this gross up-and-down stare and licked his lips. I felt extremely uncomfortable and I decided to leave. He cornered me and asked for my name and number. I gave him a fake name and fake number then bolted.


Now this may or may not have been the pheros but since we were in a small space and from the reactions I got from others, I figured it was.


SS4W is not an everyday kind of thing for me but I've decided to order a full bottle of it.





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I tried this years ago in the unscented oil and it smelled like cat urine on me so I threw it out.

I didnt know that I should have worn it with a cover scent back then.

I want to get it in the spray now and have it scented with a NOCO

Do you think lightly scented would be alright or should I have it fully scented.

I am concerned about the cat urine smell coming out.

Have any of you had this problem???

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I want to get it in the spray now and have it scented with a NOCO

Do you think lightly scented would be alright or should I have it fully scented.


I am trying to find scents right now to cover some stinkier mone blends. I haven't found SS4W that terribly smelly. My UnSS4W is in oil though and I've found that some sprays DO initially pack a wallop stench wise :lol:


Since NoCos are originally intended to cover cops, I would think lightly fragrancing would be sufficient, then you could still layer with your favorite perfume (white and pink go deliciously with so many things...) Buuuuut, it's only a few dollars more to fully fragrance. I don't think Stone Cougar is any more smelly than SS4W and I did get that one scented fully with Pure Sugar (but I also got it at x3 strength, so I figured better safe than...)


Has anyone else fragranced their SS4W? I know a lot of you ladies find a fragrance you love and then boost it with the phero - is that the same thing?

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Thank you MissD! I've always used the mad scientist for scenting pheros. I don't think I've ever asked to have a fragrance boosted but if it's full fragrance, it could be one way or the other I suppose. Just a different method of how you request it.

After snooping the site, I see there are drop downs for each fragrance if you wanted to request a phero boost and the price all works out the same that way or with the mad scientist route :)

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I think floral or foodie scents over SS4W better.


From my experience LP RED, LP PINK and LP WHITE covers it perfectly. I tried it with LP BLUE but I could smell the lingering scent.


Later this week I'm going to try SS4W covered in Cauldron Cake and Hunter and the Woodland Nymph.


@NuTrix I've always wondered how Mad scientist works. What's your experience because I know it's a try at your own risk thing.

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  • 1 month later...

(I always feel weird posting to old threads since that is verboten in other places I visit...I know it's acceptable here but I still feel weird about it :P )


Anyway my issues aside...I tried out my sample of Sneaky Clean a couple of days ago and just had to share. Bearing in mind that I am completely new to pheros, and this was my first time wearing something like this out of the house. I put it on hoping to get some kind of "confident and sexy" self effect, because I was expecting a want-to-hide-in-my-bed kind of day because of an uncomfortable appointment. I didn't put on much and doubted I'd get any reaction from anyone else.


Well, I got no self effects at all, which was a little bit of a bummer. And at first, I didn't think I was getting anything from anyone else, either (which I was expecting, so didn't really mind.) I had the appointment about an hour after I applied, and it went fine, nothing unusual. I started thinking this stuff just doesn't do anything on me.


Then afterward, things got weird. Really weird. My honey was home because he had the day off from work, and suddenly he decides to take me for a Victoria's Secret shopping spree at the mall, over an hour away. Now I have been complaining for a couple of months that I need to replace my bras, but all of a sudden, the man who usually expects me to buy them at Walmart wants me to take his credit card to VS?? Because I'm not an idiot, what I said was "um okay honey!" What I was thinking was "WTF?????" :blink: Possibly he was abducted by aliens and replaced by a clone. I decided not to think too hard about it until after I'd been shopping.


So we went to VS, and I picked out some nice bras and go to check out. Then he came up behind me with an armload of nighties in my favorite colors, "we'll take these too" :blink:


Despite the fact that I'd just finished swiping the credit card, the cashier was very pleasant about it. I was holding up the line as he suddenly decided I need matching robes for the nighties, and no one said a word about it. I apologized to the cashier and she's all "Noooo don't be sorry." Everybody is all smiles. She said "oh you get a gift with purchase" (it was a travel mug) "well I'm only supposed to give you one...but here have 2." :blink: Folks, this never happens to me. Ever. Usually if there is a gift with purchase and I don't know about it and ask for it, I don't get it, never mind TWO of whatever it is. And the matching robes thing?? I don't even know where to start with that one.


Then instead of wanting to go straight home (as usually would be the case, once the Mission is Accomplished) he wanted to stroll around the mall with me.


Then we went home and I made dinner as usual...the shopping trip had taken most of the day with the aimless wandering included...by this time I was feeling really tired and yawning all over the place, so he suggested I go lay down for a little while while he cleared up (we are now officially in "Fallen Down the Rabbit Hole" status). So I did. Because I was just rolling with it at this point. I was thinking if a unicorn popped up in our backyard, I'd just be like, "meh, you should have seen what happened at the mall!"


Then I got woken up with happy sexy fun times. :funnyanimation17:

So that was my SS4W experience. I have to say it wasn't what I was expecting but it definitely wasn't a bad thing in this case! I didn't notice any hits from anyone but my honey (and possibly the very nice lady cashier) but I wasn't really paying attention to anyone else either. While it didn't give me any self effects, I have to say I ended up in a good mood anyway ^_^ This is definitely making my full bottle list, now just wondering if I should get it unscented (so I can layer with other scents) or in Sneaky Clean again (because I really, really love the scent!)

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Memorare, hiyas, I'm a squib like you


That's an interesting experience ! My hubby says it makes him think of me "barefoot in the kitchen" (not pregnant) and he does give me a lot of attention as well. As I don't get any selfies from it on its own, it's kinda fun but wasted effort on his part..unless I add androstenol to the mix :hearts0425: then I'm good to go as well. Fascinating stuff.

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That sounds like an awesome day!


I generally recommend getting Uns because I don't like being restricted by scent..BUT you might get the bottle of Sneaky because of how little you wore to get that response. Might not be as effective for you in the stronger dose. If you get something boosted you might want to get it split between two bottles too.

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Memorare, hiyas, I'm a squib like you


That's an interesting experience ! My hubby says it makes him think of me "barefoot in the kitchen" (not pregnant) and he does give me a lot of attention as well. As I don't get any selfies from it on its own, it's kinda fun but wasted effort on his part..unless I add androstenol to the mix :hearts0425: then I'm good to go as well. Fascinating stuff.



Yeah the level of attention really floored me, I was not expecting that kind of response from the phero description (BUT I'M NOT COMPLAINING!) Do you mean androstenol like what's in LAM? Sorry, I'm still sorting out what's what!



That sounds like an awesome day!


I generally recommend getting Uns because I don't like being restricted by scent..BUT you might get the bottle of Sneaky because of how little you wore to get that response. Might not be as effective for you in the stronger dose. If you get something boosted you might want to get it split between two bottles too.


Oh good point, thank you!! I hadn't thought of that! This whole "less can be more" thing is kind of alien to my usual way of thinking. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I get self-effects from SS4W, although I think it took a while to realize what I was getting from it. I get a big boost of confidence, (lots of hip-swingin'), and a really big boost to my mood, (a la Open Windows, which I think must be why it works so well for me at work), and sort of a languid, feeling-more-at-home-in-my-skin kind of thing. I dig it.

Hi Eggers, I got this pretty recently in UN and roller FB. I know the general disclaimer of YMMV, but wondering how much you apply, etc.. I've only tested twice and been conservative - went to grocery store and felt self-conscious. I was hyper-aware of myself, having just applied not remembering I had to run to grocery store pretty much right after. I will the clerk (male) was super attentive and chatty though.


I think I was too aware to 'let the selfies in'. The awareness thing was all me, not the phero, that I know for sure.

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Hi Eggers, I got this pretty recently in UN and roller FB. I know the general disclaimer of YMMV, but wondering how much you apply, etc.. I've only tested twice and been conservative - went to grocery store and felt self-conscious. I was hyper-aware of myself, having just applied not remembering I had to run to grocery store pretty much right after. I will the clerk (male) was super attentive and chatty though.


I think I was too aware to 'let the selfies in'. The awareness thing was all me, not the phero, that I know for sure.

I wear quite a lot of this one, actually. Funny you should ask - I was just thinking about how much I wear of this when I was riding my bike home tonight! LOL!


I usually wear a 2 inch strip on each of my forearms (because I like my pheros to be close to my customer's noses!), another two inch strip in cleavage, another on my tummy, and then I roll it a couple of short rolls on the back of my neck. I'm pretty heavy-handed with this one, but I get fantastic results with it, and I've yet to OD on it, so...


Even when I wear it in a boosted scent, like Sneaky Clean or Rocket Fuel, I tend to wear a lot. For me, SS4W is is one phero that I can't seem to over-do. Having said that, I've had a couple of instances where I *knew* I was wearing a lot, and the responses I got were COMPLETELY over the top. Fun, in an irritating kind of way.


My best advice would be just to play with it a bit, and see if you notice any subtle effects - in yourself, or on others. It took me a while (forEVER!) to get the hang of UN Bang! You may get self-effects, you may not. But the effects I mentioned above are pretty consistent for me. I get hip-swingin' confident, really chipper, and the people around me seem to get a mood boost, too. Also, it works really well as a BFF/buddy type of potion for me; women LOVE me when I wear SS4W, whether I'm at work, or at play, women of all ages want to hang-out & talk my ears off! :lol:


Good luck with it! It's a fun phero to have in the arsenal! ;)

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I wear quite a lot of this one, actually. Funny you should ask - I was just thinking about how much I wear of this when I was riding my bike home tonight! LOL!


I usually wear a 2 inch strip on each of my forearms (because I like my pheros to be close to my customer's noses!), another two inch strip in cleavage, another on my tummy, and then I roll it a couple of short rolls on the back of my neck. I'm pretty heavy-handed with this one, but I get fantastic results with it, and I've yet to OD on it, so...


Even when I wear it in a boosted scent, like Sneaky Clean or Rocket Fuel, I tend to wear a lot. For me, SS4W is is one phero that I can't seem to over-do. Having said that, I've had a couple of instances where I *knew* I was wearing a lot, and the responses I got were COMPLETELY over the top. Fun, in an irritating kind of way.


My best advice would be just to play with it a bit, and see if you notice any subtle effects - in yourself, or on others. It took me a while (forEVER!) to get the hang of UN Bang! You may get self-effects, you may not. But the effects I mentioned above are pretty consistent for me. I get hip-swingin' confident, really chipper, and the people around me seem to get a mood boost, too. Also, it works really well as a BFF/buddy type of potion for me; women LOVE me when I wear SS4W, whether I'm at work, or at play, women of all ages want to hang-out & talk my ears off! :lol:


Good luck with it! It's a fun phero to have in the arsenal! ;)

Thanks Eggers! Tested it on self and others (well at the hair salon, there's a cute guy that works there to boot) - seemed to get positive responses. Of course I didn't wear it solo - had to wear a tad of cougar and cresendo w/ topper - just because. But that said I definitely felt more self-confident and social prior to those add-ons and since I used such small dose of the add-ons, attribute 90% of the confidence and openness of others (male and female) to SS4W.


I'm glad for this thread as I probably wouldn't have chosen this one (I could only get 3 last order) as one of my 1st UnPheros - but definitely glad I have it! It seems very versatile, I like that.


After getting my hair done, ran to grocery store and noticed I had an odd stance of hand on hip when I was perusing aisles. Is that weird??? I don't think I usually stand like that. So I googled it and one of the first things that came up is that a woman would stand that way to bring attention to her curves in a non-threatening way.


This is so interesting to me - and funny - because I don't usually stand around like that - and even when I noticed myself I caught myself doing it again later! :Emoticons04263:

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Thanks Eggers! Tested it on self and others (well at the hair salon, there's a cute guy that works there to boot) - seemed to get positive responses. Of course I didn't wear it solo - had to wear a tad of cougar and cresendo w/ topper - just because. But that said I definitely felt more self-confident and social prior to those add-ons and since I used such small dose of the add-ons, attribute 90% of the confidence and openness of others (male and female) to SS4W.


I'm glad for this thread as I probably wouldn't have chosen this one (I could only get 3 last order) as one of my 1st UnPheros - but definitely glad I have it! It seems very versatile, I like that.


After getting my hair done, ran to grocery store and noticed I had an odd stance of hand on hip when I was perusing aisles. Is that weird??? I don't think I usually stand like that. So I googled it and one of the first things that came up is that a woman would stand that way to bring attention to her curves in a non-threatening way.


This is so interesting to me - and funny - because I don't usually stand around like that - and even when I noticed myself I caught myself doing it again later! :Emoticons04263:

No, I don't think it's weird at all. I catch myself *really* swinging my hips when I walk while I'm wearing this. It's a hip-loosener for sure! I also find I'm a lot more balletic at work. I am normally *very* clumsy. But with SS4W and with OW, I feel so confident that I have no trouble at all being physically graceful. My customers often remark about the way I move at work. I've had more than a few people say that they like watching me move through the restaurant because I always have a smile on my face, and I move "like a dancer". If you knew how clumsy I actually am, you'd be balking right now! :lol: I put it all down to the pheros. I do not, repeat, I do NOT move like a dancer. Except with these two pheros. (And maybe with LFM - but that's 'cause it makes me feel like a big scary swan! :lol: ).

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  • 2 months later...

I have this in 60/40 spray and have been testing this for 3-4 weeks-Nada, nothin, zip for me. Increase the amount of sprays just a zero. So today I said what the hell and added 5% cops to it and sprayed 3 only. First of all that little bit of cops put alittle swing in my step and a smile on my face. :PolarChristmas:

How can this stuff work from10 feet away, or is it my goofy grin, I notice more stares and eye contact but there is no way they can smell me that far away!!

Any who the woman check out lady was very attentive and forgot to ring up my purchase correctly and she just shrugged her shoulders-What!! she did not even care that she was giving me free stuff- I actually feel guilty now

This is the day for free stuff-

walgreens making purchase and she just cleans out the cosmetic counter of free samples and some were not free just travel items- I got home and there were 8 free things thrown in- man I am on a roll!

Next stop Khols said to cashier Oh for got my 30% off coupon at home so she said pick a scratch off, so I did and scratched 15% then she said pick another so I scratched 15% again she then said well I will just give you the 30% off anyways-Man this is shopping day from heaven!!

Walmart-the cart guy left all his carts in the middle of the street and proceeded to help me load all my stuff, then the other one came over and wanted to help also I have never had any help at Walmart in the parking lot.


When things are over the top I know it is the pheros!

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I add cops to everything :Emoticons04263: I think that livin101 is the perfect example of WHY :lol:

I learned that the hard way will add cops to my next FB


Bang is SS4W with a bit of Cops and additional Est so that may work better for you.


Ordering Bang right away!

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