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OK, everybody.....for the last two nights, I have experimented with my sweetheart and the "Super Sexy" concentrate that I purchased to add to my existing stash of potions.


On the first night, I used it with Dark Seductions, which is my darlin's #1 favorite scent. I just so happened to be outside when he pulled up in the driveway.....When he got out of the car, he gave me a big hug and kiss, and then went about making a little bit of chit-chat while I was searching for something in my car.....then all of a sudden, he walks up behind me and taps me on the shoulder. I turned around, and he swept me into one of these "movie embraces". He says......"You are just so HOT. Is it bedtime yet?" He was all over me all evening.....it was uncontrollable. After my son went to bed, we retired for some "fun"......it was WILD. We were trying to be quiet, but in the middle of the festivities, one leg of my bedframe went crashing through the floor.....I have an old house, and there are weak spots in the floor in some of the rooms....it just so happens that we hit one..... :D You would have thought that the bed issue would have broken the mood, but it didn't......the party just moved onto the floor..... :lol: We dealt with the bed after we were finished..... ;)


Well, I thought that part of the fervor from Monday night might have been due to the fact that we had not seen each other for a week. So, last night, I decided to try for round two. I used the super sexy concentrate again, this time mixed with Dirty Sexy (my honey's second favorite scent). It was almost a complete repeat of the night before (sans the bed crashing through the floor). Don't get me wrong, we are normally a very passionate couple, but this seemed to definitely kick it up a notch.


Conclusions? Well......I am going to do some further testing, but my first impression is that this one is a definite winner.....will post further as more testing is performed..... ;)


LMAO!!! Dolly, you're a gem. Love reading about your adventures. Now I recently ordered some Super Sexy Unscented and have some Dirty Sexy, and requested samples of Down and Dirty for Her and Him. I also have some Phero Girl. With all of this on hand, if something HOT doesn't happen, we had better start checking for pulses over here! lol Don't want to break the bed, but hey I wouldn't mind if it took a hit if we had THAT much fun ;)

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LMAO!!! Dolly, you're a gem. Love reading about your adventures. Now I recently ordered some Super Sexy Unscented and have some Dirty Sexy, and requested samples of Down and Dirty for Her and Him. I also have some Phero Girl. With all of this on hand, if something HOT doesn't happen, we had better start checking for pulses over here! lol Don't want to break the bed, but hey I wouldn't mind if it took a hit if we had THAT much fun :frown:


We definitely have some fun with each other, that's for sure!


Well, with everything you have coming your way, you'd better make sure the headboard is away from the wall.....either that, or buy some spackle!


Oh, and try some Blatant Invitation.....all I have to say is OMG!

Edited by Dolly
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  • 2 months later...

Today I decided to have some fun and did a phero bomb that consisted of massive amounts of SS4W, PP, and honeycomb/amber for scent cover w/ a little added cops.


So at the gym, a few guys follow me around like puppies. Another few keep looking my way. I'm in my own little world listening to my ipod while doing my sets. I notice this bit with the guys but don't really give it any thought. I'd actually forgotten I'd applied anything.


Next up, the cafe. I grabbed the corner couch, reading and glancing at the TV while waiting for my friend to arrive. And bit by bit nearly every table around me fills with men. The tables are set very close together and there are two sides of the cafe separated by where the line forms behind the registers. I'm waiting for my friend and before I know it, I'm surrounded by men. Almost the entire male population was on my side of the room and the other side? Next to empty! Then my friend comes in and says, "We're moving to the other side. There's too many people here." So we move across to the vacant area, and over the next half hour the other side empties of all but maybe four or five guys when there were just around 25 before and the side we're on now seems to be getting full. We think nothing of it but decide to move back to the other side because of the draft and because the other side has cleared out. So now we're at the other side of the room again, same corner chairs as before, and within 15 minutes (I KID YOU NOT!!!) we're surrounded again... by men! It was insane. So my friend looks at me, shrugs, laughs as if to say 'what the hell with these people!' And I laugh and say it must be my pheros not even really thinking about it. Then we're in hysterics because apparently my phero bomb worked a little too well. Then she points to the bathroom and tells me to go wash them off because she's getting claustrophobic.


I think maybe I'll go a little lighter with the pheros next time.

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Very nice Starlite! Sounds like you had fun!!

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Sorry love - but fun is the point.




Later Gatoe



Oh I agree wholeheartedly Ms Shelly......in fact, I think I am going to load up with an inappropriate amount of SS4W and your lucious HAM just for funzies at my son's basketball game today......

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Oh I agree wholeheartedly Ms Shelly......in fact, I think I am going to load up with an inappropriate amount of SS4W and your lucious HAM just for funzies at my son's basketball game today......



Slather it on dear - and come back and tell us if something amusing happens! :-)

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that's great starlight!

life can get too serious, fun, fun, fun, is required, and laughter. inappropriate amounts of pheros can jolly up my day. i just received phero girl and wear it constantly. i just dig the idea that i may be tweaking my sweetie's brain, if i happen to effect other men along the way, it's collateral damage. gives them something to think about. maybe they'll surprise their wives with something lovely.

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Do you know I wear Pherogirl under EVERYTHING every day I put it on right after showering. It's for ME! IDK why but it makes me feel confident and makes me happy! I was just playing around trying to do a sugared scent of just 3 honeys combined because I think I am addicted to it! Do you think that would be nice?

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what if u bought sugared honey and added cops to it? no? you probably want a particular group of honeys right? yes, custom honey scent sounds exciting, there are so many different ones. go for it!

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Slather it on dear - and come back and tell us if something amusing happens! :-)



OH, you know me.....something amusing usually DOES happen.....especially when I'm wearing pheros....today was basketball games with my son......my man has his kids this weekend, so he was not present......and I was up for some funzies.....


I slathered, yes slathered......myself in SS4W, covered with ShellyB's Honeyed Amber and Musk......boy, did I smell YUMMY! So, I take my son to the gym, he finds his teammates, and I go take a seat......


A friend of mine comes in with her kids and sits down near me.....I move over beside her, and we start chatting.....then I notice that her husband comes up and sits on the other side of me.....now this is normally not a very personable or friendly dude.....and he is quite close, like really in my personal space......so, I looked at him and said, I can switch places if you want to sit next to your wife.....he grins this big, GOOFY grin, and says, "No, that's ok. You are JUST FINE." I had to giggle......


They left after their son's game, but my boy was going to be taking a short break and then playing another, so I was visiting with my son's grandma......my ex, who normally regards me as "invisible", came up and sat beside his mom.....looks over at me and says....."Hey, how you doin'?" Which is VERY unusual for him to address me AT ALL in public.....he says to his mom...."Something smells REALLY good.....what is that? Smells kind of like candy, but not quite......it's something else....it smells like......" then he just stops dead in the middle of his sentence.....I look over, and he has the major DIHL.....just STARING at me.....then the goofy grin.....I HAD to laugh on that one.....I went to the restroom and laughed for a good five minutes.....too funny....all in all an interesting phero day......

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Oh dear, you ladies are having so much phero phun! :D


I've notice that when I use my ss4w, it dries white and looks almost powdery where I've applied it. Does that mean it's soaked in and not working anymore?

Mine leaked in the mail and I only have less than half left, so I'm trying to use it sparingly.

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If you got it from LPMP you should let them know because it's a mix of CPS and pheros and who knows what ratio leaked out.



Yes, most definitely let them know......the pheros usually float on top of the D5, so you may have a wierd ratio of the two going on......

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Ok, this is unusual for me, but I'm actually posting on the phero hits board now... I 'volunteered' myself and my sweetie to help a gf move today...(first day off in oh, 12 days but nevermind that)


She's quite a bit more conservative than me, most of her friends are her church folk, and I don't usually 'fit in' terribly well w/them so I decided to phero it up for a bit of fun. I used SS4W on neck and elbows, a bit of Treasured Hearts on top of arms/wrists for that extra lovin' thing. Covered with 11, my comfort scent.


It all seemed to work pretty well! The church ladies didn't shun me, but chatted and were laughing, my ex-b.f. (did not expect him to be there) showed up and gave big hugs... later quasi-cornered me for "an extra hug" (bwahahah). All in all I was in a very UP mood considering, did a good part of the laughing myself even tho' it was the Move From Hell, and lasted 6 hours. I like this stuff!


Tonight? Sushi w/another pal...what should I wear?!

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Ok, this is unusual for me, but I'm actually posting on the phero hits board now... I 'volunteered' myself and my sweetie to help a gf move today...(first day off in oh, 12 days but nevermind that)


She's quite a bit more conservative than me, most of her friends are her church folk, and I don't usually 'fit in' terribly well w/them so I decided to phero it up for a bit of fun. I used SS4W on neck and elbows, a bit of Treasured Hearts on top of arms/wrists for that extra lovin' thing. Covered with 11, my comfort scent.


It all seemed to work pretty well! The church ladies didn't shun me, but chatted and were laughing, my ex-b.f. (did not expect him to be there) showed up and gave big hugs... later quasi-cornered me for "an extra hug" (bwahahah). All in all I was in a very UP mood considering, did a good part of the laughing myself even tho' it was the Move From Hell, and lasted 6 hours. I like this stuff!


Tonight? Sushi w/another pal...what should I wear?!




What should you wear? MORE! Sounds like you did well with that combo.....it does give a really fun vibe.....roll with it!

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Daisy told us right away and we did send her a replacement. (Still on the way?)


Since the CPS would dry 100% clear, and even with a little sheen, it sounds like you've got concentrated pheromone solids forming.


Pheromones start out as solids. Powder. Crystals.

They are dissolved in a small amount of alcohol to liquefy them, and then diluted in whatever medium you choose.


I have tried this before. I put a few drops of the liquefied concentrate we are provided in a bottle, and then left it open. When the alcohol evaporated, I still had a strong phero smell, no liquid left, and a tad of white crystals on the sides of the bottle.


Daisy's bottle had a crack in the neck. It sounds like the alcohol evaporated or leaked out. The pheromone solids won't (entirely) evaporate with the alcohol, so she's got a powdery residue which is straight phero.


That's my guess, anyway.

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Oh dear, you ladies are having so much phero phun! :arf:


I've notice that when I use my ss4w, it dries white and looks almost powdery where I've applied it. Does that mean it's soaked in and not working anymore?

Mine leaked in the mail and I only have less than half left, so I'm trying to use it sparingly.


Yes, I know exactly what you mean...I have a bottle of Popularity potion that does the same thing... when I apply it (and yes, I do shake always) it turns white and powdery where I have applied...never was a problem for me though and I didn't report it because I just assumed that is how it is suppose to be.


but it should still work though, right?



ps...hey daisy how you been, havent heard from you in awhile...hope all is well in your world and that you are still enjoying the goodies as much as I do...hell, we all do for that matter.

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i think im just going to add a crystal chip to all my mixes, so that they mix faster.

i used to do this with my aromatherapy oils, place a small chip of rose quartz or aquamarine in them.


sometimes if you travel with them like i do,


the crystal in them keeps them mixed naturally through regular movement.

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i think im just going to add a crystal chip to all my mixes, so that they mix faster.

i used to do this with my aromatherapy oils, place a small chip of rose quartz or aquamarine in them.


sometimes if you travel with them like i do,


the crystal in them keeps them mixed naturally through regular movement.


Lor, thats such a great idea! Do you find you get the affects of whatever crystal chip you use in your mix? Ex.. do you feel more open and receptive to love with rose quartz (from yourself and others) when you blend in the stones?

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I have been using SS4W and Treasured hearts when I have gone back to my ex-place of employement. It made my time there soo much more comfy last night. I am definetly slathering more TH before I go back today. I am sure glad I got this one. I have neglected it but now I am finding it to be an essential part of my armor :wink2:


Do you know I wear Pherogirl under EVERYTHING every day I put it on right after showering. It's for ME! IDK why but it makes me feel confident and makes me happy! I was just playing around trying to do a sugared scent of just 3 honeys combined because I think I am addicted to it! Do you think that would be nice?


Oooh you should get a lotion with Pherogirl in it, from LP. That would be PERFECT for after a shower ;)


They left after their son's game, but my boy was going to be taking a short break and then playing another, so I was visiting with my son's grandma......my ex, who normally regards me as "invisible", came up and sat beside his mom.....looks over at me and says....."Hey, how you doin'?" Which is VERY unusual for him to address me AT ALL in public.....he says to his mom...."Something smells REALLY good.....what is that? Smells kind of like candy, but not quite......it's something else....it smells like......" then he just stops dead in the middle of his sentence.....I look over, and he has the major DIHL.....just STARING at me.....then the goofy grin.....I HAD to laugh on that one.....I went to the restroom and laughed for a good five minutes.....too funny....all in all an interesting phero day......


Oh this is just priceless! well done Dolly. I love the fact that he stopped mid sentence hehehe.


He doesnt know you where pheros eh? You could have some cruel fun there...Not that you would, but still hehehe. Ok I am feeling naughty :lol:


i think im just going to add a crystal chip to all my mixes, so that they mix faster.

i used to do this with my aromatherapy oils, place a small chip of rose quartz or aquamarine in them.

sometimes if you travel with them like i do,

the crystal in them keeps them mixed naturally through regular movement.


Kinda along similar lines to KrazyKat. Make sure you dont put a stone that doesnt work with the general intent of a potion. Othewise a fab idea. Especial with the thicker potions that need a lot of shakity shake ;)

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Oh this is just priceless! well done Dolly. I love the fact that he stopped mid sentence hehehe.


He doesnt know you where pheros eh? You could have some cruel fun there...Not that you would, but still hehehe. Ok I am feeling naughty :lol:



No, when I was married to him, I had no ideas that pheros even existed.....and, I didn't wear perfume hardly at all.......imagine that......

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No, when I was married to him, I had no ideas that pheros even existed.....and, I didn't wear perfume hardly at all.......imagine that......



Well - you could torture the sh*t out of him now couldn't you?! <g>


Imagine if you will - some SS4W, a huge swath of cops - and some big, sweet resinous blend over the top. Remember the story about the quickie in the bathroom when he hadn't come near you for a year and half? How much better when you know that's what he's thinking - and he can't have it.


I know, I know. Evil Shelly. Still...I think the evil bit is a part of my charm. Not everyone embraces their id. I hug mine for dear life. It's a Freud thing. Honestly - no offense to those participating in Freudian based therapy - but IMHO - Freud was so FOS. Literally - read some of his theories around those anally retentive amongst us. Like I said - FOS. Seriously.


But for grins - I'lll give you the whole id, ego, and super-ego. Here's the wiki - and I feel the need to point out that the section on the id was clearly written by a super-ego dominated person. So judgemental those super-egos.



Edited by Shelly B
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Remember the story about the quickie in the bathroom when he hadn't come near you for a year and half? How much better when you know that's what he's thinking - and he can't have it.


I think she was talking about her last husband (sort of like "My Last Duchess"). :)

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Well - you could torture the sh*t out of him now couldn't you?! <g>


Imagine if you will - some SS4W, a huge swath of cops - and some big, sweet resinous blend over the top. Remember the story about the quickie in the bathroom when he hadn't come near you for a year and half? How much better when you know that's what he's thinking - and he can't have it.


I know, I know. Evil Shelly. Still...I think the evil bit is a part of my charm. Not everyone embraces their id. I hug mine for dear life. It's a Freud thing. Honestly - no offense to those participating in Freudian based therapy - but IMHO - Freud was so FOS. Literally - read some of his theories around those anally retentive amongst us. Like I said - FOS. Seriously.


But for grins - I'lll give you the whole id, ego, and super-ego. Here's the wiki - and I feel the need to point out that the section on the id was clearly written by a super-ego dominated person. So judgemental those super-egos.





Don't worry Shelly.....I embrace my evil-ness too.....fun, isn't it?


But Luna was correct, the bathroom story was about my third husband, who I haven't seen since I divorced his sorry ass in 2004. My second husband is my son's Dad, and I have to see him regularly. My first one is somewhere in Texas, and I really don't know or care where. I know, I have too many husbands to keep track of.....thankfully, they are all "EX" husbands.....

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aren't exes the best kind of husband?




But I DO adore my hubby!! I just wish I could find the right phero combo to ring his bell!!


In other phero-news: I'm going out with the gals on Wednesday (someone is leaving the shop and we're taking her out) and I plan on SLATHERING myself just for fun. Need help with the combo, though. Suggestions?

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aren't exes the best kind of husband?


Ex boyfriends too :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: Well, thats in my young "scared of boys now" oppinion :D




But I DO adore my hubby!! I just wish I could find the right phero combo to ring his bell!!


In other phero-news: I'm going out with the gals on Wednesday (someone is leaving the shop and we're taking her out) and I plan on SLATHERING myself just for fun. Need help with the combo, though. Suggestions?


Now what are you wanting to obtain during this slathering. And whats in your arsenal? :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:

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I think what I want is just an uplifting experience! I want a little attention. Sometimes I'm the invisible one (I think due to being plus-sized) and I'd just like to be SEEN by men. BTW, this isn't the case with Mr. Goddess, I think he's just stressed 'cause of his kids.It would be fun to have a few compliments, giggle like a school-girl, etc. Not interested in anything more than innocent flirting.


In my arsenal I have Essence Oil, BI, Dominance, Super for Women, Mara's, Cuddle Bunny, Phero Girl, Me Jane, Girl/Girl, True Confessions, Synchronicity, Couer de l'amour plus a bunch of scents.


Also, I plan on looking HOT! Did my hair this w/end, and have a new bra in my collection for boobie-enhancement.


ETA: I forgot to mention, I also have Cougar!


ETA #2: and Sexology

Edited by goddesslynne
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Oh, girl, you're gonna have SO much fun!!!! Especially with new enhanced boobies! You could go either way you wanted with all those pheros!!! If it were me, I would do Phero Girl for yummy cops, MARA'S, because it makes you FABULOUS, and maybe some true confessions or Cour de lamour for the girls!!


And I remember calling myself the invisible woman for years. I know how you feel, it is lonely, and you DESERVE to be seen! SO perk up the titties, slather those pheros and KNOCK EM DEAD GORGEOUS!!!!!!

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Yah Id go with Mara's Rocket fuel. That one will be lotso fun. not a bad idea to add some true confession for the ladies chatter... (Id put it on the back of your neck.)


Have fun!!

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I'd go with Cougar (I am assuming it is unscented) and something with SS4W (either Rocket Fuel or Super)......also, I would skip the heavy PG cops......if your man is not with you, you may be putting out the wrong signals.....


Now, about being invisible......take it from a plus-sized VIXEN....I used to be invisible until I decided that I would MAKE them see me......I carry myself like I am the hottest woman in the room.....if you exude self-confidence and self-assurance, they can't help but notice you.....


You know, it's funny......my man had never been with a plus-sized woman before.....said he didn't think he would be interested in a larger woman......then he met me and found out that us bigger girls could ROCK HIS WORLD!

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Now, about being invisible......take it from a plus-sized VIXEN....I used to be invisible until I decided that I would MAKE them see me......I carry myself like I am the hottest woman in the room.....if you exude self-confidence and self-assurance, they can't help but notice you.....


How do you do that though? How do you go from feeling invisible to feeling or carrying yourself like you're the hottest woman in the room?


I get self effects from several phero's...confidence boost, arousal and feeling a bit naughty...but I wish there was one that made me feel super feminine and voluptous ;)

A phero that would make me feel like Brigit Bardot or Sophia Loren...


I struggle with my weight a lot...I have a hard time keeping it on no matter how much I eat & I equate femininity with curves so most of the time I just don't feel feminine and attractive. I know I have a very pretty face, but I just don't feel attractive in a feminine way... does that make sense to anyone? I need a change!


Maybe I should just try and shower in TAH and EST :lol: Possibly add some cops for the naughty feel too...

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