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OMG YOU GUYS! I've done it - 6500! (when did I get so dang chatty?) This is probably the ONLY board I really truly call my own and post regularly. I want to thank you all for making it a place I want to STAY!


Now. WHAT the heck do I call myself?! :neutral:

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Um, so *how* naughty can we be w/our name? I haz a nughty thought...




Salute to your presence on this forum,it,us,and this world, would not be the same without you in it...and conga-rats to you too Tyvey,and any I might have missed,luv you all :abfx:

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OMG YOU GUYS! I've done it - 6500! (when did I get so dang chatty?) This is probably the ONLY board I really truly call my own and post regularly. I want to thank you all for making it a place I want to STAY!


Now. WHAT the heck do I call myself?! :neutral:



I trail behind w/6439


great choice for your new name :D

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I was thinking something worse, but now I'm pondering Pussy Galore. C'mon 007-tie-in WIN!

YAY 6500!!! I love your new name katz!!!


See? Pussy Galore!!!!!!! Heh. I need a martini...shaken, not stirred.


(P.S. Pussy galore sounds like my household: 3 cats, 2 daughters, and a mom :666:)

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GREAT pic, Katz!

Yeah, I want to know what the OTHER one was too!


I was telling Luna tonight, I get so used to people's style of avi's, I've been thinking her new one is Dolly posting, and Ravenwing's new one makes me think of Liz. And Cali has a new person using the same artist...oh, woh, woh....

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'tanks! I love the pic, who would not want *that moment*!? Le sigh... Yeah, when Luna changes her avi, I can feel the ground shifting over here...! :winktongue:

CONGRATS Mz Katz !! :hearts18:

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