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Sorry I'm Lesbian!


Cute, Mrs. Kravitz!

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LOLOLOLLL!!! You guys are making me burble with delight! :) You know, I like the sound of that. With your permission, I'll say it again......Burble with delight! Yeah. :)

Sorry, I'm having an Elwood P. Dowd moment. I have them as often as possible.


:stars188: CONGRATZ 2 ALLLLL THE MOVERS OF ^ :stars188:

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I'm Blatantly Inviting.


Yes you are!! I am surprised more guys do not realize it!

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I think QG is saying I'm putting it out there!


I think QG is saying I wonder why you don't have more guys knocking on the door!

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Wheee! Tribble Wrangler! I feel like a Girl Scout who just earned a new badge!

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CONGRATS!!! ~I can't figure out how to write the little purring sound the tribbles made. Prrrrrrrrrr?~ Hee!


Thanks!! I look forward to being a Babe in the Woods like you someday!

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Thanks, Eggers! Still trying to catch up with you Big Kids on the playground . . . ^_^

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Congrats, DD, and all other uppers of move! :loves666::bday1029:

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huh....*writes post to figure out what I am.*


Ziggy Stardust. Cool.


I, of course, liked Witch Hazel.


And I've seen Unicorns on the board but I don't remember the full title.

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Ziggy Stardust. Cool.


Ziggy Stardust is the best one of them all. I was kinda sad to move past that one!


huh....*writes post to figure out what I am.*



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Problem is....I don't think I could pull this off :)




The name does trip off the tongue pleasantly though :D

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Problem is....I don't think I could pull this off :)


Well, there IS that . . . :lol:

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Well before my time.


But if I was to choose a rocker from a previous age to mimic myself on

my top choices would be


1. Freddy Mercury

2. David Bowie/ Labrynth

3. Cherrie Currie

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Well before my time.


No need to be ugly about it to those of us slightly "more experienced" my dear haha! :lol:


(I am kidding and I know you did not mean it like that!)

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He's an easy one to pick, isn't he? I'd TOTALLY rock that 'stache!



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220px-Cylon_Centurion.png You are on this dude's speed dial.


ETA: umm, congrats??

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Huzzah! I upgraded!


But err, I have no idea what a cyclon repairman is...?

haha, I didn't either, I had to look it up!


What is the world coming too ... lol?

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Mara had to post pictures of the humany cylons for me when I was their repairman! Oddly enough, a friend showed me a pic of the blond woman one last evening. And hey--I have turned from a Babe in the Woods into a Wildflower. Always have been a late bloomer. *gigglesnort*


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