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UN Audacious

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I received a little spray bottle of Audacious and have used it a few times. I thought I would write about today's experience, though it's very mild and may not be considered a "hit."


You know when your boobs can be sensitive around your period, and it's not like they always feel like that, it's just sometimes you move and you get a little twinge, or you feel a little extra needy because you're just the teensiest bit achey?


I have the emotional version of sensitive boobs wearing this today. Turkish delight, three sprays on neck and chest. Smoking Bun on wrists and one spritz there.

I wasn't crazy sad cat or anything, but all through waiting for my boyfriend for lunch and then going to lunch, I wanted to be glued onto him and just keep looking at him.




Didn't particularly want anything. I just wanted MY FACE as close to HIS FACE as possible even if it was a tad outside social conventions.


Wasn't what I expected Audacious to be. I'm going to keep trying it though.

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ahhhhh....something to write down. If Est makes some women needy, are there any correlations for pheromones that tend to work better for them (I know it's hard to tell with individuals, just wasn't sure if there was something general.)

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It doesn't always make them appear that way, but it's often mixed with other pheros or phero-like substances to help avoid that possibility. That said, Est does tend to make men be more gentlemanly however, or so I've noticed. In the phero Gift Shop description it says and I quote:


Estratetraenol is a pheromone that is said to be a calming mood elevator, and is for stimulating feelings of love, protectiveness and gentleness in both sexes toward the wearer. It is known to inspire chivalry in men, and helpful kindness in women. For the wearer, it is known to make the wearer feel more feminine.

Edited by Queen of Swords
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hmmmm. Thanks!

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I wahsed this off, and unfortunately I think later this afternoon I put on a sweatshirt that I'd sprayed some of this on or another est dominant UN w/perfume because this is the second day in a row I've been a little weepy and needing to get stuff off my cheat.


on the one hand, I'm sure those subjects needed to be broached.

on the other, I'm not sure if without est pheros, they would have gotten expressed *quite*

that way.


which is really shitty because now I've made both of us miserable tonight.


Can someone tell me the differences in Audacious, and Lace? I'm kind of afraid to wear lace now.

I also have Lumina and TMI but I don't remember those having this sort of effect on me.

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I don't recall ever getting needy/weepy from Audacious. it always gave me sassy, sensual, woman in charge feel...180 from what you're describing. Crazy! Maybe it's a chemistry thing....wait a couple weeks and try it again to see if it impacts you differently then...

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Can someone tell me the differences in Audacious, and Lace? I'm kind of afraid to wear lace now.

I also have Lumina and TMI but I don't remember those having this sort of effect on me.


LACE isn't domineering at all, whether it'd work for you I don't know, but it's pretty bubbly and girly, but despite that I think it's great for pairing with SS4W, but it could be just the a-nol that helps me get in to a good mood. Lumina like Audacious is being discontinued, so I kind of feel the question is moot at this point.


Have you thought of trying out Treasured Hearts, BAM!, LAM! or Perfect Match yet? I don't think trying out LFM/N would be a bad idea either, though if you're sensitive to Est you might want to try samples first.

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I have a spray bottle of Lumina which is why I was asking. I'll keep audacious around and try in a few weeks when I'm not around my boyfriend, but just try two spritzes. I've tried LFM and haven't noticed anything. Wasn't a fan of the scent so if I did that I'd get an UN or in another scent.


So far, I like Elevation Potion, and TMI. I'll try lace again since I just remember I like it in Red Lace.


I still feel kind of emotional. About an hour after my shower, I was having dinner and accidentally bit my lip and just dissolved into a puddle of sobs when my normal reaction would be cursing and glowering and then shaking it off in 30 seconds. This feeling sucks. Oh well, all pheromones can't work for all people and I knew that.

I just wish I could do the second half of today over.

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A little help...? Does anyone happen to have the list of pheros in Audacious? When I tanked my other laptop I lost my phero info so I'm adding it to my personal arsenal in my journal. I guess because it's discontinued it's no longer on the perfumery site. Can anyone help? Thanks :)



Oh :( MissH, just saw your post. Sorry you had such a crappy half day. I was just checking out Lace and saw in the description that there is a "woozy" amount of alpha-nol in it. The only other time I saw "woozy" amount of A-nol in a description was for Woozy Floozy, which has 3 times the amount of pheromones in a 10ml bottle than other blends do. Maybe that means it's heavy on the happy joy, joy and light on the needy/weepy - which might be why it's agreeable with you in Red Lace. Hope that it's a good match for you :)

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A little help...? Does anyone happen to have the list of pheros in Audacious? When I tanked my other laptop I lost my phero info so I'm adding it to my personal arsenal in my journal. I guess because it's discontinued it's no longer on the perfumery site. Can anyone help? Thanks :)


My info says:

Contains: Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone, Alpha-Androstenone, Estratetraenol, DHEA sodium sulfate, Copulins

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My info says:

Contains: Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone, Alpha-Androstenone, Estratetraenol, DHEA sodium sulfate, Copulins


Thank you! I will be writing this down to compare against future UNs.

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I don't recall ever getting needy/weepy from Audacious. it always gave me sassy, sensual, woman in charge feel...180 from what you're describing. Crazy! Maybe it's a chemistry thing....wait a couple weeks and try it again to see if it impacts you differently then...

:yeahthat: ... x 10


Ohhhh there is nothing needy/weepy about this blend !! The 2 'enones far outweigh the est...this has a domininent vibe,more like Leather,on me,but more sparkly :lol:



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My info says:

Contains: Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone, Alpha-Androstenone, Estratetraenol, DHEA sodium sulfate, Copulins


OH! You're awesome! Thank you SO much! :hearts18::abfx:

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  • 1 year later...

OK, I am sorry to rave about a phero that is no longer available but OMG YOU GUYS I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! I had my second trial of Audacious yesterday and I am over the moon with it. I had a long casual but social day laid out. I got called in to work at my retail job, which was fine, and then I was due to hang out with my best friend for a couple of hours while her husband whipped their house into shape for a party, which we were then going on to.


Before I left for work I applied three short strips of the roll-on, one on the top of each boob and one on the back of my neck. I renewed that about 7 hours later. The result?

I had plenty of energy, which I needed. I felt completely at ease and super confident in all my interactions with people. I was flirty but not predatory (not that I mind feeling predatory, under the right circumstances, but that would not have worked here). I noticed I got very handsy with people, both women and men -- once again, not in an overly sexual way but in a confident playful way. I had no trouble making conversation with people I didn't know that well, and also no trouble having fun with people who were a bit under the influence (I don't drink anymore). I was kind of at the party on my own, though I spent a lot of time hanging out with a good male friend. But I didn't feel clingy with him, I was able to pick up new conversations and not have to hold any one person too long.


I paired this my Black Cat Mojo and it was a match made in heaven (thank you StacyK!!). It is such a match made in heaven that I'm kind of reluctant to try this with any other scent.


Mostly I loved Audacious for its effects on me, but it's worth noting that everyone I approached wanted to talk to me at length, people I only knew very slightly made a point of saying good night to me before they left the party, and no one seemed offended or put off by my hands-on approach to conversation... quite the opposite!


So thank you to Hearts for letting this go on your trade thread!! And I know my bottle should last a long time. But I am seriously wondering how to get a similar effect from pheros that are still available. Lace is a bit tricky on me in my experiences so far - I need to play with that some more. I have my first Leather boosted blend on the way. Any other thoughts from you experienced gals?

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OK, I am sorry to rave about a phero that is no longer available but OMG YOU GUYS I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! I had my second trial of Audacious yesterday and I am over the moon with it. I had a long casual but social day laid out. I got called in to work at my retail job, which was fine, and then I was due to hang out with my best friend for a couple of hours while her husband whipped their house into shape for a party, which we were then going on to.


Before I left for work I applied three short strips of the roll-on, one on the top of each boob and one on the back of my neck. I renewed that about 7 hours later. The result?


I had plenty of energy, which I needed. I felt completely at ease and super confident in all my interactions with people. I was flirty but not predatory (not that I mind feeling predatory, under the right circumstances, but that would not have worked here). I noticed I got very handsy with people, both women and men -- once again, not in an overly sexual way but in a confident playful way. I had no trouble making conversation with people I didn't know that well, and also no trouble having fun with people who were a bit under the influence (I don't drink anymore). I was kind of at the party on my own, though I spent a lot of time hanging out with a good male friend. But I didn't feel clingy with him, I was able to pick up new conversations and not have to hold any one person too long.


I paired this my Black Cat Mojo and it was a match made in heaven (thank you StacyK!!). It is such a match made in heaven that I'm kind of reluctant to try this with any other scent.


Mostly I loved Audacious for its effects on me, but it's worth noting that everyone I approached wanted to talk to me at length, people I only knew very slightly made a point of saying good night to me before they left the party, and no one seemed offended or put off by my hands-on approach to conversation... quite the opposite!


So thank you to Hearts for letting this go on your trade thread!! And I know my bottle should last a long time. But I am seriously wondering how to get a similar effect from pheros that are still available. Lace is a bit tricky on me in my experiences so far - I need to play with that some more. I have my first Leather boosted blend on the way. Any other thoughts from you experienced gals?

The lace effect is so different. IMO

Aud is not spacey.. she's an all out, good time tough bitch on wheels. I don't mean bitch in the pejorative term. More as, knows her stuff and what she wants.. friendly, sexy, happy...but don't mess around, the girl speaks her mind. The Aud bitch is not rude but knows her stuff and is not afraid to ask for what she wants. IMO


To get a similar effect try Leather with cops and DHEAS.

Or you can add Est, DHEAS & cops to Dom.



Contains: Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone, Alpha-Androstenone, Estratetraenol, DHEA sodium sulfate, Copulins.



Estratetraenol, Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone and Alpha-Androstenone.



Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone, Alpha-Androstenone.


Maybe Mara, Halo, Dolly or Luna have input . Ladies I love to hear what you have to say. :)

Edited by StacyK
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I never got many hits with Audacious, but it gives me the BEST selfies! Makes me more outgoing, and almost excited but not hyper.... I always feel like look amazing when I'm wearing it.

I still have it in Soaked and hoping ill find Far Far Away somewhere lol! Although I loved this blend, I never used it much.

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The lace effect is so different. IMO

Aud is not spacey.. she's an all out, good time tough bitch on wheels. I don't mean bitch in the pejorative term. More as, knows her stuff and what she wants.. friendly, sexy, happy...but don't mess around, the girl speaks her mind. The Aud bitch is not rude but knows her stuff and is not afraid to ask for what she wants. IMO


To get a similar effect try Leather with cops and DHEAS.

Or you can add Est, DHEAS & cops to Dom.



Contains: Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone, Alpha-Androstenone, Estratetraenol, DHEA sodium sulfate, Copulins.



Estratetraenol, Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone and Alpha-Androstenone.



Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone, Alpha-Androstenone.


Maybe Mara, Halo, Dolly or Luna have input . Ladies I love to hear what you have to say. :)

Oh, BRILLIANT, StacyK! Exactly what I was looking for (and probably could have figured out my own damn self if I weren't so lazy -- so much easier to throw it to the forum and see what comes back!).


I have been very shy about ever mixing/tweaking phero blends here, but I might have to, here. This was truly spectacular for me!


I never got many hits with Audacious, but it gives me the BEST selfies! Makes me more outgoing, and almost excited but not hyper.... I always feel like look amazing when I'm wearing it.

I still have it in Soaked and hoping ill find Far Far Away somewhere lol! Although I loved this blend, I never used it much.

And how lucky am I that you were willing to let it go! Thanks again, my dear!

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OMGosssssh, BlackCat you're killing me with that great review :lol:


StacyK, thank you for giving me hope and possibly un-killing me :D


Hearts, if you find any more laying around, think of me pretty please :hearts09780:

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  • 10 months later...
Guest cutie.pie

Thank you Phergineer for sharing some of your Audacious with me! :)


I like this phero! It gives me confidence and an "I'm in charge" attitude.

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I think I saw a few posts where it said Mara would make this to order, using mad scientist option, for those who want the UN. Halo and/or Luna, please correct me if I'm wrong.


I haven't tried it but I love Leather and wow, with those extras it must be amazing. Dom is too much for me, Leather is just right. But Audacious sounds like it would be well, just like the name. Esp with the cops and DHEAS. hee!


Sounds like great selfies and hits... must add to list. :D

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Aud to me it the all out party girl version of Leather.

And yes, I'm not sure what thread the info is in but it's been true for awhile now, you can order it thru the Mad Scientist page in the Perfumerie. Just type Audacious in the space you'd request your mix.

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  • 3 months later...

I haven't posted in a while but I saw the Audacious listed and ordered a bottle after reading this thread...Wow I think to me it is a cross between Cougar and Blatant Invitation. Definitely in the sexy-social arena for me. I am glad it is back and I am doubly glad to have gotten a bottle to try. I will keep trying it but I think it is a winner for me.

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I haven't posted in a while but I saw the Audacious listed and ordered a bottle after reading this thread...Wow I think to me it is a cross between Cougar and Blatant Invitation. Definitely in the sexy-social arena for me. I am glad it is back and I am doubly glad to have gotten a bottle to try. I will keep trying it but I think it is a winner for me.

It's pretty sexy as it has a dose of cops. It's like an Alfa social. I'd describe it as Dom gone wild. At least that's what it's like for me. :)
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I do get a bit of the "in charge" vibe from this. Not just " I'm sexy and I know it" but more of an "I'm sexy and I know you know it too" Got to get me more of this...great one to have.

All the reviews plus this one are pushing me over the edge to order, trying to have restraint.


I love Leather so but haven't worn for social or sexy - more for workouts or getting things done. Def confidence booster fo sho. But this sounds sooo good. Of course based on reviews, I would really want to test at home first (like I do anyway) - sounds like the name - Audacious! :)


ETA: Halo and/or Luna - which has more EST, Leather or Audacious? I think EST is supposed to make you a bit more glowy too (as one of it's properties). (?)

Edited by Beach Goddess
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I get almost no hits with Audacious. But I love it for selfies. It's like coffee on steroids for me. It makes me giddy and optimistic- it also puts me in the kind of mood where I'm like "wow, look at my hair, it's so pretty. And my outfit today... I'm so cute" lol.

It's the BEST for self effects for me. Extremely girly and sassy.

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If this was reddit I would upvote this.

HAHA, I love Reddit...


I also love Audacious... I get great selfies (one of the few pheros that I get them with) and my b/f is seriously all over me with this. He really responds to pheros with a more alpha vibe, and this makes me feel sexy too, so it's definitely a winner!

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  • 2 months later...

I had my hubby overnight UN AUD to me for a video shoot I was super nervous about. The morning of the shoot I started to panick when I realized I was the first performer to go. As I was getting ready I applied a strip between cleavage, side of neck and inner elbows.


The camera crew started early with me and I found myself a bit hyper but not overly stressed. I wish I had a little more time to settle in because after I was finished I felt more in control of myself and like I could have done so much better. I normally get butterflies to the max before performing so I'm not sure if audacious helped with that or if being thrown into the fire early and before I could even get a sip of coffee just didn't give me time to freak out. I did notice that I was a lot more at ease chatting with the other performers and crew after my bit was done. I normally have a hard time being social with strangers. During the remainder of the day I was a little euphoric, pleasantly spacey, as I watched the rest of the filming.


Hoping there is another opportunity soon to test this one.

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2nd time wearing UN audacious, layered with sarasvati today.


I unconsciously channeled Stevie Nicks getting dressed and went about my day. While running mundane errands I came up with an idea for a series of tasteful nude self portraits, hoping I follow through with that since I've been on a bit of a photographic drought. Returned home and had a nasty pluming issue ( garbage disposal explosion ) that I somehow managed to handle with a sense of dignity and grace rather than sobbing profanities.


Nothing to comment on as far as reactions from other people but I'm definitly all good with me today, looking forward to further exploration with this one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hate to leave 3 in a row here,doesn't anyone else play with this?

Last Thursday the hubby and I went to the Rocky Horror Picture show, we live in small town America so this isn't a normal event. It had been 25 years since I had last been in a theater for this. Decided to give audacious another go for the occasion. I dressed as Magenta, frizzed out hair, exposed thigh highs, the works. When I entered the theater a group of people did a double take and let us walk by saying " OMG you look just like her".

For someone who was a cast member in her youth ( I'm not so adventurous these days )the evening wasn't too impressive, but still fun for a night out.

Fast forward to the bar down the st, there were a few other people from the show there, some in lingerie, and the locals were a little surprised but said nothing. At no other time of the year can you get away with being in a public bar in your underwear, at least not here.

A few beers later the hubby and I hit the dance floor in a sea of college students, then the DJ played 1985, hubby and I were the only people in the bar who had even been conceived by 85 so we decided to leave. Laughing about the content of that song I decided I needed to get up on the hood of his car, dressed as an overly pale and slutty maid, and go all Tawny Kitaen on a public st outside the bar, no music. "In the still of the night" playing loudly ,in my own head. I only had 3 beers and let's just say I can drink.

The next morning I woke up with thigh highs still on, make up, and a fro, clothes were scattered from the front door and seeing the hubby's belt in the entryway made me recall some things. What a night...

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