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La Femme Mystere

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It was satisfying to feel it as a part of myself, rather than as a reaction brought about by someone else.

:burning-heart: KEY STATEMENT!!! It's always there, you sweet thing. The LFM triggered it, but it comes from YOU. Rock it. :burning-heart: P.S. And don't ever forget that. :) Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Whoa! Thanks everybody!


I had fun trying this out. I'm wearing it again today, to see if it has anything like the same effect on BF, but mostly to see what it does for me.


For BF it seems to be a mood changer, which is good to know. He came home from work in a fouler again, but after a little LFM exposure he's done another 180. He's touchy-feely again today, but not quite as much as yesterday. Yet. We'll see how we get on... ;) The looks are there, so who knows?


As for me, the effects seem to be the same. It makes me feel happily independent instead of just independent, a little bit slinky, and "secretly" sensual. I love it! I see myself wearing this often - I love how I feel while wearing it.


I'm glad you all enjoyed my review! Thanks again! :D

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LFM gives me the best self-effects of just about anything I've used up to this point!! I wore it yesterday with Gitana, and I was on top of the world!! I was witty, charming, smily and happy!! Mr. Goddess was VERY touchy-feely as well!


Unfortunately, I was so confident and self assured, that somehow I thought I'd be fine eating 3 desserts.


Not so much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to start calling this the Closetalk-Maker.


Very weird experience with this tonight. TOTALLY OPPOSITE self effects vs effects on others- don't think I've ever experienced that with a phero?


I spilled my 90/10 spray on myself. By its nature I thought the event was going to be all women. I wanted to feel that Bonnie & Clyde Bonnie relaxed confidence I got last time.


I got there and it was a couple dozen women and three men. I was talking with a few of the women and was feeling SOOOOO self-conscious and insecure - kept dropping my eyes & stammering.... felt, like, super socially-inferior. I OD'd myself, obviously.


Meanwhile the 2 of the 3 women, whom I knew only slightly, were staring starry eyed at me, grinning at everything I said, and TOTALLY INVADING MY PERSONAL SPACE. They were both LEANING into me.


Shortly one of the men, whom I didn't know & who was extremely age-inappropriate (young), came over and joined the group, barging in between me & the woman to my right, and stared silently and unblinkingly and continuously at my face no matter who in was talking. I mean, his whole body was completely turned to face the right side of my body and he was also leaning into my face, like a few inches away. It was awkward.


Then another man, age-inappropriate to the other extreme, came over and wedged himself between me and the woman to my LEFT. He knew no one in the group. *HE* stood slightly behind but kind of overlapping with me so it was like his right shoulder and flank were "protecting" me, from like 1.5 inches away. And he kept "accidentally" jostling me protectively for no reason (there was no danger...we were in a busy bar). The women left within 30 seconds and then the two men kept moving in on me, almost as if if had been prearranged, and I kept backing up to try to regain my personal space, and within a few minutes THEY HAD LITERALLY BACKED ME INTO A WALL. Neither seemed to perceive the awkwardness of the whole situation. They also didn't seem to be competing or anything, they just both were trying to try on my clothes while I was still in them, apparently. It didn't even seem sexual or 'romantic'- they were very intent and serious, like Terminators, or like I was an object to be minutely investigated.

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I'm going to start calling this the Closetalk-Maker.


Very weird experience with this tonight. TOTALLY OPPOSITE self effects vs effects on others- don't think I've ever experienced that with a phero?


I spilled my 90/10 spray on myself. By its nature I thought the event was going to be all women. I wanted to feel that Bonnie & Clyde Bonnie relaxed confidence I got last time.


I got there and it was a couple dozen women and three men. I was talking with a few of the women and was feeling SOOOOO self-conscious and insecure - kept dropping my eyes & stammering.... felt, like, super socially-inferior. I OD'd myself, obviously.


Meanwhile the 2 of the 3 women, whom I knew only slightly, were staring starry eyed at me, grinning at everything I said, and TOTALLY INVADING MY PERSONAL SPACE. They were both LEANING into me.


Shortly one of the men, whom I didn't know & who was extremely age-inappropriate (young), came over and joined the group, barging in between me & the woman to my right, and stared silently and unblinkingly and continuously at my face no matter who in was talking. I mean, his whole body was completely turned to face the right side of my body and he was also leaning into my face, like a few inches away. It was awkward.


Then another man, age-inappropriate to the other extreme, came over and wedged himself between me and the woman to my LEFT. He knew no one in the group. *HE* stood slightly behind but kind of overlapping with me so it was like his right shoulder and flank were "protecting" me, from like 1.5 inches away. And he kept "accidentally" jostling me protectively for no reason (there was no danger...we were in a busy bar). The women left within 30 seconds and then the two men kept moving in on me, almost as if if had been prearranged, and I kept backing up to try to regain my personal space, and within a few minutes THEY HAD LITERALLY BACKED ME INTO A WALL. Neither seemed to perceive the awkwardness of the whole situation. They also didn't seem to be competing or anything, they just both were trying to try on my clothes while I was still in them, apparently. It didn't even seem sexual or 'romantic'- they were very intent and serious, like Terminators, or like I was an object to be minutely investigated.


This sounds so similar to an experience I had last week wearing GotBM! I had two women and one man crowded around me and invading my personal space in the same way. I was actually trying to get out of the situation because I needed to make a phone call (had just heard C2 had been hit by a bus! He's ok though) but they just didn't let it happen for like twenty minutes, they were all vying for my attention and trying to tell me something - but more like talking AT me than with me, which was actually a little frustrating. Keep moving in closer when I pulled away too, and I also got the barging in front of each other thing as well. As you say it wasn't sexual or romantic, just like they thought they were behaving completely normally. I think LFM shuts off some kind of social filter that would normally tell people they are behaving inappropriately. Very interesting stuff!

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Hmmm, I had been wondering about the effects of OD. i'm interested in getting a 2X when I use this up, so I've been wearing more and more with nothing negative thus far--and by negative, I mean ghosting or people being hostile. I will be on the look out for closetalkers!!!

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As you say it wasn't sexual or romantic, just like they thought they were behaving completely normally. I think LFM shuts off some kind of social filter that would normally tell people they are behaving inappropriately. Very interesting stuff!


Bang on, Syn. Exactly. Especially the bold part which I forgot to mention.

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tvey! Id be so uncomfortable that I would say "exxcuuse me! Can a lady have some breathing space here?" and squeeze my way out..lol

the more I read about LFM the more it intrigues me!

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I would have, but found them both attractive, which made it a little more bearable :D




...wow that was some experience,this blend is strong as it is,and you are phero easy to begin with,so being doused in it it :w00t: :w00t:


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Remember the scene in Jurassic Park where the kids run into the kitchen and the velociraptors bust in, and sniff the air, looking for their dinner? That was me wearing this at our crummy small town mall this afternoon. I paired it with De Luscious and a dab of Occo Ambrosia, and as I walked through the mall toward the hardware store, heads jerked up, noses rose & sniffed the air - sometimes audibly - then eyes flashed to me. Interesting experience. That movie scene immediately leapt to mind.


eta spelling fail

Edited by Eggers
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Remember the scene in Jurassic Park where the kids run into the kitchen and the velociraptors bust in, and sniff the air, looking for their dinner? That was me wearing this at our crummy small town mall this afternoon. I paired it with De Luscious and a dab of Occo Ambrosia, and as I walked through the mall toward the hardware store, heads jerked up, noses rose & sniffed the air - sometimes audibly - then eyes flashed to me. Interesting experience. That movie scene immediately leapt to mind.


eta spelling fail


Haha that is a great analogy! I love LFM (and Jurassic Park!)!

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HAha I wore Occo ambrosia with Deluscious out too one afternoon! we went to a small diner and when I walked there was a group of ladies that were sniffing the air and asking what smelled so good and asking if they sprayed something good in the air..they couldn't figure it out.

Edited by tanya27
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  • 3 weeks later...

Tuesday I was wearing the new and ohhhh so nomnomable Baskery,a few dabs of OCCO Red and a spritz ,well ok two, of La Femme M :lol: ...a very interesting morning with an odd hit from LFM.While talking to a hazmat team the older,and quite attractive, man did the getting closer thing, the younger one came over to listen in with an odd look...then I got almost simultaneous crossed arms when I asked about a decommissioned reactor on campus,like, oh shit :w00t: we are not supposed to be talking about this...simply hysterical :rofl222:

The more I wear La Femme the more interesting it is, like it can be steered in any direction or situation...fun stuff !!


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I don't know what it is about this phero blend, but whenever I wear it, BF turns into a hug machine! (Anyone who's read my posts from a few months back knows this is SO not like him). He follows me around the house like a little kid, asking, "What are you doing now?". So weird.



Went to the bank to pay my mortgage today, and had to walk past a construction zone to get in. When I came out there were two construction workers at the door, just waiting to catch my eye and give me these HUGE goofy smiles! :D

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This and Topper are fast becoming my "go to" spritzes when I'm running late for work/getting minor child to school and don't have time to peruse my (over-flowing) LP collection. They cut a wide swath phero-wise, are sufficiently work-safe, and seem to mix well with my default shower/shampoo scents.


But most importantly -- they work!!! I am no longer shocked or surprised when I get a "hit" from the pheros, as it's almost become an expected thing. In fact, now I'm surprised if I'm ignored. Sort of a "How DARE you ignore my lovely pheros!" :OUE9E4~111:

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I would like to try LFM, but I was not sure which type to order. :(( Should i go with a silicone based or just spray? with cops or without cops? i am very new so i don't know which one would work best for me. I am so excited to try Mara's products for the first time and I would like to have a good collection where I can do some layering.. So ladies, can you suggest me a couple of good other ones that i can combine with LFM? I am looking for both feminine yet super sexy effects. Thank you :)

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I'd try Goddess of the Blue Moon in sample, the scent is gorgeous and you can test out LFM. If you like it you can go from there. Personally I like to have cops as a separate thing, there may be occasions where you wish to wear none and if you've added them to your phero, it's then too late but if you have them separate you can add as needed. But that's just me. I know some members love to cops everything lol. I just like the open option.

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so i don't know which one would work best for me.


~I am looking for both feminine yet super sexy effects. Thank you :)


Welcome to the adventure :) ...see,that is the thing,only you will know what works best,for you...I would suggest reading all the descriptions on the pheromone page,they are quite accurate,then all the reviews you can,then trying what sounds most like what you want,until you find "the one" or the two,or the three or :lol:

Ummm,I have them all,now,cause you just never know how things will be going and it is fun fun fun to experiment :cat690: My personal favs are Cougar,Lace, LAM,BAM,anything with cops!,the OCCOS...oh and Leather,BI,TeddyBB ...well see,impossible :rofl222:


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thanks ladies! :) I was actually asking for both. (products I can use and also layering them together) Since I am a starter, i went with more generic products in my first order. I was following the other forum and reading tips about pheros and cops. I currently use EoW mix with my own perfume (which is a silky white amber scent) and add 2 sprays of IS/A on my neck. I did not get major hits from these in social settings. My goal was to spice things up with my boyfriend anyways. But what I have noticed is no matter how I use cops or even IS combined, I don't get the reaction I desire from him unless we are in bed. And it does not even end up being a fun playful (!) night as one would expect. Actually, all he kept saying for the last few times I used cops with my perfume was how nice I smelled.. he holds me so tight before we go to sleep (almost suffocating me) and not let me go. Of course, this is not the actual reaction I expect! :/ so I don't exactly know what I can do to heat things up. I thought cops alone would be a great help :( After reading more into it and finally came across to posts about LP and Mara, I've got so excited! :) There's soooo many good stuff, I can just tell by looking at your reviews!


I finally made my first order yesterday:


La Femme Mystère 1 fl.oz. Spray with Copulins (1x), Base for sprays only:60% Alcohol/40% Oil

LP OCCO-SLF 1/3 fl.oz. Concentrated Oil

Ail's CUDDLE BUNNY ,1/3 fl.oz. in DPG Oil base, Base for sprays only:60% Alcohol/40% Oil

Heart 2 Heart * Empathy Potion,1 fl.oz. Alcohol-based Spray (1x), Base for sprays only:100% Alcohol

SUPER SEXY,1 fl.oz. Alcohol-based Spray (1x), Base for sprays only:60% Alcohol/40% Oil


Unfortunately there's no Leather, Dom or BI available in stock :/ I really wanted to try those! But I think these should give me a good base for building my portfolio of awesomeness over time :)


I would def appreciate your tips using these products!


I can't wait! :)

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Very nice selection, koogurl!! My recommendation would be to try everything separately, for a period of time. Such as, LFM 1 spray with cover on Monday, 2 spray with cover on tuesday, etc. until you find your "sweet spot" with that one. Then move on to another phero. Keep track of what you're using and how much. I so wish I'd done that at the beginning!!


I have great results using LFM and Super Sexy at work (all women). Also, as I'm a bit older (!) I can use cops anytime with good self-effects and no issues with unwanted attention.

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thanks ladies! :) I was actually asking for both. (products I can use and also layering them together) Since I am a starter, i went with more generic products in my first order. I was following the other forum and reading tips about pheros and cops. I currently use EoW mix with my own perfume (which is a silky white amber scent) and add 2 sprays of IS/A on my neck. I did not get major hits from these in social settings. My goal was to spice things up with my boyfriend anyways. But what I have noticed is no matter how I use cops or even IS combined, I don't get the reaction I desire from him unless we are in bed. And it does not even end up being a fun playful (!) night as one would expect. Actually, all he kept saying for the last few times I used cops with my perfume was how nice I smelled.. he holds me so tight before we go to sleep (almost suffocating me) and not let me go. Of course, this is not the actual reaction I expect! :/ so I don't exactly know what I can do to heat things up. I thought cops alone would be a great help :( After reading more into it and finally came across to posts about LP and Mara, I've got so excited! :) There's soooo many good stuff, I can just tell by looking at your reviews!


I finally made my first order yesterday:


La Femme Mystère 1 fl.oz. Spray with Copulins (1x), Base for sprays only:60% Alcohol/40% Oil

LP OCCO-SLF 1/3 fl.oz. Concentrated Oil

Ail's CUDDLE BUNNY ,1/3 fl.oz. in DPG Oil base, Base for sprays only:60% Alcohol/40% Oil

Heart 2 Heart * Empathy Potion,1 fl.oz. Alcohol-based Spray (1x), Base for sprays only:100% Alcohol

SUPER SEXY,1 fl.oz. Alcohol-based Spray (1x), Base for sprays only:60% Alcohol/40% Oil


Unfortunately there's no Leather, Dom or BI available in stock :/ I really wanted to try those! But I think these should give me a good base for building my portfolio of awesomeness over time :)


I would def appreciate your tips using these products!


I can't wait! :)


Nice choices :) I did not know Leather etc was OOS,but they will be back soon I bet...you have plenty to play with and Lynne gave perfect advice,as always! :D ...I don't know the dynamics between you and your BF so can only say,in my experience,ahem,if you want to heat things up with someone who is not doing things as you like, show him exactly what you want...and how you want it :001_302:

I agree with BB too,careful with cops in sprays especially,they will stay in hair and on clothes and smell bad.

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Is this just temporarily out of stock right now, or not available on it's own at all? I can only find it right now as a component of "Goddess of the Blue Moon".


Looks like there is plenty!...put La Femme in search,I had 20 in the cart...and then deleted, of course:D I do like it but

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Try just La Femme :)



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