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I have a calendar that goes back to 2007 and forward for about 18-24 months. I fill in and move things around as necessary...as inspiration or ingredient availability or public demand dictates.


I have a section at the end where I save notes for potential names, labels and recipes. Sometimes I have things planned that take over 2 years to come out, if other things nudge them out of their planned spots.

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I figured it had to be more complicated that I thought but I knew you also had some flexibility so I was curious how that worked.





Tanya, I doubt you'd ever sound stupid! :P

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I know its way early to be dreaming about June's N R.


I'm amazed at how Mara comes up with such unique,new potions and themes every month:-) so talented.


I forget, is the release the first week of each new month now instead of the last week of the previous month?

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I have a calendar that goes back to 2007 and forward for about 18-24 months. I fill in and move things around as necessary...as inspiration or ingredient availability or public demand dictates.


I have a section at the end where I save notes for potential names, labels and recipes. Sometimes I have things planned that take over 2 years to come out, if other things nudge them out of their planned spots.


That is impressive and very professional.




Mention the phrase "Jury Nullifcation". :o

Edited by quietguy
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I have a calendar that goes back to 2007 and forward for about 18-24 months. I fill in and move things around as necessary...as inspiration or ingredient availability or public demand dictates.


I have a section at the end where I save notes for potential names, labels and recipes. Sometimes I have things planned that take over 2 years to come out, if other things nudge them out of their planned spots.


Wow, I could never ever be creative for 18-24 months let alone a day or two... I'm so impressed by the goodies you create and deliever to all of the LP fans of the world each month. WOW thanks for sharing how you do your magic.

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If I had my way, I would love to have them out the first of the month, but there's always so many variables. This month, ferinstance...I HAVE JURY DUTY ALL NEXT WEEK! Argh!!!!!!!!

You have my sincere sympathy!!! Any chance of getting released? I know each county works differently...

Oh *crap* PM!! That sucks!


Mention the phrase "Jury Nullifcation". :o

What's that, QG?
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L.A. County for state court? You guys have a weird system out there -- you're technically subject to being called at any point during the entire business week. SOME good news, though -- Monday's a court holiday!


Fingers crossed you don't get called to a panel, and if called to a panel, you don't make it through the cut to sit!


And don't listen to QG!! :P

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Mention the phrase "Jury Nullifcation". :o

What's that, QG?


It is a very old concept that modern courts hate because it up-ends the system. You vote "Not Guilty" in order to show your dissapproval for either the law or the way it is being applied in that case. Not something to be done lightly but it has been done in this country over the years for a variety of reasons.


The mere fact that you are aware of the concept might get you dismissed from jury duty, much less mentioning out loud in the pool of jurors.

Edited by quietguy
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It is a very old concept that modern courts hate because it up-ends the system. You vote "Not Guilty" in order to show your dissapproval for either the law or the way it is being applied in that case. Not something to be done lightly but it has been done in this country over the years for a variety of reasons.


The mere fact that you are aware of the concept might get you dismissed from jury duty, much less mentioning out loud in the pool of jurors.

Oh, NEAT! Not something to be used lightly...but definitely one of those things that I LOVE about how our government and court system was *originally* set up. As opposed to so much of the bullshit that passes as constitutional law these days. Oh, my...did I just say that out loud...? :666:
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The mere fact that you are aware of the concept might get you dismissed from jury duty, much less mentioning out loud in the pool of jurors.


I once saw one of our Harris County state judges hold a jury venireman in contempt for standing up during voir dire and saying how he believed using jury nullification was his constitutional right. The defense attorney asked for -- and was granted -- a mistrial and the entire process had to be started all over again from scratch. The judge was royally ticked off at that juror!

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Oh that sucks, Mara!


I got called for jury duty in Texas after I'd already left. It's something like two missed presidential elections before you fall off the voters' rolls, and I got called about a month before then. I thought I was going to have to cut off my arm and mail it to them, it was that hard to get out of it!! (But perhaps it was my bumbling country county.)

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If you have a driver's license within the county of L.A. they call you every year now.


Thus far, I've always gotten dismissed, but you still have to waste days down there sitting around with the rest of the cattle, waiting.

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" George Carlin offered the best suggestion: Tell the judge you'll make a great juror, as you can spot guilty people just by looking at them."



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If you have a driver's license within the county of L.A. they call you every year now.

I think I told you when we discussed it, in San Diego county you can get called every six months unless you go through a voir dire or are selected for a trial. Luckily for us we have "One Day, One Trial" service. I'm exempt for a while now since I went through a voir dire on my Federal jury duty summons from two years ago, I think it was.

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Oh, NEAT! Not something to be used lightly...but definitely one of those things that I LOVE about how our government and court system was *originally* set up. As opposed to so much of the bullshit that passes as constitutional law these days. Oh, my...did I just say that out loud...? :666:


You would fit right in with some of our conversations here.


I once saw one of our Harris County state judges hold a jury venireman in contempt for standing up during voir dire and saying how he believed using jury nullification was his constitutional right. The defense attorney asked for -- and was granted -- a mistrial and the entire process had to be started all over again from scratch. The judge was royally ticked off at that juror!


You have to be careful how you approach it ... here they give everyone a form to fill out - I would put it there. Some judges react very strongly but it is a basic legal concept so I think contempt charges area little overboard. On the form they use here they ask if you personally know the DA and can you be objective. (He is a pretty good DA and very personable - helps out with fundraisers, etc. I know several attorneys and they all say he is pretty fair.)


I think I told you when we discussed it, in San Diego county you can get called every six months unless you go through a voir dire or are selected for a trial. Luckily for us we have "One Day, One Trial" service. I'm exempt for a while now since I went through a voir dire on my Federal jury duty summons from two years ago, I think it was.


I had a friend here get called to jury duty at county, state and federal level all in one year.

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If I had my way, I would love to have them out the first of the month, but there's always so many variables. This month, ferinstance...I HAVE JURY DUTY ALL NEXT WEEK! Argh!!!!!!!!


I had Federal Jury Duty in April of this year and I was on duty for two weeks and I only got called in to serve one day and they did not pick my number to serve. I hope you don't have to be on stand-by for two weeks like I had to be.....

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I had a friend here get called to jury duty at county, state and federal level all in one year.

Crikey! I have been called in for county and federal in the same year.

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Omg I love jury duty!!! I haven't been in ages. I wanted to shout pick me pick me!!!! They didn't of course because the case was about a murder that happened to be where one of my clan has jurisdic or something- and I knew the prosecuting atty, and I taught one of the girl's that was a witness.. so yeah they dismissed me pretty quick.. I was so sad too because I did not want to go back to work and deal with bosshole. OMG Mara what if they are doing jury selection for the sentencing phase for Jodi Arias? I hear they are probably going to move the trial to another county from Maricopa!

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Omg I love jury duty!!! I haven't been in ages. I wanted to shout pick me pick me!!!! They didn't of course because the case was about a murder that happened to be where one of my clan has jurisdic or something- and I knew the prosecuting atty, and I taught one of the girl's that was a witness.. so yeah they dismissed me pretty quick.. I was so sad too because I did not want to go back to work and deal with bosshole. OMG Mara what if they are doing jury selection for the sentencing phase for Jodi Arias? I hear they are probably going to move the trial to another county from Maricopa!


In my state, they do not dismiss you till 5pm and by then its too late to go back to work...

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Ahhh, I've just completed the new hour-long online orientation process, and have been told not to report on Tuesday. Yay! Keeping fingers crossed for the rest of the week.


Congrats, I hope you get the same results each day you call in....

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I hope so too! I'm in group #2 this time, so it feels like I am closer to the front of the list. Last year I was in group #4 and did not have to go down there at all. Don't know if this is how it really works, but it does seem that way.

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I hope so too! I'm in group #2 this time, so it feels like I am closer to the front of the list. Last year I was in group #4 and did not have to go down there at all. Don't know if this is how it really works, but it does seem that way.


Dang, it sounds like they are moving you to the front of the line... I really hope everthing works out the way you want it to.... I had to serve on a Federal Jury my last semester of college and it was during finals, professors are not good about letting you take tests later and I really thought I was going to lose out on the job offer I had secured and not graduate all because this jury duty was taking 4 months out of my life at a time I could least afford to serve. In the end, as it kept getting closer to graduation and I was still sitting on this jury, I went to the Professors of the class I was in and told them that if they were going to fluke me they would have to put it in writing and I would take it to the judge, one actually did and I took it in and all it got me was the judge telling the professor off and me getting a bad grade in his class...ugh I was so pissed and I'm still peved all these years later....LOL

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That's such bullsh*t. I hope BOTH the professor AND the judge earned some bad karma for that.


That's so bad! I'm sorry. I hate when I remember incredibly unfair stuff years later on and it still makes me get mad.

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what happened?

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what happened?


4 wisdom teeth pulled- and a wonderful infection pre surgery- so I couldn't eat - still really can't eat. So I have lost inches. Of course today I had fries though since technically that is considered a soft food .

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oh, ick. I was such a pill when I had that done because I didn't want to take pain meds after the first 24 hours. Did they let you keep the teeth? I don't think they let people do that now because it's medical waste, but my doctor was cool and let me keep them.

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oh, ick. I was such a pill when I had that done because I didn't want to take pain meds after the first 24 hours. Did they let you keep the teeth? I don't think they let people do that now because it's medical waste, but my doctor was cool and let me keep them.


you know I forgot to ask, my sister has hers. It's weird because I do miss them. I keep touching the holes where they sat so perfectly. I feel old and holy.

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Guess the tooth fairy won't be visiting you!




actually, that's the tooth fairy apprentice.


here's the Tooth Fairy




See? Aren't you bummed you're not getting a fat man in a pink dress to come into your room in the middle of the night while you're sleeping and mess around with your pillow? :D

Edited by MissHazel
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If I had my way, I would love to have them out the first of the month, but there's always so many variables. This month, ferinstance...I HAVE JURY DUTY ALL NEXT WEEK! Argh!!!!!!!!


Do it the Liz lemon way Mara



" George Carlin offered the best suggestion: Tell the judge you'll make a great juror, as you can spot guilty people just by looking at them."




HAH !!


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One ALWAYS has to qualify their wishes to be safe...


When I say I want to lose weight, I add, "in a healthy way, not by losing a limb or anything."




Yeah - I learned a similar lesson myself haha.

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