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Love Potion: Passion & Desire


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LP patchouli blends are awesome. I never cared for patchouli until I came here. It always smelled like dirt on me. Now, many of my favorite blends have patchouli. P&D is one of them. It's divine!


Yes, exactly! I've always found the smell to be far too much like dirt.


Me too. Usually Patchouli turns on me like a bad Doberman! Not with these blends though!


I wonder if my (former?) distaste for patchouli is because other places use an inferior oil, or if I've just never smelled it paired with the right ingredients.


Either way, glad to know I'm not the only patchouli convert! :KITTY_~12:

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Yes, exactly! I've always found the smell to be far too much like dirt.




I wonder if my (former?) distaste for patchouli is because other places use an inferior oil, or if I've just never smelled it paired with the right ingredients.


Either way, glad to know I'm not the only patchouli convert! :KITTY_~12:


I think it has something to do with the age. I had a bottle of patchouli essential oil that was in my drawer for years. Maybe 4? When I opened it up this summer it smelled so much nicer.

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Patchouli is not for the faint of heart...that said, it is much more "palatable," I suppose, once it's aged. There are so many different kinds, but also it depends on what it is blended with...on its' own it can be too much for some people but with sweeter elements, for example, it often becomes patchouli for people who hate patchouli. That's the genius of Sugared Patchouli, for example...because it's everything I love about patchouli but that five-sugar blend makes it something other as well.

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I think it's that the so called "Department Store" blends (which all smell the same BTW) use for the most part synthetic blends now, not the real stuff. Icky chemicals might be much more reactive on skin chemistry than natural oils...


Just my take on it. I don't often buy Commercial Perfume. On my vanity right now I only have 3. "Origins Ginger" , "Donna Karen;s Cashmere Black", and "Ed Hardy Love & Luck" (which is an incredible summer scent on me, but only lasts 2 hrs). That's it. Everything else is oils or oil blends. It's just better!


Next order (which will be tomorrow) I am ordering a big bottle of this & something else (I just don't know what yet).

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Well it's not necessarily that analogs are "bad," but it's all about the source. M&D are very picky about anything which goes into their fragrances, whether naturally-sourced or analog.


I agree that oil-based artisan fragrance is far superior to commercial fragrances, but it has more to do with the philosophy of construction and materials than merely the medium.

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I think it has something to do with the age. I had a bottle of patchouli essential oil that was in my drawer for years. Maybe 4? When I opened it up this summer it smelled so much nicer.


Now that's interesting! I'd never heard anything about that before.


Patchouli is not for the faint of heart...that said, it is much more "palatable," I suppose, once it's aged. There are so many different kinds, but also it depends on what it is blended with...on its' own it can be too much for some people but with sweeter elements, for example, it often becomes patchouli for people who hate patchouli. That's the genius of Sugared Patchouli, for example...because it's everything I love about patchouli but that five-sugar blend makes it something other as well.


Hmmm, maybe I should try the Sugared Patchouli at some point. :) If nothing else, I won't be scared of the perfumes with patchouli listed in the ingredients (at least, the ones from here!).


I think it's that the so called "Department Store" blends (which all smell the same BTW) use for the most part synthetic blends now, not the real stuff. Icky chemicals might be much more reactive on skin chemistry than natural oils...


I'd believe it! I don't have many commercial perfumes (just two, actually, and those were gifts-- though I do have a few body sprays I bought for myself years ago), but these oil-based perfumes are so awesome! They use essential oil blends? It just says "Fragrance" on the label.


I guess most of my patchouli experience has been with the patchouli by itself or with one or two other things. Usually soap, shampoo, lotion, incense, or essential oil... I get a lot of exposure to that kind of thing at work. :) Maybe part of it is that it's also so pervasive-- that and lavender. I like lavender less than I did when I started working here, just because it's in everything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my big bottle of this yesterday (squeal!!!). I so love this one, it smells so yummy, but sexy at the same time. I can't wait to try this with the "Leather" I just ordered & see what shakes loose!

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When first applied this smells exactly like a frosted cinnamon roll! Wow! Delicious! I want to eat myself! Dries down to not as cinnabunny ha :P Slightly light/baked cinnamon (not like the hot like in lp red red hots like cinnamon) slight sweetness.

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Last Wednesday night I went to see my best girlfriend at work (she bar tends). I was wearing, Sweet Bottom, AD Instant Sexiness B, LP P & D & Cougar Potion. I had a blast! One of the other bartenders was on the customer side of the bar & within 5 minutes we started chatting. Next thing I know, I start relating old stories about when my girlfriend & I were younger, what we used to get up to (nothing I shouldn't tell, of course) I had the other bartender howling & at my back & call the whole time I was there. Almost every guy that dropped in that night took some time out to flirt with me, including the 24 year old boys that just HAD to compliment me on my choice of music on the jukebox (remember, I'm 46, and I probably like very different music than they do).


What a blast. At one point my girlfriend leaned over & whispered in my ear "Did you bathe in honey or something?"


As a matter of fact, yes I did!

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  • 7 months later...

I believe it's part of the permanent lineup (or as long as there is demand) because the components are the same as those used for LP Red and LP Black (which are permanent).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I was going to try a sample of this one, but after reading what people are saying about it, good thing I read well first. Cinnamon has this tendency to really get crazy and scream out on my skin, stealing the show completely. It works on me in some things if it is not as much of a prominant note, but this one sounds red hot cinnamon sexiness. Bummer! I love Cinnamon and I just end up smelling like a Giant Red Jaw Breaker candy! :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, to be honest, this didn't work on me. The funny thing is that LP Red and LP Black went wonky on me on my first try so I'll be patient, wait for a few weeks before testing it again.


I'll definitely try Paganlady's killer combo one day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This smells goooood. It reminds me of Halloween nights when I'd go trick- or- treating and stick my head in my candy bag and sniffff, YUM. I smell tootsie rolls and cinnamon candies and chocolate bars and fruit chews. At first snif it took me right back to those memories. Forget the turkey, now I WANT some candy!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tested this out twice this week, with LP Black and LP Red on different spots of my body for comparison sake. LP P&D had a very strong sweet cinnamon upon application. About two hours later, it smelled very much like LP Black.


I guess between the three, LP Red is my favourite while LP P&D is my least favourite. I'll wear my LP Red anytime and to anywhere (most people comment that I smell like a candle) while the other two are strictly for nights out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

MMMM.... I'm slowly liking this one!! I layered it with Garland and lace 3 and it is just yummy, deliciously sweet brown sugar on me :):):) Actually this combination reminds me the ginger tea i normally drink in winter! So it really warms me up in this cold cold winter!!! :D


My sister said: WOOOO! You smell like brown sugar! :D Well it is very strong on me but i'm liking that potent sugary smell :)


Passion & Desire is DARK and SEXY! I love it! And I kept sniffing the back of my hand every now and then!

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  • 9 months later...

I wore this one today, because it was needing some love....am I glad I did! It has aged beautifully, and I smell sexier than ever! I need to get more of this one!

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  • 6 months later...

I'm ordering a sample of this because of the reviews, it sounds like it smells incredible, certainly more interesting than the original (not like there's anything wrong with it). I won't have to worry too much about creeps just because it's mixed with Red though, do I? I'm thinking of wearing something like this to a club, but I want to be sure.

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Well,creeps can be attracted to any scent :lol: I would not hesitate to wear this out and about,have fun with it !

The only true creep problem I ever had was wearing LP Red & OCCO Red together,it was uncomfortable :w00t: I toned it down a bit and have had no further incidents :D

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True, but the warning about the Red kind of worried me, so I just wanted to be careful about the mix. I once wore a certain type of attracting non-phero magic blend from a company years ago I'll keep un-named, but I stopped wearing it after being followed some guy. I'm a but more cautious these days, especially since I lack firearms.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have this coming in a sample. I love LP red, but the black didn't work out for me. I am hoping this one will allow me to wear the black. Who knows? Some I have that I thought I didn't like ended up working out in 6 months.

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I have this coming in a sample. I love LP red, but the black didn't work out for me. I am hoping this one will allow me to wear the black. Who knows? Some I have that I thought I didn't like ended up working out in 6 months.


Yeah, it is usually a good idea to put away the ones that don't work and try them later.....you never know what may change in your body chemistry and it might work!


Passion and Desire is absolutely FAB....love it!

Edited by Dolly
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I figured you would Dolly. I think you can do heavier resins/spice than I can. When I tried Spontaneous combustion I smelled like an old lady who smokes cigars. LP black was waaay too heavy on me. I figure with passion and desire, if it is still too heavy I can cut it with a swipe of OCCO white or LP Red.

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I have an alcohol spray of Passion and Desire amped with sexology.


I love LP Red and LP Black, although I was late coming around to these, as the resins, spices, and patchouli didn't do much for me when I first started using LPs. Anyway, to me the Passion and Desire seems quite different than either LP red or black. It has a drier, harsher smell, and I wonder how much of that is just what the alcohol base does to it. It seems to lack the buttery juiciness of black and red. I'd like to eventually try it in the oil base, but in the mean time, I just use my beta spray topped with a few swipes of either the black or red in oil.

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Try it in the oil base, xev. I mixed some of mine with alcohol and it does change it. The P & D in oil is different than Red and Black layered....I get a lot more cinnamon and spice than resinous feel. And the oil is a bit "smoother" than the alcohol-blended one.

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Forgive me if there is already a thread on this but I went page by page (after failing to find it in search) of the reviews and did not see one for this.


So I bought this one because I Love LP red and wanted something with a bit more oomph. I tried LP black waaay back when I'd first discovered LP only to trade it because it was too heavy on me.


Well, at first sniff in the vial, I really got the LP black part. So I tried it on very sparingly. I smelled the amber, honey and Patchouli the most. For the first hour I thought it was not suited to me, but then as it dried down, the honey calmed down on me and the "cat pee" smell that always amps on my skin with honey scents went away. It ended up being a subtle, spicy, patchouli type scent that lasted all day.


They key for me is to use this like an OCCO black: Sparingly. Less if definitely more on this one for me. I didn't get much LP red so I did dot that on on top on one arm and that seems to make the LP red more vibrant and long lasting. So that's the sweet spot for me. Not sure if this scent is a 50/50 mix of black and Red. Would be interested in knowing the ratios

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I finally got the sample, and OMG I need to start buying unscented pheros ASAP because I want to wear this with one without the fragrances competing. It's not like a cinnamon roll, more like the cinnamon-brown sugar mixture IN the cinnamon roll. Any man who doesn't like how it smells isn't worth it.

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The page dedicated to it says it's limited edition, any chance for a re-brew after LP runs out?


Mara had told us that she will continue to make it as long as there is demand for it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think I have two problems with this; one, LP Red ends up a really greasy butter smell on my skin, and two, my bottle of LP Black is about five or six years old and very nicely aged. Consequently, Passion and Desire falls a little flat with me. Too much dirty patchouli, too much fruit and butter, not enough vanilla and cinnamon. I'll still hand onto it in hopes that it ages, but I'm a little sad.

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Any man who doesn't like how it smells isn't worth it.

Why did I not see this before? Funny! Mine hasn't gotten much love because I boosted it with Leather & cops & it's too sexy. Seriously, I have Red boosted with cops & have no problem wearing that in public, but the boosted P&D makes me feel (emotionally) like I'm walking around naked & just asking for it...

It does get me laid at home, never fails ;)

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I wore this again the other day and my MOM said I smelled good. She doesn't like the spicy scents so maybe this one is a win for me. I like to dot some Red on top though. Maybe I will buy a bottle and stash it for a couple years. Maybe aging it is the key for me.


I get more of the Black in this than the Red though. Funny how OCCO black works and LP black (alone) does not) Wonder what the tipping note is?

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I think I have two problems with this; one, LP Red ends up a really greasy butter smell on my skin, and two, my bottle of LP Black is about five or six years old and very nicely aged. Consequently, Passion and Desire falls a little flat with me. Too much dirty patchouli, too much fruit and butter, not enough vanilla and cinnamon. I'll still hand onto it in hopes that it ages, but I'm a little sad.


I get more of the Black in this than the Red though. Funny how OCCO black works and LP black (alone) does not) Wonder what the tipping note is?


It is funny how all of our noses and skin chemistry are different! I finally got to try the oil version of this. At first, all I was getting was Red, more specifically all I could smell was the cinnamon. And it had the same harsh edge as the alcohol spray that I already had. Really, I couldn't smell any vanilla or buttery notes at all. But after dry down I'm finally getting the buttery vanilla blending in. But it doesn't smell much like LP black to me. It is very nice.

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Okay, after I sent my sample to Xev in a trade, I hauled out my other sample to try again and can I just say I've been huffing myself for the whole day. I still don't get butter, but I put this on (in oil form) over my body oil, which is just sweet almond oil that I use in place of lotion and LP P and D stayed all day and more of the Red notes came out. The black came out but not as strong so I am DIGGING this one, I plan on using up the rest of my sample this week and if all goes well time for a bottle.


Weird how things work out

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LOL, I was wondering about your "potion of the day" post I happened to see last night, when you'd just traded a sample to me....


Yeah, I had 2. I can't even remember why I bought two. Likely it was a mistake I made when ordering. But now I'm glad for that mistake. I almost missed out on a great fragrance.

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That happens! Always test more than once!!


I aso think it is a good idea for each new person to get samples of the LP permanent line.....that way, if your fave scent ever sells out (as they do), you can be assured that you will always have a backup (or two) that are continually re-brewed......I love Original, Black, Red, and P & D......so I know I always have a "plan B"!

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