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Mara's Rocket Fuel

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Looove this scent! It will be great to pull out again for the colder months. I've worn this on a couple of occasions, once to work and once or twice out to a bar. It smells like a sexy snickerdoodle! Warm spices, sweet, dessert-like cookies, with a hint of sexiness to make a good foundation (I'm assuming it's the amber). It made me feel sexy and happy plus I got tons of attention. This will probably be a FB for me soon.

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This stuff is the truth!! I love Mara's Rocket Fuel III. It is a rich, syrupy, brown sugary honey scent that lasts for friggin eva! I can put it on one day and still smell it the next morning until I shower. It is sweet, but rich like some sort of fancy caramel confection. Not Russell Stover, but some specialty boutique confectionery gourmet caramel.


It took me a few times to try my sample, but once I GOT it... I GET it and it GETS me.


And the phero? My only experience with SS4W is through this blend. It makes me feel womanly and sexy for real. I get an extra wiggle in my hips for sure. As a matter of fact, I found myself singing "She's a Brick.... House! She's mighty mighty, just letting it all hang out!" in my head as I walked in to work the last time I wore it!


And the head swivels are off the chain when I wear this. Hits galore in the grocery store. It was actually rather comical! Maybe it was my "I'm the shit" attitude and resulting swagger. But, I'm pretty certain it was the phero. I have tried it several times, and same thing.


Full bottle of this for sure!



Looove this scent! It will be great to pull out again for the colder months. I've worn this on a couple of occasions, once to work and once or twice out to a bar. It smells like a sexy snickerdoodle! Warm spices, sweet, dessert-like cookies, with a hint of sexiness to make a good foundation (I'm assuming it's the amber). It made me feel sexy and happy plus I got tons of attention. This will probably be a FB for me soon.


I definitely think this is a must have FB if you love the scent. It's a perfect combo with SS4W. Although I've been trying to test out and widen my repertoire with other perfumes, this is always the first one I want to grab. It actually works during the summer as well. I wore this a lot when it was 118 and above and it clings nicely without being overbearing and still has that amazing staying power even when you are melting. So glad that you two are part of the MRF Lovers Club!!

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Heck yeah Storemy! This stuff was one of the first ones I tried. It is good enough to eat! MRF Club unites! Lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wore this last night, and every time I do, I feel like Wonder Woman or Catwoman or Supergirl or any badass female in pop culture. Like if I were the CEO of a corporation and just loving life, this is what my molecules would be made of. It is just pure confidence, and I love it.


And the Rocket Fuel portion of things, the creamy goodness as always. Never overpowering in its mapleness and just a wonderful scent for autumn.

Edited by VexedGlory
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Heck yeah Storemy! This stuff was one of the first ones I tried. It is good enough to eat! MRF Club unites! Lol.


I wore this last night, and every time I do, I feel like Wonder Woman or Catwoman or Supergirl or any badass female in pop culture. Like if I were the CEO of a corporation and just loving life, this is what my molecules would be made of. It is just pure confidence, and I love it.


And the Rocket Fuel portion of things, the creamy goodness as always. Never overpowering in its mapleness and just a wonderful scent for autumn.


It's so good when I hear the love for this. I wore this today after taking some time off since... well... I have a "few" to choose from. It reminded me of why I fell in love with it in the beginning. Brown sugar goodness, creamy with just a pinch of spice. It's nice to come back to one and realize "Yeah... this is still just as good as I remember". Happy Friday MRF clubbers!!

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Moved to journal under Mad Mixes & Combos Results

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Nutrix, I think this should say it all:



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Moved to journal under Mad Mixes & Combos Results

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You inspired me today. I'd forgotten the goodness of CP. So I mixed it with LP Red. OMG, I am in love. I need to compromise a lot more stuff.

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You inspired me today. I'd forgotten the goodness of CP. So I mixed it with LP Red. OMG, I am in love. I need to compromise a lot more stuff.

:smiley-laughing024::rofl222: I KNOW RIGHT! :in-love:

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Moved to journal under Mad Mixes & Combos Results

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NuTrix, that is the funniest thing!!! I love days like those. I've just assumed but thought I would ask: are you using MRF with SS4W or BI?


I hope your training wasn't about sexual harassment in the workplace! :smiley-laughing024:

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It's the one with SS4W...and, no, but wouldn't THAT have been RICH! BWAHAHAAAA!!! :rofl222:

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Yeah but consider that you are wearing Compromising Positions, which has Sexpionage in it! I won't wear that phero out of the house.....IMO that is NOT an office-meeting-friendly blend!

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Absolutely inappropriate! LOL!


Never fear though - yesterday was our "safety carnival day" with games and a picnic and even a big top tent, lol. The training was just the beginning for our group but it certainly kicked things off into a jovial mood for rest of the day :D


Disclaimer - At no time were any individuals or business endeavors injured during the testing of these products - with the exception of perhaps suffering from "side stitches"....:lol: As a matter of fact -happy people seem to work/want to work better! :hi5:

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Well....again, IMO....you could have had happy people with simply OW and a nice scent.....or just the MRF.....again, just my OPINION....I think you may be wasting a lot of pheros by layering the more complex blends.....SS4W, Sexpionage, and OW....ok, so Sexpionage is not that complex.......but even though......I think you still may be skewing/cancelling out/outright nullifying the effects of some of the blends.....


Don't mind me.....just oh......10 years of experience speaking here......go read here http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8167&page=1 and you will see some good advice regarding layering....from Mara herself.

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I'm not a fan of layering multiple blends extensively, either. If it works for you, awesome, but that's the exception rather than the rule.

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My point is that we have at our disposal here so many blends that will get EXACTLY the desired result.....YEAH, I layer the pheros OCCASIONALLY.....but as a rule, PICK ONE!

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Yeah but consider that you are wearing Compromising Positions, which has Sexpionage in it! I won't wear that phero out of the house.....IMO that is NOT an office-meeting-friendly blend!


Word. Also there is a danger in wearing something like that, in large quantities, in public; it may seem fine when all the attention is wanted and welcomed, but when you throw a creep or two into the mix it becomes seriously scary. Even if they aren't at work, imagine where you may be going afterward. I wouldn't risk it.

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Word. Also there is a danger in wearing something like that, in large quantities, in public; it may seem fine when all the attention is wanted and welcomed, but when you throw a creep or two into the mix it becomes seriously scary. Even if they aren't at work, imagine where you may be going afterward. I wouldn't risk it.



Absolutely! It can and does happen! Sexpionage was meant for playtime only!

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Absolutely inappropriate! LOL!




Sorry, but when I was working in an office (and not self-employed), I was ALWAYS conscious of even what perfume I was wearing....."carnival day" or not! I would not wear an inappropriate phero to the office....your superiors could be forming a subconscious opinion about you that they aren't telling or showing.....could endanger your job!

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WOW. :huh:


Thanks for all the thoughtful feedback and advice. Whipper-snapper newb has been appropriately put in her place and will duly note prior to future posts. Particularly after reading the initial post in the link provided above where it says:


"I have no issue with a member stating their PERSONAL experience with layering, or even with a blend in general, but when you start throwing around pheromone "facts" like you know what you are talking about, it chaps my ass when those "facts" are WRONG."


And reading on down the line through the posts, there are many who agree. I admit I am not exactly sure why I triggered this but it is obvious I've lit a fire - unintended though it may have been.


I was sharing what I thought was a great last 3 days but apparently I have offended the sensibilities of other more conscientious members with my obvious recklessness. Apologies to any that I have offended :mellow:


btw - love the new avi Dolly :)

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Maybe you could write about it in your journal instead...? Because with all those different pheros going, your experience is going to be very different than someone wearing just MRF with SS4W (or BI, depending on the version).

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NuTrix, you are 100% free to post your layering "escapades" in your journal. But really, when it is in a thread of a VERY popular blend, newbies read it and think that this is a smart thing to do. Point blank.......IT IS NOT. It is not smart, and the blends here are each designed to work in a certain manner.


At some OTHER phero companies, where they may only have three or four offerings, and the blends are simple, I am sure that layering is encouraged....especially since it gets you to spend more $$$$$$. But the blends here are complex.....when you start layering like that, the results are VERY hard to replicate, and many newbies will be reading, and trying to get the same results. But, being hard to replicate, they most likely will not get those same results.


And, not to mention the fact that Sexpionage out in public is just not smart.....OR SAFE. Post your layering fun in your journal.....to your heart's content......just trying to give you a perspective that you may not be considering.



BTW NuTrix, did you read Mara's post in that thread? That was the MAIN one that I wanted you to read.

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Good read thanks Dolly. You are our resident Phero Queen!

I always get paranoid too and have to think about what I am layering- like I wore BB the other day because I wanted to kill people with my fists, I still do today actually that hasn't changed but I am at level 4 instead of 8.. so I was like oooh BB what would BB and ANOL do? Would that make me a happy calm girl? then I thought maybe it's not supposed to go together Victoria. When in doubt pick one. So I chose BB- but I cried anyways and then I called the police to have someone arrested for being an asshole. ( in my head I did this but I might as well have done it in real life because I texted my bfffs that he was a terrorist and thread to our national security, since they might be listening)

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Good read thanks Dolly. You are our resident Phero Queen!

I always get paranoid too and have to think about what I am layering- like I wore BB the other day because I wanted to kill people with my fists, I still do today actually that hasn't changed but I am at level 4 instead of 8.. so I was like oooh BB what would BB and ANOL do? Would that make me a happy calm girl? then I thought maybe it's not supposed to go together Victoria. When in doubt pick one. So I chose BB- but I cried anyways and then I called the police to have someone arrested for being an asshole. ( in my head I did this but I might as well have done it in real life because I texted my bfffs that he was a terrorist and thread to our national security, since they might be listening)




Yeah, I have layered before, and as a general rule, it usually turned out to be a bad idea. The only instances where it has even REMOTELY been a decent time was when layering something very simple with something complex. And I realized at those times, that I was not getting the results that were INTENDED by the blends......any wonkiness was of my own doing by messing around with layering.....now I try to stick with one phero blend at a time......or one blend plus cops......



My rant about it is that when I started out, we basically HAD TO layer in order to get the desired result......women didn't have many choices. But here at LP, we have SO MANY blends.....most "other" phero shops have 3 or 4 for women......there is really no need to layer when buying from LP, because Mara has blends that will do just about anything you want them to!

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Hi everyone ...

and first, this is meant as NO offense to anyone ...

just a little insight (which I am sure the long-time users are already aware)

of the mind of a newbie, such as myself. As I know virtually nothing about pheros

in general, and have been feverishly reading the forums to try to learn

as much as I can, from the feedback and/or advice of others.

It's true (and although can't speak for others) but I think quite often, when a newbie reads

something (results, for ex.)...we just take it as "gospel" that's its a fact (because

we just don't know enough yet ~ or haven't had any experience)..

and think " I have to try that, too!" (heck, I know I was ready, to try some

of those combos mentioned..before reading the expertise of Dolly, and that very

informative link she provided (of her and Mara's advice).

QUESTION: having said all that ... reading this thread has brought up

a question I hadn't previously thought of...what about layering different

scents-only..(no pheros). Is that ok? For example, if you have a scent

with cinammon..and you wanted to add a fragrance that had vanilla or

nutmeg, to add all those different notes (again just perfume/scents only)

Does that work..or would that get wonky and not advisable as well?


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Dolly - I have had things go wonky (like ghosting) like you mention when I've layered things right over on top of each other - the exception so far being cops. I can be on board totally with that :)


For instance - PERFECT example!: When I first got Perfect Match and Stone Cougar I thought it would be a great idea to take some of each and combine them - half and half - into a 5ml spray. I got BLECK from them...it was like they cancelled each other out in the bottle. That mix was washed down the drain...bye-bye :(Baaaaaad idea....AND costly!

SS4W (which is in the version of my MRF) is definitely a complex blend with LOTS of goodies in it - and with MRF it smells fantastic as well! :in-love: Practically pheromonal on its own! I have had consistent results with OW ( or Topper or DHEAS - maybe consistent because it's something less complex?) sprayed to my blouse or hair and the more shmexy oil based blend MRF + cops on my body and under my clothes.

I can also definitely agree that MRF is da shiznet all on its own :Emoticons0424:

Angelica - I think the main controversy in this recent conversation is that phero "mixing" is a science and I'm no scientist - by a long shot, lol. Lots of ladies on the forum layer their perfumes and experiment in that department. But it's a good question and I'll watch for their thoughts too :)

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Hi everyone ...

and first, this is meant as NO offense to anyone ...

just a little insight (which I am sure the long-time users are already aware)

of the mind of a newbie, such as myself. As I know virtually nothing about pheros

in general, and have been feverishly reading the forums to try to learn

as much as I can, from the feedback and/or advice of others.

It's true (and although can't speak for others) but I think quite often, when a newbie reads

something (results, for ex.)...we just take it as "gospel" that's its a fact (because

we just don't know enough yet ~ or haven't had any experience)..

and think " I have to try that, too!" (heck, I know I was ready, to try some

of those combos mentioned..before reading the expertise of Dolly, and that very

informative link she provided (of her and Mara's advice).

QUESTION: having said all that ... reading this thread has brought up

a question I hadn't previously thought of...what about layering different

scents-only..(no pheros). Is that ok? For example, if you have a scent

with cinammon..and you wanted to add a fragrance that had vanilla or

nutmeg, to add all those different notes (again just perfume/scents only)

Does that work..or would that get wonky and not advisable as well?




It is perfectly fine to layer non-phero'ed scents....we do it here all the time! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't......but perfume is more of a personal preference....check out the "It takes two" thread....



And what you said here is EXACTLY what I was talking about.....as a newbie, you may want to try everything that people do that gets them a good result.....in reality, their "result" may not have been totally pheromonal......it may have been situational or such.....that is why we suggest to try one blend at a time.....it will not only save you frustration, but $$$ as well.

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Angelica, I layer my scents all the time. It's fun to come up with your own scent combos. In fact, there are not only one, but TWO threads on the subject, (don't know where though), where forum members have posted their favourites. One thread is called "It Takes Two". Lots of the scents here are very complimentary to each other, and being perfume geeks, we like to hear about new, delicious combos, so if you come up with any good ones, be sure to post 'em! :D

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Mara's Rocket Fuel gives me life!


I excused myself to the bathroom during a pal's birthday dinner and put one dab of MRF split between my wrists to refresh and when I came back to the table, after a moment, the guy sitting next to me asked, "What's that smell, everyone?" with a confused look on his face.


I asked, "Is it maple vanilla?" And he said, "Yes!" and I perked up and said, "Oh, it's me!"


And his face changed to become coy/interested and he said, "Ooooooh!" and scooted closer. With what I know about this dude, this is not his normal behavior, but I was quite amused and flattered.


I will keep stock of Mara's Rocket Fuel III forevvveerrrrrrr.

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  • 1 month later...

Testing my sample vial of Mara's Rocket Fuel III (with Super Sexy for Women).


In the vial it smells very sweet, and brown sugar; nice, sweet, something I would love to pour over a pancake.


On me, very quickly, about 80% of the sweetness disappears and it turns very very dark!

If this version III is lighter than II, I have a difficult time imagining how dark II must have been!


It's still nice, not as edible (which I don't mind). I can understand the comments about smoke and /or tobacco notes; it does not smell like smoke exactly, but there is definitely something smokey about it, something very deep and dark.

Sort of like smoked maple syrup, or toasted brown sugar as someone upthread said.


It's dark and heavy and I am glad I applied sparingly; it's comforting and warming but in too large quantities would be a little overwhelming for me.


Even though I am not 100% sure I love this scent, I am already considering ordering more of it. Somehow there is something very fascinating about it.

I have a feeling this is going to be one of those that will grow on me.


I've not had the opportunity to test the phero effects on others yet, but as for selfies: I feel quite happy and cheerful, optimistic.


Will post more when I've had more of a chance to wear this around other people. :)

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I wore MRF V3 when I went out to meet a friend last night. (I added a bit of OCCO: Red in a moment of inspiration). I LOVE MRF. Particularly the way it takes over a room! LOL! It just smells so damned good to me - very creamy, very maple-y-vanilla, a bit more than a hint of cinnamon. And yes, there's something that comes off just a little bit smoky.


I loved the second version, too. It is deeper and darker. But the BI in it didn't agree with me.


I'm perfectly happy with the SS4W version. I don't know what it is about the Super Sexy phero. Something about it really seems to put me at ease in my own skin - like me, but better. It seems to enhance what's already there, which I find a bit humorous, since at every single point in my life, in any group of friends, I have always been The Cute One, *never* The Sexy One, and certainly not The Super Sexy One. But I'll take it! :lol: I've had some of the most over-the-top reactions with this phero, and with MRF in particular.


I hope they both really grow on you, supytalp! They're both a whole lot of fun! :D

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I desperately wanted to try V2 with BI and having had the chance to get my paws on it, I have found that there is a place and time to lay on that stuff. The scent and the phero create a perfect storm for unbridled good times. But, V3 is a wonderful version for normal everyday wear. I love it for work and although it's got SUPER SEXY, I have truly found that it's a great social with women as well. I've had some great times with friends and female co-workers where everyone was relaxed and laughing. The scent is definitely lighter and brighter but it's just so lovely. I agree wholeheartedly that it is very versatile and always suggest it highly. :D

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