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I am absolutely sure I will be on Santa's naughty list FOR LIFE because of today :blush: I will do this again sometime...just because I can...waaaay to much fun not to...that will assure my place on that naughty list fo sho. It really isn't fair...but then, who ever said life is? Just sayin...

LOL trust me, you're not the only one who does this...I have a feeling Mara knew people would, so despite the disclaimers she created a blend which covers Sexpionage so well one is sorely tempted to break the rules, as it were.

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LOL trust me, you're not the only one who does this...I have a feeling Mara knew people would, so despite the disclaimers she created a blend which covers Sexpionage so well one is sorely tempted to break the rules, as it were.


:Emoticons04263: You will definitely NOT mistake the hits on this one if you choose to wear it in public that's for sure!

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Actually I have worn Sexpionage in public but I'm not the kind of person who gets those type of hits unless I'm being blatant about displaying my sexuality, which I generally do not. For playtime this is very effective with my Quince, it makes him bite-y. :666:

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:Hug_emoticon: If he knew what he was missing, he'd behave better...is there an LP to turn a man from grouse to charming AND KEEP THEM THAT WAY? It's hard to love someone behaving unlovable. :mellow::Hug_emoticon:




:yeahthat: YES. Every lady should have this. I'm still learning this phero blend, but I think it's one to handle with care because it IS so effective. I don't think I'd wear it on a night out without a posse to hang with...this one will likely attract the good, bad & ugly by the effects I've seen so far! BUT definitely YES! STAT! :D



EDIT: Just now got a smooch from the man before he left to do his workout....and a "Thank you for last night" *giggles* YES! STAT!


Oh, no doubt. I'd have a posse, DH or both. I value my safety! LOL.

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My littlest was having a fine time earlier with my new bottles I had left on my bed...she carefully reads the label of this one, opens and sniffs...I prepare myself, then she says...mmmm it's like gingerbread. I say...you like it? mmmmm, yes. I'm fairly surprised. Then she sniffed BAm! Hahaha she did not like that one.

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Soooo, a funny thing happened to me getting ready to leave the house today..


I'm reaching for a blouse in my closet...and get a whiff of Balls! Whaaaah?! OH! It's scent is still on the scarf I have hanging in my closet that I wore yesterday so I am immediately redirected.


There's a large shoe box with boots in it on the floor in front of where I keep my scarves hung so I'm leaning WAAAY in - DAYUM! THAT smells SO good!


I reach for the scarf with both hands to pull it toward me and proceed to bury my face in it, huffing deeply...when suddenly - I LOSE my BALANCE!


I don't want to step on the shoe box but there's nothing but clothing on their hangers to grab for...and let's face it, we all know how sturdy a support that'll be... so YUP, HEAD FIRST into the closet, through the clothes and into the wall!


From the other room I hear my husband..."Everything ok back there?"


I lie, "Yes! It's all good! No worries!"


Sheesh...this stuff is gonna kill me! :Emoticons04287:


EDIT: Bad grammar today...from laughing while typing!

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Weeeeeell, I had this idea in my head about being careful with it in certain situations...this was not a situation I had thought of! :lol:

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Or anyone who may know...

If we were to order the Balls! in the spray, is the concentration 1000mcg per bottle?

Thanks :)

-Edit:Got this answer on a different thread and it's likely 333mcg too - Thank MrsC!-

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You'll love it! If you don't love it, I'll be happy to give it a good home...but you're gonna love it! ^-^ Looking forward to your future posts!

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It's cocoa absolute, so it's not too similar to others. It's got more of an earthy kind of scent to it, it's not meant to be sweet. As I've said, the closest comparison to any other LP to me is the Down & Dirty set from the original Designing August.

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I tried this out as I got the sampler but had a suspicion it wouldn't be for me as none of the fragrance notes seemed to be what I liked.... unfortunately I have to say I was right. It smells somewhat sour on my skin when I first applied it, then when it had time to settle, it was kind of a dark smoky scent that still had a tinge of sourness to it. That said? Wow, the self-effects of the sexpionage were certainly there. (lol, of course, no one to test it out with.)

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Just in the bottle, this smells delicious! Sweet and rich. On skin, I'm getting a peppery spicy kick and a rush of energy, which must be from the Sexpionage. I'm also having a bit of tingle on my scalp and a slight itch in back of throat. I rinsed it off, I think the wasabi is bothering my allergies. Sexpionage is definitely a stimulating phero; in additioning to feeling wide awake, I felt some flushing and a slight increase in heart rate.

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Just got my samples and put on Balls first thing because that's the one I figured would give me the first hit. To me, fresh out of the bottle, it smells a lot like brown sugar, and also heavily a melted butter smell together with the brown sugar, like you're cooking it on the stove top. After about ten minutes, I noticed a slight saltiness to it, and then I couldn't place where the scent was going though there was still some brown sugar and butter-- there was just something else as well. Now it's a little more "powdery" and I like it. Kind of like Kama Sutra's brand of edible honey dust.


Alas, my boyfriend doesn't seem to be responding any differently to me. He's being his normal sweet funny self, but nothing really different. Did one swipe on each wrist and each side of my neck. Do I need more?

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Doing some ninja slathering in front of the computer while the boyfriend does dishes behind me. *knocks on wood for some fun pheromone hit*

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so far sneezing (but not at the point I'm worried about allergy) and a weird but short lived crazy scalp itch have been the only unusual things that have shown themselves.


we'll see. It's movie time so.....to be continued.


Edit: Okay, so I did the dumb rookie move and didn't shake the tester either times I put it on yesterday so I think that's what happened. Ironically, the person who referred me here got her package last week, and had the same "smells nothing but nothing's happening?", and I responded, "did you shake the bottle?" So, so very easy to forget. Anyway, so a second time, I applied it and really slathered it on from belly button to bewbage, but since it wasn't shaken I didn't get any hits really. I did have something really strange happen though. About forty-five minutes after the second application, I started falling asleep on the couch. Now it MAY have had nothing to do with BALLS, or maybe because it wasn't shaken, I got a little bit of one pheromone additive but not enough of the whole mixture? Now, I had woken up at six a.m., so it was a little bit of a long day, but I normally don't feel like that until 9pm, and here I was feeling it at 5:30 pm. My boyfriend kicked me into bed and I finally had to cry for mercy on cancelling our big dinner plans. Boyfriend came to bed later on and seemed like he wasn't upset. Wasn't until I got up and saw the empty pizza box that I fully understood why he wasn't upset about the cancelled dinner.

He didn't even save me any!



I WILL try Balls again (LVictoria, Loved the pointers :) ), but I am going to try a few other ones first and maybe save Balls for two hours before bedtime just in case I have some weird-ass biology that makes me react like that to the pheromones/perfume.

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I had a VERY entertaining day today thanks to Balls! I had tons of hugs...and was even dipped! At WORK. It was by someone I know very well and don't get the chance to see often because of us both transferring to other departments but it was still completely unexpected and I'm glad I didn't drop my paperwork! I swear he's my brother from another mother! I did have an older gentleman ask what I was wearing...swearing he'd smelled it somewhere before, lol, which I thought was unlikely unless it was me the last time I wore it to work HA! :lol: I said it was called "espionage" from a company called Love Potion. This fella is in his sixties and I just couldn't fess up - sorry Mara LOL - the whole time I'm giggling wildly in my head of course! There were a ton of little things all throughout the day to keep me entertained. I wouldn't bomb everyone at work with this often...but it was way too much fun NOT to do it again sometime :ange:


*EDIT* Balls! was a hit later later at home with hubby too. I think MrsC was right about it increasing our pleasure AND heightening our *O*s as well as stimulating the SO in our lives ^_~

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I just put this on after a nice bubble bath.

I'm getting spicy, pepper, tobacco and a hint of vanilla.

DH picked up on the cocoa and said that it smells like "Mexican Chocolate."


Interesting blend. I'll have to see what the next few hours bring. I'm sure that I'll be distracted for awhile though...Sexpionage does things to DH. LOL.

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So, the scent definitely goes through phases with this one. It took me several hours before I started to pick up on anything other than spicy, vanila-y tobacco. Then, I could smell some chocolate and spice. I picked up my nightshirt off the floor this morning and could smell everything from the description. LOL. I like the scent a lot though.


I also find it interesting how the scent carrier can affect the pheromone. For instance, both Comp Positions and Balls have Sexpionage. CP is instant-sex-in a bottle for DH and I. With Balls, it was a smoldering sexiness/horniness that built up over about an hour-and-a half. The end result was the same, but the time that it took to get there was a little different. Very interesting.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I thought I'd test this one once more before I ordered a bottle, and I'm glad I did... It smells like celery on my skin. WTHeck? LOL! When I first tried this a couple of months ago, it smelled kinda chocolatey, and I though, "Sure, I can do this one". But now, nope. Celery. I even asked BF to have a sniff too, just to be sure, and he said, "Smells like celery", without my even hinting that that's what I thought it smelled like. So sadly, no BALLS! for me. Not that I don't have the nuggets - I just don't want 'em to smell like diet food. :lol:

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Not that I don't have the nuggets - I just don't want 'em to smell like diet food. :lol:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Another SCORE for Balls! Hehehe. Was heading to work when this one proved to be an appropriate distraction...not quite a quickie before leaving but definitely a good time. LOVE this one..LOVE. Almost called off work for more...darn responsibilities!. :lol:

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If you're disappointed...I'll be happy to take it off your hands.... :D

I will keep that in mind.. I felt sick one time and was wearing luv truffle the smell of chocolate made me feel worse and turned me off from it.so I hope the chocolate isnt too sweet.

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Are you sure it was the Luv Truffle or were you maybe under the weather and it just intensified how you were already feeling? Kind of like smelling food when you're nauseous - Yuk :gross:

I don't get sweet really from it...foodie yes, but not sugary sweet. I hope you like it! :)

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lol, I keep having a Bobby Singer moment (Supernatural) when I see the title of this thread up in my queue


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So when I first got this one in November, I put the tiniest dab on, and it was all pepper and spice. It reminded me of a dry spice rub I used once on some meat! Seeing this review pop up again, I dug out my sample to give it a sniff, and I could smell the chocolate in the vial this time. I put a little dot on the back of my hand, still alot of pepper and wasabi going on, but at least now I get the faintest whiffs of the other elements trying to come through. Gonna tuck this away for a few months and try again!

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