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:10_small16: ...oh I luv you! :lol;




Now if that happened to me I clearly would not notice the difference! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!


BB,have you tried Honeyed Love Potion with Gotcha ? see I find the UN spray too strong for me,and keep forgetting I have a silcone roll on to test,duh :huh:

Try Fuzzy Wuzzy again too,and put some on the sides of your neck...self effects R US :lol: This is like drinking without the hangover for me!


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Good to know, Halo. Does it burn off fairly quickly? (Like an hour or so?) I felt like as the day went on, I felt more grounded.



Calii, yes, I wear those but don't really get self effects. It usually makes those around me really happy though.

Edited by BlueBear
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I have read before that different pheros in a blend can disburse at different rates - makes sense to me due to the different weight of single molecules - so possibly the one that makes you feel ditzy burns off faster than some of the other ingredients ? Or some molecules take longer to take full effect ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm trying to condense all your experiences down to a few key notes. It seems like this is rather a popularity potion at the right dose, but too much can get you over into ditzy. Does this sound pretty close?

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I don't experience it that way at all - and it's been my favorite phero from the start , I wear it almost daily since it came out . Shelly B described it best in another forum : Its the perfect bonding blend with a warm feminine shine.

Its not so much social , more that it softens all your relationships , especially romantic from my experience . It makes my boyfriend warm , happy attentive and adoring , totally wanting to please me and enjoying himself at the same time . I in return feel calm , sweet , happy and giving every time I wear it . He is a very alpha , no nonsense mach type of guy and I am a bit of a hothead ( so is he ) , and there is a noticeable sense of calm and warmth when I wear it. Gotcha instills harmony instead of the happy giddy I associate with the true socials .

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I don't experience it that way at all - and it's been my favorite phero from the start , I wear it almost daily since it came out . Shelly B described it best in another forum : Its the perfect bonding blend with a warm feminine shine.

Its not so much social , more that it softens all your relationships , especially romantic from my experience . It makes my boyfriend warm , happy attentive and adoring , totally wanting to please me and enjoying himself at the same time . I in return feel calm , sweet , happy and giving every time I wear it . He is a very alpha , no nonsense mach type of guy and I am a bit of a hothead ( so is he ) , and there is a noticeable sense of calm and warmth when I wear it. Gotcha instills harmony instead of the happy giddy I associate with the true socials .


This is a perfect description of my experiences with Gotcha too. I get similar reactions from men as with Cuddle Bunny but I get self effects from this that I don't get from CB.


It is also good for bonding with females. I wear it to work and this is the one I feel is the best for bonding with clients. I used to think Heart and Soul was but that one makes the clients a little too chatty in my opinion now. Gotcha is perfection for making people feel comfortable around you. I am not a very "huggy" person but I have to deal with it because this makes so many clients hug me after the facial and look at me as if I have just performed life saving surgery.

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First time I tried this was testing Fuzzy Wuzzy, and I felt a little silly and giggly and almost-stoned when I put it on, but I haven't felt like that since. I've been switching between Fuzzy Wuzzy and Honeyed Love Potion for the phero since it's exactly what I want from my man, and it seems like repeat exposure has been affecting him. We've been seeing each other for over a year now but unofficial, and I want him to make that move. Lately he's been a lot "softer" around me, not quite letting his guard down all the way but more than usual. He isn't usually very affectionate around other people, and if I get affectionate when we're around others he'll give me an odd look and ask me what I'm doing, like he isn't too comfortable with it. But he's been leaning into my touch more lately and not brushing it off. He's been absolutely snuggly, and though he's normally more affectionate while intoxicated when I'm wearing this he's even more so. One night we went to bed and he kept saying that he "needed to make this move, needed to make things solid," and while he didn't clarify what it was he was referring to I really want to think that he meant us.


He's also been acting much more couple-y with me, and asked me to stay the night when he had his kids over, which is something he avoids. The next morning he didn't try to hide the fact that I was there and in his bed, and took us out to breakfast. His girls didn't seem to have any problem with me - they recognized me from the last time they saw me which was a few months ago and I was helping the older (eight-year-old) girl with a word-search on her kids menu and she was happy and smiling at me and they were both joking and playing with me. I ran into my middle school art teacher while he was paying and the two girls ran over and asked who I was talking to, and my teacher asked if they were mine and I laughed and said no and nodded to my man who gave an awkward smile and wave. His girls then proceeded to pull me out the restaurant. While he wasn't overtly showing affection around them I just got the feeling that he was trying to get used to the idea of me being around them and part of things, if that makes any sense? And I think that his girls being okay with me is making him more comfortable.


Either way I think that I need to get this in UN form and keep it on me at all times in case I end up seeing him. I love the effects so far!

Edited by Cheshire Kitten
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I'm trying to decide if I need to purchase this in 1x or 2x. It takes about 6 to 7 sprays in most of the un's for me to get a recation in the 1x so I'm thinking I might need to move up to the 2x? Does anyone have this in 2x? If so can you share your experiences, thanks

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm really tempted to get straight Gotcha in spray form (60/40) but I know it has some cops. Seems like many of you have gotten it in spray though so have you had any problems with the cops? Is there enough that you wouldn't want to spray in your hair? I'd like a bottle so I can spray with my other favorite LP scents. I have it currently in LP Red and I don't smell any cops at all but Red I think would cover just about anything!! LOL

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I'm really tempted to get straight Gotcha in spray form (60/40) but I know it has some cops. Seems like many of you have gotten it in spray though so have you had any problems with the cops? Is there enough that you wouldn't want to spray in your hair? I'd like a bottle so I can spray with my other favorite LP scents. I have it currently in LP Red and I don't smell any cops at all but Red I think would cover just about anything!! LOL


I have the tester spray of this and I have never smelt the Gotcha in it....hope that helps

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Thanks ladies! I was leaning towards getting the spray and you helped push me off the fence. I just wanted to make sure that it wasn't the Red covering it.

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Omg. This stuff is crazy.I thought H & S was the sh*t around other girls. This is even better. Thought it DOES make me a little too feely than what I'm used to. I'm currently in esthetics school and my instructor was talking about how it made her proud when her girls graduate and immediately get a job as a sales rep for nuface or kirsten florian.


While listening to her spiel I felt my head go fuzzy and my chest swell with my affection for her. WTH! It was a strange one sided bonding moment.




PS. This wasn't even the UN. I was wearing this is in Honeyed Love. Less is more.

Edited by MeriendaTime
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I have the spray. It's great!


I so can't wait to get this!!! I was hoping it would work great in spray and seems like that is the general consensus. I seemed to have some good effects with it in Red but that is such a wonderful scent all by itself, it'll be nice to try it with others and test it out.

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Haha! Fabric softener for people. I like that. You've just convinced me to finally try Gotcha! at work. I'm doin' it. I've got some people there who could definitely use some softening. <_<

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Oh yes I must chime in and say this is my favorite phero too.


Eggers! I was going to suggest this for your work when you guys were all talking about pheros for the service industry. The only reason I didn't is that when I wear it to work (which is all the time now) I get a lot of clients stopping to hug me before they leave...much more on a daily basis than normal.

I work one on one with these people (almost all ladies) so that's ok with me...but I wasn't sure if you had time for all that damn mushyness while you are running around managing all your guests at the restaurant!

But I hope you do try it because I would like to hear how it works for you. It is the ultimate bonding feel good drug to me. It is what I have been looking for for my work because that feeling is what makes people want to come back and see me...and tip bigger too.


Fabric Softener for people! That is perfect!

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Oh yes I must chime in and say this is my favorite phero too.


Eggers! I was going to suggest this for your work when you guys were all talking about pheros for the service industry. The only reason I didn't is that when I wear it to work (which is all the time now) I get a lot of clients stopping to hug me before they leave...much more on a daily basis than normal.

I work one on one with these people (almost all ladies) so that's ok with me...but I wasn't sure if you had time for all that damn mushyness while you are running around managing all your guests at the restaurant!

But I hope you do try it because I would like to hear how it works for you. It is the ultimate bonding feel good drug to me. It is what I have been looking for for my work because that feeling is what makes people want to come back and see me...and tip bigger too.


Fabric Softener for people! That is perfect!


I did it! I wore Honeyed LP to work this afternoon, (smells like really rich apricot on me - I LOVE it!), and I could immediately tell a difference in my manager dude. He was in an AWESOME mood today, (a rare occurrence), and obviously doesn't know why. I felt like saying, "You're welcome", when I said good-bye to him after lunch! :lol:


I can't be certain if it had an effect on any of my customers this afternoon, but I will say that they were all amazingly subdued. That being said, I serve mainly old people, and if they're not crotchety or cantankerous, then they're usually fairly subdued anyway. Heh. We'll see how she blows over the next couple of days. So far, I'm diggin' it! :D

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I like Gotcha for self-effects as well as for its effects on others. I like the term 'fabric softener for people', that's also my impression. But at the same time I feel that it encourages people to say what they think, even if that means that they sometimes say too much. It helps people losing their inhibition.

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Oh great! Glad to hear it worked out for you. I have always been in a good mood myself when wearing it. I am not wearing it today (or any pheros for that matter) and I am not feeling too sparkly. I guess I am indeed a phero addict.


I'm going to wear it for my evening shift tonight, too. And maybe for the rest of this weekend, to give it a fair trial. I did make really good money at lunch today. :) Always nice. And my manager dude was hard at work in my section, clearing & setting tables like a whirlwind! Also very nice - especially since I burst a blood vessel in one of the fingers on my left hand, and picking stuff up really hurts ATM! His mood was what got me. He always seems particularly susceptible to whatever phero blend I wear. Probably 'cause we stand around gabbing so much in the mornings...

Wish me luck tonight! It'd be nice if Gotcha! worked out. I'd love to have another tip-maker/people-chiller-outer in the work phero mix! :)

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I LOVE the idea of fabric softener for people!!! The department I work in tends to be a bit reserved. I definitely wouldn't want to change anyone per se but it would be nice to see the soft(en)er side of everyone... maybe a little more relaxed and less uptight.


Good luck Eggers... hope you have a great experience to share!!

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Ive been wearing this since early this AM. I feel so damn good. Just feeling peppy but not the humming buzz I get off LAM. Relaxed cheery vibe. So nice. Really want this added to a beachy, silky scent like Frambuessa Y Coco.

Edited by StacyK
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I tried this one during a time when he was "unsure". Didn't seem to work right then but there was a big turning point at a later time when I tried it again. Might have the accumulative effect. Also, I think it needs to be applied strategically when the time is right because it works when that time comes! Now he's mine all mine! :hearts04276:

Edited by Caracia
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  • 4 weeks later...

I know I have mentioned this a thousand times before but the consistency of this phero is shocking to me!! Another new client today...and the facial is followed by a hug!! I am not a huggy person so this always trips me out...but it is always with this Gotcha. Oh well, hugs lead to rebooking and rebooking leads to more money for LP's, so...


I did really push it today and wore the lethal combination of LP Sunfire and Gotcha. That was probably overkill. At this rate I will have a proposal by the end of the day. People are falling in love with me right and left..

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  • 1 month later...

Here's a question to all you lovely more phero experienced ladies out there. I wore Gotcha today, was in high spirits all day, then toward the end of the workday someone was supposed to come and drop something off but never came and I waited in vain and was really annoyed. Sat on the tube in a funk and cranky, then the door opens, a guy walks in, cute, in his twenties, and as soon as he sees me, beams at me. Sits down, continues to stare and smile at me, so intensely, I blushed and frantically looked away like a schoolgirl. I kinda ran as soon as I reached my station. He wasnt creepy, but he just kept smiling at me like a three year old under a christmas tree.

Now, can a phero really work that fast? All in all he sat close to me for about 3 minutes.

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So I have been raving all over on other threads about the awesome effects of Gotcha on women, and that is mainly because it has turned into my "go to" work phero and most of my clients are women and that is where I am getting really consistent results...Not that I don't get good results from men. I get similar responses to this as Cuddle Bunny which is all good! Anyway...today...


I now keep my Gotcha in my purse and spray it on in my room about 20 minutes before my first client comes in and then get the room ready so that the phero settles into me and flies around the room. So my first client is one I have had for at least seven years, we always chat quite a bit during the facial, have a good time..., she mentioned that there was a new boutique in town I would probably like and that she was going there afterwards. After her I had a few more clients and then went to lunch.

When I got back from lunch the salon owner hands me a fancy shopping bag and says my client dropped it off for me! There was a sticky note on it that said "I picked this up for you from the new boutique, hope you like it!" I opened it up and it was a dress! My client bought me a cute as hell sexy little dress?! WTH?! When I called her she said that when she saw that dress all she could think about was how perfect the colors were for my hair and eyes (she is not hitting on me by the way...I know her well enough to know this)


Ok...I guess it is possible that after bonding with this woman for at least seven years she could have all of a sudden thought of me while seeing a dress and decide to surprise me with it, Gotcha or no Gotcha but...seems like a hit to me.

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I'm tempted to wear it to work more often now. Maybe someone will take it upon himself to fix my car for me. Or install my dishwasher? :lol: (I wouldn't feel guilty, even if we proved it was Gotcha! I mean, it's *called* "Gotcha!" for a reason, no? ;) ).

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