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So I have been raving all over on other threads about the awesome effects of Gotcha on women, and that is mainly because it has turned into my "go to" work phero and most of my clients are women and that is where I am getting really consistent results...Not that I don't get good results from men. I get similar responses to this as Cuddle Bunny which is all good! Anyway...today...


I now keep my Gotcha in my purse and spray it on in my room about 20 minutes before my first client comes in and then get the room ready so that the phero settles into me and flies around the room. So my first client is one I have had for at least seven years, we always chat quite a bit during the facial, have a good time..., she mentioned that there was a new boutique in town I would probably like and that she was going there afterwards. After her I had a few more clients and then went to lunch.

When I got back from lunch the salon owner hands me a fancy shopping bag and says my client dropped it off for me! There was a sticky note on it that said "I picked this up for you from the new boutique, hope you like it!" I opened it up and it was a dress! My client bought me a cute as hell sexy little dress?! WTH?! When I called her she said that when she saw that dress all she could think about was how perfect the colors were for my hair and eyes (she is not hitting on me by the way...I know her well enough to know this)


Ok...I guess it is possible that after bonding with this woman for at least seven years she could have all of a sudden thought of me while seeing a dress and decide to surprise me with it, Gotcha or no Gotcha but...seems like a hit to me.

Dang, that is one major Gotcha moment
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^^ Yes that's Gotcha. Great hit, but not surprising to me. Ok I've been sitting on a couple of Gotcha stories ...

Gotcha in general is a consistent winner for me.

It would take all day to list all the smaller hits but I'll say this ... every single time Ive worn Gotcha it does it job. No slacking here.

Smaller hits generally include people, inc my kids chatting their asses off to me. A couple of newer women acquaintances, suddenly became very huggy and we have had some very long talks, occasionally I'll forget the phero... the usual experience there, you know, later it's oh yea that had to contribute to the length and depth of that conversation. I like it better than TH in that respect.. but don't think using something this powerful carelessly is a good idea. The downside is getting away when your time is limited, it can be the Velcro phero. :)

Now a weird large hit.. I took my son to the oral surgeon for a consult. I had put on Un gotcha and LP gold hours before....so we go in. The somewhat cranky receptionist is like " we don't take insurance the cost is $2400 ect. WTF

I decide to continue with the consult anyway as this guy is highly recommended and I actually have both my kids X-rays, at the suggestion of our dentist I was going to try to slide in my daughters too, as I need an OS opinion on hers as well. So off we go to the room.. the woman probably a NA is doing her thing, once we have been in the room for a couple of min she gets so friendly, as if I've been there a dozen times before and she knows us. She starts talking about kids and tells me/us some personal stuff about her daughter. The Doctor comes in and it's like someone snapped their fingers and the spell was sort if lifted.. oh yea.. ah ok.

Then the doctor does his thing he's in his later 50s and examines my sons teeth first then I hand him my sons X-rays he stars to discuss them hardly looking at me, he seemed in a bit of a hurry.. he laying out the procedure ect. Interestingly he starts to slow down he's not as hurried and now he's leaving more space for me to talk. He leisurely goes back to my son, takes a long look to answer a question of mine then just gazes up at me. He is an unusual looking man and his eyes are intense. He just stares at me constantly and a little smile had crept across his face. The assistant comes in to tell him something and he does not really respond at first.. then he basically shoos her away. Still gazing at me he moves closer to "show me something" on the x ray. The X-ray is hanging up on the screen not by me lol I remember " Gotcha" I start thinking this is really fascinating I'm like Mr Spock observing this reaction lol. Well heck nows as good a time as any, I ask him to please take a look at my daughters X-rays, I would really like his opinion before we go to the Ortho ect.. he's still gazing at me and say sure.. so he does that then once I have the X-rays back ect he just stares at me with that little smile again.. I'm thinking ok it's like in true blood.. he's been glamoured by the Gotcha.

The assistant comes back again and he finally realizes he needs to go. She leaves after glancing between us.

We are saying our goodbyes at this point I realize his exam light that he wears on his head and plugs into a cord on the wall is still connected...when he turns to leave and starts out my son and I both try to warn him but it's to late and the thing yanks him back hard. He is all flustered and untangles himself. Wow, that never happens he says still slightly the same gaga eyes when he looks at me, pupils dilated ect. As we leave the bitchy receptionist softens up a bit and takes our info and says she'll try to get something for the ins ect blah blah .. so we are out and now I hope I don't sound like an ass but my son and I both at the same time laugh, just a bit. We felt bad but it's one of those things you have to see to understand. My son says "that guy almost lost his head. ..and what was with his eyes? His eyes looked like Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs. Did you see how he was staring at you? " umm well yea but I didnt get Anthony Hopkins until you mentioned it, thank god.

Anyway I don't wear Gotcha if I'm going to be in an enclosed space with someone unless its SO.

You just never know how susceptible someone might be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the 2nd phero I tested, and it's effects seem to creep in like lovely stealthy little waves of admiration and affection.


I tested this when working with a man who's always a lovely friendly and talkative person. Gotcha made him more so. He seemed perfectly content to just stand around talking to me all day (in between serving customers now and then, lol), and kept actively looking for more things to ask/say to keep up the conversation. His behaviour was also extra sweet and helpful, and he had this slightly indulgent smile on his face most of the time, like he was really enjoying himself and couldn't quite help showing it. He also used my name even more than usual, stood closer than usual, and was sort of gently playful in the way he interacted with me. The other workers who came back to the old library throughout the day would come in looking exhausted and downtrodden due to organisational problems in the new building. Within a few minutes of being around me they seemed to end up in a much lighter, friendlier mood.


A week later I'm working with the same man I worked with the week before. His behaviour mimics that of the previous week- he even seems to naturally gravitate towards standing or sitting right next to me whenever we're gathered around talking about things. Another young man who works there (who is much more quiet and shy) finds lots of little things to say to me throughout the day, and repeatedly repositions himself in places where he can have a proper view of me whenever other people moved around and blocked his view. The women are all very friendly, complimentary and sweet.


This is a lovely subtle yet impressive phero.

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I have tested Gotcha several times and just don't seem to get ANYTHING. I haven't posted here much but have been lurking and reading on the boards for months. Been playing with pheros myself for about 4-5 months, so I AM a newbie, but not THAT new.


Anyhow, I just don't seem to get hits with Gotcha. I wanted so much for this to work with me! I have tried wearing a little (dab to the wrists), a little more, and tried wearing a lot. ...a lot being a lollipop on my torso and some dabbed on wrists, smooshed around. Maybe I need to play around more with the middle ground. I have it in the silicone roll-on.


I've mainly worn this with my guy, but maybe I'll try it more publicly and see what happens.


I've paired it with LP Pink which I love.


Any suggestions?

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It could be that it doesn't affect your guy. Try it around others to gauge it. Do you get any self effects?

Thanks BlueBear. I don't get any self effects from this. Well... If anything, I noticed feeling irritable and bitchy. Though, I wasn't sure if it was because of where I was in my cycle, so I couldn't really blame it on Gotcha. PMDD starts kicking my ass abut 10 days out from my period, and it's a toss up of whether I'll be weepy, bitchy, sleepy, or nervous. Usually a blend of all.


Maybe it just so happens that the days I'm reaching for this, are the days I NEED a bit of the oomph that I'm hoping that Gotcha will give me, but in actuality, just makes the oncoming crankiness worse. The whole congruency issue at play.


I may try this right after my cycle ends. I feel the most normal for that week. That's about all I get, after hemorrhaging for ~10 days. ::insert le sigh::


I'll keep playing, and recording the results.

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Hi WonderWoman,


I too am a relative pheromone newbie, but this is what I've noticed so far with Gotcha:


I get absolutely no self-effects with this phero, so I wouldn't be judging it by that.


Do you have Gotcha in UN or in a perfume? I bought mine in the UN spray and wore it a couple of times where I wasn't sure whether it was doing much (the situation wasn't necessarily ideal for testing though). So I used a- what do you call them- a plastic tubey thing that you use to transfer small amounts of liquid? I used one of those to put some Gotcha into a Neroli Jasmine perfume I had from the body shop. It was a 30ml bottle & I'd used about a third of it, and I put about 8 mls of Gotcha into the bottle. Sorry I don't know American measurements :huh:. I shake it a bit before applying it each time. I have definitely had some nice results with this scented version.


I also sometimes add a small amount of cops (in OCCO gold or Pherogirl form) on my midsection, which intensifies effects.


Hope you have better luck with your Gotcha in future- keep experimenting, it's all good fun.

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Thanks BlueBear. I don't get any self effects from this. Well... If anything, I noticed feeling irritable and bitchy. Though, I wasn't sure if it was because of where I was in my cycle, so I couldn't really blame it on Gotcha. PMDD starts kicking my ass abut 10 days out from my period, and it's a toss up of whether I'll be weepy, bitchy, sleepy, or nervous. Usually a blend of all.


Maybe it just so happens that the days I'm reaching for this, are the days I NEED a bit of the oomph that I'm hoping that Gotcha will give me, but in actuality, just makes the oncoming crankiness worse. The whole congruency issue at play.


I may try this right after my cycle ends. I feel the most normal for that week. That's about all I get, after hemorrhaging for ~10 days. ::insert le sigh::


I'll keep playing, and recording the results.

During the month of November, Mara has the un's available as sample sprays and last year, I purchased a bunch of these to try out and determine which ones work best for me.... Perhaps you could try that

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During the month of November, Mara has the un's available as sample sprays and last year, I purchased a bunch of these to try out and determine which ones work best for me.... Perhaps you could try that

Thanks DD! I can't WAIT for November!!

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I've been wearing Gotcha a lot this summer and I notice that it gets me in a hyper and talkative mood. I forget that pheros may have self effects, and sometimes in the evening I think: man, you blabbed a lot today. Gotta watch that. Gotcha has that same effect on a young colleague of mine. She is a newlywed, but wont stop talking about one of our coworkers. Always in a joking manner, but you can tell that there's a truth to it. A few days ago we talk about another girl who also has a crush on this guy (he IS very attractive, but he knows it, also married with kids, loves all the attention, though), and as I remark that maybe at some point it is time for that chick to move on and find someone else, she replies: sure, that's what I had to do, too. Chuckles a little. But I think: wow, you just told me you settled for your husband, cause you couldnt have that other guy. She'll say things like: yesterday he defended me with the boss, I'm even more in love with him now! Laughs, but basically that's the truth she's telling me.

So sometimes pheros will get you too much information...

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I went a bit phero mad today and created a Gotcha monster. I know it’s generally wiser not to mix phero blends, but I was feeling experimental. I ended up with Super Gotcha!


I have UN Gotcha. I’d already added about 8 mls of it to an old half full Body Shop Neroli Jasmine perfume I just want to use up. Today I added a couple of mls or so of La Femme Mystere and roughly the same amount of SS4W to fill the bottle, shook it all up and put a little on my neck, chest, wrists and the ends of my hair (I can’t even smell the cops in Gotcha so I wasn’t too worried about that).


I was admired and appreciated and adored. I went to a shopping centre and had lunch by myself in a café. The woman there couldn’t do enough for me and was extra super friendly, kept hovering around trying to offer or ask me things. 3 men I walked past afterwards had DIHL looks. Others looked my way for a looong time. I heard one woman admonishing her husband for openly looking at me that way. I was dressed in smartish casual, nice but not sexy clothes with natural makeup. I went shopping for makeup afterwards and LOVED the way I looked in the mirrors, much more than usual. I felt so softly, femininely gorgeous and sexy in a really natural way.

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I went a bit phero mad today and created a Gotcha monster. I know it’s generally wiser not to mix phero blends, but I was feeling experimental. I ended up with Super Gotcha!


I have UN Gotcha. I’d already added about 8 mls of it to an old half full Body Shop Neroli Jasmine perfume I just want to use up. Today I added a couple of mls or so of La Femme Mystere and roughly the same amount of SS4W to fill the bottle, shook it all up and put a little on my neck, chest, wrists and the ends of my hair (I can’t even smell the cops in Gotcha so I wasn’t too worried about that).


I was admired and appreciated and adored. I went to a shopping centre and had lunch by myself in a café. The woman there couldn’t do enough for me and was extra super friendly, kept hovering around trying to offer or ask me things. 3 men I walked past afterwards had DIHL looks. Others looked my way for a looong time. I heard one woman admonishing her husband for openly looking at me that way. I was dressed in smartish casual, nice but not sexy clothes with natural makeup. I went shopping for makeup afterwards and LOVED the way I looked in the mirrors, much more than usual. I felt so softly, femininely gorgeous and sexy in a really natural way.

So , just let me get this right - you mixed Gotcha , SS4W and La Femme together ? Equal portions ? I've always use Gotcha with La Femme , but have been reticent to blend 3 together out of fear to create some monster with ratios completely off and not doing what they're supposed to. I sense a big order coming :Emoticons04235::Emoticons0424:

Was it 8 ml from a spray bottle or a roller ?

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So , just let me get this right - you mixed Gotcha , SS4W and La Femme together ? Equal portions ? I've always use Gotcha with La Femme , but have been reticent to blend 3 together out of fear to create some monster with ratios completely off and not doing what they're supposed to. I sense a big order coming :Emoticons04235::Emoticons0424:

Was it 8 ml from a spray bottle or a roller ?


Flufflygirl- glad to know someone else has put some of these together before. Does your mix work well?


I didn't use equal portion of all 3. I used about 8 mls of Gotcha, 2 or 3 mls of La Femme Mystere & another 2 or 3 mls of SS4W. I would have added more of the last two, but the bottle was full!


I have all of these pheros in UN bottles, so I just used a pipette to decant them into an old perfume bottle that still had lots of perfume in it.

It worked really well, and I'm excited to see how a mix like that might go at work. I know I'm messing with things that I don't understand here, but when the bottle has a little room in it, I'm totally going to add a bit more La Femme and SS4W :stirthepot: .


By the way, your avi is sooo gorgeous I can't stop admiring it. She's like a teddy bear disguised as a dog.

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OMG , I've been raving about the Gotcha /LFM combo for a while . I haven't purchase SS$W yet , since I couldn't decide between this one and Bang . I would usually use about 5-6 sprays of each in the 60/40 silicone spray.. I am getting ready to place a new order to refuel :) , I think I will add SS4W to the mix. Thanks for the tip .

Btw , that's Fluffy ,my ( passed on by now - miss him !! ) 125 lb chow/lab mix who lived to the ripe old age of 15 , hence the username

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  • 2 weeks later...

Based on these previous reviews, I wore a UN Gotcha! + SS4W (MRF) combo out this weekend.


I have never gotten so many compliments, and hits, and overall chivalry so much so as when I was wearing this combo. It was amazing!


Like, a bunch of people went out for breakfast, and I looked like complete crap because I hadn't slept much and I hadn't even combed my hair. It was all scraggly and messy, but people kept telling me how pretty I looked and stuff like that. It was out of control.


So this is definitely a combination of pheros I'm going to retest in the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whooboy, tried Gotcha for the first time today, and it made me feel all dizzy and woozy... and not in a good way, unfortunately.

And here I thought it would be a pretty fool proof phero to start with!


I have the unscented oil; applied a small triangle below my boobs, and put a dot on either side of my neck, on my collar bones.

Then I went outside for a walk with my dog.


As we were walking (and it was a short walk, luckily, since the weather is foul today) I started feeling sort of relaxed and loose. That part felt nice; like sensing the beginning of a buzz with your first drink. A warm, soft, loose feeling along the back of my spine.

A bit more relaxing than I expected perhaps, but nothing worrying.


But then when I got home, I started feeling more and more light-headed, woozy and dizzy.

At first it was like the effects of valium (which a docter prescribed for me briefly, years ago, in a low dosage - and which I stopped taking almost immediately because I simply could not function with it, it was like trying to go about my daily business after having drunk half a bottle of strong booze), then it started to get even more disorienting; my head was spinning and even though I was sitting on the couch, I felt at risk of falling over constantly.


I drank a glass of water and tried to take it easy, had something to eat eventually.

I had been planning to go get some groceries, but I will probably do that tomorrow.


It's now an hour or three after applying it and I'm slowly starting to feel better, but I still feel light-headed, and rather groggy and hungover.


Not at all what I was expecting, that's for sure!


I'm not giving up on Gotcha! just yet; perhaps I over-applied, or something reacted strangely to something in my body chemistry, or perhaps it was just something else alltogether and not the pheros at all.

But I am making sure I am in a safe and calm environment when I try again, and that I don't need to go outside with it if I don't feel up to it!

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I use Gotcha often and I never had that happen.


There are phero blends that can give me headaches but not this one. It works like a charm on me.

From your description it does not sound like you applied a lot but then everyone is different.

I'd say wait a few days and try again. To make sure it was or was not the phero.

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I use Gotcha often and I never had that happen.


There are phero blends that can give me headaches but not this one. It works like a charm on me.

From your description it does not sound like you applied a lot but then everyone is different.

I'd say wait a few days and try again. To make sure it was or was not the phero.


Thank you! :)


It's not a headache exactly (fortunately), just feeling very woozy and like the room is spinning.

The after effects are similar to those of a migraine, but the initial effect was different. Hard to describe, both stronger and more 'clean' feeling than a migraine dizzyness.


Now (eh, 6 hours or so since application) I'm sort of more sleepy and tired and heavy-headed and warm - then again, it's a little after 6 pm here now and that is usually the time that my body demands (though rarely gets) a nap.


I'm absolutely going to try again in a couple of days or so; there are too many raves here about it to just give up (plus, I am stubborn :D) and it might be due to something completely unrelated to the pheros in any case.

Also, somehow I can sort of imagine my body reacting very strongly to (a component in) it the first time for some reason, because it was new and unfamiliar, and then not responding to it again (or far less) the next time.


I've actually had that with several kinds of medicines and (herbal) remedies as well; very strong and effective the first time (Tension Tamer Tea put me right to sleep the first time I drank it and then unfortunately did not have that effect ever again) and hardly noticeable the next times I used them.

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Thank you! :)


It's not a headache exactly (fortunately), just feeling very woozy and like the room is spinning.

The after effects are similar to those of a migraine, but the initial effect was different. Hard to describe, both stronger and more 'clean' feeling than a migraine dizzyness.


Now (eh, 6 hours or so since application) I'm sort of more sleepy and tired and heavy-headed and warm - then again, it's a little after 6 pm here now and that is usually the time that my body demands (though rarely gets) a nap.


I'm absolutely going to try again in a couple of days or so; there are too many raves here about it to just give up (plus, I am stubborn :D) and it might be due to something completely unrelated to the pheros in any case.

Also, somehow I can sort of imagine my body reacting very strongly to (a component in) it the first time for some reason, because it was new and unfamiliar, and then not responding to it again (or far less) the next time.


I've actually had that with several kinds of medicines and (herbal) remedies as well; very strong and effective the first time (Tension Tamer Tea put me right to sleep the first time I drank it and then unfortunately did not have that effect ever again) and hardly noticeable the next times I used them.


Mara mentioned that John was present when she was initially filling bottles of this when they first got it in, and it felt like he's taken a shot of Jack! That seems to be in line with how you felt. Try less!!!


on the flip side, it initially makes me feel very scattered, but that happens less and less as I continue to wear it.

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Mara mentioned that John was present when she was initially filling bottles of this when they first got it in, and it felt like he's taken a shot of Jack! That seems to be in line with how you felt. Try less!!!




Yeah, sort of like that - although really, I felt as if I'd swigged the entire bottle, and then someone grabbed it from my hand and hit me over the head with it! :arf:



The effect of this was supposed to be very relaxing. I think you may be super sensitive to pheros. Try wearing less.



Less it is (very much so)!


Hmmm, I guess the good thing about that is that would make me a 'cheap date', phero-wise? ;)

A sample could last me as long as a full bottle does for some people, judging by the strength of this amount.


I did try a tiny swipe of the Bonded with Perfect Match last night, mainly because I was curious about the scent; about half an inch or less with the tiny stick from the sample bottle on the side of my wrist.

I did sort of think I felt some self-effects from that as well (nice ones though, fortunately - although the scent, while not horrible, did not feel like 'me').

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Wow, I've definitely not had anything like that happen to me before with Gotcha. I must be at the other end of the spectrum. I feel like I need a lot of Gotcha before it takes effect.


Good luck with experimenting with it, and be careful!

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Good luck with experimenting with it, and be careful!


Thank you! :)


Took yesterday off (well, I did try a smidge of cops, but nothing else) and I've tried Gotcha! for the second time tonight; home alone, nothing to do but eat my dinner, knit, watch tv and play the ukulele so no biggie if it made me feel woozy again.


This time, I applied about half the dosage of the first time (I think 2 inches, whereas last time it was probably about 4 inches in all - difficult to be precise though, because it takes the ball a bit of distance to start rolling, as it were) and I put it on one wrist; that way, it wasn't so 'in my face' the whole time and I could wash it off more easily.

(it's a bit of an indication of how it knocked me out the first time that it didn't even occur to me to try and wash it off)



And it feels so much better now! :Emoticons10311:

I was a bit tense when I applied it, getting nervous about something a week away (I don't do well with things I can see coming... I'd rather have my stressful and difficult moments come up to me unexpectedly!) and the Gotcha! calmed me right down.

No real woozyness, no dizzyness at all - more a mellow sense of well-being and I found (still find) myself with a smile on my lips for no reason.


Not the best mixture to do stuff with perhaps; it took me about half an hour to write a few lines about it in my journal because I sort of kept staring into space, woolgathering.


It feels quite similar to having one very civilized drink actually, but better, less psycially affecting.


So, yay!


I think I will keep it for 'home use' initially; it will be very nice to apply in a small amount at the end of a day, to wind down - not dissimilar to having a beer or a glass of wine.

That way, I can slowly get used to the effect and figure out the best dosage & placement; I think I will keep it away from my torso and apply it to wrists, perhaps the back of my neck etc.


When I am more at ease with it and can predict the effects better I might give it a whirl in a social situation, to see how it effects others.

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I kinda wonder if your reaction had something to do with the Alpha THDOC (sp?). I'm not sure why, because it doesn't happen to me with any other pheros that THDOC is in, but when I wear LFM, I always have about half an hour to an hour's worth of woozy "drunkenness". And I think Tyvey has noted some weirdness associated with that molecule, too. I don't worry too much about it, because it's not a debilitating kind of wooziness, just a "strong first drink" kind of WHOO! And then it's done.

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I kinda wonder if your reaction had something to do with the Alpha THDOC (sp?). I'm not sure why, because it doesn't happen to me with any other pheros that THDOC is in, but when I wear LFM, I always have about half an hour to an hour's worth of woozy "drunkenness". And I think Tyvey has noted some weirdness associated with that molecule, too. I don't worry too much about it, because it's not a debilitating kind of wooziness, just a "strong first drink" kind of WHOO! And then it's done.


Yeah, I wondered if there is one specific element in this that made me feel like that - unfortunately, it's a blend with rather a lot of ingredients so it could take some time to pin it down (would have to find samples of stuff that have some but not all overlapping ingredients).


I am sort of kind of contemplating a small order of some more samples later this month - I might tweak it a bit with that in mind.


Scanning the page with Phero blends and their ingredients; I see Alpha-THDOC only in Gotcha!, there is Beta-THDOC in LFM and LFN and Balm Bomb, and plain THDOC in Popularity potion. That's all as far as I see right now.


Not sure how similar those are to Alpha-THDOC... But at least it's not a very common ingredient, so if it is that, it would be relatively easy to avoid.


Thank you for the tip! :)

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I wore Gotcha last night, and it definitely helped keep me calm and centered while hanging out with my friends. And I felt like I was the center of attention accidentally (but I totally didn't mind because of the isolating gf incident, I was like whatever, I'll just continue shining!) And weirdly, friends of mine were extra considerate, grabbing bags for me, waiting for me at places, etc. it was so nice! Gotcha never fails to get ya!

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The first time I wore Un-Gotcha, I initially felt very scattered, sort of not present. I brought it up here, and Halo suggested that it was the TH-DOC. That was much earlier this year. I recently was sedated at the doctor, and as i was coming off the narcs, the effect was very similar to what I felt with the Gotcha. It gets better, though. And the effects on others were more than worth it!

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I feel mellowed, receptive and I'm able to hold my own in deeper conversations.


I noticed men can get the slightly unfocused but still into you look. Almost dazed.


I did note that if I wear this 3 days in a row I can become slightly more emotional

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I'm pretty sure you're reacting to the Alpha TH-Doc because it can be sedating.





The first time I wore Un-Gotcha, I initially felt very scattered, sort of not present. I brought it up here, and Halo suggested that it was the TH-DOC. That was much earlier this year. I recently was sedated at the doctor, and as i was coming off the narcs, the effect was very similar to what I felt with the Gotcha. It gets better, though. And the effects on others were more than worth it!



Good to know, thank you both!


It's not in a lot of blends fortunately, so if I decide it's not for me it should be relatively easy to avoid - but yeah, I'm quite hopeful I can get used to it! :)

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Ive tried this (UnGotcha!) for two days, the first one i think i killed myself cuz i got a head ache. I did a 'v' on my cleavage about 4 inches on each strip


haha i know in the back of my head i went uh oh i think i fucked myself and tried to dab it off with some cotton but i couldnt avoid the headache anyway so it was fruitless. I was also really upset-- i had the whole works going on like i was PMSing or something i was hella emotional


The hits however were BAM RIGHT THERE! Was hanging out with some buds and they were leaning on me(more like crushing cuz im a squirt at 5'3 to their 6'0) Some of the socially awkward peeps would walk up to me then walk away- rinse repeat it was like that all night. It looked like they were gonna go for a hug but then when i got up they walked away so i didnt know if i should be disappointed cuz getting up more than five times is horrible cuz im lazy. Some of the ballsier guys would try to lay their heads on my lap and id smack their face because of reasons.


The second time was bad timing, i was gonna hang at someone's(wink wink) house but i seen dad and he dragged me around town instead. my dad and kid brother made sure to be with me all day. i did two strips on my neck (one inch each) and covered with lp pink and tangy tart because i thought theyd go well together and yeah it did i smelled fucking delicious but yeah wasted day.


I didnt get a head ache though and i was(am) very languid and lazy. I was a totally ditsy all day though! Im also having some trouble wording things and my speech is also different like i hoped into another person. I dont know if i like the selfies in this one haha i dont like being ditsy or if i od become a mess.

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  • 1 month later...

Okay so I wore this to work tonight. I have the UN in the sample dropper bottle. I used half a dropper, which was about 6 drops. 2 to wrists and rubbed, the rest to my chest/cleavage area. My tips were consistently 18-20% but I'm so spoiled because the check totals were so low that it just didn't feel that spectacular. There was one order that I completely messed up and forgot to tell the kitchen about the substitutions, and when the customers told me that it didn't come out correctly, I laughed, GASP . I grabbed their plates, said sorry, and told em I'd have their correct order out asap. In the end they tipped me 20% and thanked me profusely for my service, lol. Had to be the Gotcha! I felt very calm, relaxed and I also felt pretty confident, like it didn't matter if I messed up, and I could just laugh it up, and expected the customers not to mind either. It was a very different feeling from my usual OW combo, where Im way more bouncy, and energetic, and ppl are more energetic around me, and I also care way more about pleasing people when I wear OW. I was expecting to receive way more hugs from reading other reviews, lol. But I only got 1 hug from a stranger who called me his "teen daughter" and said wherever did I go wrong to have my teen daughter working here. I was hoping for some DIHL, but just caught a few fellows smiling and staring, and women were especially very smiley and complimenting me. I think I am going to try a different sample tomorrow, and revisit Gotcha later. I want to try it around my crush especially If I can get him alone.

Edited by Arielk
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  • 2 months later...

Gotcha! is still my go-to phero. I wore it last night to hang out with a friend and keep him company during some rough times for Valentine's Day, and I feel like while he is normally a bit more reserved, that Gotcha! really got him to open up about what he's been going through and we had several hours of solid conversation. Gotcha! does wonders, I think.

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I have to start wearing more of this again - its my favorite , but I keep wearing it in combination with either LFM or BANG , both of which combine fantastically with this in about equal amounts. Every once in a while I wear Gotcha by itself and am surprised every time how well it works on its own.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Today I wore Gotcha! and there is one guy who is really effected by Gotcha! at work. When he located me he had his laptop with him and just parked at the desk next to me and we downloaded the days obstacles AND did some power tag team emailing for a while and when we finished it was so sweet, like he didn't want to leave and like our time together was one of he highlights of his day :lol: I got quite a few sweet reactions from other female co-workers as well. Hmm. Now that I think of it, with Gotcha! people are just sweet to me in general. I wore this solo with Poudre de Bourdons. Really good day! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I AM NEVER GOING TO WEAR GOTCHA AROUND STRANGERS AGAIN. I wore it (HLP) to meet a friend at a bar. One dude, a colleague of a friend, was extremely handsy and kept bear hugging me despite my repeated stern verbal and body language repulsions, was almost literally drooling on me, and kept saying inappropriate things like "I want to drink you like a lemonade" and "I am going to marry you". Friend was mortified and kept trying to put himself between us and said he has never seen him act remotely like that. Another guy hovered around me like an insect, staring, never speaking, and kept darting his face into my face from different angles while I was trying to talk to other people, like he was head-faking or like he was trying to start a fight. It was deeply bizarre and uncomfortable.

Edited by tyvey
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Gotcha sounds like something I would like to try soon.

Since there are some cops in it do alot of you have it in the spray ?

Can you spray it on your cloths and hair?

Would you get it lightly scented or fully scented?

I was thinking Nola or NOCO White for a scent.

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Gotcha sounds like something I would like to try soon.

Since there are some cops in it do alot of you have it in the spray ?

Can you spray it on your cloths and hair?

Would you get it lightly scented or fully scented?

I was thinking Nola or NOCO White for a scent.

It's a very small amount of cops.. the Un does not smell like cops. I get a faint phero smell in general but you can spray this just fine (like Cougar). I get strong self effects off Gotcha so IMO you should start out conservatively. It is a great phero. Your NOCO would cover any residual phero smell. Nola is so great. It can cover no problem. Edited by StacyK
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