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Balm Bomb, Unscented

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I turned a gf on to BB for JUST this reason and she too LOADS on it during PMS. She has the oil though (she used up her spray from the 10 for 10). She also uses it for work whenever she thinks the may have to deal with people she will want to kill - because killing co-workers = bad :D


BB has never done anything for cramps but it certainly improves the mood of the wearer and the ones we come in contact with - sometimes THAT alone is what makes BB golden.


Glad it worked so well for you Eggers :)

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  • 1 month later...

I dipped into my dropper vial today. This is good stuff & I'm glad for the itty bitty, Bat-belt sized samples. Personally, I like the droppers, I like being able to use my pheromones more sparingly & have an easier to remember dosage. I'm digressing though. I have been through a hellish weekend & have been feeling VERY negative towards the person that made it that way. Like, I've been walking around with an angry feeling in my chest & everything that person does makes me angry. There is currently a broken bottle of cologne in the BR, because he left stuff on the counter & I swiped that shit onto the floor, to make the counter absolutely free of any items, as per his demands. His vitamins are also all over the floor because I chucked them at the door when I discovered that he took my gummy vitamins. This type of rage is not native to my psyche, so I decided to medicate myself with some Balm Bomb. It works! I don't feel like throwing & breaking things anymore, even though I'm still angry. It isn't burning in my chest anymore. I feel a healthy amount of anger, not the kind that makes me shaky & snappy with everyone.

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  • 1 month later...

It is now day 3 of boyfriend trying to quit smoking cigarettes--though he has used a couple of cigars to help pave the way, but I bought him cigars that he absolutely hates. Sidenote: did you know cigars have a LOT more nicotine than cigarettes? I didn't know that. Anyway, he seems to now be mostly on his e-cigarette which is good, but it's still rough going. The first two days were really bad though. It's hard to handle someone who asks why I'm in a bad mood, when all I'm doing is trying my best to handle their heinously bad mood.


Anyway, I had worked my way through some BPALs that I was using as scenting oil for my wax warmer, and decided to create a mixture of samples I didn't want to use anymore plus a big heaping bunch of Balm Bomb.


I noticed he chilled out a little bit last night while I used it. We could stand to be in the same room with the wax warmer going on in the kitchen. But today I brought it into the TV room and we were actually able to cuddle and watch tv and wrestle and be silly. He still wants a cigarette bad, and I don't know if this time his quitting will be permanent but I do know that this time was pretty miserable so maybe just reminding him how bad quitting was will help-- that and keeping stocked in e-cigarette stuff. I don't think he's ever going to fully quit the hand-to-mouth cigarette aspect but at least that helps.


So far I think it's helping me not want to drug him with sleeping pills for the next week til he's slept off as much of it as possible.

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So far I think it's helping me not want to drug him with sleeping pills for the next week til he's slept off as much of it as possible.

:lol: My guy "quit" years ago but every now and again when we're out he'll bum one... or more... and then fuss about how absolutely awful they are :D It's a journey :) Hang in there - though I DO like the sleeping pill idea and may save it for future reference...

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  • 1 month later...

I have worn this the last 2 days (re-testing it in a work environment) and I need to say that there was a time I just under-rated it. I set it aside SOLEY for the red tide but now that I know how stupendous the selfies are I have to look back and wonder what I was thinking by not utilizing it more often? I mean, seriously? When there's a blend that makes you laugh off something that PMS could potentially turn into a homicide scene, that makes it invaluable - right?


Maybe I had it in my head that THAT particular use was all I would reserve it for? What was I thinking? This is one of the few blends that I get noticeable selfies...though admittedly they are somewhat covert. I'm usually happy...except some mornings. I should really have coffee first before you talk to me - I don't do much past yes or no type questions until I've had my morning brew on some days :lol:...I'm much more negotiable wearing this.


Stupid example:


DISHES. I clean while I cook. Always have - for the 12 + years Hubs and I have been together. The other day, a high tide day mind you at that, I'm cooking. I've got the sink cleared so I can work. That human male that I share the house with decides to come into the kitchen and pitter about. Rather than set things on the counter and leave the sink open, he'd place something smack in the way so that when I went to the sink with a hot pot or pan in hand, I'd have to take it BACK to the oven and set it down and then go back to the sink free handed to move his item out of the way first. Repeat 3 times! Normally I would want t wring his inconsiderate neck (thank you very much!) but INSTEAD, I began to laugh and asked him to please come (yes, please even...) where I could speak with him and (for the gazzilianth time in all these years we've been together) explained how irritating it was to have to do that because he wasn't setting those items to the side until I was finished - all with a smile and no desire to call 911 and the coroner to collect the body. He responded well, and although I know it was only good until "the next time" I was quite content with that.


THIS is a potent blend. I rest my case.


I'm not sure I care how it effects others :D But I have been wearing it to work this week so I can gage better how to use it more often around others and how it will benefit. So far I've noticed a calming and easing of the spirit. Relaxing of tensions (believe me, we are going through some ROUGH times at work right now) and a lending to people's ability to step back and just breath and even laugh. How invaluable will this be?! Going to wear this again today to keep testing...

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Ok. So. Unusual completely for me - used BB the entire week, Mon- Fri. I did wear a smidge of OCCO circled in my belly button each day, flavor dependent on complimenting that day's cover scent.


Some reactions that surprised me:

DIHL from women & very blatant flirtations from the girl who's got a crush on me

Drawing people's fascination, another kind of awe or DIHL but instead of just staring it's more awe-inspired gushing over me


Like I said - I think I've sadly under-rated this one by hoarding it for "red tide time" only - mainly because - well - it works fabulously for that purpose :D


The androstadienone in this is a STINKER and covering it can be a bear for me on occasion, like androstenone, I definitely prefer it in oil, as I initially tested it in spray, and just, well, - P.U! That's my main turn off - and probably why I saved it for T.O.M. because at that point I just didn't care if it smelled, I just wanted to feel better, lol. But, that being said, it really can be covered easily so long as you choose a lasting scent or something that isn't too sheer because the androstadienone WILL bleed through later. It is a sticky molecule and lasts forever. I also noticed better results by avoiding accumulation - example, scrubbing the spots of application each day post use to have a fresh start the next day in order to have the "most sparkly" social interactions ^_^


I think one of my biggest surprises with this is how upbeat my interactions with people have been. I guess because I always USED this as a self-comforting blend, I just perceived it as something calming but instead I've found this to be down right FUN. I also noticed I needed to be mindful of my mind to mouth "filter" - which is all the time anyway - but more so self aware of it while wearing this....also noticed others lack of filter ability on occasion as well :lol:


This was also really great for hubby. Put him in a good mood and had him laughing more...laughing and smiling I say! (he's usually more reserved and serious) That alone - DING!DING!DING!


So, if you're wondering about what BB can do for you, I say try it! See how it behaves for you and then - Post about it! (cuz I'm always curious...)

I've used a pretty heavy dose I think: Un BB; 2 - 3" stripes each wrist and each fore arm, 1 at collarbone and a lollipop down between the boobs and around the belly button and smooshed about with my wrists, then covered with perfume oil of choice. I always put my pheros most heavy on my wrists and fore arms because I "talk" with my hands and that works great in groups to effect people :) I'm also usually covered everywhere but my hands, neck and face, so if you're environment is more open, less may be more for you to get similar reactions.


Great! That was a long one.... :blush:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh wow. I am menopausal and past PMS, but all week I have had a case of bitchiness. I am blaming much of it on the winterthon we have had among other things. Whatever. This sounds like such a lovely little potion for the bitchies I am going through. Really, have been a bitch on wheels and I know it! Thinking I must add this to the collection!

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Do you guys recommend getting this in a spray or roll on oil?

Mine is in oil currently, but I first tried it as a spray. Now that I'm using it more socially, I think I would be inclined to get my next refill in spray form :)

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Adding this from The Bitching Post, as I just realized it's pretty much a review:


"It worked! Balm Bomb has never worked on my PMSsy's before, but I sprayed the everlovin' shit out of myself with my little sample vial, (probably a good 10-12 sprays; I was too annoyed to bother counting), and it worked! Not only did I not kill anyone, I didn't bare my teeth, didn't growl... I didn't even grumble! I sprayed right before I left the house, and about 10-15 minutes after I got to work I was smilin' and laughin' and havin' a great time! WTH? My customers were loving me *AND* my manager dude, who was mad at me for growling at him at lunch was in my section all night, clearing tables, refilling people's drinks, taking my food out... That's a BIG WOW! right there. Usually once he gets mad at me, (which thankfully doesn't happen often), he stays mad for a couple of weeks, and it gets all awkward and annoying between us because I'm normally pretty chipper, and he doesn't know what do do about my Ms. Hyde. Not tonight. THANKS HALO!!! I never would have tried the Balm Bomb tonight if you hadn't suggested it!"




Now a question: if I used 10-12 sprays from a sample spray thingie, that's roughly 5-6 sprays - so does that warrant getting this in a 2x concentration? I'm not sure... It's kind of on the line, no?

I have not had good success lately with this one so maybe I need to spray the heck out of this as I do my LFM to get the results I want

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  • 1 month later...

I know that while wearing it I've witnessed it effect guys that way...difficulty forming thoughts....remembering thoughts...during conversation :lol: I don't know about a guy wearing it though. I know that it's chilled my hubby out on more than one occasion (worth the money right there...) but I've always been the one wearing the blend.

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I have not had good success lately with this one so maybe I need to spray the heck out of this as I do my LFM to get the results I want

I've had the same issue with TeddyBB and Focus. Maybe I need to use a much heavier amount and convert to spray. Good to know!


Are the calming pheros less likely to cause an OD effect?

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Update: I needed to focus and get some multitasking items under way. After reading about going heavy on some pheros, I decided to give it a try with Focus. It seems converting to sprays work best for me, so without anything scented I converted the Focus to spray and used 5-6 sprays with the walk into the mist application being sure that one of the sprays would be at face level. Wow! It's late at night and I'm able to remember three things I need to do after this post. With this level of fatigue, that's VERY unusual.

I'll copy this to the Focus Potion thread, but wanted to leave a note here since I commented about FP in the above.

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  • 1 month later...

The androstadienone in this is a STINKER and covering it can be a bear for me on occasion, like androstenone, I definitely prefer it in oil, as I initially tested it in spray, and just, well, - P.U! That's my main turn off - and probably why I saved it for T.O.M. because at that point I just didn't care if it smelled, I just wanted to feel better, lol. But, that being said, it really can be covered easily so long as you choose a lasting scent or something that isn't too sheer because the androstadienone WILL bleed through later. It is a sticky molecule and lasts forever. I also noticed better results by avoiding accumulation - example, scrubbing the spots of application each day post use to have a fresh start the next day in order to have the "most sparkly" social interactions ^_^

NuTrix I could sure use your help! I've decided that I definitely need BB, but still can't wrap my head around oil, silicone, spray (and then what strength?). I thought only Cops were stank---hay! You obviously have this application down to a science... what do you suggest??!? Thanks in advance for anything you can add to help clear my confusion.... :blink:

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NuTrix I could sure use your help! I've decided that I definitely need BB, but still can't wrap my head around oil, silicone, spray (and then what strength?). I thought only Cops were stank---hay! You obviously have this application down to a science... what do you suggest??!? Thanks in advance for anything you can add to help clear my confusion.... :blink:


Hiya LoveStruck :)


With BB, it's the androstadienone that is a stinker for me. It is in Teddy BB too.


I started with the BB Un spray, and that can work, but what happened for me is that when I sprayed it, it stank up my bedroom...which is great if you're living alone (or have better ventilation :D ) Then putting a scented oil over it seemed to just defeat the purpose of a spray. When I applied perfume oil first and sprayed BB over it, it required a dry down period and always seemed to diminish the scent of the oil :( So I got BB in oil and I chose something from LP that isn't a sheer scent (like Coconut Breeze or Moon Sugar Candy or a long lasting prominent floral) to layer over it. Maybe my chemistry amps androstadienone? I've found it extra stinky to me in B2 particularly!


BB has behaved stellar as a social in the oil. I would think the x1 spray would do better covered by a perfume spray - to keep it lifted and get the pheros out into the universe vs. covering with an oil perfume. Spraying the perfume over BB will help make your room smell better too! ^_^


If you begin to build a tolerance, then I would consider the x2 or higher, but I have yet to bump up past x1 myself :)


Hope this helps!


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Yes, OMG thank you for posting so quickly. I have really been enjoying all my RB oil scents, and I read (maybe on AF?) that if you get the oil RB then you have the option of converting to a spray using perfumers alcohol or everclear (which I CAN buy in TX). I liked the idea of that flexibility so much that I bought a set of Mara's small atomizers on AF (but I've yet to try my hand at converting oil to spray). I guess that gives you the opportunity to make the scent/spray whatever strength you'd like, too.


As I come back from that tangent... I would think BB would be ideal in a RB since I'm wanting it primarily for the self effects more than to disperse it. Your posts have SO many interesting anecdotes & detail on the different ways you use & experience LPs.... I find myself going back, digging thru forums to try & "find that post that NuTrix did...." In fact it was YOUR post to another newbie, with the links to all the descripts, that was such a H U G E help to me in my first HOUR on these forums!


Ya certainly help me navigate through the land of LP... Purr-she-ate it immensely!!

Edited by LoveStruck55
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OH! Indeed! Me too! I learned about the conversion of oils to sprays here, back before Mara started using ArtFire. I've got a small army of those little atomizers :lol:


I have never tried the everclear - we have access to it here too but I was always worried I'd mess it up (Murphy's Law is ALWAYS with me), like SOMEHOW there would be too much water content and it would be impure and make the oil go rancid or something awful like that if I didn't use it quickly enough, lol.


There are bottles available on ArtFire with perfumer's alcohol to convert, but I went ahead and got a 16oz bottle of PA online a couple years ago and STILL have it - going strong with PLENTY left - turns out I just like the oils a lot more than the sprays. Mainly because of venue. I wear a great many things to work so I need them to stay close. My sprays are for social gatherings where I want to effect - well - EVERYONE :D So I have a handful of socials in spray just for that - and I can use my oils to replenish/recreate the sprays at any time. I like the versatility.


I'm glad my ramblings are helpful on occasion. I love LP immensely and if I can spur others on in like manner for their budding love of all things LP, then I'm happy! ^_^

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  • 2 months later...

Today was one of those days where for whatever reason, maybe a bad dream that set the tone, who knows, I just woke up in a really bitchy mood. No obvious reason for it. Let's put it on menopause, if it is going to be here, then it might as well take the blame! :voodoo: BUT, my partner had brought in the mail and he left it on the couch and I immediately saw what could only have been my LP order!!!! YES! I got a cup of tea and sat down and anxiously opened the box, taking out its precious contents.I sat here, B2 in one hand, BB in the other. Hmm.. I needed SOMETHING bad. I have never tried either, so I thought maybe B2 might be too much having just gotten up, and what about BB? Too early in the day? To BB or not to BB? Oh to hell with it, I am doing this! So, I spritzed some on each wrist up to my inner forearms and put just a tiny dab above my upper lip. Then I added a bit of sunny OCCO Ambrosia just because.

Not kidding.. within 10 to 15 minutes, I felt sort of a subtle, mellow, wave of pleasantness wash over me as I checked my facebook stuff. I just sort of noticed and thought, "Hey.. my attitude is gone!" Not at all sleepy, just nicely, subtly calm and in a *nice* mood! OMG... I ADORE Balm Bomb!!! I could have kissed the bottle. I sat here and blessed Mara for making this available and for the perfect timing with shipping. Really, truly, I could not be happier with this phero blend. Well, maybe I could if it somehow helped me to drop 20 lbs... but that aside? What a sweet little friend to have on your side! I am sitting here in a nice mood, typing, with a kitteh curled up on my thigh snoozing, and life feels GOOD!!! Thank you Mara! How have I been getting by without this stuff?!?! ME> BEFORE: :medusa: AFTER: :perfume-emoticon::say09752: I :Love09751: you Balm Bomb!!!

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:Emoticons04263: Rose! You're a hoot! Glad BB had such immediate and dramatic affect! :heart:


Halo - ! Thanks for sharing that bit of info! Would've never thought it - just like tyvey, would've thought it would HELP with that, not the other way around :huh: Glad I rotate so many things...

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I love it too! I'm so glad it's working for you. I use B2 as the big guns. Just a note about using these blends. I don't use them every day because smelling androstadienone which is the calming uplifting molecule has been shown to raise cortisol levels. That's the stress hormone. I'm not sure how much or what the long term effects of that are but because it happens I only use BB and B2 when I'm super stressed. I figure the peace they bring me then is worth a boost in cortisol.

I really do love it halo! It's an amazing thing. But thanks so much for the heads up on the cortisol factor! That is so strange.. who would have thought? This stuff is so awesome I would have been ODing on it for sure! You are such a wealth of helpful info and I appreciate you sharing this. Well..all things in moderation, right? And it's not like other things that are used for anxiety don't have their side effects and drawbacks, so I'm with you on this. I will save it for when I must, but when I must..cortisol be damned, I am breaking these babies out and going for it!


That's so bizarre - you'd think it'd be other way around. Thanks for the heads up.

I know tyvey! Well.. I guess we choose and use our pheros with all things in mind. It's good to know.


:Emoticons04263: Rose! You're a hoot! Glad BB had such immediate and dramatic affect! :heart:


Halo - ! Thanks for sharing that bit of info! Would've never thought it - just like tyvey, would've thought it would HELP with that, not the other way around :huh: Glad I rotate so many things...

LOL Nutrix, I was really impressed. And yes, this is great info and a good reminder to keep rotating our pheros and maybe even phero fasting now and then. I love the ones I use so much, it's not easy to do. They just help so much.

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I had a perfume oil boosted with BB and thought I'd share my experience here, though it was not the unscented version, hope that's ok!


I'm having a hard time finding my sweet spot with this one. I have used it 4 times now, each time adding a leeeetle bit more...right now I've worked up to the point of a swipe to decolletage, to each inner elbow, and to the sides of my neck. I find that at this amount it does not stop me from getting irritable or snappish during PMS, but I calm down again a lot quicker (I'm usually the "dwell on and seethe over it" type when something irritates me). I'm able to brush it off and move on a lot faster, which is an improvement, but I'm wondering if I need to apply more or to different places to see if it can keep me a little calmer from the onset, or if this one just doesn't work like that for me? Any thoughts?

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Hi memomare. What works for me with BB, has turned out to be a generous spray on each wrist going up to the crook of each arm, another generous spritz at cleavage and neck, then rubbing a bit under my nose, just above my upper lip. Time it takes to kick in varies. About anywhere from 15 minutes to a half hour, 45 minutes tops on a rough day. This is what works for me. Bear in mind that I am using the UN. If you try this, I would love to hear how this works for you. I just love this one! :)

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I douse myself when I use Balm Bomb. 5-6 sprays of 1x 60/40 spray. I can literally feel when it starts dulling my fangs. And most of the time it'll wind up making me feel almost giddy - though I get SO grouchy that it could simply be the *absence* of grouch I'm feeling, rather than mild euphoria. :lol: When I have to reorder, I'm getting it in 2x, so I'll only have to use 3 sprays. More economical.

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My BB is in oil, but I'm sure I follow the path of excess too, by rolling from wrist to inside elbow, across collarbone, up one side of neck and down the other AND a circle on the back of each hand.

Then I wait for the happy. Doesn't do a darn thing for cramps, but I'm a genuinely happy individual when I wear it :)

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I douse myself when I use Balm Bomb. 5-6 sprays of 1x 60/40 spray. I can literally feel when it starts dulling my fangs. And most of the time it'll wind up making me feel almost giddy - though I get SO grouchy that it could simply be the *absence* of grouch I'm feeling, rather than mild euphoria. :lol: When I have to reorder, I'm getting it in 2x, so I'll only have to use 3 sprays. More economical.

Could this be considered a , "I don't want to turn into a bitch" or "Help, I've turned into a Bitch, turn me back into Nice" potion? I've read posts and the info on LP site - and I'm not that moody but when I DO get moody - oh holy crap it's awful. I'm even bitchy to myself so I usually keep away from others so I don't make anyone mad. I'm usually nice person but if a certain mood takes hold - well, it's bitch central. :(

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I think of it as a "Help, I'm going to lop someone's head off in a second" potion, and a "I'm crying and I don't know why" potion. I don't use it too often, because I don't want it to ever stop working for me, so I mainly use it when I have *really* bad PMS, which, for me, ranges from wanting to stab and/or bludgeon people with various objects to crying at the drop of a hat, and not really knowing why. Balm Bomb works really well for me in stopping both behaviours. But for me the trick is waiting until I feel them coming on. Then I spray the crap out of myself, and wait for the sun to come back out. ;) I'd highly recommend it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, I retried since my last post with some whole hog "what the hell" style slathering on a really stressful, grumpy day and wow :D After a couple of minutes in BB-land I felt like I'd just downed a shot of vodka, you know that warm and relaxed feeling? I went from bickering and feeling irritated with every word said to me to cracking jokes and watching TV and not even caring whether anyone laughed at my jokes. I'm very impressed. I just apparently need to use a lot more of it than what I use for the other pheros I've tried (which admittedly, are not very many at this point!) Thanks again for the tips! :)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest cutie.pie

I tried BB in Patience Potion but it didn't give me the results I wanted, so I'm excited about November and trying B2.2 and comparing it to BB.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I may be having the opposite reaction to cutie.pie above. I'm the person always saying that BB does nothing for me....however, that may be UN BB. I used it today in a Scent locket with Patience Potion and made it through my bitchiness/anger/PMS 1 day a month thingeee I get. This could be partly due to the effects of the scented ingredients, which could be substantial. It could also be that I used 3 concentrated drops in my locket, more than I used to with the UN.


I will try combining Un BB with another calming scent, but it won't be for another month. That's a long time to wait for an experiment !!

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Does anyone else out there find that this stuff makes men very complimentary? I don't just mean being nice and sensitive and attentive to needs, but actually coming out with surprising compliments? For me it sometimes acts like SS4W, with a more calming, laid back presence.


Several times I've worn this stuff (sometimes in The Big Easy, sometimes the UN), dressed in old, not aesthetically pleasing clothes, no makeup, my hair all naturally wavy/messy looking, the PMS gargoyle crouching on my shoulder, and I'll head down the street and find men calling me "beautiful" or telling me I have "an angelic face", etc. WTF? :blink:


It's starting to worry me, because isn't this one of those that's said to kind of give the impression of a "calm male presence"?


I swear I don't look like a man. Not at all. I've been told I'm very soft and feminine. But I'm starting to wonder if the slightly more masculine phero signature is perversely attractive to these men, like they appreciate women with man-sprinkles on top. I feel like I'm starring in The Crying Game. Any clue what's going on here?

Edited by vladmyra
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B2 is the one that is described as a 'calm male presence". They do however contain 3 of the same ingredients: androstadienone, DHEAS, alpha-nol. ( for bonding, youthfulness, superficial chat). B2 then has None and Rone, making it more masculine. BB then has epiandrosterone, beta-THDOC, EST. Men could be reacting positively to the BB because of several of the ingredients. "Angelic face" could be the DHEAS and the EST and the iEnone, for instance, making you seem youthful, someone to be protected, and someone close to them.


If you are wanting to research what the pheros of something are, a good resource list is at the main home page, go to Reading Room, and then the Pheromone List.

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Guest cutie.pie

I may be having the opposite reaction to cutie.pie above. I'm the person always saying that BB does nothing for me....however, that may be UN BB. I used it today in a Scent locket with Patience Potion and made it through my bitchiness/anger/PMS 1 day a month thingeee I get. This could be partly due to the effects of the scented ingredients, which could be substantial. It could also be that I used 3 concentrated drops in my locket, more than I used to with the UN.


I will try combining Un BB with another calming scent, but it won't be for another month. That's a long time to wait for an experiment !!

Hm... Now that I read your post, I think I should try UN BB. I have a problem with Popularity Potion, with a phero enhanced scent (333 mcg) I am Bitchy Bitch, but I've tried UN Popularity potion (1000 mcg) and it worked so well for me I was surprised. So maybe, I have a similar problem with BB.


Oh and androstenol, 1 DAY???! Seriously?? I envy you!

Edited by cutie.pie
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  • 1 month later...

I keep reading these wonderful reviews of BB in the Beautiful Dreamer thread. I like BD too, for the fragrance, but, honestly, looking back to when I've used BB, while it relaxes me, it more so puts me into a very good mood.

Like during shark week, it may have done nothing for cramps, but it put me in a good mood so that they were a minor distraction in an over all good day :) I had always thought to use it to relax or to help me become sleepy, but have found that for me, it isn't a sleep aid at all. Relaxed and happy, but not sleepy. I guess the "relaxed" part can lead to sleepy and if I wear a "lighter" dose it is a calmer feel.


At a higher concentration it just becomes "Awesome Social". And like Vladmyra mentions above, men DO become complimentary. I've noticed women too, to warm up to this blend. It's really much more versatile than I initially gave it credit for - Muhahaaaaa.....


In a higher concentration it becomes down right "happy sauce". And on days where shark week has nothing to do with why you're wearing it? OH YEAH. Happy Sauce. The effects it has on guys is GREAT too. I think using it for bed time and shark week only is really missing out on the potential of the blend as something to keep in your everyday rotation. If you just want to have a Good Day, you need to wear this - and who doesn't want to have a good day? Really? ^_^

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I got this recently and have worn it a few times for different situations.


First, I have a changing work schedule so right now with the Christmas season I might come home at 11:00 pm and then need to be up again at 7:30 am if my schedule changes from a closing shift to an opening shift. I had one of those recently and I knew that I was going to need to wind down pretty quickly and get some sleep. I used Balm Bomb for that and it helped do the trick. I went from work stressed to relaxed much more quickly. I read a few little tidbits on facebook and then went to sleep.


Second, I used it yesterday before coming into work because I knew that I was going to be working with my framing manager and she is stressed ( climbing the walls, the end is nigh, we are not going to get this all done, we are doomed, DOOMED! ) I didn't want to catch the stressed because I find that productivity goes through the floor when I am like that not the other way around. (Working under pressure is fine but I am usually calm under pressure. Working while truly feeling like there is no way out of the hole we are in makes me unfocused. ) So I came in and started doing my job. She was stressed as usual. I smiled at her, agreed that we are all doomed and continued to work. Maybe thirty minutes into us working across from each other she has changed her mind. She looks around the room. "We are getting things done. Huh, this might be doable. We are probably still screwed but its better." I agree that it is looking better. She then decides to just not look at the other side of the room with the huge wall of frames still on it. For me personally, I found that I was much more calm about the situation and that was what I needed.


And no Christmas customers were murdered. :D I might need a full bottle.

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This was never on my radar -- I'm not sure why -- until I fell madly in love with Beautiful Dreamer and now it's like, "Where have you been all my life, Balm Bomb?!?!?!"


I loved your review, Maililyahn, because I have been regarding this as a heavensent way to get some better sleep, but I hadn't thought about using it for the holiday retail season during the day (and oh wow, I feel for you with the hours you are describing. I just have a couple of days a week now in my retail job, but it's more than enough this time of year. More. Than. Enough.). I am tempted to try some Beautiful Dreamer at work now. My concern would be getting so relaxed that I can't keep up with stuff, but it sounds as if you didn't find that it detracted from your focus/energy?

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