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Unbridled w/La Femme Noire

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Damn. This one was an easy full bottle pick after trying the sample today. If it had only lasted an hour, I still would have likely gotten a full bottle. Alas, it goes poof after ten minutes though maybe there's a little remainder of plasticky vanilla for a little longer.


The banana and cherry smelled natural and wonderful, warm and desserty without being so loud as to come across as fake. I might try applying this to some clothes to see if it sticks around without smelling icky.


has anyone noticed if their bodies are less likely to eat scents at different times of the month? just finished my time, used lotion well before applying....I guess the only other option is dpg base or silicone.


could my body still eat this if it has a silicone base?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love the wet stage of this scent. It's like bananas foster dripping with gloppy cherry syrup. Foody scents get me every time. The negative is that the scent fades really fast. And I'm left with a tiny hint of something ambery and smoky. I wonder if the yummy stage would last longer in a silicone base.

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I tried this sample on for the first time today, not sure how I've missed this one and I am most pleasantly surprised. The banana comes through richly and sweet and is so scrumptious. The cherry lingers in the background but comes forward more as time passes, mixing deliciously with the touch of spice.

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  • 1 month later...

Ive been using my sample for two days now!


I was really hoping it would be all desert on me but instead it did the total opposite and amped up the tobacco hardcore and made it smell like i was hanging around in a bar for most of my life(not that it really bothered me) while everything else lingers faintly in the background. It went TOBACCO, cherry tobacco with hints of vanilla, then the banana cherry chocolate popped in before it decided to settle and smell like chocolate liqour which i thought was interesting.


I think the selfies are awesome, it kicked me out of a groggy rut like i had a espresso shot every time i put this on. I didnt understand what i was feeling but i felt playfully catty and fierce, like a sassy grunge underground celebrity knowing that theyre the next upcoming bag of chips B)


I have been noticing a lot of people are really intimidated when i walk by or they get into my lil cloud which is unusual

Even my SO has beef with the "aura" i give off. He'll walk in to give me a hug but does a u-turn right out the door and dont get much reactions other than those, i thought my dosing was too much the first time but its still same reaction the second when i just did the lollypop which is queer, i think this is probably something i would wear when im alone and need to get stuff done

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This is a VERY sexual 'none' phero blend with copulins.

It is not really for general daily wear.


As for your BF.. It could be that the hard sex vibe is radically different from the way he normally sees you.

You could also be in OD territory. The apication tips are somewhat generalized and you may have to adjust according to your own chemistry, which plays a big part in using pheros.

I suggest going to the review thread specifically for the LFN phero where you'll find it discussed in depth.

I personally like Unbridled both the scent and phero work well but phero wise you may want to try some Heart & Soul, it is a feminine social phero. You may find the different reactions interesting.

Good luck!

Edited by StacyK
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2F, have you tried LFM? When I change my phero combos I do it gradually not to cause shock. Imagine your man coming in with this new way of Being all of a sudden completely different. It may take for him time to adjust. I started with LFM spray over Occo for several days, then once my guy adjusted I added in LFN oil at sexy time under the spray (very little). It worked a charm for me, though it may not for everyone.


This isn't really talked about much but there ARE transition periods for your the people in your life getting accustomed to a new signature. LFN is a heavily sexual blend and I think it may be best to work your way into it..

Edited by KrazyKat
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Very true.. I may have said this before but this reminded me of a story..

A woman wants to spice up her sex life with her hubby.

She goes to a professional photographer, get some supper sexy photos done.. she's wearing all black lace and garters and red lips and nails. The photos are quality ect.. she surprises hubbs leaving them tied in a big red bow on the rosé petal covered bed. She has the same lingerie on as she waits to SUPRISE him. He sees her and the response is pleasant but not as thrilled as she hoped for.. then he gets a look at the photos.. now he upset.." why did you do this? " ect

Turns out that his sexy idea of her is all white lace teddy ect.. and that's all surface stuff.

Imagine radically changing your sexual signature your.. personality so too speak.

Thsts got to be occasionally off putting to someone who spends a good deal of time with you.

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Yes! and it may be LFN may not be for him ever.. he may respond better another type sensual blend or even a social. LFM always gets me hits and Ive never seen it offend anyone (also H & S is great). LFM reminds me like the iron fist in the super soft snuggly velvet glove.

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..."Ive never seen it offend anyone (also H & S is great). LFM reminds me like the iron fist in the super soft snuggly velvet glove."


Yes it is!

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Oh man it wouldnt have occurred to me that i was probably in the OD area (okay maybe a little bit) AND being rude with my phero signature!


But thinking about it now, im not incredibly sexual *at all* so like the story, it mustve been a slap to the face for my poor boo and anyone within a 5ft radius of my being. I dont got much to transition into the blend, my next order i plan on getting some social and maybe some fem to help with the heavier stuff i got now. I was gonna go for the "mixed bag" idea where i just get everything at random off my wishlist but i can see now that it would probably contradict each other.


I havent tried LFM but i may just have to wish list it for now-- i could be just going through my grabby stage where i want to own it all but i gotta wait til i have the power of knowledge :(


Yeah! H&S sounds like a pretty laid back social, gonna read up on it like its going out of style

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I do not have much success with the sexual blends with my SO in facts he gets mad sometimes! I don't think I've OD'd him but thank you Kat for suggesting smaller applications at first!


I've got this one coming in FB because I love the scent! It all melds together to where I can't even tell the notes apart - I just smell so yummy!

Edited by livinlavidacabo
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I wish this one lasted longer. I get maybe an hour out of it. I love the boozy, sugary banana scent. I got almost some DIHL attention from a sweet African immigrant youth who loved how I smelled and was oh-so-curious, trying to slickly ask why I was out without my husband (no doubt hoping to hear "I'm not married.) But I just told him he was at home while I ran to the store. Funny thing was, this same guy had talked to me the night before when I ran to the store again (he clerks at the local convenience store) and bought some cigs for the boyfriend. He completely did NOT remember me despite a two minute conversation dring a slow part of the night so I guess the phero in this is way different than my normal signature (or if I was wearing something else that was very different, pheromone-wise.)

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  • 4 months later...

The banana is strongest in this on me with the cherry and creamy vanilla in the background. It feels cold and refreshing too like a banana split. I was scared of the tobacco in this but there is no reason to be. I think it just gives it a sexier undercurrent. I like the self effects I get from LFN also, makes me feel like a strong dominant woman. :female-gangster:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, this was a really interesting skin chemistry moment! I ordered this because I really love LFN. And when I opened the vial and first applied I was very hopeful -- got strong cherry and creamy banana, along with gorgeous sweetness and a little depth from the tobacco. But it disappeared almost instantly! Reslathered -- and poof, again it was gone. So this is a gorgeous scent, but for some reason my skin really doesn't hold it. It's interesting -- even though the scents are different, this one read to me initially very like Petit Four Your Thoughts (that strong almost medicinal fruit note that quiets down and smooths out to something really sexy and gorgeous). But somehow PFYT lasts and lasts while this evaporates. Very interesting!

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Hi BC, This is my fave LFN scent so far. It is very light and not as long lasting, but it's very subtle (one of the reasons I like it)


I find these scents don't last in the dry winter air. you might want to give it a couple more try's and I recommend trying it in the warmer weather with more moisture in the air and away from the drying forced air heat.

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Hi BC, This is my fave LFN scent so far. It is very light and not as long lasting, but it's very subtle (one of the reasons I like it)


I find these scents don't last in the dry winter air. you might want to give it a couple more try's and I recommend trying it in the warmer weather with more moisture in the air and away from the drying forced air heat.

You know, that's a really good point. I've been starting to piece it together that my skin is a lot drier and that may be affecting my experience with scents--I'm having issues with so many that I think it might be me rather than the LPs.


I also somehow hadn't pictured this one as a warm weather scent, but now that you've put that picture in my head of heat.... warm gentle moist air ... and cherry vanilla smoky goodness.... oh, my! I'll definitely try again in a few months. Thanks!

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Definitly try it again in a few weeks!!! ...this aged into perfection on me :Emoticons04235: mmmmmm I remember how much I enjoyed it...sheesh...just too many favorites !!!!!!!!!

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I love this one. Especially in the cooler weather. It's a sexy banana split!

Blackcat- i find that moisturizing my skin really good before applying makes them last longer on my skin. No need to wait months for warm weather ;)

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Definitly try it again in a few weeks!!! ...this aged into perfection on me :Emoticons04235: mmmmmm I remember how much I enjoyed it...sheesh...just too many favorites !!!!!!!!!



I love this one. Especially in the cooler weather. It's a sexy banana split!

Blackcat- i find that moisturizing my skin really good before applying makes them last longer on my skin. No need to wait months for warm weather ;)

Oh, you enablers, you! I was already leaning towards the bottle....

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  • 3 months later...

I love the wet stage of this scent. It's like bananas foster dripping with gloppy cherry syrup. Foody scents get me every time. The negative is that the scent fades really fast. And I'm left with a tiny hint of something ambery and smoky. I wonder if the yummy stage would last longer in a silicone base.

I know this is an older post but I visited because I wanted to review my experience with this one... I actually ordered this as a sample from the trade forums. I was thrilled to see it was still available as I L O V E it on first application. I read Hearts review and was amazed bcuz this is EXACTLY my experience! I tested this & immediately planned on a full bottle,,, on the 2-3 hr the note was just smoke. I was like " Meh... Maybe not a FB" . Really disappointed because i loved it wet & first hour. Anyone tried the silicone idea?


ETA: Got my FB. I'm 2 hours in and I still love love love this. And I'm beginning to love the smoke (something I NEVER thought I would say!) I didn't even wait for the 'resting period'. Got the box today, pulled out this baby and took my chances. I'm SO glad I got this while there were a few bottles remaining. This is a warm, sensual, foody, woody fragrance - which would make it a good winter scent BUT this totally reminds me of a bonfire on the beach after a day at the oceanside! This has got to be one of my favorite surprises to date. I would TOTALLY wear this summer nights!

Edited by LoveStruck55
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  • 2 months later...

I cannot believe I only have two bottles of this baby. I have to hide them both from me immediately. The warm melting banana cherry combo is making me drool all over myself. I keep slathering so I have to stop and find something else to slather before I start dry humping myself at work.

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I know it's so great.. I just wish it lasted longer on my skin. I had thought of doing a PE version'ish of this, but a bit deeper, longer lasting. Oh we someday.

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  • 6 months later...

I have a sample of this one and i love it! I absolutely do. Is there any scent around here that might be similar to this?

None that I can think of. it's a pretty, sheer boozy foodie with the yumm cherry and browned banana thing going on. So if you want exactly that I'd do an ISO for it on the trade pages.


Other foodies that might fall into a similar categories for one reason or another.. I'd look at Wink At The Moon, Ionia, Pumpkin Soufflé, maybe Organzipan (if you don't mind orange.

The scents with almond note can sometimes give off a cherry scent. There's always Sugared Bananas to add a little banana to your life.

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Guest cutie.pie

I have a sample of this one and i love it! I absolutely do. Is there any scent around here that might be similar to this?

To me Spell Potion Pro-Create is simlar to this.

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None that I can think of. it's a pretty, sheer boozy foodie with the yumm cherry and browned banana thing going on. So if you want exactly that I'd do an ISO for it on the trade pages.


Other foodies that might fall into a similar categories for one reason or another.. I'd look at Wink At The Moon, Ionia, Pumpkin Soufflé, maybe Organzipan (if you don't mind orange.

The scents with almond note can sometimes give off a cherry scent. There's always Sugared Bananas to add a little banana to your life.



To me Spell Potion Pro-Create is simlar to this.



I see pro-create is sold out too :(


Anyway i love the scent of Unbridled (i got my sample from you cutie.pie :) ) and i might consider a PE at some point. I need to figure out how these work though ...


I'm expecting a FB of Wink at the Moon, i have a sample and i really liked it so i got a FB in a swap. I love these type of scents :)

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Guest cutie.pie





I see pro-create is sold out too :(


Anyway i love the scent of Unbridled (i got my sample from you cutie.pie :) ) and i might consider a PE at some point. I need to figure out how these work though ...


I'm expecting a FB of Wink at the Moon, i have a sample and i really liked it so i got a FB in a swap. I love these type of scents :)

There are some Pro Create bottles here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/225471330/spell-2013-pro-create-13-floz?#


And hopefully you'll get the one I'm sending you soon! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cutie.pie

Really? I was already looking at bottles of Pro-Create but you've just given us all an additional reason to go for it!


Yes, those two are really similar to me.

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So I had a "total denial" moment with this one. I go to apply to my wrists from the roller bottle, and it makes an odd squeaky sound and not much comes out. I keep trying. I think to myself " Ha ! The rollerball is messed up" and go to reach for a new empty bottle to transfer the contents over. And then, to my HORROR, I discovered that my bottle was EMPTY.


Keep in mind, this is my first ever empty FB. Like, ever. That's how much I adored this fragrance. I did actually take a little moment of mourning, and gave a little thank you for letting me experience this vibration in my life when I did. This may seem exaggerated to those not attached to scents, but some of you may be able to follow what I'm saying :)

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Oh yea. I know what you mean. I have this with 2 scents. I'm so low in my stock of "Goddess Of The Blue Moon" (with LFM) when I think of it my heart sinks a little. This was my first LP love and still the best Phero/scent combo ever. The scent is amazing, it's work friendly and date night friendly too.


I never did get my back up of this, I really liked the scent and the LFN is one of my favorite pheros but it wore off so quickly I held back.

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  • 9 months later...

Broken record: this has aged gorgeously. It's so chewy. The tobacco is much less present now and it's what I imagine fresh and humid piles of tobacco leaves to smell like. It no longer wears masculine or unisex on me - just plain sex. I just put it on to enjoy the scent but then unexpectedly had to be around people and mowed down everyone in my path. Awed unblinking carpet-swan effect on women and with men, a we're-not-worthy worshipfulness, quite over the top- I could've led them off a cliff with them thanking me on the way down

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