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Teddy Potion BB


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You guys, NO WAY, there's no review topic for this phero?? I went and looked and searched and couldn't find one.


I am posting this in the men's section even though this is a unisex phero...


I have the 6mL spray from phero-month so this is the 1x in 90% alcohol, 10% oil. I used 5 sprays on myself.


Generally I think of myself as very zen and not excitable. I'm not entirely sure of the self-effects of this phero, beyond the fact that I can say my mood right now is very calm and mellow. I need to road test this phero out some more and report back on its effects in other situations.

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I think my review of it is under the Jubilee thread. I have only tried it in Jubilee, but Teddy BB made me extremely relaxed. Many times I would just fall asleep after putting some on. Like dolphindolls said, "state of peace" is a great description.

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You guys, NO WAY, there's no review topic for this phero??

Since its debut there have many discussions of the mix in various threads including the review threads for Teddy BB enhanced scents so discussion/review is not completely non-existant.

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Since its debut there have many discussions of the mix in various threads including the review threads for Teddy BB enhanced scents so discussion/review is not completely non-existant.


Ah right. Plus wasn't there another very close phero variant of this one?


Funny thing is I've never tried this in a scent, just got the un phero on its own. Strangely the un version HAS it's own non-descript scent to it. very light, disappears fast.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was looking everywhere for this review too and only saw Jubilee w Teddy BB. I got my Teddy BB in the 10 for 10 too!


I really liked the B2 because it was great for being around menfolk. B2 seemed to make me "one of the guys' in a buddy kind of way, "a hey, you're cool" vibe, lol. It also made the ladies chummy with me and giving me the "wow there is something really amazing about you" looks and wanting to hang out and talk because I was just the most fascinating person to have a conversation with??? So I wanted to try Teddy BB to see how they differed.


The Teddy BB in alcohol, to me, is smelly...of mones...could be that it's in alcohol too. Sooo, I boosted it with Glitter Kissed :D


I rolled on BAM! and LAM! and sprayed on some Teddy BB. I wanted to feel calm AND good. My review is a bit adulterated because of the BLAM! combo but this was GREAT! I was WOMAN NIP today, the "It" girl to the girls. There were several who engaged me in conversation and seemed to want to keep talking but not seeming to know exactly why or what about :lol:AND I was also the best bud of the guys, kind of like being accepted as one of them but with a comradery type of added respect - very unique. I'm going to wear it again tomorrow to make sure it wasn't a fluke but I have high hopes. I may like this better than B2 because it seems a bit more...sparkly? Not sure how to explain it. I may have found something ELSE for my wish list :D

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  • 2 months later...

What kind of scent do you consider comfort? The men's scent, Voracious, comes in virgin that you could boost with Teddy BB. I LOOOOVE that one! I would think, foodie wise Glitter Kissed would be YUUUMAAAAY. Just a couple thoughts....:)

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What kind of scent do you consider comfort?

Right, it would all depend on this. I like to have boysmell boosted with Teddy BB because I feel it's appropriate, but I would think it would be whatever you like to wear to bed.

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What kind of scent do you consider comfort? The men's scent, Voracious, comes in virgin that you could boost with Teddy BB. I LOOOOVE that one! I would think, foodie wise Glitter Kissed would be YUUUMAAAAY. Just a couple thoughts.... :)


Well I have been using Jubilee with Teddy for months now and that has worked great but I'm down to my last few sprays of this baby so I need to find something else... I just saw goal had Teddy in it, I might need to see if I have a sample of that to try....


I like scents that will allow me to sleep not keep me awake... I tend to lean toward vanilla based scent for nighttime...

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Billion thanks as yet again this (in GOAL) made my brain which was racing around like a hamster on crack STOP so I could get to sleep around 4...and dabbed again at 8 to give me another 3 hours...AND let me wake up feeling mellow and good instead of hung over or hit on head with frying pan like melatonin etc. can. Life changer

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Yeah,I think I should post this over here too :) ... BB, what about Lick Of Cream ? I don't know if it would cover,but to me BB is not stinky!


Eep...I wore Jubilee last night and it hit me that I posted it had B2 ,it does not,it is Teddy BB !! ,lol I was going to get up and post but was too busy falling asleep :lol:


The scent is soooo comforting also. Should note that I don't have sleep issues to begin with,have not for many years,I use it mostly when the winds and/or storms threaten :D


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Yeah,I think I should post this over here too :) ... BB, what about Lick Of Cream ? I don't know if it would cover,but to me BB is not stinky!


I love Lick of Cream, but was not sure if it would cover.... I really just need to try Goal tonight, I have been super sick with the dang bug my son had all last week... Since my company gives its employees zero sick days because they think it encourgages bad behavior, I get to drag my ass into work and spread whtever I have to everyone else, because I'm not going to take a day off with no pay, I will make sure I cough and otuch my boss as much as possibl tommorow since this is his rule, I want him to enjoy my sickness as much as I am

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Lick the inside of his mouth. Teach that mofo a lesson


Well the controller of the company ended up sending me home because he is getting ready to go on vacation tomorrow and does want to catch what I have. Since he sent me home (he is not my boss but one of the top level managers in the company), I'm so not taking this as a vacation day or unpaid time off...


What company does not give its salaried workforce paid sick days, is a company that wants to spread lots of germs I guess...

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  • 11 months later...

I would like to read some reviews from men of this phero -- I'm thinking of buying this or B2 for my son to help him calm down when he's emotionally overloaded. He tends towards self violence when he gets overwhelmed -- i really think something like this could help him smooth out and think clearly. Guys, what do you think? Does this phero effect you in a calming way? Or is it different for men? If not this one, then which would you recommend?


Or maybe it should go the other way -- a feminine blend like Mother's Little Helper would be better at calming a man?

Edited by Cougarrific
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Okay, I've read through boy/boy and B2 threads... is there a general guide for what the differences are between those 2 and Teddy potion BB?



Awesome question! I was just about to ask that myself. I always confuse them :D


What IS the difference between Teddy BB, B2 and Boy/Boy?


I missed these up-thread... B/B became Teddy BB


Teddy BB and B2 both contain:


Androstadienone, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate, androstanone, alpha-androstenol, androsterone


The difference is that B2 "features 50% of the first ingredient (androstadienone)" where as Teddy BB is intended to be a more balanced blend of the same molecules.


When I've worn them, B2 seems to have much more of chill/sedate effect on me and everyone else. Teddy BB, for me, is a great social, very up-beat, happy and fun. It also gets positive attention from both men and women :) I actually keep Teddy BB stocked now that I know the differences between them (used to think they were the same - which they almost but not quite kind of are lol)


***Edited to add to Cougarrific - I think B2 would be the more chill of the 2 since there's more androstadienone in the over all blend.


Edited by NuTrix
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  • 4 months later...

This helps to alleviate the physical symptoms I get with my period. I was having a lot of pain today & I did some wax tart therapy with it.

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Really!?!? I've used it to help chill but I haven't gotten anything to really help with the physical cramping. That's GREAT that it does this for you! :heart:

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  • 1 month later...

Put a couple stripes of Teddy BB oil on my neck yesterday evening before cooking dinner; just to see how it smelled and test out self-effects. Was just my 7yo son and I at home; didn't go out or anything.


Main point of this post: My son was *super* affectionate and conversational after I applied the Teddy BB. He voluntarily hugged me and told me he loved me many times between dinner and bed time. He was hanging on my legs while I cooked, and more-than-average snuggly during story time. So that was nice. :)

Edited by September
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Guest cutie.pie

Put a couple stripes of Teddy BB oil on my neck yesterday evening before cooking dinner; just to see how it smelled and test out self-effects. Was just my 7yo son and I at home; didn't go out or anything.


Main point of this post: My son was *super* affectionate and conversational after I applied the Teddy BB. He voluntarily hugged me and told me he loved me many times between dinner and bed time. He was hanging on my legs while I cooked, and more-than-average snuggly during story time. So that was nice. :)

Wow, I should really try this!! I have 6 years old twin girls, but sometimes it feels like living with teenagers :D

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  • 5 weeks later...

My spousal unit is acting like a 12 year old. Even though I didn't buy this for me, I put it on to see if I'd feel better and almost instantly, I feel calmer. Relaxed. Not sure I'm diggin the scent (Goal) on me.


Now I'm left to wonder ... when spousal unit comes home from his friends ... how this blend might effect him. Open Windows does not help Mr Grumpy Pants when he's in a mood. It would be nice to find one that soothes him :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been having difficulties getting to sleep on time lately, and then sleeping in far too late, despite taking about 2 mg of melantonin for the past few days. So last night I tried some Teddy BB (in The Big Easy) on my pillow, with a stripe of Beautiful Dreamer under my chin. Felt the usual bored restlessness for about ten minutes, and then, as if magically I just started feeling less focused and... grounded. Not sleepy or tired, just really really at one with the bed.


This morning I woke up earlier than usual but about half an hour, and felt so rested I literally thought I had slept until Saturday. It felt that good and left me feeling so relaxed and rested. Despite all of the livid dreaming from the night before, I awoke feeling reflective but not obsessive about remembering it all, as usual. In fact, my brain was quiet all through getting ready and I felt nothing but calm all through my commute, even after missing a train and ended up arriving a little late. The good vibes just kept flowing.


I think this is definitely going to be a great Pheromas buy. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Based on all's input about sleep help and vivid dreams (which means probably a great restorative REM cycle), was able to get sample during pheromas.


OMG. Mara and all at LP, please always have this!!


B2.2 calms my brain down for sleep, but Teddy BB - wow - puts me in sleep mode, and I'm getting great rest lately. :girlHeart-5: Which has been much needed due to some life stressors that have caused cumulative angst and upset my sleep cycles. And I am dreaming more, so yay for restorative REM cycles!


HUGE thank you to ALL for creating this and for ALL who have given such great feedback. I wouldn't have chosen on my own because I had no idea.



I just use maybe a drop or 2, 1 for the wrist area (then rub together) and I put one directly above my lip/ under my nose. This is better than any sleep remedy I've ever tried.


I love B2.2 because it won't make me fall asleep in an anxiety type situation, but will calm anxiety a great deal. Teddy BB, well I'll only wear this prior to sleep, because sleeping during calls, meetings or in public places is generally not good social behavior. :)


**runs off to create plan to hoard Teddy BB**

Edited by Beach Goddess
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  • 5 months later...
Guest cutie.pie

I think I OD'd yesterday. Teddy usually calms me down, but yesterday, right before bed, I applied 6 sprays of Jubilee (because I can't smell it properly, and I wanted to smell like cherry) and went to bed. My heart started beating like crazy :( I couldn't fell asleep for an hour :(

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I don't normally phero before bed except on rare occasion because I wondered about sleep issues. But I think I would have put this in the BB, B2/B.2 category myself. 6 sprays does seem like a lot for bed :D Have you done this before with anything else and had a different outcome?

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Guest cutie.pie

I rarely do it myself, but I had some trouble sleeping and thought Teddy could help. Sometimes I do it with Unisexy w/B2 and I sleep like a baby.

I figured 6 sprays would be same amount as 2 UN Teddy sprays. But still it was too much for me :(

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Well, you really can't be blamed. Jubilee IS delicious and I tend to fog when I wear it...and with half the bottle gone I rotate it in rarely :lol: The lower dienone maybe did not diminish the effects of the other molecules enough for sleep? Sorry it you lost sleep, and the heart racing thing :( That sounds kind of scary. I did that with Woozy Floozy when I was testing it. Not very enjoyable, kind of alarming actually. Will take note to keep Teddy for daytime though now. Hugs :angelhug: and hope tonight is more restful!

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6 Sprays??ouch. I have used Big Easy in the evening to relax and it's never failed. 2 sprays does me fine tho, Don't think I've ever done more than 3.

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Guest cutie.pie

Hugs :angelhug: and hope tonight is more restful!




It is not the same. B2 is stronger than TeddyBB.

Really? And yet I have no problem with B2...


6 Sprays??ouch. I have used Big Easy in the evening to relax and it's never failed. 2 sprays does me fine tho, Don't think I've ever done more than 3.

What can say? I'm an idiot who wanted to sleep nice and smell like cherries :lol:

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  • 2 months later...

I had never had an experience with Teddy BB until very late last night/early wee hours of the morning. I was reading, trying to get sleepy, but staying WIDE awake. My partner gets up for work at around 4 am sometimes, and this was one of those times. I decided to fumble through my LP phero wax melts and found a two pack of what looked like Nox with B 2!OMG! I was thinking DOUBLE WIN! I popped it in the wax warmer and lit a tea light. I have a very dim reddish light in the bedroom which has a dimmer to lower it even more, which I did. I pulled out my dwindling bottle of Nox perfume oil and added that to the mix before resuming my reading. The scent began to waft into the room and I was in Nox heaven! I was really super aware of how COMFORTABLE I felt. I would turn a page on the Kindle and notice the beautiful reflection that the shimmering pool of wax was making on the ceiling. So pretty!!! But I was not at all sleepy. My partner comes in every morning before leaving for work to give me a kiss and say, "I love you," whether I am awake or asleep, and he said, "Can't sleep, Hon?" I said, "No..I even lit this B2 wax melt, I am really tired but am wide awake. Oh well..at least everything smells really good!" I didn't feel bitchy tired at all. I was awake for some time and finished the book. Eventually, I snuffed out the tea light and nodded. It was only this afternoon that I was putting away the extra wax tart that I noticed it was marked, Nox with Teddy BB, NOT B2! D'oh! So as far as I know, this was my only experience with Teddy BB, and while it did not help me to sleep at all, I seemed to be unconcerned and not object and was quite happy to lounge around and bask in my comfort and its glow. I am going to have to experiment with this phero. It's like a nice, calm, HAPPY buzz! I would definitely wear this while out with friends. VERY nice! Happy and comfortable! :)

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I had never had an experience with Teddy BB until very late last night/early wee hours of the morning. I was reading, trying to get sleepy, but staying WIDE awake. My partner gets up for work at around 4 am sometimes, and this was one of those times. I decided to fumble through my LP phero wax melts and found a two pack of what looked like Nox with B 2!OMG! I was thinking DOUBLE WIN! I popped it in the wax warmer and lit a tea light. I have a very dim reddish light in the bedroom which has a dimmer to lower it even more, which I did. I pulled out my dwindling bottle of Nox perfume oil and added that to the mix before resuming my reading. The scent began to waft into the room and I was in Nox heaven! I was really super aware of how COMFORTABLE I felt. I would turn a page on the Kindle and notice the beautiful reflection that the shimmering pool of wax was making on the ceiling. So pretty!!! But I was not at all sleepy. My partner comes in every morning before leaving for work to give me a kiss and say, "I love you," whether I am awake or asleep, and he said, "Can't sleep, Hon?" I said, "No..I even lit this B2 wax melt, I am really tired but am wide awake. Oh well..at least everything smells really good!" I didn't feel bitchy tired at all. I was awake for some time and finished the book. Eventually, I snuffed out the tea light and nodded. It was only this afternoon that I was putting away the extra wax tart that I noticed it was marked, Nox with Teddy BB, NOT B2! D'oh! So as far as I know, this was my only experience with Teddy BB, and while it did not help me to sleep at all, I seemed to be unconcerned and not object and was quite happy to lounge around and bask in my comfort and its glow. I am going to have to experiment with this phero. It's like a nice, calm, HAPPY buzz! I would definitely wear this while out with friends. VERY nice! Happy and comfortable! :)

such an awesome review, Rose!! I use TeddyBB when I need to sleep, but have definitely noticed it gives such a calming effect, even if I'm not ready to sleep. For some reason, this one effects me more than BB. I used to keep a pheroma of this at my bedside, not sure why I stopped but may do so tonight as your review reminded me how much this helps!!

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