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Veloute Lavande


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This is all lavender, all the time on me. I love it. It's a sophisticated perfume featuring lavender.

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Hmm, I was hoping for more lavender, vanilla, musk and sugar... Right now I'm getting mostly jasmine, oakmoss and water lily. I'm hormonal though, so I'll give this another try next week...

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This is truly a lovely scent but the Jasmine is most prominent note in this blend on my skin, I get that frist and foremost and then after about an hour I can detect the vanilla peaking thru. The lavender finally makes an appeareance after about 20 minutes on my skin and unfornately this lavender is too sharp on me...


I'm so happy I got the sample but I will not be getting a FB

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This is sneaky sexy!! It's all lavender and fluff, a non foody perfumey vanilla like the one in Fleur de Vanille. The lavender is very true in this, not to medicinal. It's soft like a comfortable bathrobe. Then WHAM! the jasmine comes out and robe drops to reveal a black satin nightie. Very sultry. If I were to get a full bottle, I could see wearing LFN with it.

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I admit to almost not going full bottle on this first time around but I'm so glad I did. Some lavenders are way too strong and herbal on me (thanks to my tendency for amping lavender) but while this has a defined lavender scent it's all soft, fluffy and soothing. I think it's the baby powder and jasmine that are doing wonderful things to it, lightening it up and giving it that cloud-like feel. This is not a cat pee jasmine--it's a sheer white one that adds a touch of sensuality as well. Though they are not the same scent, there is an aspect of this that reminds me of that delightfully powdery quality in New (and think everyone here knows of my whining to bring New back by now :lol: ). I love how the vanilla musk finish makes it just sweet enough, but not too sweet, which is perfect for a scent like this.

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This is sneaky sexy!! It's all lavender and fluff, a non foody perfumey vanilla like the one in Fleur de Vanille. The lavender is very true in this, not to medicinal. It's soft like a comfortable bathrobe. Then WHAM! the jasmine comes out and robe drops to reveal a black satin nightie. Very sultry. If I were to get a full bottle, I could see wearing LFN with it.


This is just a great description... oh I can't wait for my FB.

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This one is such a pleasant surprise for me! I wasn't expecting it to send me over the top. I was thinking it would be a nice night time scent, relaxing, good for sleep. When I smelled it out of the bottle I thought Ooo, light and powdery soft lavender. This is really soft and pretty, not a slap you in the face scent. It's clean and girly, I can see me putting this on after my shower in the evening before bed. It makes me feel uber feminine and it just smells GREAT! It's not foodie to me at all (another winning floral I can wear happily!) it's just light and clean and perfect, especially in these hot sticky months coming up where a girl jus wants to feel clean and fresh and...of course...smell glorious :^^:

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It's interesting to me, I can't quite nail down what I'm really smelling; I know what's there but it's still sort of eluding me as a unified impression. The base is really nice, actually, I keep getting a whiff of it and it's like mmmm nice and then the floral part sort of jabs me in the nose. But from a distance I get the powdery quality. The floral aura backs off a bit after a while but the lavender is still there; This is definitely one for the lavender lovers.

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It's so strange how differently these perfumes behave for all of us. I don't get pointy or sharpie and I admit I'm usually nervous when I'm eying a floral anything. Can someone with a more educated nose than I please tell me what might be registering as the powder to me? I just love this one and, like luna mentioned, this will be a great bedtime addition :wub:

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Oakmoss can smell powdery to some. (Smells earthy to me, though!)

Wow! That's so wild! I still smell this faintly this morning and it's just lavender fresh soft sweet vanilla fantasticness. Really, a completely unexpected delight for me :wub: I thought I would like it, I just didn't expect to LOVE it :D
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Yes it's the oakmoss.

Yeah. No. Wouldn't have put that together on my own in a millions years. Oakmoss to my nose = powder fresh :lol: At least it's not just me...

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It's used to scent baby powder, so that's where the association comes from.

REALLY!? Now here's my true ignorance shining forth - baby powder is scented to smell like baby powder...it doesn't just come that way?! I have soooo much to learn about fragrance :blink:

You're all so lucky, you have received yours already. Mine is not even sent out. I'm so excited about this lavender scent.

It will be worth the wait...look forward to your future review! :)
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Thank you! Now I'll have another scent to keep my eyes open for! How exciting it is to learn so many new things! Now I can scroll through the LP site for more delights :love:

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Tried my sample out today. When wet it is a sharp, almost male cologne type scent. After a couple of minutes this mellows out and I can start picking out the lavender, vanilla and oak moss. This is lovely. I get just a teeny hint of floral. I think I'll try out again tomorrow with a larger swipe to see if jasmine shows up. Either way, I really am enjoying this.


Eta: the long dry down is a velvety powdery finish and the lavender has softened up quite a bit. Very appropriately named.

Edited by greenergal
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EGAD is this gorgeous. For me it went on very clean and yet creamy sweet, powdery, WOMANLY I kept thinking, sweet & not sharp floral.


About 20 minutes in, the florals are still quite mingled - I don't really get the lavender at all!! Just the jasmine and especially the water lily which is absolutely TDF.


VERY grown up. IMO it fairly screams for LFM or maybe SS4W.


It's interesting that given the floral types, it throws surprisingly little. More cuddly. I want to make out with myself. it's perfect for sleep.

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I've taken a little of this and made it into an after shower spray and OHMYWOW, even hubby is cuddling up to me, snuffling and complimenting how light and nice it smells...this man does NOT compliment perfumes lightly....I've been going to bed in a delightful fluffy pillow of Velouote Lavande :Emoticons04231:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm testing this out on one arm right now. (Sweet Chic is on other).


Last night I put a dot on, and had BF smell it, to see if he liked it, 'cause I love bugging him with all my new scents. Turns out, Veloute Lavande has a weird memory association for him. He wasn't sure exactly what it reminded him of, but there was something very definitely *there*. He was so puzzled by the association that he couldn't even tell me whether or not he liked the scent. He said that it smelled nice, but he wasn't sure he *liked* it, because of whatever it is it reminds him of. Weird. He normally LOVES lavender. I kinda have the feeling that this scent will turn out to be a love or hate for him.


I, on the other hand, really like it. It's almost a harsh lavender right off the hop. Like, straight lavender eo. And then it softens into something really pretty and feminine. Something I'd want to wear while I'm gardening! :D It's definitely not the type of scent I usually gravitate toward, but there's definitely something about it that's cosy and sweet. I didn't check any of the magical meanings of the ingredients, but it feels like an emotionally protective scent. Something I might want to wear to foster comfort when I'm feeling down. I bet it would pair well with Balm Bomb, for those who like that phero. Or B2, like Katz had it boosted. That's probably the road I'd go down with this, too. B2.

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Now that this has dried down quite a bit more, I'm really getting the baby powder-ish scent, and LOVING it! :D Huh... VL is one I thought I wasn't going to get off on. Just goes to show ya, doesn't it?

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I love this one! This has become my go to sleepy scent---I dab some on both me and my pillow every night and it is wonderful!


What is funny is my SO started asking last week for me to "fix up" his pillow too every night!


Then even funnier still, twice this week after asking for me to rub some on his pillow he then asked for extra. So the first time this happened, I get the bottle back out and lean over to put more on his pillow---and he says no, not that---and holds out his arm! He actually wanted some on his arm for nighttime as he liked it so much and found it so relaxing! This has NEVER happened before with any scent! I think the briskness of the lavender is what is doing it.

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Testing VL on my wrists and I'm still not sure about it. First off, it's potent! One swipe from the sample vial gives off lots of scent. It's very loud lavender but is settling down the longer it wears. It almost reminds me of some sort of aromatherapy or spa oil. I could see this being soothing in a bath. It's so strong on me my sample will probably last forever!

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So, the long, long dry-down (6 hours+) is very much like the musk in French Musk, only lighter and with a bit more vanilla. Amazing metamorphosis!!

Yes, Lynne, the same for me too, but rather than the musky undercurrent, there's the jasmine undercurrent (one me, anyway) and more vanilla. It's wonderful!

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Is the jasmine in this jasmine fragrance or jasmine eo? I'm scared of jasmine while I'm pregnant so i don't even want to risk it on bf/clothes if it has any of jasmines actual properties. It's calling me!

Maybe shoot an email to Mara in case she doesn't see this here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I put this on tonight for bed. I have to say, I had to wait a little on this one. My first time with this the lavender amped on my skin pretty loudly. I had been hoping for a velvety lavender scent with the oakmoss and vanilla etc..

I'm happy to say this is my third time with VL and I'm loving it. The lavender is dominant but the other notes have settled into their rolls. The jasmine has calmed down and is playing nice, gently lending its scent without pinching my nose. :)

I get the softer notes too, they don't stand out but you can feel their presence.

I feel feminine, beautiful and relaxed.. "someone bring me my tea!" I just need a house elf :D

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I feel feminine, beautiful and relaxed

This is me, after I apply it in the spray I made for after my shower...It's DAH BOMB! Makes for beautiful sleepy goodness!

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I knew I would love this one, lavender is a fav of mine. When I first put it on, I got a lot of lavender... but it was a sweet, cloud-soft lavender. Then the next huff was more Jasmine than lavender! Now... I can smell both of them together and also a mint-like addition to it, very fresh and clean undertone. This is very cuddly and soft but not soapy, lotion-y, or powdery. It's a beautiful scent! I am going into scent-heaven! This is now the ninth scent I have added to my arms and I am delirious with wonderful scents lol.

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Yes! Yes! When I spray this on after a shower it's like a full body soft clean lavender/jasmine amazingness....even hubby gets all cuddly and lubbin' up on me saying how great I smell (and that's something, considering most of his compliments are reserved for foodie only scents!) :hearts0425:

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  • 7 months later...

I've used some of this to make a body spritz for after showers...but I've been using it to spray my comforter at night and OHMYGOSH! Dreamy scent and a wonderful way to drift off to sleep! :heart:

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I've used some of this to make a body spritz for after showers...but I've been using it to spray my comforter at night and OHMYGOSH! Dreamy scent and a wonderful way to drift off to sleep! :heart:

I was thinking of trying the same for night-time :)

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