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New Releases for AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 2013

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I thought they were novelty perfumes..or what are they used for?

Sorry I'm lost:-)

This is the Spell Potion Collection, you can use them as perfume, but I like to use the spell ones for their intent, for example I need my kids dad to get a job, so I will immediatly be using Shut Up and Get a Job, once it arrives to help him find a job, since his unemployment will end in 6 weeks....

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I thought they were novelty perfumes..or what are they used for?

Nope, they absolutely can be utilized both as ritual oils and as fragrance, the real deal.

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Pro-Create - Creativity and Fertility Potion


This is the fierce and fabulous Tara - a rare orange tabby female *and* poly dactyl, and one of her orange boys. She showed up on my porch, stole my heart and *despite* the fact that she will not be with my boys, continues to be with me. She was a wonderful momma even though I know it must have been her first litter, and that at a very young age. She's as beautiful as a cat can be, and as dangerous! Her favorite game is the 'tummy trap'... 1) Lie on ground, roll over and present irresistible floofy belly to human 2) Wait for the inevitable 3) SWIPE! For her, it never grows old!





Is this the infamous "Tummy Trap?"



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I translated that as hungry love! Lol!

NACA...that's Hambre ! :Emoticons04263:

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I just placed my order for the 10 bottle order of these babies... I'm going to have to save up to purchase the other 10 I want...Dang, I'm so happy this new spell collection launched....

Me too! I just decided to order by spell intent and got the other 10 in a sampler. Soooo excited!

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Ambre Amour is all amber, all the time. I think the photo is just one she found, not a kitteh who belongs to any of us.


and JUST amber ? uh oh



...for those amazing eyes.


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Oooooh, if it's that lovely amber Mara uses in A Regal Confection, nothing else IS needed! Mmmmmmm. . .

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Not "just" amber, but all amber for certain. ;)

I found my oooooold sample of Sugared Amber, and I like it, think I'm safe :)

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Living with family takes patience!

Here we have my "little rascals", Cullen & Romulus.

Cullen has been with me for a little over five years. I got him as a preemie,he had to be bottle fed! He was the sweetest, most playful little guy! He used to watch me type my LP reviews, and gingerly place his paws over my fingers as they moved on the keyboard. He put the "curious" in curious cat.

Over the years though,,and due in part to "nessecary castration", Cullen has become a tad lazy and a bit rotund...he loves to sleep,cuddle and contemplate life, but until recently,I didn't see much of the playful kitten that had grown up with me. I missed that, and wanted my baby to be healthy and have fun!

Then,as circumstances would have it ,Cullen, my boyfriend Hugo, and I all came to stay with my cousins for awhile until we get on our feet. They're sisters kitty had a litter, and one fine day after a visit a small mewling puffball accompanied us home ensconced in a box. Thus, our little Romulus was brought into the family fold.

Now,as much as we love them, lord knows family can drive us bonkers. Well, it's no different for our furry friends!

Romulus started in on Cullen immediately. Sneak attacks, tail batting,face biting and ENDLESS pestering, Cullen grumbled through, showing the patience of a buddah. For all the instigating Romulus does, I've never seen Cullen hurt that little baby.

At night, when all settles down,I catch him licking the babys head, paws on him protectively, like a brother.

And, since the baby has been with us , Cullen plays yet again! Romulus has convinced him that having fun is better than sitting on your ass. He's even lost some weight!

My cousins drive me NUTS, and I do the same to them. But I love them, and we deal! Likewise, Romulus has helped Cullen get his zest for fun back,grudgingly as it may sometimes be.

It's trying at times to be surrounded by others...it takes PATIENCE...but were getting there! In the end,were all one big happy FAMILY, and we wouldn't have it any other way!





There ya go! Please feel free to edit any grammatical errors that I didn't catch! :D

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I'm putting up the descriptions today, they should launch by tonight.


If you haven't posted an anecdote for your label in time, no worries, I can add it later.


Thanks everyone for your contributions this month!!! xoxoxox

I added a bit to my post from earlier, I wasn't sure how much was too much..

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Ahhh! I did it! 8 solid hours of programming! Thank you, Luna, for being AMAZING as always!!!





Ok, just a few notes.....

I added the options for sprays and phero-adds, because someone will inevitably ask, but I do not recommend them. These are true spell oils, and best used in the form presented. Most really do not need pheros...this is the art of producing pheromonal responses without them. Please try a sample first before you decide to mess with the spell potions.


If you want to spray these potions around for ritual use, there's a more effective/magickal way of doing it, that's less expensive too. Rather than ordering an alcohol based cologne (for $15 extra), just purchase a dollar spray bottle from the drugstore and add a few drops of the potion to purified water (which also has magickal properties). Yes, you'll have to shake it up and use it promptly, but it's a better magickal method without needless waste.


Just my 2 cents.


Enjoy, and thanks everyone for your assistance in creating these spell oils!!!



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You can wear them like regular perfume, Christy, but understand that they have been crafted and empowered for magical/ritual/religious use.


If you want to use them to best effect, meditate upon your purpose when you apply them. Spend a few minutes imagining the positive outcome you desire before you apply them. Try to clear your mind of other concerns and reallllly concentrate hard and focus upon your goals...this will assist your message in getting out to the universe clearly and returning to you your result as you wish.


Perhaps our darling Beccah will chime in?

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Oh wow! These really look so great! I'm so excited! I'm not sure if I was one who asked for another spell potion set here, but that doesn't mean I wasn't trying to quietly collect bottles from the last one because I love the idea SO MUCH. Hee! :D I'm so excited to finally have the chance to have my own set! Woo! (Happily for me, I wore Lady Luck a few evenings last week. She must have given a message to the Money Fairy, because SHE visited me too! Twice! :w00t: So I *know* these things work! :lol: ).


Well done, and thank you, Mara, Luna, and everyone else who had a hand in creating these and getting them to us! XOXO


So happy!



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ERRRR I don't recall seeing this question or answer but in case already answered, SELF ELF (my device doesn't let me see the emos :( ) -- if we already unknowingly ordered a sampler for "august" only, how/where do we indicate which ones we want....? Can we just email?

Edited by tyvey
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I'm so excited!! I can do this!! If I get them by Friday, I know of at least one that I will use right away. Thank you so much for creating these!!


You can wear them like regular perfume, Christy, but understand that they have been crafted and empowered for magical/ritual/religious use.


If you want to use them to best effect, meditate upon your purpose when you apply them. Spend a few minutes imagining the positive outcome you desire before you apply them. Try to clear your mind of other concerns and reallllly concentrate hard and focus upon your goals...this will assist your message in getting out to the universe clearly and returning to you your result as you wish.


Perhaps our darling Beccah will chime in?

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ERRRR I don't recall seeing this question or answer but in case already answered, SELF ELF (my device doesn't let me see the emos :( ) -- if we already unknowingly ordered a sampler for "august" only, how/where do we indicate which ones we want....? Can we just email?


I think Mara said to send a follow-up e-mail to indicate the ones you want...which I still need to do!

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ERRRR I don't recall seeing this question or answer but in case already answered, SELF ELF (my device doesn't let me see the emos :( ) -- if we already unknowingly ordered a sampler for "august" only, how/where do we indicate which ones we want....? Can we just email?


Yes, please! Just email the 10 that you want. :D

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:burning-heart:OH EMM GEE I just read all the writeups! BRILLIANT. LOVE!!! :burning-heart:

~SQUEEEEEE!!! Y'all mentioned Sirius! I told him he was on the front page and he, in his usual fashion, took it completely in stride. :purr:


Am going to email for an invoice. Hope everyone involved is getting toasted right now! :party::cheers04251: :cheers04251: :cheers04251: xoxoxox

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Mara - quick Q about the Get a Job potion - can we wear it even if we are not job hunting? I love the description of it being an office friendly green scent, plus it has SWS which is a phero I quite like.

Would it be a work appropriate potion - as in even if I don't need to get a job, will it help garner more work place cooperation and etc?

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