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Aja - Nature's Copulins

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LOL! I just checked because of that weird Aja thing - I can't even call it a smell, because it "smells" smooth to me, somehow, as if there's something I should be smelling, but can't - and I remember RRC having that same quality. But Raspberry does that sometimes, too, so it could well have been that.

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I got a few of the trial vials of Aja and I'm thinking of ordering more now that I'm down to the last one. I notice that the scent catches the attention of others but I have yet to have the same reaction that I do when I wear cops. Aja is only disagreeable when I first put it on and for a couple/few hours. It's not bad, just odd smelling to me, then it settles out to something unique and pretty. I usually layer it, but with scents that have a good longevity themselves because Aja lasts on my skin FOEVER and has outlasted everything else I have ever used. I would love to have the male reactions that lucky others have, but just have not yet experienced anything like that.



Have you tried it in an intimate setting? i'm going to give it a go one more time to make sure it wasn't just a fluke.

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OK, so I am still on the fence about Aja, but I do confess that I have not done much experimenting with at all. This makes me think that I really do need to break this out and get into it and see where I stand with it. I do know that I think it *might* work very well for me with some scents that are too sweet in a flowery way.

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Okay sorry about that! I just remembered that it had BANG! in it.


LOL! I just checked because of that weird Aja thing - I can't even call it a smell, because it "smells" smooth to me, somehow, as if there's something I should be smelling, but can't - and I remember RRC having that same quality. But Raspberry does that sometimes, too, so it could well have been that.


I thought that was all, too. It was only when I went back and checked the description yesterday that I saw the Aja. I think it was for a forgotten secret ingredient as it hasn't been mentioned much in the RRC reviews (that I've seen). I guess in this instance Mara blended it like such a champ that it didn't have that distinctive and amp-y quality it seems to on its own (and covered). So, it is possible to make Aja sit and behave but I think maybe you need to have magical powers.

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Okay, Aja definitely illicits copulin like responses. Last night the BF was very tired, stressed and overwhelmed. This usually means no sexy time. Especially because he and I fought. I sprayed Aja into my hair (which I would never do with cops) under another perfume and got into bed with him. He snuggled up behind me anddddd...well, let's just say he didn't seem tired anymore.



ETA: In between the initial spray and dry down i noticed a slight vinegary smell some people have noticed. Not as vinegary as cops of course, but there was a hint! I love that I can wear this in my hair.

Edited by MeriendaTime
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I'm reading that some people are getting a vinegar type smell out of Aja? I have noticed that there is a slight citrus quality to it on my skin now, but I think sugar sweet scents tend to have a slight tartness on my skin anyway.

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I don't get any vinegar, just deep smutty honey. And this stuff lingers! I mentioned this over in that thread but I had on Torrid Sorcery last night and the aja outlasted the phero and every other note in the fragrance. It stood up to two showers and a vigorous scrubbing. Then after the notes of today's fragrance wore out, it was still there!! Over 24 hours! I swear, like Eggers, if it wasn't so dang effective to both me and the man, I'd have to save the white flag!!

Edited by BlueBear
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I'm reading that some people are getting a vinegar type smell out of Aja? I have noticed that there is a slight citrus quality to it on my skin now, but I think sugar sweet scents tend to have a slight tartness on my skin anyway.

I remember reading a few people saying they noticed this, though I never did until last night. Not even sure if it was Aja as I had layered two perfumes over Aja.

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Aja isn't heavy on me, it has a floral to simple syrup quality on my skin, so I tend to forget how effective it is! I made the mistake of boosting a 5 ml spray of Cougar potion with this, just 1-2 drops, & wore this to a night club. It got scary fast. There was a man I was talking to, he had the qualities I would be interested in if I were anywhere near ready to date. Anyway, the longer he was around me, the more dominant & aggressive his behavior got. He ended up having me cornered against a railing with an arm on either side of me, so I ended up leaving the club. I don't think I've even gotten that strong of a reaction out of my cops boosted LP Red before. Aja is some serious stuff ladies!

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Well now that just makes me sad - not the nice guy turns stalker part, sorry you had to deal with that to the point your only alternative was to have to leave :( - just that I haven't seen a slight, similar, or even close to, cop reaction while wearing Aja. The scent intrigues the bajebies out of me and I'm determined to keep testing until I see some similar signal...well, minus the stalking part that is... Harmless, stuttering attraction will do :D

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I am still debating a FB. Not sure if I like smelling like dirty ho or not LOL. the smell to me is addicting. I don't' get any sugar, just smutty honey. ME LIKES though. Just not sure if others smell it that way

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  • 3 weeks later...



I have been using my little trial vial and using but a dab on each wrist, maybe a bit by the belly button. Then I read a post and I have been trying to find out which thread it was in (and it's making me CRAZY cuz I can't find it/remember!) where the writter said they use 2-3 SPRAYS to get the copulin effects - WAY more than what I've been using! So tonight I slathered quite a bit of oil on, Figuring if I go down, it will be in FLAMING WONDER :lol:


It even SMELLS different in such a dose - like, even better! Still a strange not quite but honey "something". I layered over a bit of EGG 2011, but really, I've slathered on so much Aja, it's mostly all I'm reading - and it smells FANTASTIC. And I have had distinctive reactions already!


I came in to give shift change and one of the guys from the shift prior had come up behind me. I HEARD him inhaling the air behind me and when I asked what he was doing he smiled this huge goofy smile and just said "Smelling YOU" :D Not creepy or anything - he just looked absolutely euphric...Then he took a seat beside me and stayed glued there until his shift was dismissed. He was just the first of numerous interesting interactions so far :w00t:



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Oh yeah, I had added like two drops to a 5 ml spray of scented Cougar Potion when I got that reaction, hon. I think this is a distinct advantage with Aja over cops, you can easily wear this in spray form

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ooo! I'll have to keep that in mind, as I decant my cougar to 5ml to-go all the time! :)


Just to see if it was the Aja - I wore a different phero and fragrance tonight (Incandescence w/BANG!) and a little less of the Aja - trying to find that sweet spot for me. I just LOVE what this brings to a fragrance! Still getting tons of eye contact, people trying to make me laugh, some "peacocking". Fun stuff here for sure! So glad to be re-discovering it in this new way :D

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ooo! I'll have to keep that in mind, as I decant my cougar to 5ml to-go all the time! :)


Just to see if it was the Aja - I wore a different phero and fragrance tonight (Incandescence w/BANG!) and a little less of the Aja - trying to find that sweet spot for me. I just LOVE what this brings to a fragrance! Still getting tons of eye contact, people trying to make me laugh, some "peacocking". Fun stuff here for sure! So glad to be re-discovering it in this new way :D

But Bang has a good dose of cops in it. A less sexual phero or no phero at all would be a better indicator of any type of hormonal effect on others. I've only tried this with non-phero scents to see if I could produce those awesome hits Mara received. No luck so far, at least none I've noticed.


I have to admit this talk has renewed my interest in AJA as a 'mone'ish thing.

As a fragrance note I'm fine with it but I have had no luck with it as a sub for cops. On it's own it doesn't really agree with my skin chemistry. It doesn't really want to meld with my skin as cops do. The scent pretty much stays the same even after dry down. So I need a complementary scent to cover it but not just any scent works with it.

Edited by StacyK
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Back to testing Aja, just for the sake of it. Was going to try wearing it without any additional cover, just a quick swipe on each wrist and each side of the neck. I smelled like I just had sex in a beehive.....so I decided I was going to try it with the sold out Cheap Girls.....that scent already has a dirty honey note....wanted to see what Aja does to it.


Actually, it smells pretty darn good together. This could be interesting.

Edited by Dolly
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But Bang has a good dose of cops in it. A less sexual phero or no phero at all would be a better indicator of any type of hormonal effect on others. I've only tried this with non-phero scents to see if I could produce those awesome hits Mara received.




I agree with this statement. Bang has an assload of cops already, so I think that isn't really a fair test for Aja's cop properties. I have only worn it with scents that are NOT already boosted with EoW.

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Back to testing Aja, just for the sake of it. Was going to try wearing it without any additional cover, just a quick swipe on each wrist and each side of the neck. I smelled like I just had sex in a beehive.....so I decided I was going to try it with the sold out Cheap Girls.....that scent already has a dirty honey note....wanted to see what Aja does to it.


Actually, it smells pretty darn good together. This could be interesting.


Anybody who has "Cheap Girls"....I thought the Aja would intensify the dirty honey note. However, it only did for about 5 min. It is very interesting what happened next.....the fruit became strong and BRIGHT.....much brighter than without the Aja. I applied Cheap Girls straight on one spot just for comparison purposes. Think I am going to try applying this with some other fruity scents in the future to see if it has the same effect.

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I don't have Cheap Girls or even know what it smells like but Aja does come off as bright fruit to me. I've been wearing it with just about everything as a base...mostly foody scents for some reason. I bet it's great with fruit. I going to try it with my un copped Dolly's Hot and Sticky next. I don't know why I never thought of that before.

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But Bang has a good dose of cops in it. A less sexual phero or no phero at all would be a better indicator of any type of hormonal effect on others.

I need a complementary scent to cover it but not just any scent works with it.



I agree with this statement. Bang has an assload of cops already, so I think that isn't really a fair test for Aja's cop properties.


D-oh! You're absolutely right! I had wanted to get 2 birds by wearing/trialing Incandescence to figure out if I needed a FB. All the positive results from yesterday/this morning are now skewed....You know what THIS means?




Hahaha - it played great with PP...now I'm thinking OW or Lace for today :)


And true about picking the right cover - Aja will out last anything,! I usually go with foodie scents only because that's my thing, but I pick sticky scents that will give Aja a good sparing partner :D


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Aja performed again - along side OW and Flying Potion :) Going to take it (FINALLY) for a spin around my guy and hope he's a responder! Been wanting to wear it with Lace ^_^


I decided to get a bottle in my next order.


Is there a reason this one is in 1/4 oz bottle instead of 1/3? No biggie, just curious.


And has anyone gottten this in spray? I'm wondering if it lightens the smell of Aja or if it's pretty well the same?

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Is there a reason this one is in 1/4 oz bottle instead of 1/3? No biggie, just curious.


And has anyone gottten this in spray? I'm wondering if it lightens the smell of Aja or if it's pretty well the same?


We wanted to use a special bottle, and the glass dipper stick we thought might be useful for application. By the way, the 1/4 oz bottles with glass dipper sticks we are using for AJA are the bottles we originally used for the first generation of LPs back in the 1980's!


We have had a few dozen orders for AJA in spray form, but I believe from ladies who are not forum members, and I have not heard back from anyone about the choice. Personally, I have not tried it in a spray.

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I just got a sample of this today and am totally loving it! It has such a light, sweet floral smell to it -- I'm in love! Gosh, I could wear this all by itself and it would be fine. Or, it would work soooo nicely with all of the lighter perfumes as I don't really feel the need to cover. I can definitely see this in a spray and roll-on! Will definitely add this to my next order list.


However, I am not at all sure about the impact this will have on other people... Should be interesting to find out.

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We wanted to use a special bottle, and the glass dipper stick we thought might be useful for application. By the way, the 1/4 oz bottles with glass dipper sticks we are using for AJA are the bottles we originally used for the first generation of LPs back in the 1980's!


We have had a few dozen orders for AJA in spray form, but I believe from ladies who are not forum members, and I have not heard back from anyone about the choice. Personally, I have not tried it in a spray.


The amber bottle with that little dipper and the Aja label makes it seem so exotic. I love taking that bottle out and swishing the dipper about! lol.


I've only ever used the oil, I like controlling where and how much. Saw it offered as spray and may try both...for science sake of course...


Thank you Mara and MissD, you make the dropper bottle sound adorably irresistible! So a "dipper" stick? Not like a dropper? Kind of like the wand in the trial vials? Interesting! And glass - that DOES sound exotic! :)


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  • 1 month later...

My nose is all over the place with this one. One drop is plenty. I get a sour honey kind of impression. Before it was even mentioned in the thread, my nose immediately picks up the vinegar smell off of it.


8 hours in and I notice 2 different ways the smell evolves. On my right wrist, Aja blooms into more of the dirty floral honey scent that people talk about. On my left wrist, the vinegar scent persisted.


Oh, and This gives some spritz of awakened energy the moment the scent dispersed off my skin. No noticeable effect as a phero on others but I'm playing with this for this week.

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Aja and I are complicated. I had read all of the reviews in this very thread when I purchased it in June. I opened up the bottle and was assaulted with the MOST delicious honey scent. I wanted to lick the applicator. I was thinking to myself: "what on earth are those folks talking about who say they smell vinegar" ?? Maybe it's one of those scent blindness thing ??


So I used to happily for 2 days with everything I could think of. And then I let the bottle sit for a week, opened it up and just about gagged. 100 % vinegar flavor, so strong I felt I could taste it. I resigned myself that something had happened to it...contaminated from my bacteria ? Travel shock ? (except I live in the same town as LPMP and so it doesn't travel that far...) and put it into a deep corner of my closet.


Fast forward to July...I keep reading about some scents needing to 'settle' and change over time. So I open it up again, and it's about 80% vinegar and 20 % honey. No can do.


Now it's August. It smells like 50 % vinegar and 50 % honey when I put my nose right up to it but the oddest thing happens to it about a foot away from my arm....it smells powdery sweet in the air. So for other people, it's doable....but on me...I can only handle it behind my knee, but the occasional whiff of vinegar is still offputting.


I have put it under Love Potion Rouge but it changed the scent so much I had to scrub it off.

I want to love AJA. I think the concept is amazing. I'd like to send Mara my bottle so she can verify what's happening inside of it, but the policy says she would have to destroy it so there's no real benefit to that. Mostly at this point I want to understand what is happening. It can't be my skin chemistry, as the scent itself in the bottle is changing. And I doubt I contaminated it after using the applicator only for 2 days. I asked everyone in my house to smell the bottle when it first arrived, everyone agreed it smelled like honey, now everyone agrees it smells like vinegar. So it's not my particular nose doing this. Insights welcome !

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Just a thought...Have you taken note to what time in the month it is? Sometimes our cycles can actually effect how these lovelies wear...as our chemistry changes throughout the month so may the way certain fragrances wear.
This was a suggestion to me when I had something that seemed wonky and I just couldn't pin it down. Sure enough, for what ever reason, it was more appealing to me during shark week than the rest of the month :blink: Crazy, but true. The really queer thing was that no one noticed a difference EXCEPT me. It smelled different to me only??? (I had asked for 2nd and 3rd opinions and was told it smelled nice) Hopefully someone else will have something to offer :heart:

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I ended up crashing before updating. The left side of my wrist possibly had more of the ingredient and needed more time to bloom.


The smell that stays in the end is great. I have no complaints there.


I showered and used some Doc Bronner soap in place of my odor guard protection body wash. If I smell my wrist, Aja still lingers around. It's that strong!

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I do find myself not being able to handle certain scents and pheros during PMS and my period. But 2 of the 4 people who smelled my bottle when it was sweet were male, and now that it's vinegary they agree it has that new smell Something does appear to be happening to the substance as it's sitting in the dark bottle. Anyone else have this ?

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Just went and checked one of mine and all is well...mmmm,I luv this stuff and wear it most every day in cool weather,and so look forward to wearing it again...ummm,I have six bottles,yeah see,I really like how it makes me feel :001_302:

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I used some odor protection wash the other day and I think that affected the way Aja presented itself. Yesterday with 2 drops on neck and wrist, I left my skin bacteria to do it's work and the dry down was much nicer time this around. A friend described it as a "Raw incense-honey, like it's straight out of a beehive".


All aside from the nice self-effect, I can't say I've noticed much else but I'm starting to think that maybe the females will get more use out of it compared to us guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not sure if I've become scent blind to AJA lately, it barely smells like anything to me. There is something very light honey-like that I can detect, but it's nowhere close to what it smelled like before. And apparently that's only me, since others LOVE it. Guys I hang out with are not any good at describing scents, but they've said that this smells sweet and very pretty. One man from work told me that it's the best thing he's ever smelled on me (and he generally likes perfumes I'm wearing and has many times told me I smelled nice).


When I wear AJA solo I usually apply 4-5 drops on my torso. I asked two friends of mine if that's too much, since I can't rely on my own sense of smell with this one, just to make sure. They said it's perfect. And kept coming close and sniffing me for another couple hours :D

And even when I add 1-2 drops of AJA to complement other scents, I get much more attention and compliments compared to when I wear those same scents without AJA. Very similar effect to what I've noticed wearing cops.

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I'm so fascinated by Aja that I've ordered another bottle. I'm the one who had a bottle go from sweet to vinegary and now it's pretty much scentless wet inside the bottle and very mild on my skin. For my next bottle, I'm planning on letting the liquid drip from the applicator and not actually letting the applicator touch my skin in an effort to reduce possible contamination. I still recall those first 3 days with fresh honey Aja, which was such a strong love for me I wanted to lick it. I miss that very much. Here's hoping - and trying a fresh bottle soon. :purr:

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Nope. I have 3 trial sized, and they essentially smell the same.. a bit settled and aged than when I first smelled it, but just as I expect them to smell.


The thing is this is supposed to smell a bit stanky.

That's the point. An Au Natural' option to EOW. As a perfume note I like it but on it's own it smells like the Funk of the plant people to me.

I actually prefer EOW which is funny because EOW is a scientifically blended arrangement of different vinegars.

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