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Cherry Divinity


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You are all RIGHT! This one is really delicious. It's the perfect cherry cake! I have never had cherry cake, but if I were to have it, I would want THIS to be what I was served! I've never been terribly big on the scent of cherry, or at least thought not :lol: but this is fantastic! It blasts out of the bottle a fruity delight but then settles into a glazed fruit cupcake fantasy. All I have itsmy little bitty sample...that won't last long - but I'm going to love every drop of it. It took everything I had today to not devour my own arms...or at least lick them like lollipops! :D

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As I expected and hoped, my sample of this has gotten a bit "stickier" since settling down from its travels. It now not only is stronger, with more of an opaque white frosting feel, but also lasts quite a bit longer on me. It is WAFTING cherry-tinged white chocolate at me right now.

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Kind of goes without saying that I would love Cherry Divinity, even though I sincerely hoped it would be awful on me so I wouldn't feel like I was missing out when it sold out quickly! :lol: But no. It's not awful on me. It's the complete opposite of awful. I think I might even go so far as to agree with Lady V and say, "Special Who?". 'Cause this one is just fab! So chocolatey-smelling and creamy, with just a kiss of cherry... Mmmm... Diggin' this one big time. I know it's unlikely, but if more of this were suddenly to appear in the cart, I probably wouldn't (couldn't) say no. :)

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I'm hoping to get my sample of this in a week (it's just been shipped, typing this with my fingers crossed ;)), so I can't really say...

But from reading all these reviews, I have a feeling I would love to get my hands on a bottle!

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I CAN make a little more of this one. How many bottles worth should I brew? Any takers?

Really? I would take one if you were to brew more! :)


ETA: Thank you for the offer Mara! Sorry. Manners escaped me - just woke up from the worst nap! How is a bad nap even possible with 3 cats??? :o

Edited by Eggers
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I CAN make a little more of this one. How many bottles worth should I brew? Any takers?


I would take two additional bottles. This one needs hoarding.

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I CAN make a little more of this one. How many bottles worth should I brew? Any takers?

For realz?!!!!


I'm already indebted to you for giving me the gift of perfume I can wear and enjoy - something I didn't have before LP!


if you're going to make a bit more I'd love to be a taker!...2 if it's not too greedy?

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I CAN make a little more of this one. How many bottles worth should I brew? Any takers?

Mara, I'll definitely take a bottle boosted with cops if you rebrew. Put me down. I love my trial, just have not really been wearing perfume while I've been sick ect. Thanks :D

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I put 13 bottles and 2 sprays into the cart, and there's still 7 trial vials. I think that covers all the requests. :) Thanks!


Oh, and the rebrew smells exactly exactly the same - was able to use the original ingredients with no substituting so it's spot on.

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Thank you! Holy cow that was fast! :D

Mara, I was wondering if you could set one aside for me? It's just that I wasn't planning to order again until the new releases come out... If you'd rather not, that's okay, too. :)

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Done! Thank you, Mara!

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I put 13 bottles and 2 sprays into the cart, and there's still 7 trial vials. I think that covers all the requests. :) Thanks!


Oh, and the rebrew smells exactly exactly the same - was able to use the original ingredients with no substituting so it's spot on.

I just saw this post can I grab one of the bottles?

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Well she put 15 bottles in (2 are spray) I'd guess that's more than was requested on this thread but maybe Luna or Halo know. I'd guess if it's in the store then you can order.

You could just order and if they can't fill it they'd let you know.

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Do you think I could just order one then? From reading the above posts I got the impression that she put enough in the cart for all of the folks that requested a bottle in up thread



Well she put 15 bottles in (2 are spray) I'd guess that's more than was requested on this thread but maybe Luna or Halo know. I'd guess if it's in the store then you can order.

You could just order and if they can't fill it they'd let you know.

I just bought one from the cart but I wrote in a note that I know some were reserved Edited by missdarlyncherie
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To quote LV " I can't wait to Bang the shit out of this".

I have 2x Un Bang. I think I finally have a scent sexy and sweet enough to cover it.

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To quote LV " I can't wait to Bang the shit out of this".

I have 2x Un Bang. I think I finally have a scent sexy and sweet enough to cover it.

OHMYGOSH!!!LOOOOVE!!!YES! I was thinking of BANG! for this too!


This one was such a surprise for me and now I can't for the life of me imagine why I thought that way... Well, that's not true. I think I can pin point it now.... I think it was actually an association to a chocolate covered cherry treat that my mom likes. It's horrible :lol: It's not the gooey liquor filled kind this brings to mind. The kind my mom goes nuts for is filled with a milky, thick, white, sickeningly sweet paste like substance and the chocolate cover is dark and waxy. The whole thing just makes me cringe.


THIS is NOTHING like that! This one just sent me over the moon...like Moon Sugar Candy did :)

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Cinn you may want to wait until after baby recovery, unless it's a scent you usually don't care for anyway. When things settle down and the pregnancy stuff wears off you might regret it.

IMO this one is a winner and I'm so picky with the foodies, I really like very few of them.

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I just can't smell it the way it's supposed to be, in vial or on skin. Plus if it's gone by then I won't know what I'm missing. I'll just wear jubilee :)

Well, judging from recent thread posts, I'm sure you'll have no problem finding takers. :) Lol

I hope you're feeling well, you are in the home stretch now. Best Wishes :D

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Ah, drat. Double drat. I have tried numerous times, and this is not gonna work with my chemistry. It starts off delicious cherry-marshmallow fluff, but in about five minutes, my skin is turning the cherry into something bad, or maybe it's the white chocolate, or the amber? *Sigh* Oh well. More for everyone else, I guess. Maybe I'll console myself and get another bottle of Poudre de Bourdons then. :lol:

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LOL! Don't worry, if you find it grossly aversive, someone will be tickled to take it off your hands....:lol:

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I'm not sure if there was a bottle reserved for me or not, but if so, could you please put it back 'on the market'?


I've tried my sample and while it is lovely sniffed from the vial, on my skin it sort of... wilts and dies within minutes.

There is something in there that just does not agree with my chemistry I guess. :(


Judging by this thread, the bottle is sure to find love easily!


Thank you for making more, though - if I had loved it as much as I love other LPMP I would have been all over it!


*goes off to consele herself with some Phero Girl*

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The other day at work, a co-worker brought in some homemade Valentine's Day chocolate bark made with white chocolate and cherry flavored candy chips. As soon as I took a bite, it tasted exactly how Cherry Divinity smells!! I brought in my bottle the next day for her to sniff and she laughed because they did smell exactly alike.


The more I wear this one, the more I'm really glad I got a bottle. There's a short period of time where I'll sniff my arm and I get play-doh smell (I figured out that's what it reminds me of) after it's dried down but not finished melding. After that though, it's such a wonderful warm white chocolate with a hint of cherry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was so happy to get my 2 FBs of this with my last order. I got 1 oil boosted with cops, and a spray. The label is great on the spray bottle!

Thanks so much Mara! You added just the right amount of cops, the boosted bottle is to die for. I had the spray in my hair and the oil on the rest of me. I received several compliments. It's such a universal winner. Sweet, subtle & noticeable all at once. :heart:

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I wish I would have had one of my bottles boosted with cops!! I was afraid it would t cover and the cops would show through!!

Mara did a perfect job. I don't know how much she used but I just barely detect the cops wet.

it really just adds a dash of sweet and sexy to the scent.

No dry down needed ect.

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