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Crayons: Vermillion


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Crayons: Vermillion

Men love it when you're cinn-ful…those of you who have clamored for our sold-out Buns of Cinn fragrance, satisfy his sweet tooth with this delicious mix of five varieties of cinnamon swirled into buttery vanilla and hot-buttered cream, brown sugar, vanilla cream, a dash of oatmeal accord and topped with pecans. A mouthwatering lure for anyone who might be…hungry for your sweet buns!




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:

CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers.
BUTTER, CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck,
and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
PECAN ~ Money, employment, mental acuity.
OATS ~ Prosperity, abundance, sustenance, money spells.

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This was an automatic, no questions asked FB for me, already ordered! It sounds scrumptious! :Emoticons0086:

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There's a lot of different cinnamon types in here, but cinnamon is used in perfuming very sparingly as it's so strong, so really, just a few drops per gallon. This one is also very bakery/buttery smelling. Nom.


(It might make your skin flush pink at the app points, so you might consider either wearing underneath your clothes or on top of your clothes, not exposed skin, if you are sensitive.)

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Glad to know it's not too cinnamon heavy.

This one sounds so good. I'm very sensitive. I could only put this on my arms, maybe stomach. No neck or chest tho.

A top to others with sensitive skin, a spray sometimes helps diffuse the concentration of the irritant. I know it has helped me before.

Edited by StacyK
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A top to others with sensitive skin, a spray sometimes helps diffuse the concentration of the irritant. I know it has helped me before.


This is *NORMALLY* a very good suggestion, however, when you turn spicy blends into sprays....wellll....think pepper spray. They can go from being a skin irritant to an eye irritant as well. Spicy blends usually work best in oil, just give a care to where you wear.


Personally, I would douse my bra with it, and let my body heat do the work,

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This is *NORMALLY* a very good suggestion, however, when you turn spicy blends into sprays....wellll....think pepper spray. They can go from being a skin irritant to an eye irritant as well. Spicy blends usually work best in oil, just give a care to where you wear.


Personally, I would douse my bra with it, and let my body heat do the work,

I'd hope people would not get it in their face. Ouch.

I have my LP Red in spray and I can spray on my chest and neck. I use the oil on my arms.

The bra is such a great diffuser. :)

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No, no, sprays actually stay UP in the air around you...the alcohol lift...it's not just about accidentally spraying it in your eye.


It's just something I encountered once, I do not mean to suggest that this perfume is spicy enough to double for a can of mace. LOL.

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This is scrumptious! It so rich and foody. The cinnamon is that sugary cinnamon that you find I the Cinnabon cinnamon rolls. The oats give it that yummy girl skin scent that Scotchies has. I only get a hint of pecans in this. Those who enjoyed Rosie's Wedding Cake will like this. This is a lighter, sweeter version to my nose.

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This is totally yummy and does remind me of Buns of Cinn, but it's wholly foodie, whereas BoC has a "cinnamon musk" finish to it. It also is a bit like Gimme Money in the way it dries down, there is an equal amount of sweet/spicy going on.

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This is totally yummy and does remind me of Buns of Cinn, but it's wholly foodie, whereas BoC has a "cinnamon musk" finish to it. it also is a bit like Gimme Money in the way it dries down, there is an equal amount of sweet/spicy going on.

I love the scent of "Gimme Money" on my skin. Does that mean I'm going to love this?

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Do you think this one would be strong enough to cover something like Teddy BB?


If this turns out as smashing as I think it will - when I get my grubby little mitts on it - THIS would be a PERFECT pairing!!!


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As fabulously toothsome and sexy as buns of cinn is, I found that I didn't wear it as much as I thought I would, because it has a shockingly huge throw and presence, even in tiny amounts, at least on me. This is like a more demure BOC. On me it is not quite as thick and heavy, and a little less on the frosting aspect. Less literal overall. It even comes off a tiny bit faintly floral...the oats maybe? Comments from multiple strangers :D

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Yep Nutrix- as soon as I saw this scent I started playing matchmaker with the Teddy. It sounds like a warm and comforting coupling.


Tyvey's review has me wanting some for sure. I was worried the cinnamon would go on a bit of a rampage, but it sounds absolutely perfect.

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I was worried the cinnamon would go on a bit of a rampage, but it sounds absolutely perfect.


Same here. My skin can amp cinnamon to the exclusion of the other notes so I'm playing it safe and waiting for the samples and crossing my fingers, toes and eyes for the very best! :D


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This reminds me of a cross between Bunns of Cinn and Scotchies, almost like a tinge of OCCO Red in there also. This starts off as creamy buttery cinnamon rolls, and oatmeal cookies drenched in butter, as it dries down it becomes Hot Tamales and FIRE - I tend to amp cinnamon to Mars levels, further along the dry down it becomes less fuego and more yummy. The cinnamon is still there not as up front but I can smell that bitch in the background.

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This is scrumptious! It so rich and foody. The cinnamon is that sugary cinnamon that you find I the Cinnabon cinnamon rolls. The oats give it that yummy girl skin scent that Scotchies has. I only get a hint of pecans in this. Those who enjoyed Rosie's Wedding Cake will like this. This is a lighter, sweeter version to my nose.


Oh thanks BB. This is the review I was looking for.

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I'm super excited to get this one. BB, love your review. It sounds perfect and exactly what I envision it smelling like. I went the naughty path and got mine boosted with Blatant Invitation. That one seems to be becoming my must have phero. Can't wait to try this out!!

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I went the naughty path and got mine boosted with Blatant Invitation.

Nice idea!

I never tried BOC so I cannot compare but I like this one alot! It is wayyyyy cinnamon at first for sure but I just love the cake that comes out.

I can see the comparison to Rosies Wedding Cake but it's not as THICK,. Rosies was too overwhelming to me, I agree with BB this is lighter.

I am going to wear this with Occo Red tomorrow.

Unless I change my mind in the morning


eta: Michael just told me he didn't like this. He said it was too masculine for me. This is shocking to me. He lives for Cinnabon.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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It's definitely more like Buns of Cinn and Scotchies. There's no resins in this one, it's all gourmand notes.

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Granted I just got my bottle today but I have to say this really makes me feel like I rolled a Cinnabun all over. The cinnamon didn't amp like I thought it would. In fact, if anything I think the nuts maybe came out a little more than normal at first! Having gotten a sample of Scotchies, I agree that I get that feel with the oats. There's a pastry feel beyond just the spice, very reminiscent of have a fresh warm cinnamon bun in your hand. I really like this one a lot so far.


However, I officially have no one in the house that I can test on. My daughter has decided everything I put on smells like chocolate and she won't budge in her opinion. Little snot. So, I'll be trying this out at work and see what reactions I get to the foodie notes.

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Little snot.


:Emoticons04263: Makes me glad I have pets. I can relate it to my brother's daughters on occasion though I think....


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It's definitely more like Buns of Cinn and Scotchies. There's no resins in this one, it's all gourmand notes.

Thanks Luna. I keep noting all these "types" that work well on me (gourmand notes vs. food notes w/ resin) that I just get even more confused.

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Very interesting! This somehow does not come off as foodie on me. I mean, I get the oats and the cinnamon, and then a little bit after that the pecan starts to bloom, and there are hints of vanilla and butter. These are all notes that I feel like I should love, but somehow this particular blend is producing a a strong perfume-y undertone for me. Skin chemistry is so odd!

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I decided to wear this to work yesterday and I got a ton of compliments. Everyone kept saying "What smells SOOOOOO good in here." At first I didn't think about it and then it hit me and I asked if it was my perfume. As soon as they smelled it, they instantly said yes!!!! I was then told that I should go wander around the weld trailer awhile and make it smell good in there because, as you might suspect, hot welders can bring their own... aroma... to the table.


I really like this one a lot. I thought it smelled like a fresh cinnamon roll on me but sometimes my nose does its own thing but from what everyone has told me, it comes across to them the same way. The only thing that beat my perfume yesterday morning was a box of Dunkin Donuts our leader brought in. ;) LOL

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I decided to wear this to work yesterday and I got a ton of compliments. Everyone kept saying "What smells SOOOOOO good in here." At first I didn't think about it and then it hit me and I asked if it was my perfume. As soon as they smelled it, they instantly said yes!!!!


I got the same at work today. Once again though, I got someone asking what smelled like pancakes :D To which I answered that it was probably me. They looked skeptically at me and said "NAH!" And I offered my wrist and BOY did her eyes light up! I said it's supposed to resemble a cinnamon roll and she blurted out, "That's crazy! It does! Where did you FIND something like that!?" :lol:


I have to ask though -

Why with the pancakes and maple syrup? I was thrilled that I didn't amp the cinnamon :heart: But I TOTALLY got soft sticky rolls - loved the oats and pecans! This sample won't last more than 3-4 wears at the rate I slathered today...


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Why with the pancakes and maple syrup? I was thrilled that I didn't amp the cinnamon :heart: But I TOTALLY got soft sticky rolls - loved the oats and pecans! This sample won't last more than 3-4 wears at the rate I slathered today...



Somebody once told me I smelled like "pancake syrup" when I was wearing Kanary Kremes. This was so weird to me, because I mostly get a sweet lemon smell from that one. I guess people just smell things differently! That knowledge didn't stop me from being a little offended at the time, though.


I've just tested vermillion and I love it! I want to describe it as cinnamon-y and warm. It kind of makes me regret the fact that I just bought a bottle of Frosted off the trade boards, because it's a very cinnamon scent to me as well, and I'm not sure that I need two. I want to wear this one all day for a full test, but it's going on my wish-list just from tonight's testing. I'm wondering how well this would layer with Rocket Fuel? They seem a tiny bit similar to me. And this makes me very curious to try Scotchies!

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This is the baby of Scotchies and Buns of Cinn. I smell Cinnamon rolls and oats, and something is registering as almost fruity like raisins? It must be my imagination... But this is so delicious smelling. A scent that is very comforting and snuggly. This would be awesome with Balm Bomb or B2.

Lucky for me, the cinnamon isn't amping to the moon- so far so good!

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This is a buttery, hot & sweet cinnamon when it goes on. Never tried Buns of Cinn but I get the Cinnabon comparison in the early stage while the butter lasts. As it dries down I get a hot cinnamon candy like "Red Hots" was that the name ?

it's fun! don't think this is a FB but I'll enjoy my trial.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Something really intriguing about this one... I get the cinnamon when wet, but it dries into something really different...maybe the pecans are coming through?! I honestly thought it would smell straight foody based on the ingredients, but it's something much more magical than that. Sadly, my skin really soaked it up I guess - I couldn't smell any trace of it after 2 hours. This may be one I need to try with the silicone base.

Edited by LoveStruck55
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I thought that happened to me too, the "skin eating it up", but all day people were asking about it! It smells so yummy it's not fair if I'm scent blind to it in some way :(

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I thought that happened to me too, the "skin eating it up", but all day people were asking about it! It smells so yummy it's not fair if I'm scent blind to it in some way :(

Interesting thought.. you are right about it not being fair though when it smells this good. I think this would be great layered with Treasured Hearts... a real "comfort foodie" to use around my family (and the dreaded ILs when needed) :bleh:

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