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Love Potion: Terra Mater w/Treasured Hearts

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Just got my order today and while it is killing me, I did not try out the x3 Stone Cougar yet since I was not leaving the house. (But I am tomorrow, so....) Anyway, decisions, decisions! The decision to try this one rather than the others was based on my curiosity about Treasured Hearts. In the bottle, it was sort of florally and not anything I could decipher. I put a bit on each wrist to test. At first it scared me because on my skin, it went VERY flowery. Kept thinking I was smelling Jasmine in there. This went on for maybe an hour and then it began to show itself. On me, the change was not

gradual. It went straight from floral to something SO familiar, but rather maddening because I could not place it. I kept sniffing and then I recognized it. Now mind you, this is my skin doing this so... anyhow, back in the early 90s I used to wear Avon' s Night Magic which was very Amber heavy. I loved it and got many compliments on it when I wore it. Well it was the scent I wore during a very negative relationship which ended. When it did, I never wore that perfume again. So...on my skin, once it settles in, all I get is very sweet, very powerful amber. I amp Terra Mater like crazy!!! And it lasts!!! Seriously, this potion clings to my skin. I think it is very, very pretty, but sadly, I have the negative association thing going on with it. It takes me right back to "that" time. :( As far as the TH goes, no self effects that I noticed, but in all fairness, I had a day from hell today. Partner had no reaction to it either way. Could be the whole congruence issue that has been discussed? Maybe in November, I will try a trial of TH. Bottom line, this is a beautiful fragrance in my opinion, am glad I tried it, but I don't think I can wear this one unfortunately. So tomorrow, I will try another. :)

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Wow is my first reaction to this wet. I smell a nice blanket of something that reminds me of LP Green and #7 as Luna has pointed out. I think I am smelling the green musk and stems? As it dries it's become a bit more pointy but it's not annoying me, It's more like a nudge. I am only testing a tiny bit because I don't think it's safe to phero whilst in my current condition. I really think I might have to buy a bottle of this and save it. It's really fresh and pretty. Fuck I just remembered that this phero makes me weepy. Maybe I will just enjoy my sample.

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I used EST the other day and got BIG TIME weepy! I know it can do this, but I had my reasons and thought they might override that. Well, I was wrong. Anyway, you don't need the weepies now for sure Lady V! This one really is beautiful if I did not convey that in my review, just not going to be doable for me because of associating it with a very negative time. It's lovely and well worth buying and putting aside, It will only approve with age. Gotta love and envy that about oils!

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This is soooo pretty! I'm getting rose stems and green musk. It's fresh, reminds me of being outside and is nature-girl sexy. It's slightly perfume-y but has a green grass vibe that keeping it in check.

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This is my fave of this month. I feel very grounded when I wear this. I love it!!!! :hearts0425:

It is my favorite. It almost smells like one of your Green creations.

To me this is a very grounded nature scent but also very warm and homey. Like I'm home going from the kitchen to set an outside table. I love eating outside in the summer. :)

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Now that I have placed my order and secured for myself a FB of this, i can write the review. lol! As a matter of fact, I kept logging in to make sure that no one else had started raving about it and starting some sort of buying furor. lol!


My love for this was a complete surprise -- as a matter of fact, in reading the descriptions, this is the one about which I thought, "meh."

I waited until I had tried all the others in my sample pkg before trying this one, and I only tried it just so I could say I had.


In the bottle, total "meh." On my skin -- at first, so fresh and green, like fresh cut rose stems (I can practically see the thorns!) and so wonderful I don't want to stop sniffing. then it morphs into something not really awesome for about two minutes, and after that .... I'm in heaven. I love this. It is fresh and grounded, not pointy at all. I wish I could describe it better. I wear two drops of it every day, trying to both enjoy and preserve it. I notice the effects of the TH on both my BF and my son. Son is smoothed out, calmer and BF is affectionate in a very intimate (not necessarily sexual) way -- he sticks to me like glue, very touchy-feely, and seems emotionally closer, somehow. Lovemaking was unhurried, not urgent, and very bonding.


I can see myself becoming immune to TH bc I will not want to stop wearing this scent. I thought about asking after a virgin blend, but I don't want to upset the balance of anything that is in it -- the phero may be adding something to the scent and my experience of it. i love it too much as it is to risk changing it at all.

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Terra Mater is a surprisingly great cover for cops. I dotted some cops on my wrists and at my cleavage, waited ten mins or so, then put on a normal amount of perfume. i could not smell the cops at all! And, the Terra Mater smelled ... deeper (?). But not heavy, or musty. Smelled sexier, but still like Terra Mater. LOVED IT!. and had the most amazing response from the BF -- he could not take his eyes off me! and was very affectionate, but with a sexy undertone. (Whew! i need something cold to drink... lol )

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This was the first one I tried today and it was LOVE before & after dry down.

IMO.. this is one of Mara's evocative "atmosphere" scents. IMO this type of scent, like "Summer Bell" & "Haunted Hallows" et.. is not about "Perfume" in the literal, cosmetic sense. It's about memories, feeling and just being in the moment or imagining a moment and living it. Being & essence. Internal becoming external.

Adjectives .. pretty, natural, wet & soft...


.. lol I do notice the lettuce but it's soft and moist almost a green watery note. There are no points and edges here.


Haunted Hallows is one of my all time favorite unique Mara scents….I need this one

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh boy. I let this one do a bit of aging, but it just does not want to meld with my skin very well :( Now usually, the green LP variants age so beautifully, but I'm on a budget so I don't really want to give this one the shelf space to age. It's much nicer in the vial, than on my skin. Also, this is like straight up unisex to my nose.

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  • 1 month later...

Have learned recently NOT to slather this one -- both times I have slathered this, the smell was very strong on me, close to giving me a headache -- but also, surprisingly!, I became quite grouchy and did not feel like mingling with people at all. I wore this yesterday to lunch with some women from work (should have been the perfect blend, right?) and I wasn't paying attention to how much I was applying and slathered: cleavage, neck, front and back of both wrists. I pretty much was overwhelmed by the scent and had to open the car windows on the ride to the restaurant. At lunch, I was not calm and sociable at all -- I sat quietly in my corner the whole time. Ugh.

Now that I think of it, the same thing happened when I applied a slathering of Heart and Soul -- grouchiness ensued instead of calm happy uplift.

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I got this as part of my first order (I ordered the samples Women's collection and the June samples, I think), and this scent is probably my favourite of all of them.


ETA: I should say, my favourite out of the bottle.


I wore it today to see how it "dried down" on me (if I understand that right). It still smells nice. Kind of sweet; maybe a little sweeter than I prefer. After it dries it loses that sharp, wet, green scent that I love so much in the bottle. It's also VERY light, and while I can still smell it on my wrists tonight, I'm not sure if anyone else would be able to smell it unless I shoved my wrists under their nose (which I did do to my husband earlier--his verdict: "not bad").


I was thinking of ordering a full bottle (although not yet...I just ordered a bunch of trial sizes and now I can't afford it, lol!), but now I'm not sure how I like it on me after awhile. Same thing with the betrothal potion--I love it in the bottle, but after it dries I'm not so sure. That one (the betrothal potion) gets VERY smokey on me after it dries for some reason.

Edited by Lainey
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  • 2 weeks later...

At first I did not get on with this one very well; I liked the scent of it, but it did not feel very 'me'.


Gradually though, I have started to appreciate it more and more.


Part of that is the phero, I guess; Treasured Hearts just seems to work very well.

But the scent itself is lovely too; not as earthy as I'd expected, but more green, like foliage. Dark green, solid foliage, a quiet forest, with a flower here and there.

It's not floral really, but it is very plant-like to my nose.


I've found it works really well if I combine it with something creamy, like Occo white; I have a feeling that Occo red (or LP red) would layer really well with this, too.


So, I have now ended up with two FBs of it... And I think that might be enough, but I am not even sure! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I first tried this a couple of months ago I thought, "eh..." It didn't seem to have much definition or presence. So I put it aside for a bit and tried it again today.


Now I loves it! It really is a scent that captures the essence of the natural world, rather than expressing itself as a "perfume". To me it smells like green plants, a spring breeze carrying a hint of light-scented flowers, and a sweet honeyed version of freshly cut grass.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest cutie.pie

cutie.pie but does it work in a scent locket for you ?

I haven't bought it yet. I've look at few but I'm actually waiting to see the ones Mara is getting for her store and us :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Much like Lainey, I have two distinct phases with this.


Wet, it sends my imagination soaring. I'm in the lush tropical greens of India ? Africa ? South America ? It finally settles to a British Countryside, early in the morning, the grass is still wet from lingering fog...what am I doing up so early ? Ah yes, there's a fox hunt about to begin. I can inhale the promise of the day, a slight excitement as so much life is about to burst forth.


About 20 minutes later, the greenery is gone. I am in a Victorian home, with my baby swaddled next to me in bed. Everything is soft, powdery, sweet, calming. At this point, it wears very close to my skin.


I'm torn on this one about a FB, as I have several scents already that are soft and powdery in the longrun. But oh those glorious first few minutes. Excellent for a short time-out during meditation.



2 more thoughts: This reminds me of Totem: Panda in the vial, and I added a small swipe of the Aja applicator wand to this wet on my wrist and it blended quite beautifully.

Edited by androstenol
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  • 3 weeks later...

The beautiful subtlety of this scent makes it so brilliant for times when you want to be able to wear perfume without smelling "perfumed". I love that I can wear some TH and be enveloped in such a soft, organic fragrance that feels fresh and beautiful like a walk through a garden on an autumn afternoon.

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  • 3 months later...

Much like supytalp, I liked this but I didn't feel like it was me.. I do have a couple of vials though, because I like the phero.

I wore it today and everyone loved me, even though I pretty much hated everything.

Best example: I was in the 3rd grocery store in less than an hour, looking for something I needed to make for a baby shower. I was frustrated because I couldn't find anyone to help me. I finally asked the guy behind the butcher counter and he called his manager to ask about my item. He went out with me to the aisle to double check that it wasn't there. Then when I was in line, he found me again, to tell me that he asked his other manager who told him they used to carry my item, but not any more..

But the baby shower went well anyway..

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  • 2 months later...

I ordered a sample of this recently because I have yet to try any of the LPs, either the original or the variant, so I ordered two samples of the ones that appealed to me most. This was one of them.


First of all I found this scent very evocative. If I could smell like this all the time I would be very happy. There is a definite green musk and wet earthiness, but in a pleasant way - not as if you just jumped in a duck pond. Terra Mater indeed - this is a real Earth Mother scent. Comforting and grounding but subtly sexy.


Unfortunately for me the "green" aspects of it die down relatively quickly and I am left with a very faint powdery scent - not bad but not what I liked straight out of the bottle. This does not linger with me at all.


As for Treasured Hearts, this was my first trial with it and it wasn't really a fair day to do the test run because I had been camping the night before and got zero sleep because it was freezing and the double sleeping bag I borrowed to snuggle up with DD in the tent (she's four and this was her first camping trip) did not live up to its reputation AT ALL). DD was alright because she was nestled against me stealing my heat all night, but I could not get my feet warm and thus I could not relax enough to sleep.


But I decided to do the trial run anyway because I was meeting a very old friend and his family for a brief visit as they were passing through town. This was literally the first time I have seen him in about eight years as we lost touch with one another for a long time. I decided to go with the TH as it is billed as the "family reunion" phero and that seemed like the vibe I was going for. I didn't notice any self effects but I was surprisingly patient despite the fact that I was really keyed up about this visit and extremely fatigued from the night before. DD was also patient and let me talk to my friend for a surprisingly long time without insisting that I focus on her. And my friend seemed keen to refer to past events and references to old jokes that we shared, which was nice. It's been a long time. I also met his wife for the first time and while she struck me as a pretty cool customer and not someone it would be easy to get to know, she was very tolerant about breaking her journey to meet random old friends and seemed content to make small talk.


The kids mainly all played in the park and I don't like to wear pheros around kids anyway. DD came back to sit in my lap a lot, which is nothing unusual. My friend's two girls, 6 and 3, both seemed very comfortable around me. Kids generally like me though so once again it's hard to say if the TH was having an effect. The littlest one gave me a surprise hug before she left though, so that could be due to the TH.


This is one I'll definitely have to take for another test run at work when when I'm feeling better rested and can gauge the effects on my colleagues.

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This is similar to Cougar Potion for me in that I love the fragrance. This smells resinous and almost foodie.


Sadly, the phero didn't work for me. I didn't get any hits from men, but I did get a few from women- but they were very subtle and inconsistent. I just couldn't find my sweet spot.



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I love the sweet honeyed subtle earthiness of this one. It's like contented humming of bees translated into a scent. I've found that people really respond wonderfully to me when wearing this- so affectionate, indulgent, friendly, complete strangers seemingly enjoying talking to me at some great length. I know TH is not meant to be a flirty blend, but for some reason I've always found that men really pay a lot of attention to me when I wear it, in that extremely interested sort of way.


I recently wore this with a little Pherogirl (a scent that I can't wear alone, as it turns too sexual). Perfect combination- the PG adding sensual depth, while the Terra Mater reigned the PG in and made it cleaner, lighter and brighter.

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  • 3 months later...

When wet, Terra Mater is very green. She's earthy and slightly herbal. During wear, the sharpness disappears, leaving behind a softer, airier vibe.Not the kind of scent I typically am drawn to, but I am enjoying this fragrance. It's comforting and nurturing. Being quite close to the skin, the perfume wafts in soothing whispers.

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  • 3 months later...

I waited a long time to buy this one. And, initially I love it. I actually smelled lettuce right out of the bottle! The aroma of ... lettuce? And I am finding that I like anything with birch leaves in it for a spring scent. When first applied, I get a short whiff of earth, then rose stems and patchouli. It's almost masculine -- you know, those sweet masculine scents? It develops into a green musk and patchouli scent for me. So it's green, yet sexy. I do not smell the Treasured Hearts pheromone at all in it. I have Treasured Hearts UN (one of my first pheromones) and know what it smells like alone. Only after a long drydown can I pull out the Treasured Hearts.


So, it was a dream come true for me, not too floral, not too heavy, an early spring Love Potion variant that is sexy. But......I think I might not be able to handle the green musk (even though I love how it smells) or it's the Treasured Hearts...something is giving me a headache by the end of the day no matter how delicious I think it is or how I try to huff my wrist thinking I'll become immune to whatever is offending my sensitive sense of smell and/or talk myself out of that being the headache cause. But, I've worn it twice with the same result! It is so frustrating! And lately, Treasured Hearts is making . me . irritable! :A002: It worked so well a couple years ago when I first got it.

If you want a green musk LP, you need this. I love it, so I am not going to stop wearing it.

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You are not the only one that's mentioned the grumpys with TH. It may be a cycle thing? There may be an optimum time of the month to wear it for you.

BI is my bitch master. If I use just a tad too much I'm grouchy and I can get a big headache.

TH can be similar (but no headache) and overall less intense. I'd keep track of dosage and maybe TOM. Also, maybe avoid wearing x days in a row.


I find, for me at least, that EST works to balance out my mood when I wear TH. I'm not versed enough in pheros to know why. But, adding a little EST to a TH enhanced scent makes me feel good. I've done this for 2 years now so I know it's a good combo for me. With TH I either get no-self effects or on occasion it tips my mood in a slightly meh direction. EST balances me out.

I've raved about the Combo all over the forum.

It works so well for me that I want Mara to make a blend of the two. Is big on my wish list.

If you don't have straight EST, try a little CB (if you have it) as an experiment.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 3 months later...

I got this in the sale, along with Ceremony. I can't do the wet stage combo of green musk and birch. Instant headache. I love TH but in this, the sharp herbal made me instantly cranky and the pheromones made me want to sleep so I am a hot mess. I hate that I can't wear these uber cool exotic scents and am stuck in foodie scents until my chemistry changes.


Edited: After a little dry down period, this is back to the classic LP base. Loving that part. TH did seem to make me tired and weepy last night which is ultra odd for someone like me. I am changing my whole tune on this. Is it possible a phero turns a tyrant into a nice girl? If so, my staff is going to like this one the best.

Edited by johnsonlisa90012
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