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Mega Watt- Unscented Phero Blend for Women

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The concept was suggested by forum member "cutie.pie", and discussed by many of our message board members. Together we've come up with an experimental formula containing DHEAS, Alpha Androstenol, Epi-Androsterone and AndrostEnone.

We are still in the testing stages, so if you order a full bottle now, it may not be the final formula. However, if you purchase a Pheromas sampler or full bottle set (November 2014) we will include a FREE trial size tester spray.

Please help us to perfect this blend by trying out your tester and reporting on our message boards. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like my middle school daughter was the first to test drive this ! I let her have 1 small spritz to each wrist, but had alcohol wipes standing by in case it made her feel weird. It was already 7 PM, it was a Friday so I figured hey, if she's up for the next 5 hours, no harm done. Here she is:


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was wrapping a present for one of my friends for her birthday, and I found myself continuously sniffing my wrist. It smelled great! I wrapped my presents and they seemed a little dull, so I started cutting up some strips of wrapping paper. I curled them with my scissors, and I just made... a lot of them. I'm creative, I'll say, but usually don't go that for just to make RIBBONS. When I first smelled it, actually, I got a warm feeling in my chest. Usually, when I'm creating something, I rock out to music and talk to myself a bit, because that usually gives me inspiration. This time, though, I found it bugging me to have any noise at all. To be honest, the pheromones gave me quiet a bit of creativity just by themselves. Music and noise kinda pissed me off when I was working.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


OK back to Mom. When we first applied it, I saw a burst of yellow energy in her aura, at heart height. That was interesting. She said she felt very focused and more creative than usual. I asked about feeling hyper - she said she actually felt calmer. So for her, this seems to be a focus/creativity potion. I will try it out myself and report back later.

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Guest cutie.pie

Finally, a (great) review! ;) Can't wait for you to try it too Androstenol!


This will be the first thing I'm gonna test when my package arrives!! :)

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Looks like my middle school daughter was the first to test drive this ! I let her have 1 small spritz to each wrist, but had alcohol wipes standing by in case it made her feel weird. It was already 7 PM, it was a Friday so I figured hey, if she's up for the next 5 hours, no harm done. Here she is:


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was wrapping a present for one of my friends for her birthday, and I found myself continuously sniffing my wrist. It smelled great! I wrapped my presents and they seemed a little dull, so I started cutting up some strips of wrapping paper. I curled them with my scissors, and I just made... a lot of them. I'm creative, I'll say, but usually don't go that for just to make RIBBONS. When I first smelled it, actually, I got a warm feeling in my chest. Usually, when I'm creating something, I rock out to music and talk to myself a bit, because that usually gives me inspiration. This time, though, I found it bugging me to have any noise at all. To be honest, the pheromones gave me quiet a bit of creativity just by themselves. Music and noise kinda pissed me off when I was working.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


OK back to Mom. When we first applied it, I saw a burst of yellow energy in her aura, at heart height. That was interesting. She said she felt very focused and more creative than usual. I asked about feeling hyper - she said she actually felt calmer. So for her, this seems to be a focus/creativity potion. I will try it out myself and report back later.

Excellent report! Do you usually see chakras/aura colors on others?

I would love it if it had the same effect on me as it did on your daughter :)

Edited by phergineer
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I have visual ability but it's rare, so I was pretty tickled to see it. I'm mostly kinesthetic ( I feel auras with my hands/body) She reported the warmth in her chest in her write-up without me even being aware she had felt it, so there was no coaching involved. I do have energy phenomena with just about every LP, but I realize this is a public forum and so I pick and choose when it seems important enough to mention.

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Thank you for posting this. At least from this one, it seems it delivers the energy without the hyper end of it. Which is exactly what I was looking for.

I am excited to get my bottle. Focused energy...that will be great.


I am empathic and frequently feel others emotions/auras as well. Sometimes before I even enter a room if someone is angry or depressed.I have not seen auras but that would be a wonderful gift to have.I tend to get the feelings through my hands or chest. And as far as your daughter goes....I always find " rocking out" helpful when creating art or cleaning. LOL

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Great review androstenol! I'm seriously looking forward to trying Mega Watt now. The whole focus/creativity angle is perfect for me. I love self effects like these.


And how awesome that you see auras... even if it is on occasion. I did readings for many years, but I never saw auras visually.

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"Looks like my middle school daughter was the first to test drive this ! I let her have 1 small spritz to each wrist, but had alcohol wipes standing by in case it made her feel weird. It was already 7 PM, it was a Friday so I figured hey, if she's up for the next 5 hours, no harm done. "



ok trying this today so I'll be back with a later review.


But I was reading the above review and I was concerned. This blend is intended to give a general "all purpose" energy lift, I think that's what I remember reading. Anyway, it's not thought of as a sexual phero but this has ''none in it. That's

AndrostEnone, as in what's in Sexpiniage, BI ...

Just saying that phero is known to cause sexual aggressiveness or general aggression in men. We are all big girls, adults, whatever.. and understand that we are trying use this in a different way. I just have to say I would not let a child or young teen use this. For so many reasons. But I'll say the fact that it contains 'None makes this a big No for me.

Just trying to gently warn you.


Edited by StacyK
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Hi StacyK,


Appreciate your concern, I really do. I know there have been various threads about phero use around children, and a few parents saying they've let their teens use a phero.


How would you say the amount of androstenone in one small spritz to each wrist for a one time experiement compares to her sitting in a classroom of 45 kids, half of them being boys, and all in puberty ? For 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9.5 months a year ? That's gotta be a good dose right there as well.

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There are also a fair amount of Cops in those blends. Not saying the AndrostEnone couldn't elicit a response but I think the heavy sex vibe in those blends comes from the Cops. Phero wiki describes ANDROSTENONE as an aggressive alpha male leader of the pack blend. So more of an I'm in charge vibe for a woman in minute amounts.

Edited by irish eyes
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Hi StacyK,


Appreciate your concern, I really do. I know there have been various threads about phero use around children, and a few parents saying they've let their teens use a phero.


How would you say the amount of androstenone in one small spritz to each wrist for a one time experiement compares to her sitting in a classroom of 45 kids, half of them being boys, and all in puberty ? For 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9.5 months a year ? That's gotta be a good dose right there as well.

I don't believe it's really the same thing. All of these various phero blends are many X's the actual amount of natural human 'mones so it's a pretty big difference. Also women don't produce 'none so while we are occasionally exposed to micro amounts from some of the males in our lives, it's quite different to have that much of the phero sprayed on us, breath it in and send out that signature to others.


Also, in answer to your question regarding exposure in schools, it's already dangerous in schools and even a bit more so for girls. Having your daughter in school (if she were to wear it there, not saying that's happened) floating all that 'none around is downright dangerous, it's far more than an alfa female or leadership signature, it will illicit a sexual response and if the males don't have strong social filters, self control, ect it's dangerous.

IMO, There are really no promises for how it might adversely affect us adults, but we are fully grown adults, it's a completely different system fir kids as far as physical and mental development.

Edited by StacyK
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Totally agree with you about not letting my daughter wear it to school, she's around enough pheros there as it is.

Wikipedia tells me that nones are also produced by females, obviously in lesser concentrations though. However, I don't want to derail this topic any more, so let's get back to the original intent of this post where people report their experiences.

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Hi StacyK,


Appreciate your concern, I really do. I know there have been various threads about phero use around children, and a few parents saying they've let their teens use a phero.


How would you say the amount of androstenone in one small spritz to each wrist for a one time experiement compares to her sitting in a classroom of 45 kids, half of them being boys, and all in puberty ? For 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9.5 months a year ? That's gotta be a good dose right there as well.

Eh, I say use your own inner wisdom about this. I'm not a proponent of minors using pheromones but there might be instances where it can be warranted. My family has been through a lot, & with my (almost) 16 yr.old son having to switch schools, I didn't see the harm in passing down my (repossessed) bottle of Charisma boosted LP #9 to help ease his transition to the new school.

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There is a MINUTE amt of Enone, seriously, a tiny amount. It can give a person a feeling of determination, which is why I put a drop in there. Epi is more or less the female equivalent of this and that's the predominant note in the blend.

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I'm excited to test this out- jude will not be getting any- little fucker has way too much energy already. I imagine this to be like empathy phero for some reason. I'm kind of scared to try it out being sensitive already I hope this doesn't push me into - omg I can hear and feel everything mode-. Aww Luna feel better xoxoxox

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I tested this while sleep-deprived. I have adrenal fatigue and in pre-menopause, and I didn't go to sleep until 5 am, had to be up at 7:30 for my kids. Groggy, fuzzy thinking, slipping into depression. Felt I needed to cancel my appointments. To make this fair, I decided NOT to drink my afternoon cup of coffee. Applied 2 spritzes to my chest at noon, drank some water. 5 minutes - a slight lifting of the depression. 30 minutes - clearer thinking, not feeling as old (might be the DHEA). 2 hours on - able to function almost like normal...thinking is clear. Now it's 3 PM and I'm able to help my son with his multi-variable equations. Mood is 6/10. I'm not jumping around happy, but I'm able to make it through the afternoon with an even temper. I'd call this a huge success for me.

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VERY encouraging androstenol! I am dying to try this one. I am post menopausal, lots of sleep issues and fatigue. VERY anxious to try this, but also a bit apprehensive about trying it since I get anxiety and panic attacks. Makes me approach any type of stimulant with a degree of wariness, otherwise I would have immediately gone FB!

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Rose, I'm like that too, cannot even tolerate caffeine. But this one does not work like a stimulant, at least on me. (It would have to have a lot more alpha-nol to get that effect). What I think most people will get from it is focus, drive and determination rather than a stimulant-type feeling. On me, it also acted as a stress reliever and mild mood elevator, however, it did not have me buzzing around or increase my heart rate or anything like that.


@ Irish Eyes - I'll keep it around as long as it continues to be of interest to people. :)


Also, someone asked John today if we are tweaking the formula or leaving it as is. I do not have enough feedback yet to make that decision. What you are all testing is my second version of this blend. (If you followed the originating post, I felt I used too much Enone originally so I cut that percentage in half for this version.) So please keep the feedback coming in and please let me know how you feel it might be improved. Thanks! :D

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Guest cutie.pie

VERY encouraging androstenol! I am dying to try this one./b]

Oh me too!!! I didn't go FB right away, cause I wanna see if Mara will tweak the formula, but then a FB for sure! :D

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I received the tester for this last week and have been trying it out for a couple days now. Upon first spritz I felt a surge of energy. Like when it's cloudy out and the sun appears and shines on your face. Revitalized. This Mega Watt makes me feel like I want to expand my mind and be more creative.Creative in the way I think and the things that I do. Makes me feel like stirring things up. It's also making me hot for my own reflection. As if I wasn't already. After spraying I took a look in the mirror and thought. "You've got it going on and you know it". I've already ordered a full sized bottle knowing that it's still in the testing stage. I don't care. I am loving this stuff.

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Lol Countesszero that's the best review! This is gonna be the first sample I test, focused high creative energy in a bottle and looking damn good while doing it! Could be a best seller :)

EXACTLY what I was thinking too. Mine is in route and I'm excited with anticipation!!

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What I think most people will get from it is focus, drive and determination rather than a stimulant-type feeling.

This fits in exactly with what I've said before about how an "energy" phero blend would possibly work. I honestly believe that it's not so much energy that we perceive we lack but consistency of action.


So I guess I'm still kind of under the weather but my curiosity is killing me, lol. Besides a cold I've been battling a multi-day migraine, so I decided to start out with one spray. After about 15 minutes I noticed that I was very aware of my own head - not just my mind, but my head. It reminded me of a vibrational meditation I was given once - a certain tone made me feel like someone was cradling my head, it was comforting. That's what it felt like. And a certain feeling of stability; so I'm interested to see how any of that intensifies with more sprays.

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Well,this is interesting :) ...got this Monday but then had unplanned,or rather unscheduled ,root canal ... while I have allowed myself this week to take it easy in all things,could not resist just a tiny sniff today (remember I am phero-easy) and had a nice lift and a few,oh look ,just straighten that as you are walking by,bwahaha. Could be suggestion I know ,but other blends with Epi ,especially scented Popularity Potion,effect me in a similar manor. I will be back to give it a fair trial later,but I do like :)

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Folks, I'm loving reading about your experiences and PM's notes on development. I'm practically bouncing up and down with excitement to try this one. I'm also suffer from anxiety and don't sleep well, etc. so I'm really pleased that this sounds like it won't mimic any of those feelings.

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Trial Run #2, this time well rested (I'm the woman with adrenal fatigue).

I felt I wanted to dilute the strength a little so I poured my trial vial of Treasures: Rubies into the trail spray bottle. I picked that scent because I feel 'rubies' to be the most grounded, root-chakra based LP I have, and I've been fascinated with it for a few days now. This made it about 40 % scented oil and 60 % alcohol-based pheromones.


At 1 PM, I did one spritz to bare chest, one spritz to each wrist, let it dry before putting on clothes (in case it stains, as the 'rubies' is actually a bit red itself). After 5 minutes - able to breathe deeper. 15 minutes - a long purr session with my semi-feral cat. I figured she is so sensitive, that if something were amiss in this blend, she would run away. 30 minutes - making plans for several weeks out, feeling positive. Pulse has not changed. Feeling a nice trickle of energy running down my legs to the Earth ( something I usually only get after a long yoga session). 1 hour - can't wait to see my kids after school. Colors seem brighter, as well as an increase in visual acuity (I wear glasses). Music seems more alive. I am bopping to the music. 2.5 hours - I am cracking jokes, wrestling lightly with my kids, I feel at least 10 years younger. Kids seeking me out as a center of feel-good, happy vibes.


3 hours -I have chores to do but they seem like a bare bump in my day now, rather than a huge mountain I cannot even begin to climb. I feel just positive, happy, young. Kids are happy.


Update: Effect lasted until 7:30 PM, so 6.5 hours.

Edited by androstenol
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I've tried this twice and so far it has not replaced LFN or Dom in the focus & get it done mode.


Each time I applied two sprays on my chest. In round one I did feel it go to my head. I felt briefly energized and a tingle behind my left eye. But the lift didn't last. it was gone in less than an hour.

I didn't wear any pheros yesterday, took a needed break and tried again today. I got that lift but not really focus and again it didn't last long.

Honestly by comparison, I had more vroom vroom when I tried out Dom Noir.

Next time out I'll try less & see if I get anything.

Perhaps the dosage needs adjustment or this one is not for me. if not I still have Dom & LFN.

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Well,this is interesting :) ...got this Monday but then had unplanned,or rather unscheduled ,root canal ... while I have allowed myself this week to take it easy in all things,could not resist just a tiny sniff today (remember I am phero-easy) and had a nice lift and a few,oh look ,just straighten that as you are walking by,bwahaha. Could be suggestion I know ,but other blends with Epi ,especially scented Popularity Potion,effect me in a similar manor. I will be back to give it a fair trial later,but I do like :)



OMG Calii! I am having my first ever root canal tomorrow! I have been in agony and only found out today that I am getting root canal tomorrow. Am scared! Also have to pay for it out of pocket so it is going to hurt in more ways than one. I do hope yours went well and you are feeling much better! Can't wait to get my Mega Watt and give it a try!

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