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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Majmua Sultana

    I am going to sniff myself to death! I need more bottles (yes I said bottleSSSSSSSSSS) of this!!
  2. I have the same affliction, but only with certain sandalwood notes...I normally have to just try them and see.....it comes on like a spike right between the eyes! OOOOWWEEEEE!
  4. LOLOLOLOL...... On vacation, I applied OCCO Black, and my man sniffed it while wet.....he said, "Wow, that one has some A** in it....how many pheromones are in that?" I told him "I can't remember exactly, but I think it was a raging assload" He lost it.....spit his beer across the room...... Once dry, he agrees that the cops are undetectable.....I love this stuff!
  5. I tend toward the darker side of things myself.....the ones I would suggest would be OCCO Black and LP Black (two of my personal faves, and KILLER combo layered together)...... WELCOME to the forum!!
  6. Yes, the LAM scents are all very nice, IMO....they are also very good for layering with other perfumes for those times when you want a stronger scent.....
  7. I agree that this one is just a nice, warm scent.....I am debating on a whole bottle......not sure yet.....
  8. Open Windows and Swimming with Sharks would definitely be my picks....
  9. I have to second, third, and fourth this one!! I have a few female clients who start testing me when I wear Dominance, but they go along with what I tell them to do when I wear Leather.... Lace....not a good choice for me at all.....
  10. Yes, it does often take a lot of trial and error before you find what works and what doesn't work for you.....if the ones you are trying in oil are not working for you, maybe you could try one of the beta sprays.....sprays hit hard and fast, oils are more "personal space" type products.... And, as had been said above, don't expect to get big dramatic hits.....look for subtle changes in the way people act towards you.....small reactions are most of what you will get...... As far as scents lasting, some scents will last, and sometimes your skin will "eat" certain scents.....sometimes, you can prolong it by applying an unscented lotion first, you can put some on a cotton ball and tuck it in your bra, or use a scent locket.....
  11. I was a fan of Love's Baby Soft....as a matter of fact, it is one of the FEW commercial perfumes that I have a bottle of.... This one is almost like that.....very soft, very pretty, very feminine.....the only bad part is that my skin gobbled it up within about 15 minutes.....completely gone.....so sad!
  12. Dolly

    Purple Pitch

    Yeah, it smells REEEEAAAAALLLLLLY purple in the bottle and when wet on my skin.....it smells like those little "violets" candies that my sister used to love......it mellows out to a smooth sweet violet on my skin......not as dark as some of the others that I love, but still very nice!
  13. Dolly

    Majmua Sultana

    Oh YEEEESSSSSSSS, this is absolutely heavenly on me! I must bathe in this!
  14. Dolly

    Garden of Mystery

    Yeah, this is very nice.....I get the essence of grape candy too, but not in a cheap or cheesy way......not something I would NORMALLY wear, but not bad actually.....
  15. He described ME here! HEHE I finally got a couple of bottles of this in trades and OMG. My skin chemistry does gorgeous, lovely things with amber (which is why it is one of my favorite notes), and this is no exception! I wore it layered with OCCO Black Shield, and my man went crazy......I just kept hearing...."Damn, you smell GOOD!" ETA....and, just for the record, if anybody has any that is not getting love, let me know!
  16. I like this in the vial, but my skin does some horrible amping thing with a mixed floral note and the cedar, to where they overpower the resins....SO SAD!
  17. OK, my skin chemistry is strange! This is very nice, but what happens on me is that it smells almost identical to Constant Craving when wet....as it dries though it smells almost exactly like Vamp Cafe on me....HOW ODD!
  18. Don't mean to put words in Miss Mara's mouth, BUT.....it probably was meant to read as April FOR May....the scents are released in April, but are for the next month.....is that confusing? It is just like how the Halloween scents are released in Sept, Christmas scents in Nov, New Years' in Dec, Valentine's in Jan, etc etc etc.....
  19. LOL at my lovely friend Ail and the big zipper.....she exerts a whole lot more tact than I would.....I would just scream "SHUT THE F*** UP!" Oh, and BTW....I know what it is! AND NO, I'M NOT TELLING!!!!
  20. Why oh why must you cause my wallet so much pain?!?!
  21. Oh yeah, I found a sniffee of this too.....this is gonna have to be slathered on my man, for sure!
  22. Dolly

    A newb here!

  23. OK, so I know that my Hathor/Focus in alcohol affects me, but today, I had it on while meeting with a customer......it was FUNNY! He and his wife both came in to see me, and my mix had them SERIOUSLY focused. I mean, SERIOUSLY. Neither of them could take their eyes off of me while I was talking....I mean, you would have thought I was giving them national security, life and death secrets here.....it was wild....
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