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Spell Collection 2015 - Sigils!

Potion Master

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I'd love to see the originals Elizabeth! A question about your walnut ink - do you make it yourself? I recently came across a post with instructions for making it, and wondered if people actually take the time to do that. (I'm guessing they do!).

Hey, Girl! I don't make my own...yet. I plan to do it *one of these days*! Heh. I did find out, though, that the ink I have IS made from the shells. But they say it's not acidic, and I have not seen it eat any of my drawings or my pens over the years. I just ordered a bottle of a different brand--Daniel Smith's Walnut Ink--so I can keep my promise to the mold in my old bottle. :)

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And on another note...

I'm going to start putting up sigil prints in my Etsy shop tonight!


:BananaRow: :BananaRow: :BananaRow:


Being a total crazy, I HAD to burn my own parchment to photograph for the background image in the prints. 'Cause, you know...FIRE!!!! I was on my studio floor with my propane torch and a container of water, scorching, burning, and blowing-out like a maniac. Of course, I forgot to turn off my smoke detector. Heh. In the end, it was well worth it. I love the way these prints are looking. :) I'll be adding them in one-by-one as I go. First up: Peaceful Home! :heart:


And my apologies! Any prints ordered this week will have a longer-than-usual turnaround time, because we're waiting for mats and shipping supplies. They should all be here by the end of the week.

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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And on another note...

I'm going to start putting up sigil prints in my Etsy shop tonight!


:BananaRow: :BananaRow: :BananaRow:


Being a total crazy, I HAD to burn my own parchment to photograph for the background image in the prints. 'Cause, you know...FIRE!!!! I was on my studio floor with my propane torch and a container of water, scorching, burning, and blowing-out like a maniac. Of course, I forgot to turn off my smoke detector. Heh. In the end, it was well worth it. I love the way these prints are looking. :) I'll be adding them in one-by-one as I go. First up: Peaceful Home! :heart:


And my apologies! Any prints ordered this week will have a longer-than-usual turnaround time, because we're waiting for mats and shipping supplies. They should all be here by the end of the week.


And on another note...

I'm going to start putting up sigil prints in my Etsy shop tonight!


:BananaRow: :BananaRow: :BananaRow:


Being a total crazy, I HAD to burn my own parchment to photograph for the background image in the prints. 'Cause, you know...FIRE!!!! I was on my studio floor with my propane torch and a container of water, scorching, burning, and blowing-out like a maniac. Of course, I forgot to turn off my smoke detector. Heh. In the end, it was well worth it. I love the way these prints are looking. :) I'll be adding them in one-by-one as I go. First up: Peaceful Home! :heart:


And my apologies! Any prints ordered this week will have a longer-than-usual turnaround time, because we're waiting for mats and shipping supplies. They should all be here by the end of the week.

OMG SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!?!? Yay!!!!!!

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Elizabeth, I am so excited and grateful for the opportunity to hang "Peaceful Home" in our own and in our son and daughter-in-law's first home. I'll be watching as the next Sigils come available. I think "Serenity" and "Mother Goddess" are going to be musts, and probably "Road Opener" as well. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to share and experience your work.

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And on another note...

I'm going to start putting up sigil prints in my Etsy shop tonight!


:BananaRow: :BananaRow: :BananaRow:


Being a total crazy, I HAD to burn my own parchment to photograph for the background image in the prints. 'Cause, you know...FIRE!!!! I was on my studio floor with my propane torch and a container of water, scorching, burning, and blowing-out like a maniac. Of course, I forgot to turn off my smoke detector. Heh. In the end, it was well worth it. I love the way these prints are looking. :) I'll be adding them in one-by-one as I go. First up: Peaceful Home! :heart:


And my apologies! Any prints ordered this week will have a longer-than-usual turnaround time, because we're waiting for mats and shipping supplies. They should all be here by the end of the week.


I WANT THEM ALL :say19: I am the proud owner of two of Elizabeth's prints ( Inward Journey: Labyrinth and Coffee Faery ) Images on the web don't begin to do them justice. I am so excited and will be purchasing as many Sigils as my purse will allow. Batsy...YOU ROCK !!


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And excellent matboard and backing materials! I couldn't tell you how many people bring in artwork to be framed that have these awful, already yellowing mats and cardboard backing. You have this framer's seal of enthusiastic approval. :abfx:

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B) Whoopsie daisy! I got all warm and fuzzy and forgot to tell everyone...the sigils are on *cue blinking lights* Early Bird Special right now. We're waiting for more shipping supplies, so orders are going to take longer to ship...so the prices don't go up until we can once again ship quickly! :heart:

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Oh so many and of these pieces will be nice around my home. "Love thyself" next to my bathroom mirror where I do my makeup..."Glamour" above my LP cabinet...."Blessing" in my bedroom nook...."Harmonious Self" somewhere...."Whisker Whishes" above the cat box, just kidding about that last one.

Nice gifts too! These are beyond awesome Elizabeth.

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The parcel has arrived! I cannot begin to say how wonderful these are. Each potion I opened told a beautifully illustrated story. To make the day complete, Elizabeth's Peaceful Home parcel arrived! Thank you so much! What a grand way to begin the weekend. Reviews will appear after I've had an opportunity to try each potion.

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Harmonious Self..every note, every gloriously perfect note is there, playing a piece of an Impressionistic musical masterpiece. Everything is dreamy and soft focus, but I don't feel fuzzy-headed. This is a sunny, spring weekend morning, windows open and scented breeze drifting through white linen curtains. I could stay here all day. Ahhhh

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This is a living nightmare. The spell potions keep getting better and better. I thought I would be safe with the samples because I didn't think the scents would be all that great. This is the first time ever in my LP life I have even considered the full bottle set. Even on an amazing month there is usually not more than 3 that I can't live without.

Holy shmoosh.

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Luna - that is awesome news!!! So glad that will give more time for all to buy. This collection is such a special treat.


MDC - that is actually good though, right? Since we have more time to buy FBs takes some of the panic out. Panic buying (or not buying) stresses me out. So if you want more FBs, you can breathe a bit if I'm understanding Luna's post correctly. whew!

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MDC, I totally understand that - which is another reason why I'm glad these will be the NRs for 2 months. I went with a FB set (never done that prior and was a budget stretch) but more I want to try. It is soooo hard to choose. All of them seem wonderful so far and the notes on the ones I don't have, are incredible too. Such a treat, but I hear and feel your pain. :D

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I think I MAY have toned it down to five must haves right now. In the end I may end up spending more by not getting the full bottle price BUT I won't stress myself out so much! I've been trying to be a grown up about money for so long...it just doesn't seem to be taking! I wouldn't even be splurging on five bottles (which is definitely more than I ever get at once) BUT I have been so lucky and making more money at the new shop. :)

I'll see how it goes by next week and put my order in. I haven't even got all the samples yet! YEEK!



Oops. Six. Dog was laying on Whisker Whishes so I didn't count that one. Crumb.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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THEY'RE UP! :D I'm checking them now, let me know if you find any glitches, thanks!


Thank you, my buddy Luna for the incredible scribings! ::SQUISH!::


And hey, listen, even though I added the option to add pheros on the bottoms of the pages, I'm gonna try to talk you out of that if I can. These potions do not need them, and in fact are based upon centuries old lore that pretty much accomplishes phero-style results without them. So my suggestion is to use them as they are, and if you feel like you need an extra boost sometime, then layer them with your unscented pheros. Cool? Enjoy! :D

PM, can you please clarify the part of using "as they are"? Can we layer 2 or more spell potions for several intents, or is it best to stick to one at a time?


For example, when working towards a goal (let's take romantic or career/financial success), if I feel I first need to clear my aura, negativity, etc, I would use Road Opener, followed by Hex Deflection or Protection Oil in order to avoid any more negativity come my way, and then apply a more targeted potion like Fascination or Money Multiplier. Is this not recommended?



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PM, can you please clarify the part of using "as they are"? Can we layer 2 or more spell potions for several intents, or is it best to stick to one at a time?


For example, when working towards a goal (let's take romantic or career/financial success), if I feel I first need to clear my aura, negativity, etc, I would use Road Opener, followed by Hex Deflection or Protection Oil in order to avoid any more negativity come my way, and then apply a more targeted potion like Fascination or Money Multiplier. Is this not recommended?





You can do a cleansing ritual followed by a specific working, yes. That is recommended practice! Piling them on all at once is a different story though. I would use them one at a time.

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All the great reviews are killing me, I can't wait to get my package! :D


Same here!


I keep stalking the review threads because last time spell potions were released, I felt like Whisker Wishes was a clear favorite, whereas this year, it seems like everyone's loving everything!

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Squeeeeaaal! I just pulled them from my frigid mail box, but at least I have them! And although I won't be able to keep from sniffing them all immediately :D I can let them warm up and get them acclimated for further investigation! ^_^

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I was going to wait, but after looking at some of the reviews, I couldn't wait! I just ordered all 20 samples, and I'm so SO excited! With the way my life has been going lately, I'm sure I can use several of them asap. I'll be counting the days until they get here :)

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BAHHHH USPS. My potions were supposed to be delivered yesterday, but it's been sitting in Jersey. Figured it would be here by today, but it has only just departed from Jersey so it'll probably be delivered tomorrow. On a positive note, I have to drop my car off tonight due to a weird whirring-wheezing sound so I plan to work from home tomorrow - hopefully they will arrive then!!

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Things are moving slow, mail wise in the cold NE. Packages sent both to me and from me are (or were) taking 1-2 days longer. If you do Priority it takes 4 (bus) days and the standard well I had a package shipped out to me on the 17th and I think I got it on the 24th of Feb. I asked the PO and they said they try as per usual but if it's below a certain temp their people don't work the shipping and loading at night as they usually do, which is fair. -7 is pretty cold to be in & out moving boxes.

Edited by StacyK
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They're here!!!! Got both sampler packs, not doing any skin testing today since they just arrived but I've taken sniffs of a few. Holy hell I'm in trouble - I can already tell I will need at least one full bottle set...

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My order, including Sampler Set B Sigils arrived. Such a beautiful, thoughtful, affirming set of potions. I am going to have an incredibly difficult time choosing full bottles. Time to concentrate on the true intentions of each each scent potion.


Elizabeth, Before I had your Peaceful Home print framed, I traced the entire Sigil with the scent potion. I let it dry turned it over and traced a scented heart shape on the back. All of this whilst repeating the intention. Tomorrow, I should have the print back to hang in our foyer. Thank you, and to Mara and all of LPMP.


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Not sure if this is the proper place to post this, but am confused as to where else it would be at home, and I really wanted to hit upon this topic. Many of you may be familiar with the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto, whose book I have. I love his work. Some have claimed to have debunked it, but I am a believer.

He suggests that water has memory and retains things such as positive and negative intent and emotions. Everyone here knows that Mara's Magickal Potions WORK, and they work some mad magick!!! I know this all too well also, and this left me wondering why this batch of Spell Potions seemed even stronger than usual. I mean STRONG and with fast results!

It occurred to me that having ElizabethOSP's beautiful and powerful sigil labels on the bottles must be working very much the same way that Dr. Emoto's theories on water do. Even if you have not read his work, so many of us have seen, and used the little reusable positive message labels that you can stick on water, ( or any liquid) bottles) which are believed to impart positive intent. Words such as health, love, energy, light, etc. The words, or in this case sigils, impart additional power to that which is already good for us.

So I am thinking that just the presence of these magickal labels on the bottles, combined with Mara's own magick has amplified the intensity and speed with which these potions work. I really do believe they are somehow different and on a higher level. Here I am, STILL gushing about these Sigil Spell Potions, but I truly am in awe and more than a little mystified. If you are interested, check out the following video on Dr. Emoto's work. It isn't very long, and you'll get the message. Thanks again to Mara and ElizabethOSP!!! If this was your intent, it was a stroke of genius. If it wasn't your intent, it is still a stroke of genius! :)

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I agree 100%. The Sigils are charging the bottles, Mara made an excellent call. I think the same thing happpens w other collections like the Totem collection even though I missed out on that month and can't say first hand but I think certain lp's might have stronger energy depending on the lable or theme attatched to it esp if it's consistant w the notes..which they always are :).

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I agree too, the sigils are genius and this collection is beyond amazing. I love everything so far. I haven't gotten any prints yet, but plan on at least one - just unsure of which one bc they are all beautiful.


Rose - those images are, I have no words other than amazing (my brain needs a thesaurus). For the beautiful words the images were sooo strikingly beautiful. I won't mention the others bc well, they looked like the words and want to keep thread with happy positive energy. Thanks for posting and sharing that video!

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Thanks for that video Rose, I love it. I saw it years ago and don't understand how it's done but the message and feeling behind it is wonderful! And thank you for the kind words, too.


I popped in to say that I received my order today from Elizabeth, a Peaceful Home print, and it's phenomenal! The print quality is stunning, and her matting and mounting is such high quality. I LOVE my print, and will certainly be getting a few more for the house and some for the shop too. Beautiful, beautiful work...such a treat to see the sigil so large too. :) Thank you, Elizabeth!!!

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Cherise, Beachgoddess, and Mara, you are so welcome. It had been some time since I had thought about this concept as well. I was happy and felt blessed that it came to mind now. I believe in this concept, I believe in you, I believe in ElizabethOSP, I believe in myself, I believe in each of us and our own power to create change within and without ourselves and beyond. Aided by our own gifts, and by the gifts of others. Sorry.. that went a tad "speechy!" I hope to get a Peaceful Home print from Elizabeth, and hope when I can that she still has some left. They are beautiful, and I love the magick of that image especially! :heart0974:

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