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Beccah, I loooooooove Treasured Hearts, and my man reacts great to it. Mine is another one who has mixed reactions to high amounts of

Est.....but does ok if it is tempered with something more dominant.....with Treasured Hearts, I get a really lovey-dovey vibe from him.....and, it works well with women that you come into contact with also.....


Treasured Hearts is my favorite phero-brew from LP (other than popularity potion and SS4W). Its so versatile and it gives me the warm fuzzies, Ive had strangers come up to me and crack jokes or just want to be around me on numerous occasions.. LOVE IT!

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Funny you should mention that! There have been many times that I've gotten phero "hits" when I'm WAY out of range for anyone to smell me. No flirting or acting different... I've wondered if pheros change your aura and people subconciously pick up in that visually.. Maybe Mara or Dr. Stone would know?


Ive wondered about this too. Sometimes when I spritz on a sexy blend Ive seen men from WAY down the street to double-takes? I mean sure Im cute (LOL) but without the sexy blend on I just do not recieve that kind of attention, unless its the day after Ive worn pheros and they are all scrubbed off and I still get attention sometimes even moreso, its almost like the residue is affecting the aura somehow. Id like to find out what this could be.

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TY Dolly I amped my bottle of Silver on the way, with this one. I felt it would be a congruent mix. Phero hits from people that can't smell them? Is this occurrance happening when the pheros are sans perfume? I've noticed mixed reactions to pheros sans perfume, but guaranteed results when they're 'delivered' in a nice vapor trail. The reason whey I ask specifically is because M&D's perfume to seem to have a powerful energy all by themselves. Has anyone tested them seperately, to see if you get the same results? Not that I'm doubting you, because I believe it's possible. The signature we naturally emit, probably has a lot more to do with emotional state. Than simply biochemical factors. I also would assume that how we feel affects the chemical reactions that occur within us physically, not the other way around. It's not like you have to be within sniffing distance to get 'bad vibes' off of someone. So, why couldn't it be the other way around?

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Well you can "smell" things without "smelling" them. If you can consciously perceive a fragrance it often assists with the subsequent effects but you can still breathe in something and be affected by it even if there's no appreciable odor.


I do tend to think that sometimes people don't attribute enough power to fragrance alone in general.

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Surely, the pheros can give you self-effects which totally effect the way you hold yourself, your confidence level, stuff like that, and there's nothing sexier than confidence.


Re aura... yeah, it's something you feel across a distance if it's being strongly emanated by someone. As I've always said, thoughts and intentions are tangible, when forcefully emanated.


I had this alarming experience a few years ago. I was managing a recording artist, a beautiful gal with a long history of attracting seriously obsessed fans. We were in NYC for a big benefit gig, and the backstage area was packed with people we didn't know. I was standing with her, and the manager of another famous recording artist. All of a sudden, I felt this serious WAVE of malevolence. Like a big wallop of hatred, jealousy, anger. I shivered, and said to the other manager - "Close in, get her between us. I just felt some awful vibe come from somewhere, like someone wants to hurt her." The two of them, thankfully, just obeyed without question. Then I spun around in a circle and tried to identify where it was coming from, and my eyes met with a guy who was staring hard at her, from directly behind me and across the room. It was certainly not something I smelled, or saw, it was something I FELT. "That guy" I identified him to the others, "we need to make sure he stays away from her." And we did, we treated her like oreo filling between us the whole night and he never got anywhere near her. It was nice that the two of them trusted me on it without a second thought - my own bandmates would have done so too, they had experienced my sensitivity in that respect for years and how often I was correct, but these two didn't know me as well.


But anyway, yeah, I don't think it's necessarily that chemical/scent signals travel to people who can't smell them, but that scents, potions and pheros have an effect on the wearer's energy and aura, and it's THAT which travels beyond the scope of the scent.

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Thank you for the feedback, Miss Mara!


With certainty, I've felt the presence of the angelic and demonic.. but I had no way of explaining it adequately..so I have seldom spoken of it. I don't really want science attempting to explain such things, either. There's limitless power in the unknown, and that's where it should stay.

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TY Dolly I amped my bottle of Silver on the way, with this one. I felt it would be a congruent mix. Phero hits from people that can't smell them? Is this occurrance happening when the pheros are sans perfume? I've noticed mixed reactions to pheros sans perfume, but guaranteed results when they're 'delivered' in a nice vapor trail. The reason whey I ask specifically is because M&D's perfume to seem to have a powerful energy all by themselves. Has anyone tested them seperately, to see if you get the same results? Not that I'm doubting you, because I believe it's possible. The signature we naturally emit, probably has a lot more to do with emotional state. Than simply biochemical factors. I also would assume that how we feel affects the chemical reactions that occur within us physically, not the other way around. It's not like you have to be within sniffing distance to get 'bad vibes' off of someone. So, why couldn't it be the other way around?


Hey Becca~

I usually can't resist covering a phero with something that reflects my mood at the time. I have to admit, I haven't kept a record of these inexplicable hits so far. I was pretty relaxed and not sending out any particular visual cues or flirtations.. Just oddly perky reactions from men well out of sniffing range.

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I recently ordered a bottle of Coeur de l'Amour which has this in it, but for the female bonding thing (I'm the new girl at work & although every one's been really nice, I figure it couldn't hurt). Now I'm even more psyched to get this!

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Hey Becca~

I usually can't resist covering a phero with something that reflects my mood at the time. I have to admit, I haven't kept a record of these inexplicable hits so far. I was pretty relaxed and not sending out any particular visual cues or flirtations.. Just oddly perky reactions from men well out of sniffing range.



Is the phrase 'light up a room', a good way to describe it?


@ PGL I loved my CDL sample, I ended up giving it to somebody who needed it more. ALways better to give than receive I say :)

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Ive wondered about this too. Sometimes when I spritz on a sexy blend Ive seen men from WAY down the street to double-takes? I mean sure Im cute (LOL) but without the sexy blend on I just do not recieve that kind of attention, unless its the day after Ive worn pheros and they are all scrubbed off and I still get attention sometimes even moreso, its almost like the residue is affecting the aura somehow. Id like to find out what this could be.



Yes, yes and YES!!! I totally agree. I have been wanting to write about this as a matter of fact. I notice the same phenomenon, I get blatant hits from people walking in my direction sometimes, or from accross a room, or from guys driving in their cars etc.

I get hits from people who basically cannot be affected by the pheros I am wearing, and yet, I know it is somehow phero related. I do get reactions from guys without pheros when I have my hair /makeup done, but I know when it's a phero festival of attention!! It's a like a sci fi movie, with everyone acting weird lol.

My theory is that it's a lot about self effects. I believe when we feel sexy or bubbly or ---- -feel in the blank- we communicate it through our body language in ways that we are not aware of, but they're picked up by people around us. We're sending "good vibes" basically. I think there's a whole range of communication that eludes us but that forms an "unconscious" language out there. This unconscious body language can probably not be faked, because again, it's probably like "microexpressions" people have when they talk, it's beyond our awareness. So it isn't as simple as "feel sexy and you will get hits as if you're wearing a phero bomb". Nope, I think, again, that when we wear pheromones that work for us, we'll display a powerful body language that we can not mimic, that complements the mood / biological message (= I'm young, I'm fertile, Don't fuck w/ me etc).

It is also possible that people unconsciously "read" the body language of people around us, who themselves ARE affected by the pheromones we're wearing. Take for example a guy in a car, he might notice you walking down the street partly because he noticed people's body language around you.

I have read similar posts at the other forum, where members noticed that exact same thing. Getting hits when driving, in their cars, or getting hits from people who should be beyond reach of their pheromones.

In the end we can only speculate, but I draw my conclusions from my own experience, science I am sure, will make interesting discoveries in the future.

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But anyway, yeah, I don't think it's necessarily that chemical/scent signals travel to people who can't smell them, but that scents, potions and pheros have an effect on the wearer's energy and aura, and it's THAT which travels beyond the scope of the scent.



Well there you go... interesting post Mara, thank you!

I was working in a little boutique in France, a few years ago, selling exotic jewelry and scarves. I remember being able to "feel" sometimes the energy of the person coming in this small place, sometimes very strongly, like a wave. I can totally relate to your story. Good for you for trusting your instincts.

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Yes, yes and YES!!! I totally agree. I have been wanting to write about this as a matter of fact. I notice the same phenomenon, I get blatant hits from people walking in my direction sometimes, or from accross a room, or from guys driving in their cars etc.

I get hits from people who basically cannot be affected by the pheros I am wearing, and yet, I know it is somehow phero related. I do get reactions from guys without pheros when I have my hair /makeup done, but I know when it's a phero festival of attention!! It's a like a sci fi movie, with everyone acting weird lol.

My theory is that it's a lot about self effects. I believe when we feel sexy or bubbly or ---- -feel in the blank- we communicate it through our body language in ways that we are not aware of, but they're picked up by people around us. We're sending "good vibes" basically. I think there's a whole range of communication that eludes us but that forms an "unconscious" language out there. This unconscious body language can probably not be faked, because again, it's probably like "microexpressions" people have when they talk, it's beyond our awareness. So it isn't as simple as "feel sexy and you will get hits as if you're wearing a phero bomb". Nope, I think, again, that when we wear pheromones that work for us, we'll display a powerful body language that we can not mimic, that complements the mood / biological message (= I'm young, I'm fertile, Don't fuck w/ me etc).

It is also possible that people unconsciously "read" the body language of people around us, who themselves ARE affected by the pheromones we're wearing. Take for example a guy in a car, he might notice you walking down the street partly because he noticed people's body language around you.

I have read similar posts at the other forum, where members noticed that exact same thing. Getting hits when driving, in their cars, or getting hits from people who should be beyond reach of their pheromones.

In the end we can only speculate, but I draw my conclusions from my own experience, science I am sure, will make interesting discoveries in the future.


Wow, Madameoiselle I loved your observations really got me thinking, your post expresses a real level of emotional intelligence and awareness.

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Surely, the pheros can give you self-effects which totally effect the way you hold yourself, your confidence level, stuff like that, and there's nothing sexier than confidence.


Re aura... yeah, it's something you feel across a distance if it's being strongly emanated by someone. As I've always said, thoughts and intentions are tangible, when forcefully emanated.


I had this alarming experience a few years ago. I was managing a recording artist, a beautiful gal with a long history of attracting seriously obsessed fans. We were in NYC for a big benefit gig, and the backstage area was packed with people we didn't know. I was standing with her, and the manager of another famous recording artist. All of a sudden, I felt this serious WAVE of malevolence. Like a big wallop of hatred, jealousy, anger. I shivered, and said to the other manager - "Close in, get her between us. I just felt some awful vibe come from somewhere, like someone wants to hurt her." The two of them, thankfully, just obeyed without question. Then I spun around in a circle and tried to identify where it was coming from, and my eyes met with a guy who was staring hard at her, from directly behind me and across the room. It was certainly not something I smelled, or saw, it was something I FELT. "That guy" I identified him to the others, "we need to make sure he stays away from her." And we did, we treated her like oreo filling between us the whole night and he never got anywhere near her. It was nice that the two of them trusted me on it without a second thought - my own bandmates would have done so too, they had experienced my sensitivity in that respect for years and how often I was correct, but these two didn't know me as well.


But anyway, yeah, I don't think it's necessarily that chemical/scent signals travel to people who can't smell them, but that scents, potions and pheros have an effect on the wearer's energy and aura, and it's THAT which travels beyond the scope of the scent.


interesting! do you think (maybe) a persons aura changes with the pheros (like spell potions) and thats what changes the chemical scents.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I got my LP Silver+ TH. I decided to mix it with my regular Silver bottle, to get a nice strength for TT. Also made a beta spray with my leftover perfumers alcohol (gah that 8 oz bottle lasted forever). This seems to be a good ratio to use with him. He responds so much better to this than H&S.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey ladies :D anyone wear this and feel kind of "blank" and "emotional"? It kinda makes me space out (I guess that would be the a-nol) but it also kinda makes me feel extra emotionally sensitive. I am an emotionally sensitive person anyway...but this seemed to magnify that quite a bit. Is it possible I OD'd?

I haven't tried it again for fear of ruining another happy day. Haha :) any feedback would be appreciated.

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Hey ladies :D anyone wear this and feel kind of "blank" and "emotional"? It kinda makes me space out (I guess that would be the a-nol) but it also kinda makes me feel extra emotionally sensitive. I am an emotionally sensitive person anyway...but this seemed to magnify that quite a bit. Is it possible I OD'd?

I haven't tried it again for fear of ruining another happy day. Haha :) any feedback would be appreciated.



Hmm try it again using half the amount to gauge if you od'd. Which can be easy to do with unscented blends.

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Kay...I'm gonna try tomorrow & I shall report back. :)


Nope, tried it again today using about half of what I used before (this is my third or fourth trial run) and unfortunately for some reason it makes me feel real mopey and low. Maybe because I'm real lovey dovey and sentimental and sensitive to begin with... it just exaggerates that? Who knows. I'm glad it doesn't affect everyone else this way. It's either the androsterone or the epi-androsterone...because I know I tolerate both Alpha and Beta Androstenol well.

Meh. I wish I loved it!

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  • 7 months later...

I wore this one today for the first time. Shadow has been ridiculous so far, all snuggly and goofy. All the women I've encountered have been extra friendly, chatty and helpful.


As for self-effects, I'm pretty tightly wound (total type A) so this seems to smooth out some of pointy edges. Definitely a keeper.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I love this phero. It seems to have a really positive vibe with both men and women. People aren't chattier, but they're more concerned and want to help. It makes people respond in a positive way, very cooperative, wanting to work with you, etc. LOVE IT!

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I think I love this phero. It seems to have a really positive vibe with both men and women. People aren't chattier, but they're more concerned and want to help. It makes people respond in a positive way, very cooperative, wanting to work with you, etc. LOVE IT!



OH YEAH.....Treasured Hearts is great.....it is one of those that I will always have in my arsenal.....works in a positive manner on both sexes.....

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  • 1 month later...

I wore this to bed last night with a little LP Original. A little on the back of my neck and a short line on the torso. All of a sudden Shadow is nuzzling my neck and rubbing against me like a cat. It was all very sensual and erotic anyways. No ravaging.


Interesting blend with what appears to be a wide variety of uses.

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  • 1 month later...

I tested UN TH on Saturday on my son. I blew my top when we were at the Magic Bar on Friday afternoon. He insisted of not being able to speak Mandarin, insisted on not speaking to the sales staff directly and kept saying that he knows all the tricks we were shown. I was really pissed at him for being so narrow-minded and for belittling the language.


I cooled down during dinner and I decided to bring him back to the bar, knowing that he is really interested in it. However, my daughter didn't cooperate so we left before we were "served" at the bar.


Trying to put the incident behind me, I made it up to him by bringing him to the bar first thing after breakfast on Sat morning (I left my daughter at home with hub). I wanted to use UN TH with UN H&S, hoping to talk some sense into him as well as to let him know that I love him and that whenever possible, I would like him to have the best of everything. He was all cuddly and touchy during our 30-minute journey, saying that he understood my explaination and that he accepted my apologies, etc.


Anyway, I signed him up for some private lessons and I made it clear to him and the 'magician'/teacher at the beginining of the lesson that I will watch them during the 1-to-1 lesson but they have to pretend that I was not there, i.e. my son has to direct all questions and comments in Mandarin and to the teacher. 10 minutes into the lesson, my son started talking to his teacher via me again. I got quite worked up and I left the bar and returned about 30 minutes later.


We headed for lunch after I returned to the bar and my son changed his mind on where to eat and I lost my temper immediately again (that's about 4.5 hours after application).


I didn't lose my temper the same way for the rest of the day though. I recognise that a number of factors affects my mood but I'm wondering if UN TH has triggered off my somewhat uncontrollable anger on Saturday?

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We headed for lunch after I returned to the bar and my son changed his mind on where to eat and I lost my temper immediately again (that's about 4.5 hours after application).


I didn't lose my temper the same way for the rest of the day though. I recognise that a number of factors affects my mood but I'm wondering if UN TH has triggered off my somewhat uncontrollable anger on Saturday?



IMO,no...there are no "aggressive"pheros in TH or H&S :)

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There aren't any aggressive pheros in either blend, but H&S can make me more emotional. H&S is one of my ultimate favorites, but if my mood goes south because of say.....my husband texting/facebooking by the car, whilst my 4 yr.old & I are waiting outside the restaurant in the hot sun, when it's supposed to be family time (i.e. leave the f'n cellphone in the car, jackhole), me calling him out, then he's yelling @ cursing @ me in public (in front of God & everybody). Then my (justified) anger can get amplified, because I was already feeling more emotional (in a good way). IDK, did you feel weepy @ all afterward, because that's usually what happens to me. Treasured Hearts does not affect me that way @ all.IDK, mixing blends can be volatile, I would definitely not suggest mixing them in an important situation, unless you've tested that mix in a more neutral situation with good results.

ETA: TH, by itself, has netted me great results. I wore it to my cousin's wedding, where I had to interact w/ my aunt & her husband, after not speaking to them for 4 yrs. (the fall out from the nasty custody battle I had with them), TH totally smoothed the awkwardness, to a point of non-existence. I can't say how that would've went with any other phero blend.

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I wanted to use both TH and H&S (I think I read it somewhere in the forum) but decided not to since I have not test drive either of them. Perhaps TH made me more 'in touch' with my feelings and thus amplified my anger?

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Perhaps TH made me more 'in touch' with my feelings and thus amplified my anger?


Well...while anything is possible of course,as everyone reacts dfferently to different stimulus,there are so many variables...to have "somewhat uncontrollable anger" after 4 1/2 hours of exposure to Treasured Hearts is highly unlikely...IMO it is more likely you were just having a bad day,or maybe just xtra upset because you were trying to be so reasonable and he,well, was being a Boy :)


What were you wearing on Friday when you first "blew your top", at the Magic Bar ?

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I misread that then. Hmm, I can't see TH steering the emotional climate that way. Maybe you were already tired & the extra phero stimulation was aggravating? Then there's the factor that pheromones can only do so much. Even if my husband uses a blend on me, that turns my mind explicitly toward sex, or specifically designed to calm me, if he does something entirely aggravating, I'm still going to get angry, B2/Wingman Black withstanding, & I'm not going to give him his desired result. Pheromones may be nice social enhancers (you'd have to pry mine from my cold...well you know), but they do not change your basic nature. You could bathe in the most soothing blend in the world, but if you're child is repeatedly tamping on your "shiny red (anger) buttons", eventually you may snap darling. Trust me, I have 12 yr.old with an uncanny ability to hone in one's "buttons" (mercury sits in scorpio in his chart)...

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So, 2.5 sprays (1x)- 1.5 being on chest and 1 bring in hair - seems to be just a little too much - made me fidgety and giddy - and gave me mood swings -


all happy and chatty and life-of-party one second, and rage the next (and mouthy about my rage, which I almost never am)- although I *was* sorely provoked by a racist powertripping asshole, so maybe the TH actually *helped* -maybe I'd have stabbed him without it.  


Then back to scarlett o'hara style social butterflyness making friends w/the ladies and being genteely mooned over by the menz.


Then I got on a teeny plane, which normally gives me fits, and couldn't get over how BEAUTIFUL the runway was, and grinned peacefully out the window for the whole flight like a loon.  I have been a nervous flier for a decade, and even before that never really *loved* it- even the first time I flew I wasn't like WOOOW THIS IS SOOO COOL the way I was today.


So, ok, maybe 2.5 sprays isn't too much.

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  • 2 years later...

Thanksgiving from hell has now started.


I've applied Treasured Hearts and no doubt will be praying silently often today.



edit: Thanksgiving evened out after a VERY rocky start.


Don't know how much treasured hearts worked-- I was with my boyfriend's extended family so they probably would have

been all happy chatty anyway, but it seemed everyone had a good time.


however, applying TH did not help with wanting to kill my boyfriend (not really, but definitely some smacking upside the head would

have been appropriate) for an hour at the beginning due to some issues with his dad.

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  • 1 month later...

Had some amazing results with this the other day.


I was wearing a drop from the UN sample droppers (which I love, by the way - I feel like I can control the amount more and I have a way to measure how much I'm using) when I went out shopping with my mom to test it, but didn't seem to have too much of an effect at one drop.


At the end of the day my TG texts, asking if I want to hang out. I tell him I'm busy at the time but I'll let him know when I get back home. Get back, make plans to go see a movie with him, and put two more drops on, letting it dry down but not covering with anything.


Went to the movie, and he's not a very affectionate person in public, which is fine, but I notice him leaning towards me in his seat out of the corner of my eye. I don't think much of it as I'm leaning towards him, but then I straighten up and move away to see. He moves just a little *more* towards me! Interesting...


So then we get back to his place and get ready for bed, and he pulls me into this huge hug and says, "I really missed you. It's been two weeks and I missed you." I had gone to visit a friend for a couple of days a couple weeks before, and the weekend after I got back he had been sick, but I wasn't expecting him to be counting! What shocked me is him saying he missed me - which he's never done while sober. And so we cuddle, which leads to *ahem,* and then afterwards instead of passing out we laid in bed talking for an hour, sharing things, like places we want to travel to, things we used to like doing but lost time for, casual conversation that still brings us a little closer. And it's so *easy,* and comfortable. We're never like that.


During the night I woke up several times to him nuzzling and kissing my neck, where I spread more of the TH out, and pulling me really close to him like he wants to be as close as he possibly can. And when I get up in the morning to go to work, he gave me the saddest look and said he wished I could stay and we'd hide away from the world.


Maybe absence really does make the heart grow fonder, but he's definitely never been like this before, and I'm really hoping to test this out more on him! Craving permanence and commitment? Yes! I'll take it! So glad I tried it <3

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I always keep a bottle on hand......TH is good stuff.....love it!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've decided I loooove TH. I've been wearing it in Fairy Musk.

Now, I have a tendency to let things irritate me and I can be a "mean girl". TH smooths me out. It makes me WANT to be nice and smile and pass out cookies to all! Lol. It really does put me on a good mood though! The selfies are really good. It's a breath of fresh air, gives me a feeling of anticipation.... Like I know it's going to be a good day.

However this effects the people around me is just a bonus.

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  • 1 month later...

Wore Treasured Hearts today and I think this gave me an edge I did not expect in some very nearly volatile interactions.


There is an employee who is not deliberately difficult to be malicious, but he is quite the handful on some days. He had a moment where he let his, hmm, how to say it nicely? - impassioned opinions? - get the better of him. I am very rarely in a situation that I need to send someone to a superior but this was one of them. I did not raise my voice, I did not argue, but I was stern and clear that he needed to go to the manager if he was unwilling to perform the task that was assigned to him. While he wanted to argue his point with me, it was not me the argument was with and without being drawn into his emotional whirlwind I was able to direct him to take his case to the person who needed to hear it. It was completely odd! :D I wasn't angry or riled. I was a tad annoyed at his unexpected irrational outburst, but only the barest smidge. I completely didn't take it personally and later when he was calmed down I even checked on both him and the manager to make sure that he was ok. I genuinely understand the frustration people feel lately with the pressure and hours we've been required to work and I think with the work load, and ever changing processes, sometimes it's that "one more thing", that wouldn't normally mean anything, that sets people off. It's was just so odd that it all seemed so crystal clear in the moment and I think if I would have handled my end any other way it could have gone it a very much less beneficial direction. I will REALLY have to investigate TH a bit more!

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  • 1 month later...

And to think I wasn't interested in this...mostly because - really - another phero blend to add to my already vast collection? Common'!


But I did, and I almost traded it away too! Glad I changed my mind and gave it a proper go. TH isn't flamboyant or over the top. It IS friendly and chatty and happy, but on a toned down level. I'm loving this for work! :heart:

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