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Private Editions for March 2016

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Got them to here.


Thanks, Bella for the instructions, I was just gonna post that! You rock! xoxoxoxox


Thanks everyone for the well wishes, they are much appreciated!



I tried that to order my bottle but it doesn't give the right price. Or did I miss the special on SLP?

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I'll take the last Wanderer and a sample set, please.


ETA: How do we pay for the sample sets? If ordering those does it have to be done by invoice or is there a way on the site?

Edited by Invidiana
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I'll take the last Wanderer and a sample set, please.


ETA: How do we pay for the sample sets? If ordering those does it have to be done by invoice or is there a way on the site?


Thanks, Invi,

I did not set up a special button for them this month, so your options are to use the GC button or ask for an invoice. I'll work out a better way in future. Everythings being redesigned at the moment so just for now...

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OMG you guys, I stalked the post man to avoid the dreaded peach slip and I HAVE PEs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Going up to open the box and squee. Will report back! Mara, thank you in advance I know these are going to be so awesome!!!!!!!!!


ETA: Oh oh oh! Mara, as I guessed, I can tell these will all be spectacular if they are this good straight out of the box! I'll do proper review threads when I've had a chance to test each separately, but I wanted to say that while I love them all my surprise fave is the Aphrodite in Vermont -- it's fantastic!


I don't know how you did it -- this somehow manages to be pink and sweet but with a depth and power that will make me comfortable wearing it out and about (because I usually feel way too old for pink and sweet!)! Actually, I'll be more than comfortable. It smells like love. And magic. And power. Something about it is shiveringly nostalgic too! It's the perfect evocation of Aphrodite, and I adore it. Thank you so much, you are the most amazing potion master!!!!!!!!


ETA: OMG the long drydown of Joie de Vivre and Inviting Aphrodite.... everyone is neck and neck now for my most favorite! These are just incredible!

Edited by Blackcat
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ok I'd like to get an Aphrodite In Vermont pls. :)

Stacy, I think you'll love it! Fresh fragrant rose perfectly balanced with tart juicy strawberry, and the other notes really do it give a sunshine-warmed garden aspect. And definitely one of Mara's powerful potions -- sensuous, joyful, with a bit of mischievousness!

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*throws wallet at you*


Take it. Take all me money.




Can't wait for more info on most of them :)

I know right? I now got a chance to read through entire thread - just WOW with these PEs!


And Luna, I love your amazing writing.


Mara, I didn't realize you were sick; hope you feel better soon PM!!


Thanks BC - saw the threads... nom nom nom on the notes!

Edited by Beach Goddess
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EOSP, thank you for letting me know that one was mislabeled. Yes, Janet's fresh orange was just the working title that was on the master bottle. They are the same blend, this is Ginny Lee. Apologies for the confusion everyone.

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