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Cougar Potion (pheromone-enhanced perfume)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wore this today.

People were super chatty. I'm not sure if it was the Cougar though since I tend to have people come talk to me all the time. I had a couple of male colleagues who kept hovering around and wanting to chat a little more than usual. They are both15+ years older than me. Interesting.


I'll have to test this one out some more.

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Yes do! This is a ridiculous social! If...and I mean IF...I had to choose only 5 LP phero blends to keep THIS would HAVE to be one of them :love:

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I feel a little hip-swing-y when I wear this one, as opposed to SS4W.

Plus, for me while Cougar is pretty attention-grabbing in general, it tends to grab the attention of older men a lot more than younger fellas. I dunno why. Works wonders on my boss, his best buddy and our manager, and they're all 20 years my senior.

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I feel a little hip-swing-y when I wear this one, as opposed to SS4W.

Plus, for me while Cougar is pretty attention-grabbing in general, it tends to grab the attention of older men a lot more than younger fellas. I dunno why. Works wonders on my boss, his best buddy and our manager, and they're all 20 years my senior.




When I was wearing SS4W the attention spanned from 30s-50s (the biggest hit being from a man in his 50s). I had lots of hip swinging with this one.

With Cougar the couple of possible hits were from older guys (late 40s-50s). I didn't notice any change in my demeanor today.


I'm going to try both of them out on consecutive days to really get a feel.


I'm definitely game. Everything that I've used has worked really great so far.

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  • 2 weeks later...


-They're both referenced here as sexy sparkly socials, so which one do you guys prefer, for the purpose of getting a more sexy gaga response from a specific target male? My guy is interested in me/thinks I'm hot, but is very hands off in actually taking initiative with making plans...seems like he enjoys me when i'm around but is not starved for the juice when I'm gone :/ hehehhe. I need to imprint some unforgettable sexy into this man's skull!

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SS4W is definitely more sexual than Cougar, so I'd say that one. BUT if you think he might be intimidated by it, Cougar is a more subtle sexual. I've started with Cougar with a guy who was like that and worked my way up to sexier blends.


Do you have LFM? Because that is definitely a more gaga response type phero but with the sexiness of SS4W.

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Well...for me, SS4W and a goodly amount of cops :P oh and La Femme Noir would certainly do the trick ...as with any phero, *you* need to rock it, with attitude!!! :001_302:

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-They're both referenced here as sexy sparkly socials, so which one do you guys prefer, for the purpose of getting a more sexy gaga response from a specific target male? My guy is interested in me/thinks I'm hot, but is very hands off in actually taking initiative with making plans...seems like he enjoys me when i'm around but is not starved for the juice when I'm gone :/ hehehhe. I need to imprint some unforgettable sexy into this man's skull!


Ya know? much as I want it to work, Cougar doesn't really do anything for me. I have a full bottle of UN in alcohol and though I keep using it, I can't say I've experienced any hits or behavior out of the ordinary.



SS4W on the other hand, is great. I even use it for a social blend. I use that one a lot. Gives my hips that extra little swing.

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I don't get any self effects from Cougar, but I get way more hits from others than I do SS4W. It works incredibly well with my male collegues. Suddenly they are shutting up and letting me get a word in edgewise. Now, if I'm wanting to feel more sexy myself, then it's SS4W all the way. When I wear that I want to strut with heels and take no prisoners. I haven't been getting any hits from others though when i wear it, but I feel so damn good that I don't care. So what I wear depends on what I am trying to accomplish. Both serve their purpose for me.

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Do you have LFM? Because that is definitely a more gaga response type phero but with the sexiness of SS4W.


You know, i just ordered this as a test Un-spray and it should arrive by the end of the week! Excited to test her out!! :)


And greenergal, that's funny how differently self and hit effects work isn't it??

I love SS4W but sometimes I feel like it can make me too hyper and cheeky, if I wear too much. I wonder if combining SS4W with some balm bomb would counter that...or if that would just be a disaster salad of canceling out effects, hm. Will have to try!

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And greenergal, that's funny how differently self and hit effects work isn't it??

I love SS4W but sometimes I feel like it can make me too hyper and cheeky, if I wear too much. I wonder if combining SS4W with some balm bomb would counter that...or if that would just be a disaster salad of canceling out effects, hm. Will have to try!


Yes, it's like an ongoing science experiment for me!


I would suggest that if you are trying more than one phero blend at a time to give it a trial run when you don't have to be somewhere important. I learned my lesson on this the hard way awhile back and ended up almost in tears at a pretty important one-on-one meeting at work. I was thinking that a dab of this and a dab of that, oh and let's try a dab of this too, would combine all the effects I was trying to get at once. Total backfire. Now I play it pretty safe with a daily routine of cops, one phero blend, and then I will play around with the layering of scents if I feel like it.


Have fun with the LFM! I have had lots of success wearing that one too. I swear I feel like I went through a photoshop machine about 15 minutes after I put that on.

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Now I play it pretty safe with a daily routine of cops, one phero blend, and then I will play around with the layering of scents if I feel like it.

Me too! Cops, 1 phero or phero blend, and then scent - that's it!

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Had Cougar on yesterday and it never fails! I was singing along to my music on the way to work before I even realized it and I'm just not usually that coherent in the a.m. :lol:


I have to admit though, that since beginning to use/take pheros seriously, I've been paying better attention to my surroundings, the people in them and their behavior. I've always been and "encourager" of sorts but now I'm taking more initiative in actively getting the social ball rolling. When I see people now I ask more than a yes or no question or inquire about things that allow them to actually share rather than a quick "hey good ta see ya" and pheros seem to crack that door all the wider to initiate more interesting conversations.


I had a really interesting time with one of our reviewers yesterday that I've only met once before outside of emails. Granted that Cougar's da bomb...would it still be if we didn't light and keep the fuse lit? Things that make me go, Hmm?

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Aniko, if SS4W makes you too hyper, why don't you just go with Cougar?


I have been giving Cougar more of a shot lately! Had a few hits the first night I wore just that, but then the next time I wore it I was really just not in the appropriate mood and my sourness negated any possible effects I'm sure... I have so many new ones to test out but i will be cycling cougar in the rotation more as well for sure :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I get all kinds of weird self effects with Cougar. When I first put it on, I get that delightful woozy feeling, but after about 15 minutes I feel all... not right. If I leave it on for a few hours I get this utterly strange feeling of jealousy towards myself. If I smelled this on another woman, I would have that strong jealousy tension vibe with her, like I had to compete with her to get... I don't know, attention? So I could get ahead of her? But on myself I get this utterly strange vibe of "get your hands of my man", but in a twisted "get your hands off me" kind of sense. It's really hard to explain, and totally unexpected.

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:huh: Self jealousy? Interesting. Never had anything like that happen though. It puts me in a happy shiny, mood. How many sprays are you wearing? Is it straight up Stone Cougar unscented? I've combined my unscented spray with LP fragrances so mine isn't full force, probably something like 2.5mcg per spray and I usually use about 4 sprays (total of 10mcgs). For straight up unscented SC 4 sprays would be about 20mcgs. I'm a technical geek.... Maybe you're ODing yourself? Some blends are the "less is more" kind. Just some thoughts :)
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I get all kinds of weird self effects with Cougar. When I first put it on, I get that delightful woozy feeling, but after about 15 minutes I feel all... not right. If I leave it on for a few hours I get this utterly strange feeling of jealousy towards myself. If I smelled this on another woman, I would have that strong jealousy tension vibe with her, like I had to compete with her to get... I don't know, attention? So I could get ahead of her? But on myself I get this utterly strange vibe of "get your hands of my man", but in a twisted "get your hands off me" kind of sense. It's really hard to explain, and totally unexpected.

I could see that, actually. I almost had to throw down when wearing this blend, once. There was the problem of her husband trying to make her jealous. Her husband had dated my cousin & kept screwing with her & telling her he had dated one of us, but not which one. I really think that the extra shine Cougar gives me backfired in that situation.
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I get all kinds of weird self effects with Cougar. When I first put it on, I get that delightful woozy feeling, but after about 15 minutes I feel all... not right. If I leave it on for a few hours I get this utterly strange feeling of jealousy towards myself. If I smelled this on another woman, I would have that strong jealousy tension vibe with her, like I had to compete with her to get... I don't know, attention? So I could get ahead of her? But on myself I get this utterly strange vibe of "get your hands of my man", but in a twisted "get your hands off me" kind of sense. It's really hard to explain, and totally unexpected.

Well this is interesting and I don't 100% understand it but I have tried Cougar potion and the only way I can describe the self effects are "uncomfortable in my own skin!" Weird, right? Definitely "not right" like you said.


Topper gives me the sparkly good time feeling I was looking for in this...have you tried it?

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Celrynnya and MissDC, are you fairly young ladies? I think I read somewhere in the forum that Cougar isn't congruent with younger women. For myself, Cougar is reeeeaaaally enjoyable, and I rode dinosaurs to school back when we lit our caves with torches. Heh. B)

:t-rex-2: (Edited for Dino Power.)

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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So sad that some of you aren't getting the AMAZING cougar I get :( it's one of my favorites. I'm 29 and its an almost never fail as far as getting hits. Selfies are great too. I did find that when wearing around a lot of women, a few would seem jealous. But mostly it's just extreme happy/sexy in a bottle.

Edited by hearts
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BAM! I'm right there with hearts :heart708: sans the jealous women...so far :D


But I do wonder what's causing the effect for some of you...a particular amount of...what? Is it our biochemistry or the pheromone blend or a combo of both?


I'm going to be trying the SC with Topper today,,,just because, lol, thanks Beccah! :666::ange:

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Celrynnya and MissDC, are you fairly young ladies? I think I read somewhere in the forum that Cougar isn't congruent with younger women. For myself, Cougar is reeeeaaaally enjoyable, and I rode dinosaurs to school back when we lit our caves with torches. Heh. B)

:t-rex-2: (Edited for Dino Power.)


No, I'm wayyyyyyyold! lol! I'm either 42 or 43 I can never remember.

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I don't get a thing from Cougar negative or positive. I kept thinking I just wan't paying attention, since everyone raves about it. I've finally chalked it up to it's just 'Meh" on me. I lie OW, SS4W, and Perfect Match. and always the cops



I'm 46

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I'm 30, and I've been wearing Cougar for a couple of years (it was my first LP and phero!) with much success. I used to get a sparkly effect, but now, I rarely get any self effects from it, though still great effects on others. So i think it's more of how it's impacting her personally as opposed to her age.

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I'm another "meh" person with Stone Cougar. I actually stopped trying it because of my lack of results. I just think that we are all different body-chemistry wise, so we won't all have the same results. Now SS4W on the other hand gives me hits essentially every time I wear it (like, unmistakable hits that other people have noticed). It is what it is.

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Gave my SC that I combined with some of Tidesong's honeyed amber and neroli a run with Topper today and I have to admit I still get tickled when I catch people looking at me like they're trying to figure something out about me, LOL. I know the secret! I know the secret :lol:


The self affects come and go with SC usually but the Topper added some obvious pick-me-up to it.


I'm still a Cougar fan :^^:

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I'm 35 here, and thought I'm exactly where the Stone Cougar phero should have some benefit to me, lol... but I'm another one who hasn't ever noticed much with it on. I keep trying and trying with varying amounts, but I honestly don't notice anything when I wear Cougar. (SS4W doesn't seem to do much either? I've only noticed subtle effects with Gotcha!, Lace and Lumina, and a not subtle effect with Treasured Hearts and SWS.)

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Eh, not every blend works for everyone. Cougar is a win for me, but I don't get anything from SS4W. I would just chalk it up to something being in-congruent with your natural signature if it doesn't work for you.

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How does Cougar compare to LFM ? I'm wondering if i should get a bottle ? Nutrix already gave me her expert opinion ( thank you doll ! ) , so I am interested to hear more comparisons . I also made the mistake of ordering my newest bottle of UN LFM with a shot of cops - I forgot how stinky EoW can get. I'll add a sample or 2 of the sniffies to dilute the stink but I do like my pheros unscented , so I can apply secretly when I stay at the Bf's place with only 1 bathroom . Now, its either another LFM or Cougar . Experts please :) ?

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Wore Un cougar yesterday to a car show. And felt like a freakn celebrity! Almost thought I was wearing PP! People were dazzled. People came over to say hi, some wanted to meet me. Was complimented many times. This stuff is crazy!

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How does Cougar compare to LFM ? I'm wondering if i should get a bottle ? Nutrix already gave me her expert opinion ( thank you doll ! ) , so I am interested to hear more comparisons . I also made the mistake of ordering my newest bottle of UN LFM with a shot of cops - I forgot how stinky EoW can get. I'll add a sample or 2 of the sniffies to dilute the stink but I do like my pheros unscented , so I can apply secretly when I stay at the Bf's place with only 1 bathroom . Now, its either another LFM or Cougar . Experts please :) ?


I haven't gotten around to really trying Cougar yet, but LFM-like LFN, has a great Gentlewoman vibe, even for someone like me. I think it enhances one's sense of respectability, and from what I've noticed both types of LF help give me a soft power control over situations without much confrontational problems. Since you got it cop'd I'd recommend looking in to getting some Sugared Honeycomb, Caramel Sutra, or other sugary scents (though fruity can be great at covering cops too), it covers practically anything.

Edited by Queen of Swords
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Wore Un cougar yesterday to a car show. And felt like a freakn celebrity! Almost thought I was wearing PP! People were dazzled. People came over to say hi, some wanted to meet me. Was complimented many times. This stuff is crazy!


I LOVE reading reviews like this! :D


LFM-like LFN, has a great Gentlewoman vibe, even for someone like me. I think it enhances one's sense of respectability, and from what I've noticed both types of LF help give me a soft power control over situations without much confrontational problems.


I agree with this completely, particularly the soft power :)



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Wore Un cougar yesterday to a car show. And felt like a freakn celebrity! Almost thought I was wearing PP! People were dazzled. People came over to say hi, some wanted to meet me. Was complimented many times. This stuff is crazy!


:woohoonaner2gy: ...now that's what I'm talkin about,Da Cougar Sparkle :P



Now, its either another LFM or Cougar . Experts please :) ?


Hah,far from expert here,and IMO everyone will have a different experience,but since you already have LFM,I would go for the Cougar :) ... love me some Cougar,it was my *first*


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