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Cougar Potion (pheromone-enhanced perfume)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tried the cougar - yikes! smells like cat pee on me! Nonetheless, decided to give it a go and wore it to bed and got wicked heart palpitations like I used to get during menopause. The only 'mone i've tried that did that. eek. Yet- taaadaaah- the next day I looked more Sparkly 20 years old than, well, since I was 20!! Actually, i didn't look that sparkly back then. This stuff in AMAZING. So, now i ONLY put a dab on my belly, and even that wee amount works its wonders. I have to find a good place to wear this out in public! Fun Stuff!!!

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Welcome to the Cougar fan club chickadee!...fluffy...it's only a matter of time and you'll be here too... :lol:

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Well this is interesting and I don't 100% understand it but I have tried Cougar potion and the only way I can describe the self effects are "uncomfortable in my own skin!" Weird, right? Definitely "not right" like you said.


Topper gives me the sparkly good time feeling I was looking for in this...have you tried it?


I got that " uncomfortable in my own skin" effect from another company's product like clockwork about 10 minutes after applying and it lasted about another 10-15 min , then disappeared . I think we were wondering on another forum if it was the Th-doc in it - I could be remembering the wrong molecule though .

Edited by fluffygirl12
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I received my UN Stone Cougar on Friday , just in time before leaving to Bfs house for the weekend , and test drove it since then , both with and without added Occo Gold and Gotcha.

It really gives a sparkly vibe on its own , and just adds some fun and lightness to the others . I tried around 4 sprays , and finally got the type of self effects I had been missing since I started with pheros :. after an initial little bit of shakyness - like having too much caffeine - it made me just a little more perky , engaging and happy , and just like Halo one time said - i swear it even made me funnier :).

I ordered it unscented , and was lucky enough to receive a few rose scented sniffees , which I added to the bottle. I don't like grapefruit or fruity scents , so a fresh floral like a rose( Young Rose in this case ) is the perfect complement to the mood of the phero. This would be a great scent to order as a boost to an UN.

A nice addition to Gotcha as well , it just ads the right amount of fun to the sweet bonding blend.

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Well, MissD, the only thing to do then is to order your favorite fun and flirty scent boosted with it! There! See? That was easy...where's that blasted easy button at again... :D

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Tried the cougar - yikes! smells like cat pee on me! Nonetheless, decided to give it a go and wore it to bed and got wicked heart palpitations like I used to get during menopause. The only 'mone i've tried that did that. eek. Yet- taaadaaah- the next day I looked more Sparkly 20 years old than, well, since I was 20!! Actually, i didn't look that sparkly back then. This stuff in AMAZING. So, now i ONLY put a dab on my belly, and even that wee amount works its wonders. I have to find a good place to wear this out in public! Fun Stuff!!!

it smells like cat pee on my friend, too!

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:lol: I see your point. The problem would be in picking JUST one :P
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I don't know about you...but I'm happy in my dementia :w00t::lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am still trying to figure this one out ! I am not getting the self effect I got from the first 1 or 2 times wearing it , but this leaves me to pay more attention on the "other" effects :)

I did not have a real Cougar moment yet , but did notice men around me being friendlier and chatting me up more at the gym ( I take a lot of yoga / weights / spin classes so its fairly easy to strike up conversations before and after with your class mates ). I do notice a lightening in my mood after at least 30 min or so wearing it . Will have to wear it a bit more solo . In combo with Gotcha , it makes me sweet and a bit sparklier

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think I bonked BF and one of his band mates over the head with Cougar today. I put it on before I left the house, and when I sat down to put my shoes on, I looked up to find BF staring at me, his eyes all glazed over and a little grin on his face. I asked him why he was looking at me like that, and he kinda came-to, and said, "Umm... nothin'." But he was still smiling all goofy.


And now that I'm back, every time I look over at Band Mate #1, he's staring at me. It's get-ting awk-ward! :lol:


BF's still staring at me, too.



I need to wear Cougar more often! :D

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DINGDINGDING! Winner! Nothing wrong with a lil' feminine appreciation :D

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I'm starting to notice hits every time I have worn this lately . While i get no more self effects from this other than a slightly more awake and perky feeling , every time I have worn this someone ( male ) starts talking to me . it's like I have a target painted on my forehead ;)

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yup-- I can do self-effects from sugar and caffeine. I'll take effects over others almost any day of the week.


(haven't tried this. I do like self-effects on myself but I also feel like I know for certain it's working when someone

else who doesn't know I'm wearing something does something unusual.)

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They ARE often hot aren't they? what's THAT about!

Well one guy,22.dark hair,bedroom beautiful eyes.I think what's more attractive is his priorities in life and that he puts god first. And is most likely a virgin. Forbidden lol. Can only test my pheros on him,ah ha


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Well one guy,22.dark hair,bedroom beautiful eyes.I think what's more attractive is his priorities in life and that he puts god first. And is most likely a virgin. Forbidden lol. Can only test my pheros on him,ah ha


I had two of those boys at my door the other day. One was cute, the other not so much. Worst part...I wasn't wearing a bra and I'm one of those girls who needs padding (not because I lack size because there always at attention). In my defense, it was 8:30 pm and I thought it was my best friend dropping something off for me. I just crossed my arms against my chest the whole time, lol. Awkward!!

BTW, wth is up with all the Mormons riding bikes everywhere spreading the word of God?! Your in Canada, I'm in Maryland. Anyone else seen them in there areas too??


Good thing I wasn't wearing any Cougar!!

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Ya I'm in Canada

One is from Ohio the goodlooken one from Canada.

They come over now like once a week.always seem to catch me at my worst though,like no makeup,hair in a messy ponytail.and no bra either! So I usually grab my coat really quick,slip it on.once you let them know your interested in what they have to say,they won't leave you alone!oh well,not so bad.lol

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Our regular is a JW grandma and her little granddaughter..no Mormons out this way thus far, an foot or on bike.

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I'm starting to notice hits every time I have worn this lately . While i get no more self effects from this other than a slightly more awake and perky feeling , every time I have worn this someone ( male ) starts talking to me . it's like I have a target painted on my forehead ;)


I always get hits when I wear this, I need to get a FB of oil to go with my spray

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I always get hits when I wear this, I need to get a FB of oil to go with my spray

I have been using a trial spray of this and I just got a FB of oil from the trading post. I do get hits from the spray, but never a single selfie. I have tested out the oil by itself and can definitely tell a difference. I felt more energized, friendly, and generally on top of my game. I also had women noticeably want to be near me, which I've never noticed with the spray. I must be using a smaller amount of the oil and it is closer to my sweet spot than when I use the spray. So DD, if you get hits with the spray, you may find that you have a whole different experience with the oil.

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  • 4 weeks later...

here i am again with a billionth report about cougar. This time the scented p-com cougar (woman in black gloves).


I adore this scent and yet don't reach for it very often - i think because it's pretty loud on me.


I dabbed on the tiniest bit today - really, a pencil-head eraser size dab, split to wrists - before going into a meeting where i was going into battle and needed my opponent to do whatever i wanted, but also respect me and LIKE me and want to deal with me a lot in the future.


Based on past conversations (we've spoken many many times by phone but never met), I was also working a hunch that this person was the type for whom finding a woman attractive would be a plus for those purposes, rather than demoting me to just sexual object.


Well, this couldn't have worked better if I were a mind controller. Totally ridiculously effective for all purposes to the point that I felt sorry for him. Flat out unfair.


Oh, also, as many have observed, this is at LEAST as effective on OLDER men as younger... this one was a bit older than me.

Edited by tyvey
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... Oh, also, as many have observed, this is at LEAST as effective on OLDER men as younger... this one was a bit older than me.

Edited by tyvey, Today, 05:41 PM.


That's great to know. I have Cougar ( perfume) in spray and oil. I like it. Great self effects. But I did wonder. I don't have interest in younger men. not my thing.

Would love to know how it works on 50 and up. Any thoughts

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... Oh, also, as many have observed, this is at LEAST as effective on OLDER men as younger... this one was a bit older than me.

Edited by tyvey, Today, 05:41 PM.


That's great to know. I have Cougar ( perfume) in spray and oil. I like it. Great self effects. But I did wonder. I don't have interest in younger men. not my thing.

Would love to know how it works on 50 and up. Any thoughts



I have had fab results with Cougar with men OF ALL AGES.....I get the "starry eyed" looks from the younger ones, but the "wow, she's hot" looks from the older ones.....

Edited by Dolly
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.."I have had fab results with Cougar with men OF ALL AGES.....I get the "starry eyed" looks from the younger ones, but the "wow, she's hot" looks from the older ones..... "

Edited by Dolly, Today, 05:51 PM.


That's what I wanted to hear. :-) I need to get out and play with this one more.

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I have to try this one again next week. It started out great - but then all of the pheros I use start out great and in 90 % after the first couple of uses - not much more . This is what happened to me with this one. Part of the reason might be that once the selfies wear off quickly , I have a more difficult time measuring effects on others . I have a few blends that are spectacular EVERY time , but this one wore off quickly.

I've just now taken a break from phero use for about 10 days due to a medical issue , which has NEVER happened since I started using them ( the break I mean ;), and I am ready to start all over testing everything I own , since I'm confident the break will help a lot in getting the selfies back , which in turn makes me more happy to experiment and have a clean slate on effects in general !!

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Yea I don't wear cops or Pheros every day. And I think a break is good. A fresh start is always nice.

..I do enjoy phero fun tho. :-)


There are plenty of great LP's w/o scent and scent is powerful on its own.

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