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Cougar Potion (pheromone-enhanced perfume)

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I have scented some of this with Tidesong's Honeyed Amber and Neroli - that right there would be enough in the selfies department as far as I just LOVE that scent! But, of course, Cougar is DAH BOMB and is always a sparkling social for me.


This seems to be the Cougar norm...People love my hair, my clothes, my shoes...pick something, lol. Starry eyes, when I'm taking with people depending on how long the conversation is going on for, they will go all dreamy eyed on me...just stare and then realize they were supposed to respond :D I have NOT noticed it causing more of an effect on men over women, women love Cougar too! Shmexy and BFF central out of both sexes HAHAHA!


I USED to think that Cougar effected older gentlemen more starting out, but it really rings true that it's the people who are most sensitive to the pheromones, regardless of age, who respond well - or not - to ANY blend. Cougar runs the gamut...men, women, younger, older....kids too! Pheromones are just plain FUN but Cougar is always a reliable go to for me - LOVE this one FOH SHO :)

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After going through my Cougar Boosted Red,which is Awesome,btw...I use 1 spritz of UN to back of my hair,any more is too strong for me,but no problem with cops...Everyone is different! but finding out what works on you is the Fun part :D ...Cougar never fails,and I always come back to it!! :say88:

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So, is this the right thread to review the scented Cougar Potion?

For some reason, the threads on scented vs unscented (Stone) Cougar are really confusing to me!


That might just be the effect of the Cougar, though.... ;)


Anyway, I tried the scented Cougar Potion a couple of times now, and I am.... Not sure, somehow.


The scent is nice, very very nice, lovely and light and sophisticated (it smells expensive to me, there is something very luxurious about it) but it keeps feeling like a scent that has nothing to do with me.

Like there is a stranger sitting on my wrist - a beautiful and wonderful smelling stranger, sure, but not anyone who is part of me.


And the self-effects are sort of similar; I feel ok but slightly out of sorts while I wear it.

It also makes me slightly confused and ditzy. I seem to have trouble articulating what I want to say (or, well, write actually) when wearing it.

I have a feeling that this one does not bring out the best in me, which is surprising because I do tend to be slightly cougar-ish in my men preferences! :D


The few men I've been in contact with while wearing this were friendly and courteous (painters paiting our apartment building's hallways and doors) but no more or less so than when I was wearing other scents/pheros, I think.


I'm going to hang on to my sample of course, and experiment some more.

Edited by ssupytalp
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Interesting. Cougar is one of the blends that I always get cheerful/playful selfies from - not giddy per se, but it can lean that way if I'm not self aware that I'm being self effected :lol: What kind of "odd"? Light headed? Confused? It makes me chit-chatty and behaves similarly for me like Popularity P but w/o the cops :)

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No, not lightheaded and confused, I am totally ok with that...it's hard to explain...just "not myself". Pop potion doesn't seem to do it for me either! I wear it because the scent of Darling C is one of my faves but not the phero. Something in scented Cougar doesn't sit well with my skin, either (which is shocking because I thought I loved grapefruit before) so maybe I will get to update my opinion after trying the new Pizazz because it has been a long time since I've tried Cougar...here's hoping! I am very jealous of all the Coug Love.

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Cougar has seems to make me feel a bit out of sorts too but it has never come in a scent that I have been myself with either. I am eagerly awaiting my sample of Pizazz and hoping this is the one that will indeed make me sparkle!! But yeah, the phero makes me feel odd so I'm just not sure about it...


Glad I'm not the only one!

Like with Gotcha!, I was so convinced I would love it, and slightly sad that I didn't.


Cougar Potion doesn't make me feel dizzy or light-headed in the slightest - it's hard to explain, more like my brain is having trouble coming up with the right words or the proper responses to something because someone is talking, interrupting my train of thought.

Like on a radio, when two channels are too close together and they interfere with each other, and you can't really make out either one properly.

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Platypus it sounds like you're wearing too much


I was wearing one small swipe from the sample vial rod, applied to one wrist then smushed on the other - I don't think it would have been possible to wear less! ;)


(ever since the first time I tried Gotcha! I've been extremely careful about amounts)

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Are you a lightweight generally? The amount you described is borderline too much for me in PP and LFM.


PP being Popularity Potion and LFM La Femme Noire, is that correct?



I suspect so: I have only been playing with pheros for about two months now I think so I don't have much to go on yet, but it certainly appears to be so.

I had a very strong reaction to Gotcha! the first time I tried that (my head was spinning for hours) but nothing like that with any of the others I've tried - but of course, I have only tried maybe 4 (5?) different pheros so far.


I've been using Gotcha! in quite small doses (although much more than I had on of the Cougar) from time to time, just a dot or two from the unscented roller bottle, and now I don't notice much more than that it mellows me out a bit and perhaps makes me tend to overshare slightly...


But I am cautious of THDOC (especially alpha-THDOC) now, because Halo said that that is what probably caused the effect in Gotcha!

Which is why I had sort of planned to stay away from both Popularity Potion and La Femme Mystere, because they both have some form of THDOC in them (although not alpha I think, and from what I've read the beta can have a different effect).


But I couldn't resist the description of La Sylphide, which has LFM in it, so I guess I'll find out in a while! ;)


Since Cougar is a proprietary blend I have no idea if it has THDOC in it, but it is certainly possible.


I wonder though, if it could have something to do with the actual scent as well; it is lovely and gorgeous, just very.... alien to me, almost. Not congruent with me at all.

The effect was not really physical, like with Gotcha!, but more psychological.

If wearing a perfume (even apart from pheros) that agrees with you can make you feel better, more at ease, more like 'you', then wearing something that simply does not 'fit', no matter how lovely, can perhaps make you feel out of sorts.


Thank you for thinking this through with me btw!

It's interesting to hear other's experiences, and very good to know that I am not the only one who has to be very very careful with amounts....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am loving Cougar Potion. When I first applied it I got a bit of the butterfly feeling but that quickly went away and I was left with this fantastic smell. Like others have described...bubbly or sparkly and so wonderful to smell. Even if it was not pheroed I would love it...the fact it is makes it that much better.....just a great scent. The grapefruit comes through the most but it seems like so much more. It will be interesting to see if the scent morphs on my skin. I like that it isn't a heavy sexual phero blend and from what others say, many seem to react well to it.


I am glad to see this one is permanent because withdraw from it would not be pretty. I will have to get more in January and make sure I don't run out. LOL



Update: 6 Hours in and the smell is still great. No real opportunities for hits right now but I need to stop by the store on the way home and it tends to be very busy in the mornings so I will see what happens. Right now just for the selfies I love it....cause I am thinking Damn I look and smell good....LOL

Edited by irish eyes
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So finally trying the Cougar Potion (the perfume, not just the phero) sample today, and sadly, the scent is not for me. On my skin, the grapefruit keeps skittering out of reach, and the whole thing is very perfume-y in a way that is almost headache-inducing. (Let me hasten to add--the scent is, as perfume-y things go, a lovely perfume, classic and subtle and elegant. Just not me.)


That being said, I am getting very nice subtle effects from the phero! I am feeling confident and pretty, and everyone at work seems to be more attentive and kinder than usual. I think I will explore the possibility of finding a different scent to put this in.

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So finally trying the Cougar Potion (the perfume, not just the phero) sample today, and sadly, the scent is not for me. On my skin, the grapefruit keeps skittering out of reach, and the whole thing is very perfume-y in a way that is almost headache-inducing. (Let me hasten to add--the scent is, as perfume-y things go, a lovely perfume, classic and subtle and elegant. Just not me.)


That being said, I am getting very nice subtle effects from the phero! I am feeling confident and pretty, and everyone at work seems to be more attentive and kinder than usual. I think I will explore the possibility of finding a different scent to put this in.



If you have some Dolly's Hot and Sticky, the Cougar phero is a good match for it....

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If you have some Dolly's Hot and Sticky, the Cougar phero is a good match for it....

A little OT but does Dolly's H & S count as a PE or an LP release, I remember when it was in the Perfumierie. Just wondering in case someone ever wanted to order a rebrew.

Lucky me when I was looking through my sniffies, mainly for Xmas scents, for fun. I found a full sniffie.. saving that for warmer weather. :)

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Yeah, it could probably be ordered as a PE re-brew, because that was how I originally ordered it.

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If you have some Dolly's Hot and Sticky, the Cougar phero is a good match for it....



Yeah, it could probably be ordered as a PE re-brew, because that was how I originally ordered it.



Great! It's so good. I've always kicked myself for not grabbing a bottle.

Oh, VERY good to know! Thanks for the suggestions, ladies!


Oh, and irish eyes -- LP Red is a current fave, haven't tried Original yet. Filing that idea away too!

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Dolly's Hot and Sticky would be excellent for Cougar. I already have two bottles, one in oil copped and one spray with Topper but I would be tempted to get another one with Cougar if there was a rebrew. I would choose another scent though and split the phero dose between them because I think that is why I didn't like it before. I was probably wearing too much. I think the reason it is working for me in Pizzazz is that I am so afraid of the rose giving me a headache that I am not wearing as much perfume as I normally would. I have never considered myself a phero lightweight but in the case of Cougar I just may be.

I always wanted a "Cougar boosted Bridezilla" anyway because it sounds so silly so if Dolly's H&S makes a comeback this summer I may get those two and skip the Pizzazz since I am still so on the fence with it.

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  • 2 months later...

I attend the same meeting every Friday with the same group of men -- and have been doing this for almost a year now. I'm usually the only female in the meeting with these 10 – 12 men, and I definitely know by now how these guys all act around me ... how they all act around me without pheromones, that is! Muwahahaha!


This meeting, ladies and gentlemen, is now my laboratory. :)


First up: Cougar Potion. I put the Cougar Potion on my collarbone, in my cleavage, on my wrists and some on my torso beneath my breasts, about 7 dots of perfume total. I can't say that I was in love with the scent itself -- it is very grapefruity on me and that is all I can smell when I wear it. I hope as I become used to wearing it, I will start owning it and then will appreciate the other notes in the scent.


Anyway, what I noticed was that over the course of the meeting, everyone turned his chair in my direction -- even though they then had to look in the opposite direction and kind of over their shoulders to see the projector screen. I also noticed that one of the foremen kept getting closer to me and more playful -- doing silly stuff like playfully poking me in the arm with a pen.


I noticed for myself that I had a hard time NOT being the center of attention at the meeting – I kept thinking of incredibly witty things to say, and I had to bite my lip to keep from talking off topic. :)


After the meeting, I went back to my office and had the bright idea of applying more Cougar Potion – I slathered it. I inhaled deeply and had a most uncomfortable rush – my sinuses felt too dry and then right after that, my nose started running. My head was buzzing and I felt a little dizzy, and also I felt as if my heart were racing. Electricity down my spine. A little queasy. A little anxious. Whoa!


As I said, not comfortable and definitely not pleasureable. And then it passed and I went to visit with the same foreman who had been getting closer and more playful during the meeting.


Now, however, he stayed as far from me as he could without being rude. I became so self conscious – too much perfume? Did I actually stink now? I actually asked if I were wearing too much perfume and he claimed to be unable to smell it -- he leaned in to sniff but then backed away right after. I was totally puzzled. (After work, I came to the LP web forums and discovered the term “ghosting” – I'm pretty sure that is what was happening.)


Self effects with Cougar Potion: I feel saucy, a little sassy, sexy and flirty in a very fun way. When I look at myself, I see myself as being so pretty – my hair is so shiny, my eyes are sparkling, etc. I feel confident, feminine and pretty but more than pretty, I feel attractive and in control of the situation. With Cuddle Bunny, I feel adorable, cute, sexy, laughing – but also maybe a little vulnerable. Not so with Cougar Potion – flirty, fun,sexy, pretty, and in control!


I want to try this as an UN Cougar (60/40 silicone), so I can pair it with different scents – and I also want to see the effect of a sprayed application and the resulting widespread diffusion on my test subjects.


Would you guys recommend a 1x, 2x or 3x? I want the silicone to help with staying power.


Thanks for your input/feedback!

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Unscented pheros are 3x the strength of a phero enhanced scent. Also I think if you read around a bit you can find information n OD'ing ( which is what it sounded like happened to you) . The more you use pheros the more you will find that more is not always better. Everyone has a "sweet spot" when it comes to application amounts and it seems like the first application was yours...then adding more you had too much on. It wasn't that you stunk...when you added scent you added pheros. If you get the unscented you will have to remember that they are very potent so you will not need to wear as much. So if it makes sense, Scented Cougar Potion has 333mg of the Cougar Blend but the Unscented Stone Cougar has 1000mg per bottle at 1x.


It could just be that with the added amount he had increased feelings, felt uncomfortable and backed off. Given it wasn't a date or relaxed social gathering, he may have needed to remain a bit more professional. There are loads of posts here about things like congruence and how men will sometimes avoid those with pheros if it makes them uncomfortable.


I hope this helps.

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After the meeting, I went back to my office and had the bright idea of applying more Cougar Potion – I slathered it. I inhaled deeply and had a most uncomfortable rush – my sinuses felt too dry and then right after that, my nose started running. My head was buzzing and I felt a little dizzy, and also I felt as if my heart were racing. Electricity down my spine. A little queasy. A little anxious. Whoa!


Would you guys recommend a 1x, 2x or 3x? I want the silicone to help with staying power.

Yup, you over did it :lol: I did that with Woozy Floozy and you pretty much only do it once and become more mindful after that happens Hahaha! I was lucky in that I was at home the day I OD'd.


I have the majority of my pheros in oil, and I apply them before leaving for work (with an hour commute) work a 10 hour day, and never need to reapply the entire time believe it or not! I LOVE the oils because of that :) You just reapplied too much too soon...but those are the things we've all figured out along the way - welcome to the club ^_~ Sprays behave a bit differently needing reapplication after 6-8 hours for me so far, but the oils are golden for long days.


I have yet to purchase more than x1 strength. Woozy Floozy would be the exception, as it already came that way at 3,000mcg per bottle - a "woozy" amount of a-nol - hence the name...and THAT'S the one that got me in trouble! Pretty much what you described to a tee! I would say less is totally more :blush:


I wouldn't mind knowing the out come of some of those who have gone higher and why they tried/purchased it and how it's working for them :)

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The only reason I can think of that anyone would need/want to get a 2x or 3x is if at the 1x concentration they need to use more. For example, I need to use about 6 sprays of Balm Bomb for it to work for me. Since I know that, I could technically get a 2x spray and only use 3 sprays of it to get the same effect, or a 3x spray and use 2 sprays. I *might* consider getting a 2x when I have to get a new bottle, but I probably won't, 'cause honestly, I like having 6 sprays to spread around different parts of my clothes and body! ;)


Almost every other phero works great for me at the 1000mcg/bottle concentration. I don't really feel the need to go above that except for the reason I mentioned above.


I don't know if others have anything to add...

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Yes, I need to be careful with Cougar myself, it used to make me feel funky because I wore too much. I like it in Pizzazz because the perfume itself does not let me go overboard because it is so strong.


I would never go more than 1x for the fact that I like to spritz around different spots like Eggers said...


I don't have any UN's in oil, I am so used to the sprays that I am afraid I wouldn't know how much to apply for some reason. I should at least try one for the summer I suppose but I can't decide which one to try in that format. Hm.

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Thanks for the advice! I will stick with the 1x 60/40 silicone spray to start with. :)


The more I wear these pheromone mixtures, the more I like them -- and really, I'm starting to become more interested in the social mixtures over the sexual ones. I work in a very manly place and though I would love to test out the So Sexy's and the Bang!s of the pheromone world, (bc, really, this would be the perfect test environment – I've worked here for a year and have a well-established behavior baseline), I feel uncomfortable wearing screamingly sexual blends at work. In my earliest days of testing responses, I rubbed Phero Girl on my tummy and on my lower back in addition to the Cuddle Bunny on my collarbone, cleavage and wrists, to see how that mixture went.


I HATED IT. I went into a meeting with 6 men and 1 other woman – the woman sat near me at first and then got up and moved to a different seat, farther away from me. No one in the meeting would really look at me, except this guy across the table who would not stop giving me the intense stare. My boss scootched further away from me and his whole body language was turned away from me. All I could smell was the Phero Girl wafting up through my shirt and I just wanted to die. I felt I was wearing too much cops, I felt I could smell them all over me and I imagined that everybody else in the room was smelling them, too, and politely putting up with my stench. I was so happy to find an excuse to leave that meeting early and go wash off the Phero Girl.


I know I read it on here a thousand times, Less Is More, but I guess until I actually started chasing people away, I just didn't get it. Lol!


Anyway, what I'm looking for now are mixtures to wear at the office. I want people to be happy, calm, and relaxed around me. I want them to experience me as being competent, fun, and sexy. I like the descriptions of Open Windows and Popularity Potion, and of course, I already like Cougar Potion. I am wondering if Leather would help the guys toe the line a little bit more, but I don't want to go all the way to Dominance bc I don't think my personality would deliver on the promises of that phero blend. :) I'm also interested in Gotcha!, bc I like to have upclose and personal relationships with people and I want to attract more of that into my life.

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Anyway, what I'm looking for now are mixtures to wear at the office. I want people to be happy, calm, and relaxed around me. I want them to experience me as being competent, fun, and sexy. I like the descriptions of Open Windows and Popularity Potion, and of course, I already like Cougar Potion. I am wondering if Leather would help the guys toe the line a little bit more, but I don't want to go all the way to Dominance bc I don't think my personality would deliver on the promises of that phero blend. :) I'm also interested in Gotcha!, bc I like to have upclose and personal relationships with people and I want to attract more of that into my life.


How about Treasured Hearts (it's in Fairy Musk at the moment)?

That seems to work for me in all kinds of environments - and 'happy, calm and relaxed' is exactly how it makes other people (and me) feel.


For upclose and personal I've also found Perfect Match to be great - and in more romantic settings, that works really well with some cops, too. ;)

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How about Treasured Hearts (it's in Fairy Musk at the moment)?

That seems to work for me in all kinds of environments - and 'happy, calm and relaxed' is exactly how it makes other people (and me) feel.


For upclose and personal I've also found Perfect Match to be great - and in more romantic settings, that works really well with some cops, too. ;)


I have Fairy Musk trial vial on my shopping list for my next order -- and now I'm going to find a perfume that is enhanced with Perfect Match and add a trial of that to my next order.

Thanks for the suggestions!

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Thanks for the advice! I will stick with the 1x 60/40 silicone spray to start with. :)

I'm also interested in Gotcha!, bc I like to have upclose and personal relationships with people and I want to attract more of that into my life.

Gotcha is my favorite for everyday and work. Mara described it once as making others around you feel "safe and loved". It never fails to make me feel more socially at ease.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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Cougariffic - While I have yet to encounter anyone who doesn't like the scent of Cougar, I often and consistently have people say that PheroGirl, OCCO Gold, Une (PG w/o the cops essentially) smell like baby powder to them. Some people like that but a quite a few, unless it's VERY little, seem to feel the powder aspect is too strong. I have to wear barely a smidge, and on my torso, to keep it as close to myself as possible. I can't even blame the cops because Une is phero free :( Maybe that's what happened to you?


I think you'd enjoy OW A LOT! For me, PP, PM, LFM/N, Gotcha!, BB (just recently discovered how great that is for work), Leather, even SS4W is a great social....have all been good for work for me. I haven't trialed Treasured Hearts enough yet to speak to that one. OH! And since you DO work with a lot of men (I work with a majority of fellas too) don't forget Teddy BB! That one is AWESOME for guys and gals! And one of the NRs for Feb will have a scent boosted with it if you want to give it a go...

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Cougariffic - While I have yet to encounter anyone who doesn't like the scent of Cougar, I often and consistently have people say that PheroGirl, OCCO Gold, Une (PG w/o the cops essentially) smell like baby powder to them. Some people like that but a quite a few, unless it's VERY little, seem to feel the powder aspect is too strong. I have to wear barely a smidge, and on my torso, to keep it as close to myself as possible. I can't even blame the cops because Une is phero free :( Maybe that's what happened to you?


I think you'd enjoy OW A LOT! For me, PP, PM, LFM/N, Gotcha!, BB (just recently discovered how great that is for work), Leather, even SS4W is a great social....have all been good for work for me. I haven't trialed Treasured Hearts enough yet to speak to that one. OH! And since you DO work with a lot of men (I work with a majority of fellas too) don't forget Teddy BB! That one is AWESOME for guys and gals! And one of the NRs for Feb will have a scent boosted with it if you want to give it a go...


Teddy BB, huh? I have to go read up on that one -- thanks for the suggestions!

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I love Teddy BB for work. That's a great suggestion for wear with an all-male work environment, particularly if you work with those types of men who don't take you seriously, or who constantly over-look you because, you know, you're *just* a woman. *rolls eyes*


Of course my favourite for work is Open Windows. Not only does it make me and those around me feel pretty chipper most of the time, it also makes me feel really confident, which I believe helps my customers see me as competent. And though OW isn't necessarily a sexy blend, I feel naturally sexy wearing it, (as opposed to over-the-top sexy), simply because it does seem to enhance my natural attributes. To paraphrase the description, it enhances that feel-good, look good factor.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh the power of Cougar. Lol. Today I have been fawned over so much and it's only 9:00am. I had a few people gather around me saying, wow you lol so good today... Then someone else gushes, I really loved your style yesterday too. I said, shoot I don't remember what I wore yesterday. Then they explained my outfit, and told me how they loved my hair the way my bangs were pinned to the side... LOL- did I mention, these were GUYS?! This is so funny!

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It probably helps *just* a bit that you're absolutely gorgeous! You're probably giving them all heart palpitations when you hit them with Cougar on top! :lol: Careful you don't kill any of 'em!

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It probably helps *just* a bit that you're absolutely gorgeous! You're probably giving them all heart palpitations when you hit them with Cougar on top! :lol: Careful you don't kill any of 'em!

Thank eggers! Lol!! I love Cougar for selfies- but I guess all the extra attention is awesome too. I'll try not to hurt anyone today lol!!

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