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Essence of Woman copulins

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Is the flower still visible? I'd changed to the cat when my rank name changed, but at first the new pic disappeared and the flower was visible again, :chimp83: then I managed to delete all and now the cat should be there.


Ahh, I did the old F5 trick and I can see the cat now, cool! :)

Edited by Synergist
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:purr: It also happenend to me before, I mean last time when I changed the picture, the previous one kept on re-appearing. Dunno what had happened but now it seems to be okay.


BTW: Syn, your new photo is very pretty!


Awww, thank you snowflake! :Hug_emoticon:


It's funny, I actually submitted that very photo to BeautifulPeople.com, just to see if it would get in. It got voted out! :( Apparently I am not beautiful enough for BeautifulPeople... hehe, somehow I think I will live... :P

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Beautiful people.com is rubbish! I attempted also to see if I would get in and I very narrowly made it in with just a face picture. I deleted my profile and tried again, but this time with some boobage in the picture and it got in without a struggle. I think they rate based on boobs. <_<

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Beautiful people.com is rubbish! I attempted also to see if I would get in and I very narrowly made it in with just a face picture. I deleted my profile and tried again, but this time with some boobage in the picture and it got in without a struggle. I think they rate based on boobs. <_<


Hahaha! Yeah maybe I had too much face not enough boob :P

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  • 5 months later...

crap! I put on Pouncing Potion today, thought I gave myself ten minutes before dressing (but maybe only eight?) and my boyfriend still complains hours later on that I smell like cat pee.


Gah! What am I doing wrong!


I'm pretty sure OCCO SLF was the one I was wearing when he made the same complaint. *sigh*


I really hope I'm doing something wrong because I don't want coplins to be a no-go with my effing infuriating (at the moment) manbeast.

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My first thought is that perhaps 10 minutes wasn't enough of a dry down & you got it on your clothes... But maybe some others can chime in with their "cat pee" experiences? When you mentioned SLF before, I thought perhaps it was the civit, 'cause I believe there's a touch of civit in there, and it does tend to have that reaction on some people's skin. But I don't think there's civit in Pouncing Potion... Although I could be wrong.


Next time you try it, make sure your perfume is *completely* dried down. If it gets on your clothes it doesn't meld properly with your skin, and you get it *on* your clothes, which doesn't smell pleasant. You can try speeding up the dry-down time by sort of gently smooshing the perfume around with your wrists.


Also, Mara and a few others have mentioned that it's best to use cops on your torso, (and not on neck, face, arms, backs of hands etc), because of the body heat needed for the cops to properly meld with your skin chemistry. If they're used on other parts of the body they can make you smell "unclean" instead of sexy.


IDK if that helps, but it's worth a shot.

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Oh yeah... I didn't even think about the honey. It always just smells like honey on me, or hours and hours later, like baby powder, so I always forget that some people have problems with it. Could be the honey!

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Hmm....I wore phero girl a few days ago but I'm not sure if he was around to smell it on me.


I did put a little bit on my neck and my inner elbows, but mostly I put it between my boobs and did the lollipop and then under my boobs.


How long of a dry-down should I do? I'm not willing to give up yet!

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With cops you want to make sure it's really dry. That's the important part. If it's still glistening on your skin - even a little bit - don't get dressed yet. You don't want it on your clothes, even a little bit. Hurry the dry-down along with your wrists if you want. But lightly. Pat at it. Don't rub - rubbing cops will leave you with a burnt rubber smell! And good luck! Let us know how you make out. :)

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does a blow dryer help?

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so does ultimate diffusion mean badass phero walking cloud, or does it mean that it gets weakened faster?

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hmmm.....useful to know and useful to test, so long as I wouldn't venture then into OD territory.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi everyone, I realize that this is an old thread but I figure that here at LP, EOW is always a relevent topic, so here goes: As for me, I really do like the odd smell of the cops. To me they smell almost... resiny? I don't even know if it is my olfactory perception of the smell, or the way it reacts with my skin chemistry, but ANYWAY..

I had an experience recently and am wondering what the hell THAT was all about. I was home alone and wasn;t going to have to go out so I figured it would be a perfect time to experiment w/ trying the OCCO Gold trial vial I got. I put some on, it was the usual, LOVED it when it dried down, which for some reason seemed to take longer than usual. I love, love, love this OCCO, but here's the rub:

Out of nowhere, all alone feeling fine I suddenly found myself feeling VERY irritable and BITCHY!!! I am wondering if this is yet another hormonal surprise that menopause is serving up in terms of mood stuff, but it did NOT feel like that kind of mood swing thing. What I am now wondering is, can EOW/Cops cause this kind of self effect? I mean seriously, I got irritable with a warm, fuzzy, adorable kitten for wanting to snuggle too close to me!!! WTF??? I let cats walk all over me both figuratively and literally, so how could I get annoyed over that? :( Heaven knows they and the pheros can be unpredictable, but has anyone else ever experienced anything like this?

Just to clarify, I did have a reaction such as this one once before that I can recall on Pherogirl. I so hope it's not true because I do love the scent. I would greatly appreciate anyone's imput on this. Thanks! BTW, the sweet kitten couldn't have cared less and is snuggling with me even as I type. :)

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Rose, I think phero's and cops can affect people in different ways. I know I have felt bitchy whenever I wear one that has B-Nol in it, so now I try to stay clear of those blends unless I want the inner bitch to come out...


Sometimes, it can just be the time of the month that using EoW can have that effect... Maybe wait a few days and try this one again and see if you get the same response...

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Yeah, women who are still having their normal cycles can get bitchy with cops at certain points in their cycle. I personally have never had the over-bitchiness (hell, I am kind of a bitch anyway, so who can tell....LOLOLOLOL)......now I am in full-blown meno, and have't run across any current issues either.


I say try it again in a few days to a week and see what happens. Also, you may try applying less.

Edited by Dolly
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@dolly you are definitely not a bitch. you just don't suffer fools/foolishness. if that's being a bitch we should all be bitches with a capital F.


@roseb that's never happened to me but I see others have....or, is it possible it was something else, like, were you just hungry?? I don't mean to trivialize, I'm asking seriously.

Edited by tyvey
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@Rose, you may be sensitive, or you may have just applied to much. This is easier to do with the OCCOs/Pherogirl because these LPs are specifically designed to hide the smell of them. It's easy not to realize actually how much you just applied. You coudl try again with a little dot of the offending LP on your wrist & no where else. A. it will be easier to wash off if it's bothersome & B. it won't be so close to your nose.

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Rose, I think phero's and cops can affect people in different ways. I know I have felt bitchy whenever I wear one that has B-Nol in it, so now I try to stay clear of those blends unless I want the inner bitch to come out...


Sometimes, it can just be the time of the month that using EoW can have that effect... Maybe wait a few days and try this one again and see if you get the same response...

I thought I was past the monthly cycle thing DolphinDolls, but who can say what kind of hormonal strangeness continues to vex people? Maybe it did bring out a hint o' Birch Goddess. I Will proceed with caution and pay clear attention to what happens.


Yeah, women who are still having their normal cycles can get bitchy with cops at certain points in their cycle. I personally have never had the over-bitchiness (hell, I am kind of a bitch anyway, so who can tell....LOLOLOLOL)......now I am in full-blown meno, and have't run across any current issues either.


I say try it again in a few days to a week and see what happens. Also, you may try applying less.

LOL Dolly! Most of us have that potential and while I am mostly nice, I can go there in a big way, but this came out of nowhere, or so it seemed. Like you, pretty sure I am mostly, if not all the way done with the memo. I did not think I went too crazy with it, BUT I love the scent so much, I put a dad on each wrist, between my breasts and behind each ear. I will admit that I could smell it clearly so maybe for me, that was too much. Will have to try starting off lightly next time and see how it goes. Perhaps I can find my happy medium that way.


@dolly you are definitely not a bitch. you just don't suffer fools/foolishness. if that's being a bitch we should all be bitches with a capital F.


@roseb that's never happened to me but I see others have....or, is it possible it was something else, like, were you just hungry?? I don't mean to trivialize, I'm asking seriously.

No worries Tyvey, I don't think it sounded as if you were trivializing it at all. With these things, you really do need to consider all factors and truthfully I can not recall if I was hungry at that time. Thank you for bringing that up though, since when I do experiment from this point on that will be something I try to factor in with respect to potentially odd self effects.


@Rose, you may be sensitive, or you may have just applied to much. This is easier to do with the OCCOs/Pherogirl because these LPs are specifically designed to hide the smell of them. It's easy not to realize actually how much you just applied. You coudl try again with a little dot of the offending LP on your wrist & no where else. A. it will be easier to wash off if it's bothersome & B. it won't be so close to your nose.

Thanks Beccah, the potential sensitivity was a concern for me as well and am hoping that just using less will be sufficient as opposed to not using them at all. I know it is odd to say with so many people expressing feelings about the coupling "funk factor" of cops , but they really do seem to make magic with my skin and turn into something that at least I perceive as smelling beautiful. Hopefully, less will remedy the problem assuming it was the OCCO that flipped my switch. Crossing my fingers! :) Thanks for all of your thoughtful insight everyone!

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I would like to know if

when a man smells copulins,like an OCCO on a woman does he instantly get a hard on?

I mean if you are around men you dont even know can it affect them fast like that.

The other night I had worn alot of my OCCO and BI and the the next day I took a long shower in the morning

but I got so much male attention when I went out in the morning,even at the doctors office. I had no pheros on.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My goodness, I forget how strong LP's copulins are! I have an add-in to a bottle of LP SE '11 & of course candy smells definitely hide the scent of copulins. I thought I was being conservative with them, but I got a REALLY strong self-effect from them today. An ex of mine is having a tough time & going through a divorce. We talked today, we are strictly friends now, there is NOTHING untoward between us, hasn't been for 11 years now. Idk, why but I was having very sexual thoughts aimed toward my ex, after our (depressing) conversation. Has to be from the copulins! I will definitely have to avoid wearing them as long as there is a drought in my house, LOL.

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  • 3 months later...

Are there any other pheros that copulins actually would not layer compatibly with? Like the intent of each is not congruent with the other? I was just eyeing some Focus Potion and wondering if one wouldn't detract from the other. I know we generally say copulins are OK with anything else, but I still wonder about a few that would seem weird together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since, as women, we're always giving off cops naturally I've never given adding cops with anything a second thought :D

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  • 2 years later...
I think I might have gotten self effects from copulins, but what I noticed wasn't exactly arousal. I don't remember if I felt more aroused or not preceding, but I do remember a kind of jitteriness, like when I have caffeine in my system. It was odd. I had eaten dinner not too long before, a dish that I had ordered in the past, and was well hydrated, and hadn't had too much physical or emotional stress as far as I knew. I did apply Phero Girl two or three times over the previous 24 - 36 hours, though, so that's why I'm making this connection. I've worn Sheer Essence and I've worn scents that were enhanced with pheromone blends that contained copulins, but I don't think I've ever worn a scent boosted straight with copulins.
I have both seen for myself and read on these forums that men sometimes react with jitters, as if they're more excited than their system has ever experienced (drastic change in testosterone over a short period of time?), but I haven't read of us females reacting like this.

Hi everyone, I realize that this is an old thread but I figure that here at LP, EOW is always a relevent topic, so here goes: As for me, I really do like the odd smell of the cops. To me they smell almost... resiny? I don't even know if it is my olfactory perception of the smell, or the way it reacts with my skin chemistry, but ANYWAY..

I had an experience recently and am wondering what the hell THAT was all about. I was home alone and wasn;t going to have to go out so I figured it would be a perfect time to experiment w/ trying the OCCO Gold trial vial I got. I put some on, it was the usual, LOVED it when it dried down, which for some reason seemed to take longer than usual. I love, love, love this OCCO, but here's the rub:

Out of nowhere, all alone feeling fine I suddenly found myself feeling VERY irritable and BITCHY!!! I am wondering if this is yet another hormonal surprise that menopause is serving up in terms of mood stuff, but it did NOT feel like that kind of mood swing thing. What I am now wondering is, can EOW/Cops cause this kind of self effect? I mean seriously, I got irritable with a warm, fuzzy, adorable kitten for wanting to snuggle too close to me!!! WTF??? I let cats walk all over me both figuratively and literally, so how could I get annoyed over that? :( Heaven knows they and the pheros can be unpredictable, but has anyone else ever experienced anything like this?

Just to clarify, I did have a reaction such as this one once before that I can recall on Pherogirl. I so hope it's not true because I do love the scent. I would greatly appreciate anyone's imput on this. Thanks! BTW, the sweet kitten couldn't have cared less and is snuggling with me even as I type. :)

I might be experiencing the same. I'll wear less Phero Girl or not re-apply so much. It's just that I received this in an order a few days ago and was just so into it. If my behavior continues and it's still scary - well, I just discovered Une, so I'll have that option :D

Edited by Ivysaur
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Has anyone ever experienced a man reacting negatively to cops? Displaying the complete opposite reaction you would wear them for?

And I'm speaking of alone time, not public spaces.

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Has anyone ever experienced a man reacting negatively to cops? Displaying the complete opposite reaction you would wear them for?

And I'm speaking of alone time, not public spaces.

I have not personally. But, there are a few conversations hrre and there about adverse reactions. Edited by StacyK
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Someone wrote about this in their journal and I cannot remember who right now. This person spoke about using cops like a building up sort of thing. What I mean is using a little each day so the person is used to it a little more. If you one day just smell like cops, the person may not understand or know why and could have a weird reaction. It's happened to me with my SO and we've been together for years! I have since learned to wear a little dab and then a little more etc. He responds to a very specific scent with cops now but at first the reaction was almost like "who the hell are you?" LOL!

Edited by tink333
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  • 2 months later...

I didn't know which area to post a review of this. This stuff is POTENT! I've been experimenting with it since I got it. I put one small swipe between the girls and it sure does have that funky odor. I let it dry down 10-15 minutes then sprayed a Rose perfume over it. I figured I needed a scent with a strong throw to cover the E0W scent. Worked like a charm. After awhile it had more of a sweetness to it before adding the Rose. I went to the store and noticed men following me around and smiling. I went out in jeans and a baggy Tshirt without any makeup. Yup it was the cops.


So when I came back I ended up falling asleep before taking a shower. Upon awakening I could not smell any cop scent but still smelled the rose a tiny bit. The pager went off so I had to basically roll out of bed and go to work. So I decided to experiment some more. I just did a quick what we call a bed bath at work. Hit the main areas. I made sure I didn't wash where EoW was. I added Charmed Chiara because the rose had faded almost to nothing. At work I noticed guys smiling at me more than usual. After I had to stop at a store quickly before going home and noticed more looks and following me. So even after a day the EoW was still putting out a scent even though I couldn't smell it. And I used a very small amount. I'd rather under do than over do.

Oh and the self effects...... um yup :Emoticons0424:

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I agree Luna- the stuff smells really "ok" to me, nothing through the roof outrageous. I was so worried when I got my first batch of Eow that it was going to stink like hell... but I guess i have a good tolerance for it. It isn't that bad to me.Strangely enough, the oil version is the version I have a little trouble with, just because I find it harder to cover and I find it has a stronger smell. Could just be personal chemistry too.Mara- your story about that young boy sure is fascinating. Teenagers are really hormone driven, so it's 'sort of' understandable that he'd be overwhelmed by the scent of cops, if copulins do have an "ingrained" biological significance to us.Funny enough, I was thinking about cops self-effects today. There is a sort of controversy out there about whether copulins can provoke self-effects on female wearers or if it's just placebo.I have a pretty good sex drive, but I always seem to feel more sexy, sexually powerful and in the mood when wearing cops. To be exact, it's a power thing. Like "I have something that people want" kind of feeling. Ok, it could sound totally ridiculous, and maybe it is placebo effect, but it gives some sense of strength.

My 10yr old sniffed the bottle and said it smelled really good. Also the self effects are real. I'm 54 and in menopause. I am alone. My libido was just about dead. When I wear cops it has a definite effect on me. Wakes up what I thought was dorminant.

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My 10yr old sniffed the bottle and said it smelled really good. Also the self effects are real. I'm 54 and in menopause. I am alone. My libido was just about dead. When I wear cops it has a definite effect on me. Wakes up what I thought was dorminant.

Cops provide a "pick me up" effect for me as well. You'll really find a lot of fragrances here just built to mix with EOW.

Have you tried any of the Occo line? Lots of fun.

Pheromone blends really give a pick me up too. IDK what you've tried so far. But, based on your post you definitely need to try a LAM or BAM, Cougar & LFM (La Femme Mystere). LFM was my first blend here. Totally made me a believer.

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