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Love Potion: Red


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I like to get my favorite pheros unscented just so I CAN wear them with any scent I like :)


LP Red is devine isn't it?! :Emoticons0424:

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I like to get my favorite pheros unscented just so I CAN wear them with any scent I like :)


LP Red is devine isn't it?! :Emoticons0424:

LP Red really is devine!! I got a sample of OCCO Red too. I've gone through all the threads here while waiting for my sample to arrive (I live in Greece and it took it about a month!), and I didn't know what to expect. I was afraid that it would be something that everyone like except me, but OMG it's amazing!


I really need to figure out how this whole phero thing works. I'm a bit confused. As for sexy pheros, which ones would you recommend? From what I've read here on the forum, SS4W, Bang!, BI seem to be a hit.

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OCCO Red and Red together - Mmmmmm :heart: I would add Sexpionage to the sexy list and my hubby responds really well to Sexology.


You'll find reactions depend on you and/or the person/s you looking for responses from. Everyone reacts in heir own way to pheromones and they last forever because most times a little bit goes a LOOOOONG way and less really is more. Excellent results and it's easy on the wallet - the perfumes here however - GAWDS! - They are all so fantastic they'll burn a hole in your bank account and won't even apologize for it :lol: But I've fund that I'm personally ok with that! :D

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Is there any way to get samples from the pheros or are only full bottles available?


I tried LP Red with OCCO Red yesterday. I loved the scent sooo much!

Samples of the scented Occos, LAM (magnet phero) & BAM are available in the Perfumerie as are any scented/phero boosted LPs (you can buy the samples for $5.

As for unscented pheros those are only available in Nov (Pheromas!) There were a few left on the Art Fire Page. IDK what's there right now but if you go to the LP website and click on gift shoppe, then scroll down to GGG (Going Going gone), that link will take you to the Art Fire Page, see what's there.


You can also check trade pages but be sure you are registered first.

Edited by StacyK
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Samples of the scented Occos, LAM (magnet phero) & BAM are available in the Perfumerie as are any scented/phero boosted LPs (you can buy the samples for $5.

As for unscented pheros those are only available in Nov (Pheromas!) There were a few left on the Art Fire Page. IDK what's there right now but if you go to the LP website and click on gift shoppe, then scroll down to GGG (Going Going gone), that link will take you to the Art Fire Page, see what's there.


You can also check trade pages but be sure you are registered first.



Oh thank you so much :) I'll do that

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  • 3 weeks later...

Samples of the scented Occos, LAM (magnet phero) & BAM are available in the Perfumerie as are any scented/phero boosted LPs (you can buy the samples for $5.


Actually, I think the samples for the OCCOs, LAMs and BAMs are $8
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  • 2 weeks later...

LP Red + OCCO Red


So, I have the mailman's mobile number and he has mine in case I have a package and he wants to give it dirrectly to me so it won't get lost, stolen etc.


I'm waiting for my LP Red fb and OCCO Red fb to arrive and I've told him how nice these purfumes are etc and he is like "Well you have to wear it one day so I can see for myself"

Yesterday he calls me to tell me I have a package from LP and he'll be here in ten minute. So I put some LP Red + OCCO Red on my wrist before he arrives.

He gives me the package and I tell him to smell my wrist. He smells it and he is like "It smells nice, sweet, very nice".


Fast forward to today, he comes by to bring me a package for my brother and he says:


"Yesterday I guess I got some of your perfume on my nose ... I could smell it all day long. Very nice perfume, very sexy scent. I can imagine a woman wearing it... You know what you're doing!"


Me: "Well of course I know what I'm doing ;)" LOL


I love LP Red + OCCO Red

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my most favorite LP so far ... oh god I love this stuff so much! (!!!!) My eyes roll back in my head whenever I huff my LP Red perfumed arms! haha! And whenever I wear it to bed, I sleep like a baby!


Here is the joke: I have a scent blindness to patchouli, so I don't really know what LP Red smells like in it's fullness. And so I don't know what other people are smelling on me when I wear this.

Here's the punchline: I don't care!! I love this stuff so much, I'm wearing it anyway! lol!

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Isn't it just awesome?! We are so lucky it is permanent. I have so many LP's that I rarely ever actually finish a bottle (never wear the same one consistantly) but I just noticed I am almost done with my second bottle of this. It is just the perfect scent for all occasions, any time of day or year...and goes well with all pheros. I would have to say my number one favorite of all times


On me the patch is just enough to make the foodiness more exotic.

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I wish I could develop scent blindness to patch!! I would own three times as many LPs!!




Yes! Me too. I either love it in something or it over powers so that the things I like are in the backseat. Patch and I have a weird relationship.


But even if I couldn't smell it, my bestie would point it out every time - oh wait! Except 1 that I know of, as she's a huge fan of Compromising Positions...no, wait, at least 2 - she loves LP Pink too! :D


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cutie.pie

Got my sampler the other day. I put it on and...whenever I pass by a mirror I turn into Joey Tribbiani..."How you're doin'?" [giving myself the look] LOL :)

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Guest cutie.pie

So far, LP Red effects only me. It's not a bad thing, but what do you thing about adding cougar into it so it "effects others" too? ;)

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My very first order with LP was a bottle of LP Red with Cops added, and Sex and Violins, both due to finding LP on Amazon, I might add. Amazon reviews definitely help Mara find new LP lovers... I'm a walking testimony to that. So... if you love an LP scent that's on Amazon review it (you don't have to have purchased it through Amazon).


With that being said, in a little less than 2 months my poor little LP Red isn't getting much attention anymore (all due to my sudden compulsiveness to simultaneously fill my life with a LOT more LPs and drain my bank account.) :cat690: Having gotten several more things with Cops (LAM, BAM, Aja, Compromising Positions) I actually wish I had gotten LP Red without adding the EoW to it so I could enjoy it alone. It is an awesome scent, and certainly hefty enough to cover the Cops (although NOW I that my nose has gotten to know what that EoW smell is like, I can definitely smell them) but wearing Cops isn't always appropriate or desired. I've learned much from the experts on the forum...


I like to get my favorite pheros unscented just so I CAN wear them with any scent I like :)


This is exactly what I do, as I live to have the flexibility to switch things up


Case in point. Best advice EV.....R!!!!

Edited by LoveStruck55
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Hello ladies :)


I've said it before and I'll say it again ... I love LP Red!!! Combine it with OCCO Red and OMG!

I have both in oil roll on and was thinking if I could get them in silicon roll on, because I think that my skin eats up the oil quite fast.


Can you get perfumes in silicon roll on or is it just for UN pheros? Willl silicon make it stay on my skin longer?

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Oh thank you halo! Can I buy it from artlife or is it available here too?


And correct me if I'm wrong, i apply the silicon first and then on top of that I apply the perfume oil. Can I rub the sopt with my wrists?

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  • 2 months later...

I love Love Potion Red, it's my favorite, I think I'm on my 4th bottle now or something.


The last one I got though, I get a hint of honey. I know it's not listed in the ingredients and I know it definitely wasn't there in my previous bottles.

My skin doesn't like honey at all.


I remember trying Sugared honeycomb on me and all I could think was that I smelled like honeyed deli meat.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love LP RED too... My first bottle was mix with phero dominance. Now I'm thinking to buy second bottle with BI or Bang? Can't decide yet.

Bang! it ;)


VANILLA ~ Extraordinary aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, and is physically vitalizing, familial sense memories, soothing, nurturing, comforting.

AMBER ~ Fertility, luck, riches, sensuality.

PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts, sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money.

CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers.

DARK SUGARS ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness, riches, lust inducing.

WOODS ~ Enhances perception of beauty, love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking.

RESINS ~ Sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money.

NOTE: Although well diluted, this potion contains cinnamon essential oil which can be irritating to the skin. Do not use in the vicinity of the eye or other mucous membranes. Discontinue use if sensitivity occurs.

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LP Red was supposed to be my scent for today, but I couldn't handle it long enough to give it a full day's test drive :( I feel terrible saying it, but my skin amped the cinnamon straight to hell and back. I smelled like a walking stick of Big Red (that's a cinnamon chewing gum if some of y'all don't have it in your neck of the woods). I didn't apply much, only a small dab to my outer arms (I was afraid to slather due to the sensitivity warning) but it was sooooo strongly cinnamon on me that I started to get nauseous and had to scrub it off after about an hour and a half of hoping it would calm down. If I try it again, I'd go for applying a little to the backs of my knees and see if it changes much with a longer wear time. I may also try layering it with something else to see if it cuts the cinnamon a little.

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It isn't just you Memorare. LP Red has bested me on the cinnamon front a time or 2 as well. It's absolutely GORGEOUS - if I don't let it actually touch my skin :D I amp the cinnamon to high heaven - and yet not every time - at least not every time as badly. I noticed, for me, it has something to do with where I am in my cycle but I have been too lazy to sort out the details...so I made mine into a spray and now I douse my clothes or hair when I need a LP Red boost ^_^


It garners WILD compliments from the menfolk! Guys seem to love this one :heart: Wish my chemistry felt the same. I have to at least HALF wonder if it's me going scent blind to everything BUT the cinnamon after the first half hour? - Now that you've got me re-thinking. Red isn't the only 1 I've amped the cinnamon on though so I'm believing it must just be me and my wonky chemistry :(

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Red is my all time fave and I get loads of compliments on it but last week my manicurist said I smelled "so behemian"! I don't really smell the patch too much myself but that seemed to be all she smelled! I had JUST put it on...I mean literally in the car on the way so I am sure it didn't have time to settle in or something.

Also....when I first smelled Red four years ago I felt the same way about the cinnamon. I swear it smells completed differently now to me. More balanced. Don't forget to put it away and try it again in case it changes for you too. I am on my third bottle now and would never be without it. I have spray and oil.

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It isn't just you Memorare. LP Red has bested me on the cinnamon front a time or 2 as well. It's absolutely GORGEOUS - if I don't let it actually touch my skin :D I amp the cinnamon to high heaven - and yet not every time - at least not every time as badly. I noticed, for me, it has something to do with where I am in my cycle but I have been too lazy to sort out the details...so I made mine into a spray and now I douse my clothes or hair when I need a LP Red boost ^_^


It garners WILD compliments from the menfolk! Guys seem to love this one :heart: Wish my chemistry felt the same. I have to at least HALF wonder if it's me going scent blind to everything BUT the cinnamon after the first half hour? - Now that you've got me re-thinking. Red isn't the only 1 I've amped the cinnamon on though so I'm believing it must just be me and my wonky chemistry :(


That is a great idea about making it into a spray! I only have a trial vial to work with, but I think when I've mustered my courage I will try to apply it to the ends of my hair next time so I can see what it's like without my skin doing whatever crazy thing it is doing to it (I have long hair so I'll still be able to huff it to my heart's content, haha!)


And it's funny you mention compliments, my honey is the only one who got to smell it on me before I washed it off and he said he likes it! I straight up asked him, but don't you think I smell like Big Red?? And he's like "well yeah sort of..." :rolleyes: Okaaaay!



Red is my all time fave and I get loads of compliments on it but last week my manicurist said I smelled "so behemian"! I don't really smell the patch too much myself but that seemed to be all she smelled! I had JUST put it on...I mean literally in the car on the way so I am sure it didn't have time to settle in or something.

Also....when I first smelled Red four years ago I felt the same way about the cinnamon. I swear it smells completed differently now to me. More balanced. Don't forget to put it away and try it again in case it changes for you too. I am on my third bottle now and would never be without it. I have spray and oil.


I have to wonder how much was the scent being freshly applied and how much was the audience (a manicurist in a nail salon...I can tell you that I certainly smell things differently after even half an hour in one of those places!) I will definitely try again later, you've given me hope!

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  • 1 month later...

LAtely whenever i wear this I get comments like "do you smell this? it smells like incense in here. whst is that?"




"who lit a an incense stick in here?"




"it smells like "something smells like hookah"


It's such a pity cause i really like this scent :(

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I've suffered such comments from others over LP scents like Red, Black and the variant Passion and Desire, and, sadly, a handful of others :( People haven't found them unpleasant (I have asked some people if they found it offensive) so much as it strikes them as "somewhat" familiar....unfortunately THAT is the kind of thing their brains conjure in association.


Hehe...I still wear them anyway, b/c I love them, though probably less often than I would like to.

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Hehe...I still wear them anyway, b/c I love them, though probably less often than I would like to.


that's the thing, i would wear them more often too, but when i get such comments i feel very self consious.

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I didn't really think about it, but I had traded my last full bottle of Red off long ago (I had two backup bottles at the time, so when I used up the teensy bit in my last bottle (several months ago) I didn't realize that I had NONE left (I thought I still had a bottle tucked away in my secret stash drawer).So when I recently realized it, I ordered a fresh bottle, and last week, my man and I were getting ready to go to a business dinner and I rolled on some Red.....he was following me through the house, in my scent trail, saying...."Damn, you smell good!" "That smells familiar" "What is that?" When I told him that is was one that he used to REALLY enjoy, and reminded him of scenarios while I was wearing it, he smiled really big, and said "OH YEAH! Now, I remember!" He even asked me to apply MORE before dinner the other night.....He likes the fact that this one is part of the permanent line....

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  • 4 weeks later...

I love, love, love it. The sweet scent in the beginning is so luscious and rich. Then it melds with the spicy scent of cinnamon and the smooth amber and resins. It is just amazing. A co-worker came up to me to talk to me while I was wearing it the other day and took a deep breath. He said "Something smells good" and then he told me that I smelled like Christmas. It could be that he had Christmas on the brain (Tis the retail season) but I can see where the cinnamon and sweet might give that impression.

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Yeah, He loved that one. He also liked Lightning in a Bottle. The only scent he didn't like was Ladybird but I wasn't wearing it he was smelling the trial vial. I think he would have a different opinion of it on. I know I did. LP Red mixes on my skin very nicely. To me it just gets more wonderful, which is a nice change from regular perfumes. :)

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I still love this one. When I get a bottle I do mix about 1/3 of it with the same amount of sugared amber for a daytime Red. Then I layer the straight Red over the top as the evening starts and it works great. Lots of male attention even without Pheros. Just a fantastic blend that also only gets better with age.

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This was my first LP purchase (boosted with cops - LONG before I understood what that truly meant) It handles cops very well, and it is an incredibly sexy, bold scent (IMO). I'm finally out of it... 8 months (but you have to understand I acquired TONS of LPs it had to share time with!)


LP Red is everything I love about LP ORIGINAL, with an extra dose of sexy. Just as with LPO, I cannot imagine ever being without it. This is one of my husbands favs on me. I would love to try pairing this with Sexpionage... Hopefully it could handle it as well as the plain EoW. I'm just not brave enough yet to order combos on my own... Thank goodness Mara does the phero as/UN sampler in Nov so I can experiment!


I would love this in a wax melt for the holidays... Or just a romantic evening at home.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest LexyCents

Just tried it for the first time this morning and went to get breakfast with a co-worker.... As we're trying to pick out what food to get, they are like okay what is it that smells so good? I can't be this or that.. what is it? And I was like... is it this? And she smelled my wrist and was like YEAHHHH omg it's so good! And I asked her what it smelled like to her and she was just like, I don't know but its just GOOD!


Only been like a few hours of me first wearing it and can't believe that compliment. And we're in the middle of winter where I am so I'm even more impressed!

Buying this!!!

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