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Mara...is there no end to your wonderfulness

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Imagine spending your Valentine's Day being sick with some nasty cold or flu, trapped in bed and still having to revise your master's portfolio...


...and then getting a surprise delivery of a ginormous box of goodies you were originally expecting to arrive later in the week at your doorstep--even though it's Sunday.


Ladies, your timing was impeccable!!! Not to mention the generous flood of samples (of all this stuff I've been meaning to try for a while, too) and teh adorable kitteh card. I'm already wearing Cupidity and since my sense of smell is still here, I have a whole box of goodies to try between today and tomorrow to break up the monotony of being bedridden. Jillions of kisses your way!!! :(

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  • 1 month later...

So I got my box of wonderful today *squee*. Due to cost , Captivation Equation sample is not available as a freebie. Ladies you threw it in my package anyway & I just want to say thank you for the birthday prezzie :J001: on top of all the extras you normally throw in. Everything in my order is just perfection this month!!

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Wow,I was very happy when I checked my mail today and my Captivation Equation was already here :)


Thanks so much for the extra special sniffies!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wooooooootttttt Wooooooottttttt!!!!!


The CE and Woodland Man are here....


LOVE YOU MARA! You rock lovie.....before I go to bed I'm treating the pillow with Woodland Man for a FAB night's sleep....


Right now Miasma one wrist and CE on the other.... Lillies and CAKE! Nummy....

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So I came home to my order & nother box of squee in my mailbox (shout out hmmb1). Anyway, every PE I wanted to try + 11 samples this month ???? Y'all are teh awesome!!! & Hmmb1 ZOMG!! You gave me 2 amped Betrothal beta sprays!!

Hmmb1 bless you dahlink...bless Mara & Danna & Holly, may we all be blessed everyone :)

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Wheee...I got all my orders :) Thank you for the extras,and the exceptional customer service...mmmmm,I am slathered in Sugared Hazelnut,it is so good :lol:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Well I received my order on Friday & there were 2 very generous & thoughtful gifts in there! Oh my! Isaiah was very excited about his wand & he has stashed it quite carefully to prevent any confiscation, lol. I instructed him to keep it just for himself, because he probably didn't want a bunch of other people's vibes mucking up his wand. Just bless you Mara! The fluorite wand you selected for me is very pretty & I started & completed my research paper within a few hours after handling this wand. I felt very centered & sifted thru the info I needed fairly easily. The amethyst wand is beautiful & well crafted also. I'm @ the point where I've decided that I deserve space in the house to connect with my spirituality ( at least as much space as his gym habit gets!). So I told him about my decision to follow my own path again. I'm not hiding any of my trappings anymore either. I was really excited about these wands so I showed them to him & he liked them! He was especially drawn to the amethyst one & was putting the handle across his third eye chakra ( he's clueless about any of it, so I was impressed). My first instinct was that I didn't want him mucking up my wand with negative energy, but then I thought he must be drawn to the positive energy you have poured into these hand making them, so I let him be about it. After he was done, he told me he felt 'better' & he's been nicer. I just want to add that I didn't tell him to use the handle, he did that instinctively. I really recommend that anyone who's ever perused thru the wands, should click the order button because they are beautiful & well made. So thank you again ~Be blessed, Beccah~

Edited by Beccah1
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  • 1 month later...

Got my happy package & squee just squee!


THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Would like to elaborate further..but I'm currently too busy nomming myself due to the Flying Potion, hehe.

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Me too. Thank you so very much for the Caramel Sutra. I've got some on now as I'm waiting for the hubby to come home. I just might have to buy more as an early Halloween present.

Edited by Countesszero
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Got my sale order yesterday...Have I told you lately how much I love you ?


Isaiah's (my 11 yr.old) favorite is Marleys Ghost & thank you so much for all the extras You are waaaaayyyyy too generous. That Vicars & Tarts scented cream sample is sinfully delicous smelling & I wasn't interested in OCCO Blue before teh sample, but now I'm obsessed! & Thank you so much for both bottles of Sarasvati it's such an elegant fragrance.

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I got the Caramel Sutra scented cocoa butter,oooh this is so rich and creamy,it will be wonderful now that our dry weather is coming :) Thank you very much...and for the sniffes too,I have so much fun with them! :blue_dancing_banana:

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Ooooh, this talk of creams and sniffees has me a little jealous, I'll admit... But I can't be sad when I have over a dozen bottles to play with! And I want to say to Mara & co, THANKS FOR THE NOSEGASM! :lol:


This was one of my best orders to receive, everything was just so YUM and there's so much... and a couple real mindblowers. I wish I could stay online to hit the reviews and extoll the glory of each one... For now, alls I can say is... Fabulous as always!

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  • 3 weeks later...

K so I got my order today squee!


Isaiah's PE came & first of all let me say I love the label, I requested the other one with my name on it (Duodécima de Chocolate), but now I feel guilty because I really love the label & name you came up! Too bad he only turns 12 once, lmao! Oh this is going to be a struggle to wait till his birthday to give him your nice gift!!!! Maybe I should celebrate his birthday early since he's so close to Thanksgiving? Anyway, Thank You Thank Thank You!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my order today after all (yay).


Love the Mistress Christmas salt scrub sample, gonna try it out after little one gets to bed. & Kimberly's Orange & Pink Dragon smells yummo.

Edited by Beccah1
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Thanks Mara for the lovely body cream sample. It smells so wonderful. I wish I could get my friend to lug a couple of tubs back as winter approaches but this will be too much to ask of him.

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Received my packet today, the shipping was very fast this time! Wow, I was so excited about the phero parfumes, I don't know which one I should try first. I'll definitely wear 'Who's That Lady' to the office tomorrow. - Oh, the salt scrub and body cream are really 'yummy', can't wait to try them! Thank you so much, Mara! Thank you, LPMP team! :Goingtobed-1:

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Mara you truely are a generous soul. Today I received a package from another perfume company, what a dissapointment! (shakes empty upsidedown box) Inside was the bottle I ordered & 2 sniffees of their other scents.


This was more of a fun purchase, as the scent is named after a famous NJ Ledgend. It smells nice and I enjoy it, but I have not received the WOW you smell so good comment that I get with my most beloved LP's (subliminal message for constant craving) :)


Along with your gorgeous monthly potions, you gift us with a TON of sniffees, scrubs & lotions!!!!


I just needed to profess my adoration for you and everyone at LP :003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have to say a big "Thank you!!" to all LPMP people. My package arrived fast (11 days after I got a message from John that the package has been sent), and got all these lovely free samples, body scrub (smells fantastic!) and a full Seduction perfume bottle! You people are amazing :)

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I got my two orders today...yippee kay ay aye! Love the sniffees & if I could get past this hangover enough to shower today, I'd certainly be trying that butter samp. out. Any I love the new shrinkwrap on sprays, very inventive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got ur package today!!! THANKYOU SO MUCH!!!! Especially the sniffees!!! I realli need the return to me (to spike my bf hahahha.. )and road opener (for the NEW YEAR!!!) !!! THANKYOU!!! And the Noco Rose smells WONDERFUL!!!! It's beautiful, pretty and elegant! Just RIGHT!!! OOOOO... Im in coocooland once again!!! THANKYOU SO MUCH! You guys are so so WONDERFUL!! :(:):)

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I got my package last night and was thrilled to bits especially that you gave me a large sample of the haunted hallows as well as remembering the protection, ashes to dust oils plus the nommy smelling butterstuff is delicious. Thanks so much!

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