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OCCO - Please review ALL "flavors" in THIS thread

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OCCO White is sooo cops stinky on me at application. It's awful. But I know it will meld quickly and the cops smell goes away completely after a good 20 min. I just put it on before I do my hair/makeup in the morning and I'm good to go. This dries to the perfect vanilla. I like to layer this with just about any scent. I can never be without this!

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wow, really? none of them smell on me at all, even first moment, except OCCO blue. do you shake it? don't know that it would make a difference (I never shake mine) but maybe...?

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Hearts, I think we have the same skin chemistry - I've noticed on several threads how alike we are! OCCO White is super coppy on me too, for a long time. I can wear Ambrosia, Blue, Pink, and Red almost right away, but White has to dry down for at least 15-20 mins.

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Hearts, I think we have the same skin chemistry - I've noticed on several threads how alike we are! OCCO White is super coppy on me too, for a long time. I can wear Ambrosia, Blue, Pink, and Red almost right away, but White has to dry down for at least 15-20 mins.

Really? Cool! How is Red on you? I've been meaning to sample that one but always forget to order it...

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All I have is a sample, and honestly, I haven't worn it in forever! it's down to a teensy amount in the vial though, so I must have liked it. I will try it out tomorrow and report back ;)


Edited: it's a sweet, spicy scent, very similar to LP Red.. hmm, the sweetness must be due to the cops, because it fades really quick. Mostly spice now, 3 minutes in.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I was fearful when some of the comparisons of OC Black were saying the patch was more prominent but it turns out I totally LOVE that about it. Yes. I said it. Patch and love. In the same sentence. I want to roll in this like catnip...and I probably will later tonight when it's just myself and the man :666: This is just scrumilicious!


There is something weird about it that makes me think of birch beer...yeah, my nose is retarded, but as long as I'm loving it - who cares!?




That's all I've got to say about that.

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OK. I've actually got this on all for myself at the moment and if anything comes of the hubs, then it's all just bonus :lol:


This could become my new night time scent for bed. This is gorgeous (I do have a bit of LP Black on too and they are AMAZING together) and I will be only too pleased to have wafts of this caressing me in my dreams - HOLY GORGEOUS! Oh, I said that already, lol, but I really mean it! This is woodsy on me - I don't know how else to describe it - earthy? No. Not like dirt earth definitely more woodsy, like bark on a tree - but not just that. It's a strange kind of sweet too and yet it works amazingly together. Are the OCCOs permanent? I can see becoming addicted to this one :Emoticons04235:

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  • 3 weeks later...

After reading how the OCCOs can conceal the cops smell, I ordered OCCO White. I applied this sparingly for the first try. A single 5" line from just under my breasts towards my belly button. I have to say that I was really doubting the whole idea of hiding the cops smell but this did a wonderful job. I have had previous experience with some EoW and all I can say is that one drop of that is far smellier than the whole bottle of OCCO. I love the vanilla after the dry down. I was hoping that it didn't turn to a waxy candle vanilla and it didn't. I detect ZERO cops smell after dry down. Today I am wearing it paired with Rocket Fuel and I smell scrumptious. I am not really going to be around people today but I wanted to apply it and see how it smelled before subjecting others to it. Now I may have to find a reason to go shopping.......maybe at a Menards or Home Depot where the men tend to go. LOL




ETA: I think I will get a sample of Red and Pink in January to check those out

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Today I am wearing it paired with Rocket Fuel and I smell scrumptious. Now I may have to find a reason to go shopping.......maybe at a Menards or Home Depot where the men tend to go. LOL


ETA: I think I will get a sample of Red and Pink in January to check those out

LOL! You go GURL! Teheheee....Bet you like Red and Pink too. I think they are sweeter than their LP perfume counterparts but I love them both. Can't wait to see what you think of them :) Love the "I smell scrumptious" part - too true too :lol:

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Like I said I have tried EoW ( Not from LP) and the smell was a combination of Ass/stinky feet/bad cheese/ and wet cardboard all put together x100. Even one drop was awful to me after dry down it was still nasty to me. I am so surprised at how well it is covered and that even when wet it is not offensive to me at all, just more of a heavy waxy vanilla. This is heavenly....I think I will be using it as a layer frequently. Next time I use it I may try the smiley face but today I still smell the vanilla so I know the cops are finding there way through my clothes.

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Recently received my first order ~ and have been trying items individually to see how

they work with my chemistry. This is the second item I have tried ... and at first ~

smelled of a vanllla candle (but not a "high-end" boutique kind of candle)...however,

virtually immediately upon application (no more than 3 or 4 minutes) ... it bloomed

into the most beautiful, and true vanllla scent (a little less sweet than a vanilla

extract). Could not detect any cops whatsoever ...just the lovely vanilla scent.

I can definitely see this being a staple of my Love Potion products in the future ~

to both wear alone.. and think it would be very versatile as it could be layered with

so many other items, as well.

I think I'm fortunate so far ... first (2) products I have tried...both work well with

my chemistry ~ and I absolutely love!

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So I went to a Menards yesterday with the Rocket Fuel/OCCO White combo....All I can say is WOW!!!. It was almost cartoonish of sorts. I decided I would go looking for some of those 3M things that let you stick things on the wall but can easily get them back off. Had an idea they were in the fastener isle but I walked up and down most of the other isles. Not just cruising...I like the home improvement stores way better than the mall. LOL


I was making my way to the isle where I thought they were...I passed quite a few guys on the way. Some turned their heads to look at me. When I got to the isle, it was empty of people so I was looking for them and glanced down the isle and saw two guys( two that I passed earlier).....looked some more and glanced back down the isle and there were four guys( also two more that I had passed earlier) ...it was funny because they were all just looking at stuff on the shelf and not actually grabbing anything. I found what I was looking for and it was on a higher hook but I could reach it. Never the less one of the men offered to grab it for me and when reaching for it, he brushed up against me and took some time getting the thing off of the hook like it was stuck. He was pretty close when he handed it to me and I said I needed two ( I really did need two but would have said that even if I didn't since I was basking in the moment) He reached up and got another one. I had stepped back one step to be out of his way and when he was grabbing it, he stepped one step closer to me. He handed it to me then stood there a bit like he didn't know what to say next. I saw a ring on his finger so I thanked him and made a comment about our current cold snap then headed to the check out.


One of the other guys had gotten in line right behind me and was standing a bit close. I have a pretty big personal bubble so I am very in tune when people are in my space. I could have sworn I could hear him smelling me. LOL



In the future, I see myself buying a bunch of hardware that I don't need. I just hope it doesn't graduate to power tools.




Rocket Fuel and OCCO White............Winning combo!!!

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Well I have found that home improvement stores and meat markets are good places to find men. LOL


I will add to the above story that I was wearing jeans, hiking boots and a big gray hoodie under my coat. So I wasn't trying to hard....I think the Maple-Vanilla combo just brought them in closer and the SS4W and Cops made them want to stay there. A scent that had more dominant overtones may not have had the same effect since men there like to be helpful.

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I've just started wearing my Occo White a bit lately and it's a really lovely delicious vanilla scent. It's interesting though- the first two times I wore it the weather was a bit cooler and I couldn't smell any cops at all. Then I wore it yesterday, and in my part of Australia at the moment it's all gross and hot and humid (I'm so jealous of all of you who get a white Christmas!) and I smelled the cops for the first time. It smelled like an off vanilla cheesecake until it all dried down- it kind of disturbed me as I thought it might have gone off in the heat or something.


I currently keep my phero blends in a large wooden box in my bedroom, under my bed (I have the blinds drawn down and everything too)- do you think this is enough protection against disgustingly over-the-top Australian heat? It's times like this I wish I lived in the Northern hemisphere...

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It should be fine. It's also hot and humid in summer over here. Sometimes, we hit 42C in the day and nights are usually at least 32C. I keep my opened LPs in wooden boxes in the drawers in my bathroom. My LP vault comes in a form of wooden boxes and stored in my wardrobe.

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He handed it to me then stood there a bit like he didn't know what to say next. I saw a ring on his finger so I thanked him and made a comment about our current cold snap then headed to the check out.


Rocket Fuel and OCCO White............Winning combo!!!

Agreed! And I've had that reaction A LOT :lol: They aren't sure what's drawing them, but they feel like they should say something but genuinely have no idea what :D And I'll bet that other fella DID sniff you...you would have smelled divine to me! :girlHeart-5:

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I think now I am addicted to the scent of OCCO White. I will have to get some NOCO White because I want to slather it and do not want to become a Cops Ho. Clever though it is...innocent vanilla scent lofting through the air that carries with it the message of sex.... LOL Can't wait until January when I can try some of the other scents. Red and Pink for sure.....maybe Gold.

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I love all the Occos. They go so well with many LP perfumes. The Pink is a girly/sexy swirl of fruity pink sugar, the Gold feels like richly layered honeys, Blue is cool, clean and crisp and a little floral with a twirl of sex underneath, Red is hot spicy, fruity, sexy and Black is all resins (no vanilla or fruit here) very glamorous grown up sexy. It's very close to Ann's Brown-sugar black amber. It's hard to know who to be some days.

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Today I mixed some OCCO White with my sample of Ambre Amour ( 2/1) Wow talk about a great Vanilla Amber scent. I haven't seen any other scents like that but i keep looking. I am going to get a sample of Sugared Amber to see if that works just as well with a tad of vanilla or if it is too sweet. The AA works great against the OCCO vanilla.

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I love all the Occos. They go so well with many LP perfumes. The Pink is a girly/sexy swirl of fruity pink sugar, the Gold feels like richly layered honeys, Blue is cool, clean and crisp and a little floral with a twirl of sex underneath, Red is hot spicy, fruity, sexy and Black is all resins (no vanilla or fruit here) very glamorous grown up sexy. It's very close to Ann's Brown-sugar black amber. It's hard to know who to be some days.

I think I will be getting samples of blue and black as well. I am sure I will end up with FB of them all but for now will get to know the scents a bit.....January really needs to hurry up and get here LOL.

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Samples are great, and as long as you don't slather, they last awhile. Mine lasted a couple months, lol. I love OCCO Blue the best, it's just so pretty. But I also have OCCO White, because it goes with damn near anything. I did have OCCO Pink, but I found I liked LAM Pink Amber a bit more. OCCO Black was way too resinous for me. I traded my samples of OCCO Gold and Green and Purple away so long ago, I don't remember what they smelled like now. I would like to have a bottle of OCCO Red. I have a sample but it's almost gone.

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I thought I would love Gold, and I do like it very much, but it goes quite powdery on me - like a number of honey scents I have do - and it's clean and soft and pretty with my chemistry. However, hubby says I smell like a clean baby's bum after powdering?!?!?! THAT is NOT sexy! BUT there are other men who just LOVE that clean, powdery scent and go nuts over me when I wear it...but I'm not interested in their reaction so much as hubby's - as you can imagine :lol:


I love the White and Pink. They are delicious to me, no getting around it.


Red I like to layer with LP Red. As a matter of fact I rarely don't wear them separately. My skin eats up LP Red and OCCO Red seems to give it better sticking power when I layer it down first and the put LP Red over it.


Black is crazy. It's very patch forward to my nose, which I didn't think I would ever go for but I like it VERY much!


And the surprise horse in this race? Blue! I was REALLY not sure about this one but I think I'd have to say - even though I'm a super fan of the foodie scents - that this one is my favorite. On the site it says those who like CB will love this...I "like" CB, not my favorite, but I like it, floral/clean...OCCO Blue is WAY better to my nose and chemistry. It's light and fresh and completely unique to most scents I normally reach for. I don't find it floral OR clean like CB...I don't find them alike at all :huh: But I can say I do LOVE Blue and it's a favorite :)

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Blue seems to be one that people either love or don't. I am excited to see how it will work on me. I already know I can't be without at least one OCCO available at any given time. I will see if the samples spread out into full bottles...and I am guessing I will end up with a couple FB of different OCCO scents.

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Samples are great, and as long as you don't slather, they last awhile. Mine lasted a couple months, lol. I love OCCO Blue the best, it's just so pretty. But I also have OCCO White, because it goes with damn near anything. I did have OCCO Pink, but I found I liked LAM Pink Amber a bit more. OCCO Black was way too resinous for me. I traded my samples of OCCO Gold and Green and Purple away so long ago, I don't remember what they smelled like now. I would like to have a bottle of OCCO Red. I have a sample but it's almost gone.

Green is like a super green floral. It reminds me of Betrothal potion. Not exactly the same but idea wise. It's a bright, loud green floral. It just screams pollenate me! lol

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Blue seems to be one that people either love or don't. I am excited to see how it will work on me. I already know I can't be without at least one OCCO available at any given time. I will see if the samples spread out into full bottles...and I am guessing I will end up with a couple FB of different OCCO scents.

I love Blue. I have FBs if White and Blue. On me Blue is clean but I also get the oakmoss and tobacco notes which I love. It's totally original. .

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^^^YES! I wasn't sure what oakmoss would lend to it, or smell like, but I LOVED the line up of all the other notes and now that I've got it I'm hooked!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I pulled out OCCO Black today and I cannot snuggle up to myself enough! :lol: I don't know what it is about this.

It's cold and damp out. We had snow in the morning followed by a gorgeous sunny afternoon :Emoticons04280: Yeah - go figure! And everything melted but it's still cold and also WET - BLECH! :wacko:


OCCO Black FEELS smoldering and warm to me and in this icky weather I just want to curl up to myself...I think I need to go put on a little more....

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Had on Black again last evening...


Boy am I using this a lot lately! Last night after we were settled in fir the evening we built a fire and broke out some wine. La Sylphide was mostly gone from the days wear but I didn't want to put on my first choice (Sex & Violins) b/c I have no idea how LFM & Dom would play together so I grabbed for just cops instead. WELL, between the fire crackling and OCCO Black EVERYTHING smelled divine! And as things heated up they also got delightfully romantic.... :heart:

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I see Purple on the drop down menu for Noco. If I get a bottle copped would that be similar to Occo Purple? or is it a different purple. there is no description for it. Maybe it was mistakenly included on the list.

I'd be curious to know the answer to this question as well. I always heard good things about OCCO Purple....just what is it? Floral, foodie???


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From what I could find it seems Occo Purple was floral. Violet is what I read. If it is still on the list when I place my second order I am going to get me one of those and get it boosted with cops.


I will have to go back and read to see if I can find things it was paired with or if it was used more on its own.

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From what I could find it seems Occo Purple was floral. Violet is what I read. If it is still on the list when I place my second order I am going to get me one of those and get it boosted with cops.


I will have to go back and read to see if I can find things it was paired with or if it was used more on its own.

it's also heavy in the Orris Root. It's from the root of an Iris plant.

The most Floral OCCo I've ever smelled is OCCo Green.

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Interesting. I like violet :love:


I think my favorite OCCOs are White, Pink, Blue & Black so far. I'm going to try to be happy with those...for now...teheheee

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