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Jouir De

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Hubby and I had a GRRRRReeeaaaaat night! :666: Definitely good for home use uh-huh, uh-huh!!!...


I did wear it out yesterday and had a male friend pretend he was going to maul me, lol, but nothing more obscene than that. No one I was around told me I smelled like cheesy, butt crack feet...at least not to my face... :lol:


I want to get more female reactions but is it true that cops (and I'm sure there is a ridiculous amount in Jouir De) can cause other women to be catty? My one friend only said that, out of the bottle, it smelled strong and strange- not something she'd want to wear. She did smell it on my wrist yesterday and reserved the right to be undecided about it, lol. She thinks it's too sweet...and then there's that "strange" thing- HA, I'm guessing it's the cops smell throwing her off.


Mostly I just want to be reassured I don't smell like cheesy, butt crack feet to other people!


On a teeny side note of women reacting to cops. My friend and I went to go study one night. The plan was to stay up and cram for our crazy finals week. She borrowed some of my LAM and covered it with her own perfume. I'm not sure if it's because I'm so used to LAM that I got the same effects as if I were wearing it, but I was chatty and unfocused instead of catty or anything else.

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Why? I ask because IMO it's kind of a waste to use cops on women, unless it's part of a blend with a larger agenda.

I'm wiling to bet this fragrance has aged to the point where the musks are not as intense as they were when first brewed so you're not going to get that kind of reaction from anyone.


I wasn't very clear, my fault. I was concerned that women would be stand offish if I were to wear cops in a mixed social group. I had read that it can happen but I don't know if there is merit to it or if it's someone's self conscious projections onto other people? I asked my one friend what she thought of Jouir De after it had toned down and she said she felt it was like a sweet musky patchouli (she hates patchouli). I don't read patchouli but I can agree with the sweet muskiness. I wore it again yesterday and so far no stand offish reactions from other women. :)


On a teeny side note of women reacting to cops. My friend and I went to go study one night. The plan was to stay up and cram for our crazy finals week. She borrowed some of my LAM and covered it with her own perfume. I'm not sure if it's because I'm so used to LAM that I got the same effects as if I were wearing it, but I was chatty and unfocused instead of catty or anything else.


:lol: Sounds like A-nol may be more effective in LAM than the cops...at least for us ladies- I know men react just fine to the cops in LAM, whatever amount that may be... I've haven't noticed any tenseness from other women I've been around and when I wore Blatant Invitation & LAM with my hubby, one of the people we stopped to see was his mom and she was a chatterbox that day! Far from cranky too. I'm not sure how much cops you'd have to be wearing to get a negative reaction from other women, if there is such a thing, but apparently if there is, then I'm under the radar so far :blush: Thanks for sharing!

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I don't think I've ever got bad reactions from women from wearing just cops. In fact I've occasionally got semi flirted with or flat out hit on by women because of it. More than once I HAVE gotten catty/annoyed reactions from women when wearing the cuddle bunny phero but that's always been because some man/men whose attention they wanted was/were talking to me. I don't recall getting that with any other cops-containing pheros though... maybe because they all have other stuff (prob anol, bnol, DHEAs) that make them happy enough to balance out envy.

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I've noticed cops having a stand-offish effect with two women I regularly interact with.


One is the woman who owns our neighbourhood convenience store. Normally she's very chatty & friendly with me - to the point of making me some home-made sesame snaps! Whenever I go into the store when I'm wearing either Lace w/cops or LAM, she's silent & gives me the side-eye, like there's something suspicious about me.


The other is my boss's wife. I've only been around her wearing cops in Cougar potion, but the days I wear it, she can get a bit prickly with me. I can't say that it's the cops that causes this with her. I only know that sometimes when I wear Cougar to work, she seems a bit short-tempered. I continue to wear it though, because my customers respond well to me when I do, and because the chef, (her husband), and my manager seem to think I'm extra-awesome when I'm Coug'ed-out. (Sparkle/hip-swingin' factor).


Other than that, the only time I've ever had an issue was with Cuddle Bunny - and it was similar to Tyvey's thing with CB: the girl seemed irritated that I was getting attention from the guy she was with, (though he was an old, old friend of mine). I had to be extra-friendly with her, and then the CB sucked her in, too. :)

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Yeah, the only time women have gotten prickly with me was in the presence of a man that they liked or felt ownership over was with CB. One time, my best friend acted a little strange with Bang! but it was only the one time. Never with just cops. But in the presence of all women, CB is awesome!!! I feel like a celebrity!



The other is my boss's wife. I've only been around her wearing cops in Cougar potion, but the days I wear it, she can get a bit prickly with me. I can't say that it's the cops that causes this with her. I only know that sometimes when I wear Cougar to work, she seems a bit short-tempered. I continue to wear it though, because my customers respond well to me when I do, and because the chef, (her husband), and my manager seem to think I'm extra-awesome when I'm Coug'ed-out. (Sparkle/hip-swingin' factor).


That's why!!! I don't think I've ever experienced that though with Cougar.

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Yeah, that's probably why. I've worn Cougar in a few times while the restaurant was closed for renos or for the holidays or whatever, and my boss and his bestie get all flirty and goggle-eyed over me. I'm sure it gets on her nerves. IDK, Cougar & SS4W seem to act like a popularity potion for me. She's the only one I can recall who's had this reaction to Cougar.


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I think that's the key: cops + women w/their men = catty. I've worn just about everything I have, phero-wise, to work with no problems. However, I will go days or even weeks w/out seeing a man at work, and if I do, it's extremely rare to have them there with their girlfriend or wife. And, in my social life I'm usually with Mr. Goddess, and everyone we know knows we are ridiculously in love, so I'm not considered a threat.

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Tyvey, Halo, BlueBear, Eggers & goddesslynne thanks for all the great feedback! Now I feel more free to let go and let phero :lol: I'm just gonna do my thang and let be what be and not give it a second thought. Whheeee! Let the experimentation continue! :Emoticons0424:

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  • 5 months later...

I'm still in the process of reading about this one, but I tested a small dab on the back of my hand and it's long since dried and holy cow-- taking a whiff of it still makes my face go




So obviously, this is why strong cover scents are needed?

Edited by MissHazel
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but do most wear this by itself in small amounts, or use a small drop, dry it, then put a bunch of other stuff on?

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I don't know, I haven't started a perfume oil & phero circle yet. I didn't think it was that bad, but still more smutty to me than OCCO Gold (which I always layer other scents over) for me to want to even wear layered in public. I have a feeling most would probably wear it in private with a significant other though instead of out on the town, like how most might wear Sexpionage. To be fair about Sexpionage, since we all have differing biochemistry it can work out for some outside as a social phero blend outside the home (layered over with a strong cop-friendly perfume oil or already pre-scented, of course), but I'm a bit too uptight to want to try it.



Edited to add stuff I should have clarified about sooner.

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ah, see I'm going to have to cover this in order to try it with the manbeast as he always smells urine when I have on any cops. This...didn't smell like urine, but it was pretty bad to both our noses.


I've now covered it with Tails of Mystery to see how that works out.

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ah, see I'm going to have to cover this in order to try it with the manbeast as he always smells urine when I have on any cops. This...didn't smell like urine, but it was pretty bad to both our noses.


I've now covered it with Tails of Mystery to see how that works out.

You know, Miss H, it's funny: cops in the bottle smell rather like <TMI ALERT!> the sweat from under my breasts--a bit vinegary. When cops hit my skin, I get the cheese thing 'til they dry down. They enrich a pwefume nicely for me, and I like wearing them. But Jouir De is in the "EEEK! CALL THE HAZMAT UNIT!" class for me. I'm thinking it's certain honeys and musks that do it. But JOC gets the ORCHID from this one, I think. I'm curious to see how your cover scent works for you! ;)

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Well I put it on a couple of hours ago right after getting it in the mail, and dabbed it just a tiny bit on the back of my hand. I had to drive with my window down and my hand out the window after that. I did have fun, however, shoving my hand under my boyfriend's nose and going "smell this!" So I know what to put on him as a punishment if he ever royally miffs me off. After about two hours, it's gotten to the point that it's only icky-face-making when I put my hand up to my nose and smell.


To me, this smells like a....okay, hold on, I need to make a disclaimer. I've family who is overweight, and I've worked with a lot of people who've been overweight. I don't really hate on overweight people. I've seen people struggle with their weight their whole lives and so I don't automatically assume all overweight people are the same or smell the same. However, like different people with different food and bathing habits, some overweight people, especially overweight women of a certain post-menopausal age have this smell to them. It's like they get to the point in their life when their bodies do not sweat as much as they did when they were younger and they think that not hardly sweating means they don't have to shower as often. Yet their skin, especially if you're in a confined space with them, and their folds have this....smell. Then, top it off with old lady perfume and....well, I was getting flashbacks to my childhood where I smelled something coming from someone else that just did not smell right and did not want to visualize where that smell was coming from (vagina.) So, even after two hours this is old overweight perfumed lady-bits.


However, tail of mystery has covered it nicely. It has a bit of a dusty, slight cat little box tinge to it now, but the rest of the incensey floral amber stuff makes this a good cover combination for me.


So I don't have to chuck this into the trade thread asap. I'll keep trying combos.

Edited by MissHazel
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:lol: I do have ONE mega-avid customer for this one. She buys it in EVERYTHING....every B&B offering we have, spray, roll-on, you name it. I'm stunned by how much she loves it. Says it smells great on her personal chemistry and turns her man into an animal. Go fig.



Dayuuuum! That is scentual devotion!

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Boyfriend came home from school and we do our typical joyful play-wrestling from missing each other for all of the entire 1.5 hours he's been gone.


Drag him into the bedroom for cuddles. He's already been making play grabs for my ladybits but I don't know if he's genuinely interested or just playful pawing.


"here, smell my hand."

he carefully smells because the last time it was pure Joire De and wasn't pleasant.

"smells like lavendar. But I can hardly smell it." (because I now have Tails of Mystery on it.


Sex ensues.


It might have just been that time when we were both down. I didn't notice any self-effects, and this may have effected him, maybe not. But I am happy to keep testing to see if there's more evidence of a cops-strategy that finally works with him.

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So, even after two hours this is old overweight perfumed lady-bits.

HEEEEEE!!!! That's pretty much what it smells like on me, too. Gods!!! *gigglesnort!*



Boyfriend came home from school and we do our typical joyful play-wrestling from missing each other for all of the entire 1.5 hours he's been gone.


Drag him into the bedroom for cuddles. He's already been making play grabs for my ladybits but I don't know if he's genuinely interested or just playful pawing.


"here, smell my hand."

he carefully smells because the last time it was pure Joire De and wasn't pleasant.

"smells like lavendar. But I can hardly smell it." (because I now have Tails of Mystery on it.


Sex ensues.


It might have just been that time when we were both down. I didn't notice any self-effects, and this may have effected him, maybe not. But I am happy to keep testing to see if there's more evidence of a cops-strategy that finally works with him.

Well, you know...we *must* keep testing things to make *certain* they're working properly. Scientific method and all that. B) Heh.
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ouch. you guys cut me deep. I still like this one. just the way it is :P

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Interesting addendum:

After sex I know my hand got washed, however a little while later he wanted round two.

Neither one of us finished the round because I think we were tired from the first one

but it's exceedingly rare to go two times in one day.


so it's looking more like cops had something to do with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This...didn't smell like urine, but it was pretty bad to both our noses.


Ok...so the dry down IS potent, lol, and I've never gotten urine...dear Lord, I hope no one else has either :blink: ..I still love this one!


But JOC gets the ORCHID from this one, I think.


BINGO! I amp...or my chemistry does...the orchid in this! I love this one, though I keep it in the oil base and close to my skin. A little goes a long way because the orchid can be so strong. It seems to be a pattern for me to amp certain florals, but the honey, musks & amber are right there too, not so much the vanilla. I think it's there with the honey but not as prominent. Hmm...may have to wear this tomorrow...ya'll got me in the mood now! :love:

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So obviously, this is why strong cover scents are needed?

Remember, though, that Jouir de is a copulin-enhanced fragrance, not just straight cops. But many have that kind of reaction to the animaliac musks in it; it's meant to smell extremely smutty.

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  • 1 month later...

Dance of Passion had me pulling out Jouir De and OHMYGOODNESS this one has gotten even more delicious to my nose. I'm going to have to wear it tomorrow. Yes. Out of the house. Worst case scenario, I get plenty of me time because no one else will want to come near me LOL Honest to goodness, I just fall all aver myself with this one. To me this is the drippiest, richest, thickest, smearingest honey and sugary amber with that "something" slinking in the background (civit?) and the orchid isn't obnoxiously forward...it's just sticky, golden, goodness..... :love-you::in-love::hearts0425::Emoticons04231::heart708::heart:

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I have some EOW coming but this is the most cops heavy thibg I have at the moment (or is it the same level as cops and robbers?)

so I've been using this as a stand in.


it's ah....pretty potent. I may not like the smell but I'm pretty sure coplins are doing something beneficial

so I keep using it. Ijustuse it on ny foot or ankle far from my nose hoping that it's still spreading to those around me I want to influence. occasionally I wear it on one wrist in case some emergency scrubbing is necessary.

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I have some EOW coming but this is the most cops heavy thibg I have at the moment (or is it the same level as cops and robbers?)

so I've been using this as a stand in.


it's ah....pretty potent. I may not like the smell but I'm pretty sure coplins are doing something beneficial

so I keep using it. Ijustuse it on ny foot or ankle far from my nose hoping that it's still spreading to those around me I want to influence. occasionally I wear it on one wrist in case some emergency scrubbing is necessary.


I would guess that since both C&R and Jouir De are cops-enhanced scents, they would have the same amount of cops, but Mara would have to say whether this is true or not. However I'd be willing to guess that since Jouir De has a lot of musk in it, namely civet, it gives off the impression that there is a boatload of cops in it. Also keep in mind that this would smell extremely smutty-dirty even without the cops, just because of the civet. Take for instance Prince and the Showgirl, which doesn't have cops, but does have civet musk in it - it may not have cops, but it still has that smutty-dirty scent to it.


Also, if I recall correctly, this has quite a bit of civet in it, *much* more than in most other blends with civet.

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Have there been scientific studies that compare synthetic civet's biological response versus natural civet scent? Just curious.

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I just use it on ny foot or ankle far from my nose hoping that it's still spreading to those around me I want to influence. occasionally I wear it on one wrist in case some emergency scrubbing is necessary.

:lol: That's too funny! Cute funny I mean. I have it circled around my belly button, on wrists and on the back of both sides of my neck and am sitting in the glorious dry down cloud, lol.

However I'd be willing to guess that since Jouir De has a lot of musk in it, namely civet, it gives off the impression that there is a boatload of cops in it. Also keep in mind that this would smell extremely smutty-dirty even without the cops, just because of the civet.

Also, if I recall correctly, this has quite a bit of civet in it, *much* more than in most other blends with civet.

That's what I've been led to believe too. And if you follow the "scent with intent" Jouir De was created to be a naughty, dirty girl! ^_^

Have there been scientific studies that compare synthetic civet's biological response versus natural civet scent? Just curious.

Oh gosh. I read something somewhere back when I first got Jouir De but it was probably from wiki or wisegeek :D
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I have some EOW coming but this is the most cops heavy thibg I have at the moment (or is it the same level as cops and robbers?)

so I've been using this as a stand in.


it's ah....pretty potent. I may not like the smell but I'm pretty sure coplins are doing something beneficial

so I keep using it. Ijustuse it on ny foot or ankle far from my nose hoping that it's still spreading to those around me I want to influence. occasionally I wear it on one wrist in case some emergency scrubbing is necessary.

I'll keep this in mind when I do get the guts to test this one out.

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Ijustuse it on ny foot or ankle far from my nose hoping that it's still spreading to those around me I want to influence.


Stinky feet .... ?? Otherwise try mixing it into your body lotion and slather all over your body.

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^will try that. I just am wanting the ability to scrub it off if someone is like "what smells like old unwashed vahhhhhhina?"


do you think if I put some on my forearms and then rub in lotion while it's wet, it will still disperse enough?

it's in a bottle and I'm not sure I'd want to open it to get out a little. I'm afraid it would have just been lurking pretending tobe an inert perfume bottle before coming to life and flinging ONE WHOLE BOTTLE OF JOUIR DE ALL OVER ME!


I think I'd die, and if I didn't I don't think even tomato sauce and vinegar would neutralize that.


question: does ghosting occur when too much in the way of coplins are used or is that only for pheros?

or would it inspire a more intense biological response because of the extreme intensity of overkill?

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do you think if I put some on my forearms and then rub in lotion while it's wet, it will still disperse enough?

it's in a bottle and I'm not sure I'd want to open it to get out a little. I'm afraid it would have just been lurking pretending tobe an inert perfume bottle before coming to life and flinging ONE WHOLE BOTTLE OF JOUIR DE ALL OVER ME!


question: does ghosting occur when too much in the way of coplins are used or is that only for pheros?

or would it inspire a more intense biological response because of the extreme intensity of overkill?


This is what I do, perfume oil boosted or non-boosted and UN. I roll the roller ball on my palm to get the amount of perfume/pheros/cops I want or need. Then add the amount of body lotion or cream I want onto the liquid on my palm. Lastly mix and slather on my body.


Seriously, I have not slathered Jouir De on my body. I have not decided to like it or not.


I'm not sure if ghosting will occur if there's cops OD but I think it is possible. I do realise that I need more and more cops to get self effects.

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I don't think I've gotten selfies from cops...in my mind I roll them in coin sized amounts: penny-sized for just a tiny bit for my boyfriend, nickel-sized if I'm really experimenting with hitting my hard, or a half-dollar sized circle for when I go to waitress and I'm experimenting with cops and getting tips. I'm going to try that lotion trick though because otherwise it takes ages to dry down and my body doesn't seem to make Jouir De smell good on me, so I've only been using it for the cops.

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I've done the body lotion thing with EoW and most of other pheros and scents except Jouir De. Let's just say that I don't have the guts to do so.


Cops, in fair amount, makes me feel more womanly and want to sway my hips an extra inch. I use cops about 3 times per week but stopped during last winter as my apartment was too cold to go naked for 20 mins. The first morning when I went back to cops, I felt frisky 30 mins later.

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I have a bottle each of Jouir De, Occo SLF, and EOW:


is EOW like the UN coplin version of UN pheromones (so use less because it's more potent?)


Do they all pretty much work the same except for any extra friskiness from the smutty smell of the civit and honey?


I'm asking because I think I'm going to let one or two bottles go because I only use coplins enoigh to justify keeping one bottle

since I'm trying to keep hoarding down to a minimum.

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